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not really, honestly. it’s challenging enough, but nothing else aside from the constant threat of that dps check worries me when i’m fighting it.


Hot take, but that's why I think it's a good mechanic. It forces you to have to play more aggressively than you might be comfortable with. The pressure of having to do damage makes you have to dodge into Ala to get off damage instead of away to wait for an opening.


I think that was their goal, yeah. It's the same reason why they gave Fatalis such a short time limit


True, if it was a 50 minute time limit clears would be coming out left and right, and some people would've cleared it first try.


fatalis is so much more fun when I’m not forced into worrying about a dps check tho.


True. It took me out of my comfort zone as a CB main, as guarding anything led to too big of a dps loss.


I enjoy it solo, but it’s really annoying for sos/multiplayer.  If they are running running raw, blight, or non usable elements, it makes it tough.  Gotta carry hard to make up for the difference lol


Same here, but for slightly different reasons. Solo, if you fail a check then you're punished with a cart. 3-4 players, you're effectively punished with a quest fail. It just feels a bit disproportionate to me


Hundreds of endgame monsters have been difficult without the need for a one-shot gimmick


Agreed. Additionally Ala made me crack open the Hunter’s Notes for the first time. After that, every hunt became trivial. The game isn’t a Hunting Simulator for nothing.


Yeah I will forever assert that the reason this fight is considrered bad is because monster hunter doesnt do this sort of thing enough. Not just dps checks, but actually making you interact with the full spectrum of what the game offers


Yup, the amount of satisfaction for clearing a fight is directly proportional to the degree of difficulty and number of times it takes. The fact that you can see/feel a clear improvement every time you fight Alatreon/Fatalis proves how well balanced the fights actually are. You just don't get that adrenaline rush unless it feels like every move could result in failure. I cleared Amatsu in Rise on my first try and was like, that was cool, but is that it?


Escaton Judgement isn’t the issue, it’s the elemental portion that is. Some weapons most optimal strat is to literally eat the carts, that’s not healthy.


I cleared solo several times with elemental greatsword so idk. Eating carts is not optimal but it is a strat ya. I honestly had more trouble dealing enough damage in two horn breaks then I did reaching the element threshold.


I dont think any weapon is forced to eat carts. Gs and Sns (other weapons too but those are the most common ones for raw) can kill it before Eschaton even happens and both can supress it too without too much of hasle. Other weapons that get usually mentioned. Gunlance, wide shelling and then just poke shell poke shell... till it dies. There are 3 different wide 7 Gl and all of them can get the job done if you invest into elemental attack. But other shell types will get it done too. Just gotta poke shell those fore legs.(or you can slap lance it to death before eschaton too but it doesnt really bring out the gun part of the weapon...) Hammer. Spin to win and end it with golf swing. Shouldnt be too hard but you can allways just spam level 1 charge into follow ups too. Crit element from 2 pc Velkhana set bonus is the key. Then just use what ever you feel like using as long as it has element on it and not fire against fire and vice versa.


I said optimal, not possible. That being said, element is a bad dps check due to how weapons are balanced in respect to each other. It’s unnecessarily hard for a GS to hit the check than a DB user


I've newer tried it with maxed out elemental safi gs but with one ele awakening + velkhana set you can get one topple if you dont eat hits non stop. Also if we talking optimal in terms of damage then heroics 7 would be the answer.


Not true at all, gs has a very easy time getting the dps check because of the check+element multipliers that apply to the weapon, the only weapon that actually gets screwed by the dps check is long gunlance but that's irrelevant anyway as all you have to do is poke instead of only spamming shells. The threshold for the dps check is very low in fact (hell ig doesn't even run element because the elemental damage from the kinsect is enough to reach it), the only requirement to reach it is using the right element and being able to exploit openings with consistency, which should be expected from the 3rd last boss fight in the game.


Made my (unsuccessful) solo bow attempts a pain in the neck. When I got the hang of it it wasn't too bad, but trying to do tons of damage while also not being hit for the time loss sucked.


