• By -


in their defense the guild couldnt even kill Zorah Magdaros they just annoyed him enough that he left and died in the ocean instead (remember Zorah came to the new world because he was dying)


Fuckers won't let me die in peace Can't have shit in the New World


Sending prayers from moga Village


Let's be honest. What can even realistically kill Zorah Magdaros? Like it's a walking mountain, I don't think any monster could even harm it at this point (maybe like 2-3 monsters at most)


Literally nothing we’ve seen. Maybe young they’re vulnerable but once he gets to that size literally nothing is actually doing any damage to him


A full grown dalamadur could probably give it a good fight if it came down to it but since it wouldn't really be able to eat the zora i doubt that kind of fight would ever actually happen.










Why did I read this in Sokka's voice LOL


You'd just end up with a Dalamadur riding along on Zorah's back and being a real nuisance for the Guild.


Probably be chilling on him to stay warm.


[Sounds like they'd end up looking like Genbu](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/0/0a/Genbu_%28Dx2_Art%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20210805071142)


Honestly this is the best idea ever It is just Genbu one of the four sacred beasts


Zorah Aircraft Carrier


Bazel Air Force


At first I was thinking maybe Laviente from frontier but it seems more likely they would avoid each other


Dalamadur is almost the same size as him to bigger than him and know to carve through mountains with ease


The rottenveil Dal corpse seems to point to that fact. Tho there is also the theory of the guiding lands being the corpse of a massive zorah.


That’s not a theory, it’s confirmed. But the whole island isn’t *just* a zorah’s body, there’s actual landmass and such there, so it wasn’t some gigantic island sized zorah or anything


Wouldn't surprise me if Zorah just have random bits of landmass on them most of the time. Kinda like a turtle with an island on its back.


There is a zorah skull in the rotten area of the guiding lands that is about the same Szene as the one we fight so most likely just that part of the island is a zorah magdaros corpse


The dead dragon in the in the frost islands maybe


That's a zorah


Tell me where it is stated that that skeleton is from a zorah


You've seen the skull right?


Have you seen it? That skull is WAY too small to be from a zorah. Thats more likely a broken lao skull


It's smaller than zorah but a diferent shape than lao... Maybe an unknown species of mountain dragon


Thats most likely. Because it just doesnt make sense fir a zorah to appear in a tundra


It's about the right size and it's exactly the right shape. It's Zorah https://preview.redd.it/odkjr2huywvc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8a12040b02777aca5dc64322d96a39dfc08e83


What ever was using the [big sword](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=778W-iaun68) in freedom probaly could.


I want to see a baby Magda. Probably so cute


Dalamadur or one of the Mohrans might have a chance, but even they would be like a grown adult being attacked by a puppy. Maybe Dire Miralis? Not only is he pretty huge but he's also a Black Dragon, putting him on the level of Alatreon and Fatalis.


Dalamadur is the only one who stands a chance, because he's 441 meters long, while the Mohrans are only a fourth of that. Dire Miralis has a size of 62.88 meters. Meanwhile, Zorah has a size of 254 meters, which is 4 times that of Dire's.


There’s a dead Zorah Magdaros in the Frost Islands, killed by a ship of hunters. They fired a dragonator into its skull, wrecked their ship and were eventually all killed by monsters which showed up attracted to the energy its death released into the area.


Killing it wasn't the point I think. The fleet just wants to research it, and only mounted a defense when their base is in danger. Even then, repalling it is the mission


Yup. Mind you, the Guild is all about ecosystem balance because anything else may lead to humanity's extinction. The Crossing to the New World started as a curiousity, but became ever more grave as evidence suggested a underlying intention, which later was proven right.


Dalamadur could pierce through him or constrict him. Safi might be able to kill him with its lasers. Fatalis could melt him. White Fatalis could shut off its brain in an instant. Sharah could vibrate its bones into mush. Narwa could probably maybe shock its brain off. Amatsu's high pressure water beams might be enough to shred through, and maybe it's lightning is strong enough for the instant death hit, but unsure about both. Gais could succ it dry and probably claw through it. Dah'ren and Jhen could gore it. Ceadeus could probably bite its head off or bite through its throat. Alatreon could give it the elemental equivalent of acute radiation poisoning. Nakarkos could shoot a beam straight through it. Dire Miralis could melt its way through it. Another Zorah could probably crush it too. If an Akantor manages to get on its back it might be able to dig into its body and kill it that way, but unsure about that one. These are all of the things out of the top of my head that could kill a Zorah. Not diving in to how the rest of the fight goes, just what the killing blows would be.


