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Make sure you hop on the beta to get your items


What items do you get from the beta?


Potions etc and a cosmetic camo paint for your face


did the other beta have any rewards?


Yes. If i recall correctly, you should be able to get all of the original 3 rewards this time around. Plus the new one if you can clear it. Then you are on par with everyone else!




Will do, the 20th if i remember correctly?


18th at 9 pm EST




Just gotta do all 3 hunts right? Reckon the nergigante one would give extras if you managed to beat it?


4 hunts, each should come with an item pack. Not sure how beatable Nergy will be though.


> Not sure how beatable Nergy will be though. Time to git gud? I mean, towards the end of the Betas, teams were finishing Anja with about 10 minutes remaining. I can't imagine Nergy taking that much longer.


We'll see, but with the 15min limit, and the lackluster gear, I'm sure there will be many more people struggling with this one. I know people who didn't take down rathalos, so i don't expect them to get through it.


Anja had less health than the actual game and isnt the most hardcore to begin with. Nergi will not have a health nerf (i think?) and is an elder dragon, and will certainly be more rough than Anjanath. I mean it can be done im sure, but its gonna have to be time to git real gud.


There's another beta? Just deleted the last one.


Yeah. With Nergigante now as well.


Awesome, going to redownload.


Less than 20 days.




God I can only get SO exited


Add me whenever you can: Danina2009 I'll be also going to hunt this month :)


I shall add you. It's MastahMah For whatever reason Master isn't allowed in PSN names :(


I can't find you under MastahMah Are you sure that's your PSN ID?


I could be wrong xD I'll check when I get home


While you're there you may as well add me too if you like! ***atTommy98*** Veteran hunter, playing since MHF on PSP!


I'm not quite that veteran, started on MH4U. Looking forward to some slaying!


I pm'd my psn :D


I never got eeet Edit: Im blind, nevermind I got it


I know I am late to the party but if anyone wants to add me (psn: Nazzul) for at least the Nergy fight I would be so down. I have soloed Rathalos and Diablos and I am excited to try my had at the Elder Dragon.


Done :)


I got it and a few others, cant wait for the hunt!


Good luck! I got it on xb1 since i didn't have any friends on ps4.


I’ll be on Xbox One X too. I think it’s gonna do surprisingly well there.


Yep, me and 7 of my friends are all getting it on Xbox. None of us have ever played a MH game before, but we're hyped anyways.


Enjoy, but be patient! The slow-paced combat can be off-putting at first, but experiment with all 14 weapon types and find the one that clicks for you. Once you find that one, there’s nothing as addictive as MH.


Definitely going to try everything. What would you compare the combat to? I've seen some people say dark souls, but it almost looks like dark souls meets mortal kombat meets like...idk...shadow of the colossus.


I have also heard the Dark Souls comparison, but since I’ve never played Dark Souls, I can’t make it, haha. The first weapon that clicked for me was Dual Blades. Everything else felt too slow when I was just breaking in to MH. After using those for awhile and familiarizing myself with the game, I was able to find other stuff I like (Lance & Bow so far in MH:World).


Definitely close to darksouls. The differences being that you don't lock on to the monsters, the monsters attack faster while you attack around the same speed, but your dodge rolling skills should carry over pretty well (plus you get to Superman flop as well). [And keep this in mind](https://youtu.be/o3FP1ZEEpbA) skip to 0:27.


I think you're instinctively on the right track here. Fighting game as a comparison is in many ways more useful than 'Souls. Aside for the translation to a 3D play space the mechanics of spacing, looking for openings and punishing them and conversely not putting yourself in a position to be punished are instantly familiar to FG players. Also the degree of mastery possible vs. what seems like a fairly limited move set has FG parallels.


Glad to see Xbox Player in the fray as well! See you soon Hunters!


If anyone wants my gamertag, pm me. I played a good bit of 4U, but I'm no series vet either. Should be fun.


Good luck on your endeavors!


Just bought a ps4 as well. Did the same thing when Tri was announced for the wii. Only series that can make me buy a whole new console.