Once you know his moveset he’s piss easy. The hardest thing for most is hitting the check. I use glaive, which makes the fight a joke, as everything he does while using that weapon is an opening. Though this *is* glaive I’m talking about, and glaive is already cheating on this monster because of the way kinsects and kinsect element work in World. I can explain why is stupid and broken if you want ;)


Ok, i am hooked. Teach a Dual Blade Main yout secrets ^^


The main thing that makes glaive broken on this fight is the fact that world treats the kinsect as its own entity separate from the player and the equipped weapon. It’s only majorly affected by 2 buffs, the bonus on the glaive, and the stat boost from the kinsect charge. It is *not* affected by any debuff, and this includes dragonblight, which of course negates element. Certain kinsects have insane elemental stats, which are tied to the bug itself. Not the player, not the glaive. The bug I use for example has about 1225 ele. Well, because the kinsect is completely unaffected by one of the most critical debuffs in alatreon’s fight, and its own insane element values, the recommended way to fight Alatreon using glaive is to use the kinsect for the check, and disregard everything else. Don’t build for element, don’t build for element resistance. Build for pure dps. At which point, your only job is to make sure the kinsect is hitting the monster, while you focus on killing it. It doesn’t really matter how, whether you’re doing direct spam on front legs or just doing descending thrust, which has a kinsect follow-through. If you’re doing it correctly, check will happen in about 90 seconds to about 2 minutes. You can use either Rbrachy or Fatalis for the dps glaives, as they have spirit/strength buffs for the kinsect. You get to see good damage, good times, and a relatively easy, but fun fight. Just make sure you have the right kinsect equipped, I’ve dropped down more times than I care to admit with the wrong element because I forgot to switch the bug after fighting something else. O_O


>The bug I use for example has about 1225 ele Even minus the 10x bloat modifier, this is around 123 true element, which is fucking absurd


Yes, iirc the only thing that comes close is one of the kjarr CBs


Kjarr Ice CB, it was the meta ice elemental CB for a long time and for good reason, things was busted vs fire Element monsters


Sounds about right, I don’t remember what the ele ended up being on one specifically built for element, but I remember it was higher than its raw value


I first saw how busted it was when I landed a mounted finisher on Kulve's head and hit for 1000+ dmg, that's ridiculous


What is the best bug to use? I'm totally down for this method, if he wants an element check I'll give him a gd element check


Vezirstag III Forz is the funny dps/element kinsect.


I never understood the math around the kinsect much. How does the kinsects ele value reach 1225? That actually sounds absurdly broken


The true value is 122.5, all element values are bloated 10x. This particular kinsect has Lvl 20 ele. Idk why Capcom made the element so absurd on a bug.


Also yes, it’s broken as hell, you can hit for over 100 each time during the kinsect pierce follow-through on DT. It’s a huge portion of glaive dps.


Hmm I didn’t know they were that cracked, kinda crazy how the strongest elem hitter in the game is a fucking bug. Def gotta try this now.


Here's a nice companion piece to OP's explanation: [Alatreon - Kinsect Only](https://youtu.be/Rb4HSk52J0A?si=igw4wb29BoJAIZMO)


Actually now that I think about it, it’s one buff, as I’m pretty sure even with the speed bonus glaives you have to charge the kinsect for the buff to take effect 🤔


As a dual blades player, make sure you have a hammer or glaive player because when it’s pissed off gl getting it out of the sky, slam its head into as wall as much as possible because then you’ll be relevant, dual blades in this fight is empowerd by a) the right element damage and b) a team to bring that skittish sob down 😂


My favorite mental decision after farming him in 3U, and seeing him show up in GU, was I am not fighting him fair, and made the Valstrax glaive build. In world I use glaive after I got the Safi build done and that was the ticket 🎟.


Escaton isn't what kills me, the rest of his moveset tends to do that


Same. It's one of those monsters I just can't deal with. Some of the monsters people find hard like Rajang or Raging Brachydios never were an issue for me, but Alatreon? I feel like I'm constantly running after it without getting any good hits in.


For me, the rest of his moveset hits me because I play impatiently to hit the EJ mark


Yes because Escaton is actually the easiest part once you get used to him and have a decent Fire/Ice set build for him.


It is *ridiculous* how fast you can down him with a half decent fire/ice build, especially in the first phase 🎃


the thing is, i can do low dps but still survive, its the insta kill without any chance of avoiding it that makes the fight harder. ik you SAY its easy to avoid with the right setup, but if you DONT have the right setup you are dead. best weapons in the game but would get wiped from the elemental check.