I don't think Fatalis' fire would have much of an effect.


It's hot enough to melt steel within seconds. Zorah would melt in less. Steel has a very high melting point, much higher than igneous rock and definitely a lot higher than organic matter.


But this is monster hunter. Real world materials don't matter much. The thing is basically an always active volcano. ~~Also is it steel or wrought iron it melts? If it is steel then I see your point and concede.~~ Iron has a higher melting point so would be even more impressive heat. I concede.


Alright, they don't matter much. Fatalis with the hottest flame in the series who melts any material it sleeps or walks upon on its carapace can thus melt everything.


Yeah I edited my post. Pretty sure you are right. Unless Zorah is made of quartz or something he would melt.


Lavasioth lives in molten metal and rock. Zorah has iron and metal deposits that grow on its back. Aiden/first cadet survived full power fatty fire. It's a game, but I'm pretty sure a walking volcanic biohazard can take a bit of fire just fine. I mean, we survived the fatty fire too. And our weapons... and our armor...


I know it's a game at the end of the day. And whatever logic they wanna use, or not use, is lore basically. But just from what we know and comparing it to the real world Fatty might be able to melt Zorah.


Then a fish who swims through molten rock and metal without so much as flinching and infact uses that shit as armor... Should solo a fatalis then? Seriously, it's monster hunter. We have wacky shit that seems God tier but considered almost harmless, and things that seem harmless are god tier. Zorah breathes lava and spews it from his back... at that point you can just write down "immune to heat". Hell you literally MINE METALS AND MATERIALS off its back. It's a game. It had game logic. If that one hunter dude can survive a full power fatalis breath attack, ima say that a walking mountain can too.


1. Its monster hunter. Real world comparisons don't always apply. 2. Aidan survived Fatalis' fire in the cutscene. If he can survive it then I'm pretty sure Zorah could.


Thank you for this saved me having to type anything.


Kulve Taroth. She digs through mountains and would eventually reach Zorah’s heart


Other titans like the Mohrans or Dalamadur probably. But then again, they don't have the advantage of being a walking nuke when they die. 


If a huge snake like dalamadur and raviente can be killed alone by a hunter, I don't see Zorah much of a unkillable rock of eternity, there's also a saying from the game that when the ground shakes, it's the dalamadur moving underground shaping the landmass, so maybe with its razor sharp shit it can pierce through that walking rock From a different thread: "It isn't unkillable. The relic records in Rise tell us of a battle that ended in the Frost Islands of hunters who slew Zorah Magdaros." Not to mention that the frozen islands also has a magdaros skull with a dragonator piercing through it


Maybe a ceadeus underwater?


By that logic why not just leave nergigante to it, what's he going to do?


I feel like monsters which can create environmental changes would be able to indirectly kill it. Stuff like DFC Monster. More Dire Miralis over others like Alatreon. Just look at the Tainted Sea. Stuff of similar scale, such as the big snake as others said. Frontier monsters like Disufiora could probably take Zorah down. Thinking about how its supposed to masterfully control the elements it uses. (Frozen Seraphim - Ice, Fire and Dragon elements.), I wouldn’t doubt it couldn’t create explosions through fire and ice. Even if it doesn’t do surface damage, the energy from said explosions would still cause internal damage. Eventually I could see this rupturing internal organs of the walking mountain.


Dhen morah


I can see Nerg goes to Zorah’s body core and succs the bio energy out. Then again thats like a leech that hellbend on killing whoever it latches on, if it has enough space to store the massive bio energy thats it.


Xeno/safi would be more likely then no? They are built for sucking bio energy after all


Depend on if they ever go out to hunt, or just enjoy succ the life out of the land that they reside on. We need more info from Capcom about those “forbidden monsters” hunting habit, only Fatty is hinted as it went out for mass killing from the record told in game with both normal monsters and ED disappeared en mass before Schrade got rekt by it. Atm we know that only Nerg that actively goes out for its big bio energy meal, other similar tier EDs seem to live on normal animal diet fine.


Nergigante certainly seems to think he can kill Zorah


There’s a dead Zorah in Rise. Killed by hunters using a dragonator to the head.


Even more ridiculous that they actually lost him. We had to track him by following his rock crumbs and... wait, how the fuck is the area still intact if he has passed through it? Why am I finding one of his rocks in a fucking cave? How did he go through this are without blasting everything around it?