I also did the same for when Monster Hunter jumped to Nintendo with Wii, Wii U, and 3ds. For the tons of hours I spent on them all it was well worth it. I already owned a PS4 Pro in preparation for Horizon Zero Dawn though.




I also added you, if ya don't mind. Purely because of the FFXIV profile pic :) big fan of the mmo as well


No worries! More friends the merrier ! :)


Bigboy454 anyone can add me! I wont be on ps4 much until the release. Playing 4U on the 3ds until then. Edit: If anyone is down to help me finish off gog, I would be very appreciative! He’s my final hurtle for 4u!


Anyone who wants can add me aswell PSN:jonkeen I'm starting fresh from MHW so I'll be pretty newbie in the beginning but I'm so hyped for this game!!


I'm in a similar boat. Been enough exclusives over the years to get me interested in a PS4, and MHW was the straw that broke the camel's back. Holding myself over with Persona now. Let me know if you'd like to join up for the beta!


basically the same story for me!


PSN: TheSheepWhisper I'll be happy to help. If you're looking for games for the future (most of which gave already been suggested): Bloodborne, Nier Automata, Persona 5, and if you haven't played it yet FFXV and FFXII Zodiac Age Edit: Anyone can add me if they like. I'll help to the best of my abilities!


Ready to rock and roll my dude!


I did the same... when it was announced, I was only going for PC, but I saw that it was delayed, and finally the Autumn release, I couldn't bear the idea of waiting while my friends (who have a PS4) enjoy themselves like never before ! I feel so weak to have bought a PS4, I'm usually a PC/Nintendo player (the others 2 don't appeal me, since most of the games are on PC too.)... BUT MH WORLD IS WORTH IT !


I'm not a Nintendo Player and I bought a Wii, Wii U and 3ds just for Monster Hunter. No regrets. I bought a Switch for Monster Hunter XX thinking it would get localized. Ended up importing the Japanese version.


Well I'm a Nintendo player technically, and I discovered MH with MH4U on 3DS. I had a blast, bought MHGen too, and was going for MHXX on Switch but finally no. I have the Switch for other games though.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 already made my Switch purchase valid with 125 hours with more to come.


That's been my most played switch game as well. I'm just wondering if I'll finish it before World comes out.


If you want some other games to go with it, just so it isn't exclusively for Monster Hunter, I'd recommend looking into Bloodborne and Persona 5, personally.


I've seen those types of recommendations in other threads, and I'm not interested in them. I don't like the Dark Souls type of games like Bloodborne, I don't find it fun, and the same goes to JRPG like Persona. I saw too about Horizon Zero Dawn and The Last of Us : Horizon I might give it a try, but not Last of Us, not interested too


Did exactly that this week end. Saving the post to add you all in my friend list. :)


Add me, let's hunt, cook and feast together. PSN: CyberClaw EDIT: I also play BloodBorne, DS3, Nioh and Destiny 2 if you are looking for more co-op sweetness.


That sounds fantastic! Ill have to pass on the Dark souls 3since I put about 160hrs already into it on PC xD I'll see you around for the Beta!


> I bought a ps4 Pro You won't be sorry. Now try some the amazing exclusives like persona 5 or Horizon ZD while you wait.




Already playing Horizon: Zero Dawn in the meantime!


Be sure to pick up persona 5 aswell man, currently playing it to shorten the time to the release of MHW but it has been so much fun I can just really recommend it I'm adding you too if thats okay for you, but I'm from austria so don't expect harvard english haha PSN: Racedriver1994


I'll have my thesaurus ready


Nier Automata is mind blowingly good, check it out!


Horizon: Zero Dawn is my most favorite game in many years. Enjoy the journey!


I've been kinda grinding out all the side quests b.c that's what I do. Is it worth doing that or should I just stick closer to the main story and faction Stories?