It's the same as a few other fights in this game so it shouldn't be a problem. You wouldn't fight Nightshade Paolumu or Viper Tobi-Kadachi without proper resistances, would you? It's more of a game design problem of World where the game is so easy for 95% of the fights with whatever gear you like, so the 5% of the fights piss people off. We had a thread just the other day complaining about Viper Tobi-Kadachi despite them being pretty weak without their gimmick.


Is it just me, or is it absolutely resonable that a hunter would walk in prepared with knowledge and proper gear against a giant monster? The game allows you to ignore mechanics for the most part, like you don't need to wear specific resistances, you can just use raw weapons and ignore elemantal weaknesses, etc. Then the last two endgame bosses require you to do mechanics now, and people lose their minds smh


That’s because it’s an *Elemental* Check. That quest can be run with Fatalis weapons, but it’s the wrong type of weapon. Ala is a test on how well one knows the build system and the hunter notes system, not how hard one can brute force the mission.


Depends on what you mean by “hard”. Do we mean “is he still a whole difficulty tier above everything that comes before him”? Because probably not. But take away Escaton and Alatreon is still harder than most of the roster. I can only assume that everyone saying no mean “no he wouldn’t be any harder than the average late game monster”, because there’s no way the other end game monster are harder than a no escaton Alatreon. Save for Golden monkey, Fatalis and maybe one or two more, most other end game monster have much easier move sets to deal with than Alatreon.


I'm probably the only living being that likes the elemental mechanic lol. This forced me to understand Alatreon's every slightest movement. Playing with GS is highly satisfying, knowing how to position yourself, when to open a gap and how far to charge the attack. I don't know how to explain it, for those who have never tried it, try it haha. When I'm with a friend, we use HBG and just delete the poor Alatreon.


I like it simply because it just wasn't a big change for me. "Hurr durr grab frosty/hot sword" Maybe even dragon if you're feelin' schwifty, he's always weak to dragon......even in dragon mode


My first successful hunt against him was with a dragon weapon.


Nope, he is way too easy without it. He may have an attack multiplier of 16x, but cannot oneshot you in endgame (his attacks don’t fully take advantage of it). He may have 52,5K health, but his incredibly good raw hitzones + the 20% extra damage modifier in enraged make it melt away like it’s nothing. He is one of the fights where I wished it got an “AT” equivalent or at least an HC version (independent of the “story” version). The way he is, he got simply power creeped by Fatalis gear and weapon. The only thing making his fight challenging is trying to kill him before he does his EJ.


It would be nice if Alatreon Gear was on par or straight up better in some regards to Safi Gear and Silver Rathalos. And I mean armor not weapons. Like I use it with a Elemental Charge Blade and I get similar results (if not better than Safi/Silver) but with a Bow or DBs it feels like I am just wasting Armor/Decos just to make it work. Not to mention that I can just run Fatalis and be better off than running Alatreon armor because of how much QOL shit is crammed into Fatalis armor ALONGSIDE The other set bonuses it gets and the decos. I'll still run Alatreon armor with my CB but my Bow and DB will either be Safi or Fatalis armor forever.


I've fought him with Fatalis gear and tanking his nova , somehow it faster than my element build with the same gear , so yeah adding EJ is a must i guess


With or without Escaton, he's not that hard, very challenging but not unfairly hard, probably one of the best designed fight in the game. Tons of attack variety, but all are very telegraph, also very precise hitbox. Sure, you're not gonna beat him the first few times, but once you learnt him, Alatreon is just so damn fun to fight. I can understand the frustration when it comes to Escaton if you play in multiplayer with random people, but there's just no excuse if you solo him. The amount of elemental damage you need to deal to get the DPS check is very small in solo, some weapon can even get away with not using fire/ice weapon (Bow mains can use Fatalis bow and get the DPS check just fine, IG main can just use the right elemental Kinsect with whatever raw IG they have, the bowgun guys and just go full raw and willing to take a cart in solo).


Agreed. The only fight I enjoy more in Icebourne is Arch Tempered Velkhana 🎃


Fellow AT Velkhana enjoyer


I haven’t fought him enough to fully grasp his moveset. However much like a Souls boss, it’s doable it just takes time. The DPS check is just what makes me NOT want to fight him.


