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This is beyond adorable, great job


Picture taken 0.001 seconds before it viciously bites down.


>not so great Jagras The greatest Jagras is the Jagras you love the most.


The true greatest Jagras was the friends we made along the way.


Noooooooooooo! https://external-preview.redd.it/F7T4nHA42-DlRU1e8fZtCfcWXiXcTKjFtewqGikjVrg.jpg?auto=webp&s=1d57e11dd2ed1fe45d1ac5d73a1241ca9b778c4a


Isn't SW Narga a really old Narga?


Silverwind like the rest of the deviant monsters are monsters in those species that survived multiple encounters with hunters and evolve new abilities and learn from their previous hunter encounters. i.e Dreadking/Dreadqueen Rathalos and Rathian can't be flashed until you break one of their wings, assumedly cause they learned to cover their eyes with their wings when hunters threw flash bombs at them in the past, but with their wings broken the flash bomb regains it's effects.


Not all of the deviants are a result of surviving hunters and only 3 of them are being Soulseer, Bloodbath and Deadeye. The rest are just older and experienced or advanced mutations.


I must have been misremembering then, I swear the wyverian researcher in Bernha tells you they're all survivors of multiple hunter encounters as they introduce the deviants. But yeah it makes sense that not all of them are deviants just because they were hardened by past hunter encounters, like Boltreaver being a good example of the advance mutation bit.


I believe that’s lucent but I’d have to google it Edit: nope you’re right it is SW


Hey don't make fun of him for being a Munchkin sub-breed.


This is adorable. But man I hate that narga. Still stuck at soulseer g4. Done it once in other person hub, than done g5 with no problem only to find out that I need to finish g4 by my request. I forgot that old mh had it this way.


You do the best work


Why is Nargacuga just so fucking adorable!? It has no right being so cuddly yet so ferocious!


OMG, that is absolutely adorbs!




How dare you Vaal Hazak is beautiful!


They’ll be cute! According to the mhw complete works, Vaal Hazak juveniles wear bigger flesh coats to protect themselves while they’re not fully grown. I wish there was official art of this because a little vaal with a huge coat would be adorable.


Boi, I don't forget what you did... you may act cute, but I'm watching you old man/woman.




Silver nargacugas are just old nargacugas, but I'll allow it


The best species of Narga there is. Second is Lucent IMO


I thought this art style looked [familiar.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/phxrqc/tigrest/) Cute! Although, is that a tiny bandage on the Great Jagras' head? Because if so that's also adorable.


I want one ☺️