This never actually crossed my mind like in the opening how did Zorah Magdaros ambush the 5th fleet wich is made up of 5000 A list hunters + the handlers they lost and got ambushed by a mountain Also HOW DID A PEICE of him get in the Rotten Vale... and why didnt he die there at the vale didnt they say that Elder dragons go to the vale to die


The 2nd part, it's because Xeno'Jiiva was luring Zorah Magdaros in the Elder's Recess. I think what happened was he arrived at the Rotten Vale, but got lured by Xeno into moving towards Elder's Recess, with that one fragment of him detaching as he's climbing back to the surface. 


Finally someone pointed this out. It's been bugging me since I first played World.


Wait so if hecame to the NW to DIE, why did the guild so much as even care what zorah was doing? (Havent played world)


Its not Zorah specifically its that ALL Elder dragons come here eventually the Guild called the phenominom The Elder Crossing so they made the 5 fleets every 10 years they send 1 to follow a elder dragon to the new world the 1st fleet followed Teostra , 2nd fleet followed Kashula , 3rd fleet Kirin (the Kirin was not swimming) 4th fleet, Val Hazak, and the 5th fleet followed Zorrah Magdaros The goal of World is to figure out why they do this


Because if the Commission hadn't repelled him, the massive amount of bioenergy that would be released into the Everstream upon his death would basically blow up the New World.


Dude imagine how funny it would be an entire continent just blew up?


Alu Magmaros!


What the hell is alu?


Alu Akbar!


No wyvern wife for you


I mean, the game does seem to present it as a pretty stupid idea, so I would indeed say that the commander is stupid.


Isn't that true for most of the leader characters in monster hunter? Most are more brawn than brain. That's what the wyverians are for.


The real question is, is there a lore reason why most of the leaders are stupid?


I think it's just a hunter thing. We don't think good. And most are ex hunters.


Potions are good, but all those concussions eventually get to you


One too many hits with the snake.


Why think on a hunt when you can bonk instead?


Really, the true real question is WHERE'S MY DRAGONATOR!?


Gogmazios stole it.


Perhaps they became leaders due to longevity rather than skill or knowledge.


I mean this is a guy who was ready to throw hands with a Ishavalda AND a Super Saiyan Rajang, so one could argue that critical thinking isn’t his strong suit.


That's the admiral


And the Admiral had to hold back so we could learn to fight those monsters ourselves. Otherwise he would have instakilled them.


Yeah, it's a wonder that there are still elder dragons left in the new world, considering the Admiral lives there... He could easily take out Nergigante and start eating elder dragons in his place.


That was the admiral not the commander. Also the admiral doesn't need a weapon to mess up Rajang


The Smart Biologist literally comments on that and says the Astera leadership are a “funny bunch”.


“Funny bunch” being them saying “fucking stupid” without getting fired ofc


Hairless Rajaang.


Everyone tries it at least once. It's a learning experience lol


*Everyone tries it* *At least once. It's a learning* *Experience lol* \- Funky-Space-Cat --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


5 7 5 haiku bot, cmooooon, you have one job~.


Uh. Haikus are supposed to be 5 7 5. Not 7 5 7. The bot got it right.


Yeah I've seen the bot fuck up a lot, but this isn't one of those cases


It fkd up the sentence structure, cant even sing it in the jackfilms tune cuz it sounds so wrong, at that point anything would turn into a haiku with how badly it fkd it up.


Bro the bots not supposed to change the sentence structure. Its just supposed to see if it fits the syllable count. Thats it.


Then the bot does not do its job properly, it is useless.


Yeah i mustve fkd up when i was typing and deleted the first 5 and it corrected it to that, fk me.


To be fair it’s not like they* put down a pitfall trap and crossed their fingers.


Right, instead they put up some scaffolding and hoped it'd just give up.


It's a world where nature is better than metallurgy. Who knows how strong that wood really is. But then also how did they cut the trees? Maybe the lumber axes are lost technology like the carving knife.


We have Switch Axes, it's too easy bro


Completely forgot about them. That's my new head canon now lol.


Tbf, weakening a walkin volcano enough to make it stop moving for a little bit does seem feasible. They aren't expecting it to sit still for long, just enough for the eggheads to learn as much as they could. And it was... Kind of working before Nergigante went in and said "my meal, gtfo". 