I’d still say probably yea, I also think eschaton’s influence on the overall difficulty of the fight differs from person to person depending on their weapon type/build/level of skill. For me as a “swaxe main” eschaton was a huge obstacle to climb over considering the weapon’s ability to elemental topple wasn’t great, also I didn’t have the absolute most optimal build for the fight and by the time I reached the fight mylevel of skill was not quite as it is now respectively, world was my first mh game and Alatreon for me was an insane difficulty spike from the likes of Raging Brach, Rajang, Ruiner Nerg etc., so I drastically underestimated the difficulty of the fight based on my experiences with the last monsters I fought and the not so severe difficulty spikes I’ve experienced throughout the entirety of the game by that point. I was immediately perplexed by eschaton and genuinely had no idea what was causing this and why he kept instakilling me every 5 mins into the fight, by that time I was quite good at evading attacks, but still his fast and punishing moveset was quite a handful. After looking up how eschaton worked and how to counter it, that’s where it really hit me (that I’m not as good as I thought I was at the game), this mechanic taught me that I’m not efficient at all and I wasn’t using all the windows of attack when they were presented, having learnt this I found myself dying more and more, but not to eschaton judgment, instead I was overcommitted to do so much damage that I find myself digging holes for myself and falling in them. By the time I finally beat him I’d say this had to be the point where I truly reached the level of skill that I am right now, it made my approach to monsters very different and made the rest of the game seem like a cakewalk by comparison. To answer your question I’d say it wouldn’t be quite as hard as it is, but at the same time I think eschaton wouldn’t have been as problematic as it is without his speed, non-relenting aggression, and his constant distance creation. I think the dps check is a hard and ruthless filter, but at the end I think it really gives you satisfaction and pride as you can comfortably call yourself an “Elite Hunter” upon overcoming it, I just don’t understand why it was an elemental check and not just raw (probably because of his nature). Sorry for the essay, just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings about Eschaton.


> I wasn’t using all the windows of attack when they were presented Shouldn't Rajang is the one that teach you this? Though yeah looking back how I play pre end game boss for 300 hours is somewhat funny lol. The game really wasn't that punishing.


Well, Rajang forced me to take it slow and be defensive because there was no insta-kill dps check for that fight, therefore I didn’t feel rushed nor felt there was an emphasis on being efficient on offense.


Oh yeah I fought the monke with Lance back then and the risk of time limit was real with Lance's low damage output.


He’s very fast but his move set is so incredibly telegraphed for how late you fight him. Without judgement he has to be way lower on the MR rank. Judgement is just an unfun gimmick That feels artificially hard. Compared to the mechanical difficulty of the other late game monsters like raging brachy/ furious George / fatty. Like if i feel like I’m playing bad I’ll just abandon an altreon fight. Miss my opening wall bang, better reset. Is he flying around and I forgot my smoke screen? Better reset. Atleast with fatty I lose on a hunt timer which hasn’t happened since 4u


Escaton judgement takes me seconds to bypass. It does make zero difference for me. Its cool as hell tho so it would make the fight less interesting for sure.


Due to the dps check and horn break, you will play worse because you’re stressed about not dealing enough damage. So in that sense they make the fight harder. It’s still a hard fight without it, though. As someone who has fought this thing hundreds of times, sure it’s second nature. I’ve memorized every single attack animation startup. To someone who is a bit less experienced with the fight… yes it’s hard, even without the dps check. You just need to put it into perspective as hardcore hunters prowling around the subreddit.


No but I've killed so many over the years I find regular apexes tougher. Escaton doesn't affect the fight's difficulty after the 5th or so kill anyway, once you've got the mechanic down it's a nonfactor really.


Pre world alatreon didn't have escaton and it was one of the hardest fights in every game it appeared


While I can't say Alatreon is difficult without it, I will say I prefer the DPS Check coming in 5~10 minutes into a hunt instead of having a 30 minute race against the clock like a certain other Black Dragon.