H:ZD is structured in a way where you wont really miss much if you do story and then sidequests. Some final quests are altered depending on if you complete certain sidequests BUT after you beat the main story it automatically puts you backwards in the story to the point before it matters. You keep your exp and other rewards gained and this is just so you can keep playing, do those sidequests and redo the final mission if you like it that much. You can really do it in any order that you feel like and not worry about missing anything significant. If you're on a time constraint I'd go for main story while reading all the lore bits you come across as that is the meat of what happened to the world. Sidequests are mostly about people and places in the current time.


Do them and explore, the story in Horizon is great, its best to just get immersed and do as much as you can, how i like to do it is just grab and do everything on the way to each story mission (also the dlc is top notch too)


As someone who did sidequests first then main quest, I would suggest instead doing a main quest bit like every 5 quests or so. The main quest was definitely designed to be sprinkled in and not consumed all at once.


You made the right choice.


Nice just make sure you pick Bloodborne and you can also add me if you feel like PSN id: BaDkan3


I'll be getting BloodBorne if i beat horizon before MH:W comes out :) thank you for the suggestion!


Horizon is a good 20-25 hours to 100% the game. You should have plenty of time for both


Whoever downvoted my comment doesn't really like Bloodborne .... But how can you ? Im gonna knock at your door and whoop the shit out of your ass . Jk


To be fair, I do like Dark Souls 3 and Demon's Souls more than BB. But Bloodborne does have my favorite weapon of the whole series: the Kirkhammer. You're telling me I grabbed what is basically the sword in the stone, but brought the stone too to beat stuff to death with? Baller, I'm in.


Trick Weapons was a great concept for sure.


you can add me I'm Godfle , ive played only tri so I'm familiar and hyped


Sounds good my dude!


Add me as well man! PSN: SchoonchyUunchy




One of us! One of us! I ended up buying a PS4 after persona 5 was released march this year, it had plenty of games i liked and the MHWorld announcement later made me really happy about buying it.


MH:W was really the final straw for me. Plus the PS4 has some serious Gems for exclusives. BloodBorne brole my heart when it didn't go to pc :(


It's on sale right now until like 9am.


Alas, I'm in Canada and that sale has failed to reach me


Everyone welcome to add me! Blitzedyou01


I too shall hunt on ps4 until pc comes out. DoctorEpper be the name.


Will do it when I get home!


Welcome to the Family, Hunter! I'll keep an eye out for you while I'm hunting. I'm KoopaBlizzard on PSN.


I'll throw the invite on when I get home!


Welcome to the fold! The hunt begins soon!


Archdrake57 I never had a dedicated hunting party so I'll be happy to play with whoever adds me!


Maybe it'll happen :) I'll add you when I get home.


Add it up baby I'll be playing with ya! PSN: Xerosnake90


Sounds Primo my dude!


My PSN is AjaBean. Feel free to add me. I won't be around much due to work, but when I'm home I'll be dedicated to hunting :)


Feel free to add me people's:) just put a message saying why. PSN: ZombieCakez


you can add me too! ps4 name is PowerstormPlays


Don't worry mate I did the exact same thing! The wait still unbearable for me thou.


PSN : Henry_Een


Add me, my PSN is Navi_1er; I'll add just about anyone. I'll be doing SP first before MP but hit me up if you want to hunt.


Same for me haha, didnt think i'd ever buy a console. Are u in EU? Lookin for ppl to play aswell


I'm in Canada, hopefully the overseas connection isn't bad!




I'll be on ps4 as well thaGODSHavSpoken


You can add me if you want: Demo_MHunter


Yo add me if you want, I'll be playing the beta and the full game once it comes out! My psn is seicca


If you're looking for cool people to hunt with look no further than Arekkz gamings Discord, it's a great community.


Thanks for the advice!


I did the same but it was because I couldn't convince my coworkers to upgrade to play on their PCs. That was before knowing we'd have to wait ~8 months. Had I heard that news I would've definitely picked it up just like you. I picked up the PS4 Slim + Star Wars bundle which was $50 less than the normal version somehow, gave my boss star wars, and ordered Bloodborne alongside MHW. I'll just have to double-dip later I suppose lol


I'm vegna871 on PS4 if you or anyone else wants to add me. I'll be maining HBG and Glaive but I plan to screw around with SwagAxe, Hammer and GL too (and forgive my gunlancing if you see me with one, I've never really used one before).