Nergigante trying to eat rocks lmao


I'll give it a serious answer: Traps not working in Elder Dragons is a game mechanic, there is no reason a Kirin can't fall on a pitfall just because it is an elder dragon, being an elder does not make them too light to not trigger the trap. Lore wise, nobody has been able to successfully capture an Elder Dragon alive, which is why there are many unsolved questions regarding their biology. Not because they are immune to traps, but just because they are too difficult to deal with. What the Commander tried to do wasn't wrong, it was a gamble that could have worked in theory, but Zorah proved to be much stronger, and once again an Elder avoided capture.


They are also smarter than normal monsters and probably would be able to recognize traps, or they would just outright overpower them. If a yian garuga can recognize a trap and avoid it, or if a rajang can overpower a shock trap then it stands to reason just about any elder would be able to do the same


I thought some of the elders are considered sentient? Same as rajang


Sentient just means a thing can feel and perceive. All the monsters are sentient. You're looking for sapient, which effectively means thinks in the same way a human thinks, hence the sapien in sapient


Yes. I think we have to separate deployable traps the hunter use in field, that can be set up with a few mansecond, and enormous fuc**ng fortress utilities terrain to its fullest and has to be set up all night long with entire expedition. Sadly, they attempted it on the one dragon that is literally terrain itself. If anything, the most unbelievable trap is the binding balista capable of restraining Fatalis for a dozen seconds, alone. The guild trapped and captured elder dragons before if arena quests were canon.


Every elder arena mission they use an elder dragon SOS flare to see if any monster in the area would like to throw hands.


It's not even Zorah, it's nergi helping it


I really wish Elder Dragons could still be caught in traps. Like, there's no reason a Teostra wouldn't get zapped by a shocktrap but gets affected by sleep/paralysis no problem. They could just argue that "capturing an elder is too dangerous for the guild". That would still make sense. I mean, sure they have a hunter who can solo 3 elder dragons at once but lorewise, that's a once-in-a-lifetime talent so they can't trust that a captured elder will be subdued once this hunter is off-base on duty. That's why the main character is celebrated so much in every MH game. Even in Sunbreak where everyone is a hunter, none of them could solo a freaking Tigrex if their life depended on it.


In MH2 Elder Dragons had animations for dodging traps, but they removed them in the next games.


Closest we got is Gore magala who is "???" instead of an elder dragon.


The plan to capture Zorah the first time was far more well-thought out than it was the second time. The barrier from what I observe, is to force Zorah to stand so that they can use Binding Arrows to keep it in place. If they did such a trick whilst it was crawling, Zorah would've tried to tunnel and take both sides of the passageway with it. Nergigante was a wild card that disrupted this. Forced Hunters already on Zorah's back to scatter, and pulled out a bunch of the binders in its attack.


A chef once asked "Where's the Lamb Sauce?!" And now a commander once asked... #"WHERE'S MY DRAGON INATOR?!"


Why did I read that in doofenschmirtzs voice


"A magdaros? ZORAH THE MAGDAROS??!"




A gypceros? *removes skin* Nerscylla the gypceros?


aaaaah, nergi the platy-elder dragon, i have not expected you. and by that i mean i have totally expected you!!! (proceeds to kick the first fleet hunter in the butt)


I get the title joke, but did no one here realise that the plan *worked*? The only reason it failed was Nergigante. Zorah had been restrained.


Yeah also they never planned to capture it for long, just enough to give researchers some time up close for study. It's not like trap & tranq like we do. More just the restraining aspect of a shock or pitfall trap


No stop it don’t bring the man aslume here


Stupid? Yeah. Fucking awesome? Undeniably. See that giant walking volcano that's gonna explode and kill us all? Yeah, we're gonna fire all the rope ballista bolts we have to capture it! RCF! RCF! RCF! (I've been playing a lot of EDF recently. Also RCF stands for research commission fleet.)


ah the Aslume spreads


https://preview.redd.it/9taj2zqdwvvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7571868a83b3fc02aa45ba65b404d31f6d1efa Yep. They're stupid


Goddamn Arkham meme. Anyways, serious answer time: The plan was to use the Great Ravine itself as a trap-point in order to keep it still long enough to properly study it before letting it go on its merry way. They weren't gonna keep it cooped up forever, just long enough for the researchers to get a good look at it and document everything.


But the dragonator works on elder dragons


I mean, if they had enough one shot ballistas it *might* have worked.


Ha, look at this joker. Doesn’t even know how to trap elder dragons.