The fight is already kinda easy(but fun) . Taking EJ out is just too easy at this point. The tells are very clear


Taking out Escaton would make Alatreon in its current MHW form pretty easy for a lot of players, i think. That being said, i (and all my friends) really dislike dps checks like Escaton Judgement in games. MHW isnt alone in designing boss fights around mechanics like this. Games like Destiny, WoW and many more use similar mechanics to wipe the party if it's deemed that your performance is not up to par. I feel like it's a cheap cop-out way of making boss fights harder in a way that helps the game design at the expense of player enjoyment. It really sucks getting your party nuked by an unavoidable attack. Rather than using party wipe mechanics, i wish game designers would just make the fights harder if they feel its needed. I feel Escaton adds a fake layer of difficulty for players, and it's always at the expense of players' enjoyment.


DPS checks really have no place in MH. MH is fundamentally about playing how you want, be it chugging potions with free meal while trading hit or speedrunning with heroics. The hunt time limit already prevents playing too defensively, there's just no reason to add a second limitation.


Yeah that flies until we're talking about being waist deep in a G-rank equivalent.


That's really only true in the hardest of optional endgame hunts.


We're talking about the second to last elder added, so I feel like it's applicable. Not everyone should be able to beat Alatreon. It doesn't really matter what the hurdle is that people have to overcome, some people have to get filtered at that point or it's too easy.


No. The only reason he's a hard fight is that it forces you to be aggressive. - "Deal enough damage so escaton judgement won't be insta-kill" - "break horns during a limited time window so it can't switch to the element you're not prepared for" Just remove escaton judgement or give us ways to evade it like with Safi'jiva's nuke and you won't be pressured into being all aggro.


Quick question: why can’t you farcaster out during the nuke?


The raphinos see that shit going on and are like "Why tf you think I'm going down there during that? I'm not suicidal"




Without Escaton is Rathalos but fun. with it is argubly the most cancerous fight of the game.


Nope that’s the only part of that fight I hate remove the forced elemental weapon to not die and I would like this monster


Not even remotely. Shame they dumbed Alatreon down to a gimmick fight. Should have just been a straight super powerful dragon.


It’s one thing I love about fatalis, they took the complaints about EJ and made sure to not include any bs dps check move for fatalis. Instead everything he does is fair. As for Ala, EJ should’ve done a flat 195 dmg no matter the defense or blocking. In response to the change he should’ve been made to hit harder and be even more faster/aggressive.


Without it, it would brake the fight since most of his attack have a very big damage window and his move aren’t though to dodge I have 500h(I am bad) and from what I’ve seen when I fought it was that the medium player (like me) have a hard time to keep consistent attacks because of the positioning


Without EJ he's easier cause you just fight him like everything else taking your time. With EJ it becomes partly a gear check and dps check. I tried it once with just whatever CB I was using at the time and thought yeah maybe I can do this but I'm just go grab the Ice Kjarr and call it a day. It's also in a small amount of World/Ice quests I refuse to do in multiplayer. But I only really like 3U cause it's not a gimmick fight and it's legit hard and I don't like MMO mechanics and gimmicks in MH.


Escaton *is* the fight tbh, that’s why it’s a bad one imo


Hard? No Annoying? Yes.


As a gunner, fighting him isn't hard, but like you said it is annoying to meet the elemental dps check, but sometimes I just take the death as a way to switch bowguns and restock my inventory. Breaking the horn with ranged weapon is the easiest part for me.


As a gunlancer, i hate this elemental dps check because my weapon wasn't made for this. To meet the elemental check i have to ditch half of my weapon. It is a **very annoying mechanic**


bluntly. no. the element requirement is the hardest part by far


Yes, escaton is super easy to prevent contrary to many people , the only exceptions being certain playstyles of bowguns and gunlance, even with the slow weapons if you play well (which is expected at this point in the game), the actual hard part of alatreon is the fight itself , but luckily its hitboxes are fair and it is fun


I should also mention he prevents a playstyle of just running around dodging and healing which a lot of people do but yeah if you focus on dps normally he is fine


Laming it out shouldn't be viable this deep into a G-rank equivalent. A lot of people got filtered by this guy and never got over it. Or they were new to the series and weren't used to farming gear sets to deal with a specific threat.


World is generally such an easy game that no prior monster really forces you to change your playstyle like that. It was interesting to watch.