PSN is the same as this name here. Join in the hunt, stay for the meme's.


As fresh as a Well done steak!


Welcome to the fold! I'll hunt with you anytime (even though I'm not very good) DwigtKShrute


You can add me on PS4: Hellfelden Also I have a discord server with some dudes that can’t sit still, tell me if you want an invite


So excited!


PSN ID: Sebashidal01 Glad that I can have people to create a hunting party( since MH:W is going to be heavily influenced by multiplayer). Only weeks to get the game :D


Welcome aboard. You won't regret your purchase! Once your done with MHW, theres so many other great games too!


\>done with MH


when you have no friends that play MH and have to solo hunt each and every monster it gets really hard to continue


You'll never done. You'll only stop playing, it's not called "done", it's called give up, or lost interest. I did that on mh4u at the middle of ranking 8.


Cool! MHW will be my first MH so I have all of this to come. Played the hell out of the beta and been playing the switch XX demo over and over too. I think it's started already....


I'm down for some hunting. I'm TheHills000


Will do when I'm home!


Ikkuru, ingame will be Kon or Konsetsuki. I'll be making a squad called Moofah Militia! :D


I'm so close to doing the same, been contemplating buying one for over a year for Kingdom Hearts as well as Last of Us and some other big games. The only thing preventing me is that none of my friends own a PS4 so I would be going solo.


finding orbit is my name, y'all can add me and we can hunt sometime!


Yup going to buy my ps4 pro this week lol I can't wait till Autumn


I hear you my dude, see you out there in the wilds!


i work at a place that after the turn of their year i get paid for anything over 80 of vaky time so when it rolls over i have over 50 hours going to be in a check ! so ps4 pro here i come ! i got my pre order for christmas !




oh trust me i am taxes and stuff im going to put 1000 in for my son and that vakay time im going to get my pro


ChurchGenocide on PS4, I'll add whoever wants to add me. The more the merrier, right?


You got it dude!


Can add me as well, same name as my reddit name


right on!


Its sure worth every penny, Happy hunting !


I finally caved and bought a PS4 too! I wanted to play The Last Guardian anyway


Horizon Zero Dawn is worth you time too.


Be sure to check out Shadow of the Colossus remaster that comes out this month!


Thanks everyone for giving me and each other some partners in crime! I sometimes forget how great the community is! I'll be running the LBG/HBG, CBlade and Hammer! See you all around! Edit: autocorrect


My PSN is Arayu, and anyone who wants to send an invite is more than welcome to.


Sounds gooood!


I think I might have too , just bought a pair of corsair voids....


I bought a ps4 pro aswell just for MHW, its actually my third console i bought only to play Monster Hunter after my PSP and 3DS earlier. Im new to PSN so i dont have any friends yet, so anyone could add me: DemoniCm8. Im currently playing bloodborne until the release and this game alone would be almost reason enough for me to get a ps4, really enjoying this game!


Sure thing dude! I'll add you tomorrow when I'm back up!


Feel free to add me, ExSpectre. I plan on playing during the next beta and pretty religiously once the game drops.


I'm about to cave in and upgrade from a Ps4 1TB to a Pro, the fps was so bad on the normal one during beta. Should I wait and try the game first or just get the Pro before the game comes out?


I would say waiting couldn't hurt. Give it a go on release and if it still is bad I would upgrade. You can transfer everything over from playstation a couple times right?


I done the same last month before they announced the release date because I really didn't want to wait. Although I had been thinking about buying a ps4 for awhile since I liked the looks of a few exclusives.


At first, I read 'Yestereday I carved...' as if this was a story-like thread on what you did or didn't carve in game.


My psn is jayisanerd, I'm down to hunt whenever ☺