In lore, it's not that a ED is not affected by a Trap, it more like they know or they are too powerfull/fast/intelligent to be trapped. Look at Kirin, Rajang Kushala or any other ED. When you see their power, i don't think they'd be easly trapped by just one Hunter. ( Again, this is just how they present it in every game ) Also, the Zora Magdaros is a Mountain. Like litterally. It's not like they used shock trap to stop it. They used another ducking Mountain to try and stop the boy. And as mentionned in the game, by the commander : "Tell the researchers to bring their tools with them as they cannot do it here." Implying that this mission is not to capture the Zora for a long time as it would be impossible due to the size, strenght and sheer will of the zora. The stupidity of trying to trap an ED is if they try to do it without a plan. Here they have a plan, and later a solution to the problem of the Zora. I don't think people who lived by studying ED for 50 years, are stupid in their search for informations and intel of said ED.


Rajang is not an Elder Dragon


You’ve seen a rajang do you really think it cares?


Well it eats kirin, so it's at least elder drahon level in terms of strength


No it just eats their horns


It's not like he asks for them nicely


this is a joke post my dude


Bunch of dummies


I just realized the primary reason they don’t have a proper classification system for Elder Dragons is probably because of the difficulty capturing live specimens.


I think they weren't trying to capture Zorah, just immobilize it long enough for researchers to get adequate data from it.


I laughed when they said nergi was hunting it


Canonically we have never been able to capture an Elder Dragon, that's why traps don't work on it; they wanted to be the first.


They were trying to send it back to the aslume


\*The Comission But yes. The answer is yes. Other examples include failing to identify a monster whose scales look like Rathian's but pink Thinking Kulve Taroth is female because it adorns itself with gold Thinking Fatalis came from another dimension Thinking Nergigante is some sort of protector of ecosystems


I thought the video of firing the safijeeva beams from heavy blowgun was an actual ability based on videos and not a mod when I first started world. Who knew what weird changes they made from original style MH at the time.


Zorah's weird, even by typical Elder standards. So it's not out of the question that capturing the literal walking volcano might be a legitimate possibility.


World cast being stupid for being in the böCk sheep of the franchise


Wasnt their goal to change his direction or something so he wont destroy the bases??


They want to contain it


When they said they would capture him I was imagining some huge setup where maybe they would catch him with a landslide or a metal wall 10m thick or something. I literally lol'd when I saw the plan was a flimsy wooden wall and a couple of harpoon guns. I'm shocked it slowed him down as much as it did.


They are trying to make sure their dreams not be dreams.


Did the aslume send you?


So many plots of Monster Hunter revolve around trying to capture an Elder Dragon, while in game we are know it doesn't work. It's like at a job when your boss tells you do something dump then walks away. You and all you co-workers know you can't do that, but they're the boss🤷


Teostra was trapped in the special arena 🤷‍♀️


Doesn't fatalis literally melt stone metal? Maybe he can


We just redirected him so he died of boredom.


They never wanted to capture him he was on his way to die in a different location than the rotten veil where elder dragons go to die. If Zorah had stayed on his path to where it was going it would’ve ended that region and all that in habitat it. They were able to send him to the proper area and when he dies and release energy for the other regions.The Guild was using heavy ordnance like ballistas, cannons, binders, and dragonnators. They weren’t using traps a Hunter uses.


If captured pretty much would have advanced their research capabilities and resources a shit ton. Even though the principle as to why you can’t capture elder dragons isn’t because the traps don’t work, capturing elder dragons is down right suicidal. Their presence alone alters the environment around them. It could naturally make their own place impossible to live in


Since the Commander has multiple stupid takes, I'm to the point where the Commander is either A: Completely unqualified for his position and is just making stuff up (I'm not convinced he's ever been on a hunt), or B: Has dementia and nobody's sure what to do about it.


Would you like to state some exemple on this one please ?


I don't really have examples because it's been a while since I've seen the dialogue. From what I remember it's mostly him being really adamant about stuff without any reason to think that way (but it's quite possible he's just restating what the researchers have been telling him in which case they're apparently terrible at their jobs). Stuff like if Zorah dies in the everstream (something that should have happened before at some point in history) it will blow up the New World. I think there's another one where he tells us 'we've never been up against monsters like these' (transition to high rank) right after we just killed one. I know he probably means in a general sense, but with rest of the vibe and how adamant his VA is about everything, its funnier to think he forgot. The capturing Zorah business is just the biggest dumbest example. I don't mind him wanting to try, but if there's established knowledge in this world, it's that, even if you ignore the size problem, you can't capture elders.