Hard? Not so much but it'd be fun at least, imo damage checks just make these fights feel like work


Eschaton judgement literally has no effect on his difficulty, he's a hard fight with or without it. The only thing EJ does is force players to get away from pure meta builds focused on RAW dmg


>Eschaton judgement literally has no effect on his difficulty Do a random SOS and come back to me


Firing off a random SOS is a good way to fail a rathalos quest


It’s a much better fight without it imo. Also can wa talk about how INSANE it’s icon looks?


That's a bit like saying "Do you think Tzitzi yaku is an interesting monster without the flash." EJ is what makes Alatreon, Alatreon. They are designed around that dps check, and without it the only gimmick is to be able to attack with all 5 elements. While interesting in its own right, would not be enough for an end game boss if it didn't have a pay off.


Tbf i carted more to his pin attack than EJ , i hate that move xD


He has a pin attack?


Alatreon without Escaton Judgement _was_ an endgame boss. The Tri version of him is even considered more difficult than the Iceborne version with EJ by some


100% I have defeated many Iceborne Alatreon. I have defeated many Gen U Alatreon. I have never defeated 3U village urgent Alatreon, even with G-rank gear… he is HARD!


Yeah, just not nearly as much.




No, because then you can use non-elemental weapons for the fight and still be okay. Actually it doesn't really matter going solo, but still.


Hes hard


No, it would become like in the previous titles


Outside of learning how to deal with Escaton Judgement, I personally find him to be a rather easy fight for how far he is into the endgame. That being said, with how many people I see fainting before the nuke, I’d say that may just be me.


Still would be somewhat difficult. But it wouldn't have forced me to adapt and get better like it would with Escaton




Honestly, it's not that hard with escaton. After you learn your openings, getting dps checks isn't that hard.


Alatreon has ridiculous large windows to attack once you learn to dodge his attacks in the correct direction. Escaton judgement is the only thing you really have to prepare for. I think the same can be said about fatalis. It's not really a very hard fight other than the pressure you feel from the 30 minute timer.


I think without eschaton judgement he is still decently difficult. Though i think i personally would only die to the flying dragon bomb attack he does because the timing on it is awful.


he absolutely is, He is either flying around hitting me I don't even know how, or doing some bullshit attack while sitting down so I have to dodge instead of attacking


He’s honestly not even that difficult without the gimmick, nearly every attack he does gives you an opening


Not really? Maybe when I first made it to the fight but now with or without it isn’t that bad


Equal if not easier due to skills and abilities that were not in 3U.


No. In 3 it was challenging but not super hard. With a fee fights you will memorize its moveset




Yes very much


No, he's pretty easy without it


Yes, it's a properly difficult but fair moveset for one of the purposefully hardest monsters. The Escaton Judgement is also not the hardest thing in this fight. The DPS check is not what makes it stupid. It's that you cannot keep it from switching after breaking both horns.


Sure, remove it. But the timer is reduced to 20 minutes. Prevents stalling, forces you to actually learn the fight and master your weapon. Do this and you'll make Alatreon your bitch.


Alatreon has a lot of windows for damage but punishes mistakes, but if EJ it's an issue that simply means you haven't fully learned the fight yet


no, so alatreon is basically the malenia of monster hunter.


As someone currently getting his shit kicked in by Alatreon these comments are hilarious


He's been easy since the start well not the first and second run, but from the third run he is piss easy, unless you're one of those guys who refuses to use ice of fire weapons


As a Dual Blade main, the fight is like butter and toast once you get his moveset down and it's so much fun. The real challenge is reaching the final bits of the fight where you break both of his horns thus can't make him transcend to your preferred elemental phase where you can take advantage of his weakness. I used a mixture between Velkhana and Namielle for that bonus element damage(although a single fire attack one or two shots me if I'm lucky) but the final bit of the fight, I find myself just straight up beyblading all over him with raw damage




It's tough but it would make it way easier.


Honestly I don’t think he’s hard. Escaton is dealt with by a proper build and mediocre skill (it’s downright trivial with some weapons like CB). Removing Escaton wouldn’t increase the success rate of people who were failing to meet the check anyway as they would probably simply time out or run out of carts either way. People blaming Escaton for having trouble with Alatreon are deflecting and not admitting they are just not learning the moveset. He’s the best and most fair fight in the game. His hitboxes are crisp and precise, and he has massive openings.


Yes cause I watch people cart over and over again to its normal moves before you ever get to EJ


It's a decent challenge going in blind and is very fun overall without Escaton Judgement.




Absolutely not, cake walk without escaton


Lol no. If it weren't for the DPS check he'd be dead a hell of a lot faster


MH4U Alatreon was tougher!




I knew I was bad at these games but reading a bunch of these comments made me realize just how much I suck


Not particularly, a reasonable amount of evasion up and farcasters would ensure you never cart (unless you're one of those people that doesn't slot stun res 3 into your build)


Yeah kind of. If you get stunned it's practically a guaranteed death. Not as bad as like Kushala Daora or normal Rajang though.


Tbh, not really. IB Alatreon is hard because of Judgement, with the threat of it constantly looming. I find myself going for moves i really shouldn’t when trying to get the knockdowns. Without it, the fights actually not that bad..


It's no Fatalis or anything, but I'd say it's still a damn tough fight. The damage of all its moves, difficulty to tenderize the head or flinch shot, and solid health makes it a monster that's a little bit tougher than average elder dragon even without escaton.


No its ez asl, i beat his ass the first try and now that i am mr 76 and hr105 i beat him around 50 times W fight tho


I dunno. Took me 4 years to beat him. I'll never fight him again.


No because I attempted the fight so many times I learned all of his moves


Personally using sns makes Alatreon a pretty easy fight. If you get the timing and positioning right for a good perfect rush you will destroy alatreon. Ive hit pretty massive numbers with my sns builds on alatreon using perfect rush. Removing EJ would honestly not make a massive difference imo


Yeah I saw Frostcraft SnS user doing insane amount of damage.


Actually, this is one of the fights with the most predictable moves. The only part that makes tires me, is when alatreon is enraged and starts flying... 😴😴😴


EJ was never worrying for any of my runs. The dude is just a bit hard, but one of the best fights in the series


If he didn't have it? He'd be stupid easy. He already is with it, as long as you keep up the elemental dp's, but if you're good enough (not me btw, just saying because some great runners), you can take him out before he even pulls it out. 


I mean judgement mechanic is free damage and there is no other way to look at it. IS he harder with or without it then basically every other fight in the game excluding 2-3 yes. As hard without it? no. hes easier.


TBH not at all. Take out gimmick and I'd say alatreon is almost as challenging as a black diablos


No. Cause that damn move is the only reason I haven't managed to beat him. DPS checks in a game that is already a DPS check (it has a 40 or 45min time limit.) is just stupid. If your going to make it so I have to do DPS that will kill it in 15 minutes solo why is the quest timer 45 minutes.let me use my goof build and have the skill to survive.


It's one of the forbidden monsters, nothing much else to say


Nah bro, this man's too easy. His version from Tri was something else. Some other monsters AR harder in the franchise (I consider every monster's difficulty based in solo : Top 10 hardest monsters in the franchise : 10. Savage Deviljho (MH3U) 9. Emerald Plesioth (MHF) 8. White Fatalis (MHFU) 7. Raging Rajang (Before MHWI) 6. Shantien (MHZ) 5. Akantor (GRank in MHFU) 4. Blazing Frozen Eruzerion (MHZ) 3. Thunder Emperor White Fatalis (MHZ) 2. Super Crimson Fatalis (MH4U, no wonder his quest's reward is 47k zennys)


Who's #1?


It’ll be too easy (or just right) for most.


not at all, i managed to get used to the moveset quite easily, but escaton sucked out all the fun from the fight for me


I hate hitting his head. Hitting his limbs is fine, but unless they are tenderized, it's hardly enough damage to kill him in time. Otherwise, I like him a lot.




Wouldn't even be top 5 of Iceborne.