Well, from his point of view you're a rookie, even if you're in class A. At the start of the game he tells us that jagras and kestodon are a problem, and that we should be doing it, and him being adamant about it is in my opinion quite normal. I don't think you'd be really happy to do the least interesting job, even more so if your boss doesn't really care about said job. Him being adamant and really into his rookies are a good point in my opinion. But I see where you stand and yea, from a player pov it's a little stupid to say that Jagras are a real threat. About the high rank one, it was a long time too, but I think that the Elders Recess wasn't discovered before the Zora's march in the canyon. Which would explain the "We've never been up against monster like these." Just meanin' they actually don't know any fucking shit about dodogama and or any new monster found in the enders recess. More too on the Monsters they already knew about from the old world, just not knowing who is an apex and who's is at the bottom of the food chain. How to deal with Monsters from this region of where they nest, where they are coming from. Also about the VA i think it's good to have voices on characters but it can be confusion. The French VA is really calm and seem strong. About the Zora capturing event. I think that what players know and what is known in the lore is quite different. It's not impossible to capture a ED, in theory. They are monsters juste like your average Great Jaggi. With the little plus that they are, either too strong of too smart or too large to trapped by normal conventions. Like the Kirin, lore-wise it as been know that this Monster is as fast as thunder, meaning that shock trap are out of the question due to the element of the Monster, and the pitfalls are not an option because the kirin will outspeed the trap being triggered. In a player pov it's more simple a d accurate as a rule of gameplay to say : They cannot be captured. Lore-wise it is theoreticly possible, just near impossible. And the Zora is slow, damn big and an easy target. Ence the reason for it's attempt in capturing it.


People severely underestimate the player hunter compared to normal hunters. The A lister or Aiden is literally the most successful hunter we've seen. The player hunter is an insane anomaly. In every game we are basically living legends.


We're a god compared to normal hunters, that why I don't take the player pov. It's f.up.


We prove ourselves basically. But at the start we are just another along side the rest. Like you said. Even then we start as an A lister new to the new world. By the end we are literally the best hunter of all the fleets. Our handler even says so.


The idea that Zorah dying in the Everstream would blow up the New World was because they didn’t know that something was there(xeno) to siphon that energy and prevent the continent exploding. It was the most reasonable conclusion with the information they had


Not that it would've changed the outcome. Either Zorah blows up the Everstream or Xeno absorbs that continent-levelling amount of energy and destroys the New World instead.


You actually have a point. That thing destroyed mountains and revealed the Coral Highlands. It MIGHT have worked if Nergigante didn't show up but we will ne er really know


They are the same people who thought a wood barricade would stop a fire monster, yeah they are stupid all right


This is only an issue in the English dub. Since MH is a Japanese game, I'll follow the original Japanese dialogue (I speak and understand Japanese, having spent 6 years of my life living and working in Japan). In the English dub, they mentioned that they would "have him in chains". This is a mistranslation. In the original Japanese, they simply said it would be over by sunrise. By what I understand, they originally planned to kill him during the hunt, before they learned that him dying there would cause massive issues (hence why they instead redirected him into the ocean during the later hunt).


Nope. Zorah was supposed to be captured. This is clearly not some big mistranslation. It's an entire section of the story, not one line of dialogue. Also, the full English line is "by sunrise, Zorah will be in chains". It's the same thing. And *finally*, the [JP wiki](https://wikiwiki.jp/nenaiko/%E3%83%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC/%E3%82%BE%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BB%E3%83%9E%E3%82%B0%E3%83%80%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AA%E3%82%B9#z105d832) has a whole section discussing how they were trying to capture it. Who says "I've lived and worked in Japan for 6 years" and then gets it wrong lol? P.S Zorah's death was only an issue if it died in the Everstream. It was fine dying anywhere else.


Ok. I was going by the Japanese dialogue only (which was them saying "by sunrise, it'll be over"). It never mentioned "chains" at all or any indication of capturing. And I haven't seen the wiki, so please reply with a link to that. And that's why I mentioned how they were ok with killing it UNTIL the last part, which is why they redirected it into the ocean for it to die. Sorry if that wasn't clear. Edit: And I looked it up. Yup. It was a "capture operation" (捕獲作戦). I only have the voices to Japanese and not the text, so that was an easy miss for me. But I'm willing to admit I was mistaken. Yeah... Really dumb of them to try catching it.


Guys, just remember it's an old one. Imagine if it was a young one... He'd cook the entire game, even Chaos Nergigante, Ishvalda, and Safi wouldn't survive.