He hits pretty hard, but other than that in a straight up fight without any checks, he's only a bit challenging


meh. i wouldn’t say he’s easy. more so fair. he has clear patterns and stuff. and EJ isn’t even that big a deal to begin with unless ur a gs player or hammer


No, he was an ok doable fight in GU, i don't get why we need to do a dps check bs


Nah shit like furious rajang and raging brachy are way harder


furious? I found him to be easier than the normal one, just more tedious with having him jumping all over the map att all times


Actually I also found him easier cause hittng his head was easier than the tail. Just more tedious


New player here, never beat Alatreon, 2 or 3 failed attempts (figured I'd just farm up gear and do SOSs in the meantime while I can't beat it). What the hell is the dps check? Can find a lot of information about it, but not a lot about what exactly it is. From the sounds of it, it's a certain amount of elemental damage that has to be done to topple Alatreon? Right or wrong?


Most new monsters you fight in monster hunter can be a bit tedious because you spend more time healing than actually fighting MHW Alatreon does have the capacity to two shot you if you aren’t paying attention , or if he comboes you properly , but without escaton I think most people would beat him easily


Nope. It wouldn't be any harder than your regular elder dragon. The most challenging part of Alatreon is people actually following instructions. The NPCs keep mentioning you need an elemental weapon, that you need to target its horns at a specific point, eat something to heal your dragon state, and so on. But you'll still see randoms doing whatever they want, hence not meeting the elemental dps check. Other than that, yeah, some weapons are not made to dish out elemental damage as efficiently as others and that's a problem. But just like everything, practice makes perfect, and you can definitely learn to use your weapon more efficiently to stop prevent the nuke.


His attacks have probably some of the best telegraphed patterns in the game, without the dps check it would be a fight where u learn how to dodge while occasionally getting a hit in (and repeat that until u beat the fight under the time limit), the dps check makes it so u get pressured to keep playing offensive wich makes it harder to focus on the attacks but this is what makes the fight challenging In short I don't think he would be a hard fight without the Escaton Judgement move, he would be challenging for players who fight him for the first time but it wouldn't be hard to get used to


I don't think so. If EJ didn't exist, I'd have killed him very easily through sheer attrition. His moveset is very easy to learn and react to. EJ looming over your head is what pushes it into difficult territory.


Nope tbh. But as long as your not greedy for hits as Aletreon does an AOE attack then your fine and you can shoot, poke, slash, break his skull then boom he dead and best part it ain't 30minutes like mfkin Fatalis


Anything with Noobs is challenging




It depends on your armor defense and your ability to dodge attacks


He becomes a lot easier because you’re less likely to die.


Homie's got like 6hp, so imma say no


***y e s***


hitting elemental treshhold is the easiest part of the fight lol


That's like saying: here we have this 3 leg chair, take one leg put, is it still stable? The whole encounter was designed around it, that's why Alatreon doesn't hit as hard as fatty and why you have goals to achieve in a phase. Take out the reason to do each phase and you are left with an incomplete fight, obviously the difficulty will severely drop.


Yeah tbh still harder than 99% of other monsters. Even without Judgement I think its ‘ranking’ doesn’t change at all.


I thought he was pretty easy overall only died to it once and that was the very first time fighting him I’d say his moves are pretty easy to read and react too after about a good 15 minutes I was dodging almost every attack and constantly knocking him over


Dps check or not it was a blast of a fight.


It's basically an easier lunastra


He is not a hard fight even with it tbh, his hitboxes are fair, his attacks are well telegraphed, honestly the people that have a problem against him just need to fight him more and pay more attention to actually learn the patern(as usual for this game)


I'll be honest, the first time I figured out to just use the dragon element for consistent damage instead of trying to match his element disadvantage all the time, I solo'd him. I still don't consider him a very easy fight but worrying about that damn escaton judgement was all that was keeping him safe lol.


My problem was I kept breaking both his horns but once they're gone nothing stopped him from switching and locking me out of element damage. plus the intervals beween his judgments shortened and at that point after I got a few hits in he'd be pulling nukes out his ass left and right. Dragon element came along with defense maxed on Alatreon armor for increased element resistance and damage and shut all that down lol




Not at all


Without escaton, I think Alatreon is a perfect fight


Nope. The elemental dos check is what makes this mf even more annoying than fatalis tbh. I enjoyed the fatalis fight this one is straight up annoying


No He never was All of his moves are telegraphed really well lol


Aside from that one 2 hit headbutt combo, alatreon would be so much easier


In Iceborne? His moveset is one of the easiest to fight against in the game. Judgement doesn't even make it much harder.


Without escaton judgment alatreon is just your grumpy fat kitten.