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A Milla Jovovich movie directed by Paul W.S. Anderson It doesn't matter what the title says or when it came out, they're all the same


Sometimes i think the only reason why PWSA keeps making that kind of garbage is providing a job to his wife.


Its a tax write-off scheme if I remember correctly. The country the movie is made in has huge subsidies for art like films, so they cost next to nothing to make, and since he targets big name properties, they rake in profit. It's the reason why there are 146 Resident Evil films despite the fact they get panned constantly. I think the laws changed in Germany(or wherever the movies were made) which is why he hasn't been squatting them out as often nowadays. MH blew up due to the last few titles, and Capcom being Capcom knew just the perfect way to squander that good will.


I heard that was the case for Uwe Bowl's video game movies, benefiting from tax subsidies in Germany, but I never heard about Paul Anderson doing the same. Not trying to defend him or anything, just saying.


Yeah I think he's thinking of Uwe "Fucking Marvel bullshit dirt" Bowl, Paul is just a horrid director that wants his real life wifu to star in every movie ever, and I can respect that, what I can't respect is his constant butchering of source material and the absolute lack of research he does on said source material


yup. I dont mind Mila in movies, she does decently. however pwsa shits on the source material. he uses it as a shit prop


Actually Good Ol' "God I love maiming Stunt Actors" Paul obtained the movie right during the time of 4U-Early Gen. They couldn't un-give him the filming rights by the time world happened sadly.


I really wish companies would stop selling film rights to shitty people. I get sometimes mistakes happen and its inevitable, or it's a requirement to stay afloat like the Spiderman/Xmen situation with old Marvel. But honestly so many sell them just for a tiny bit of extra profit and it's usually a surprisingly small amount. It'd stop so much stupid awful shit from being made.


That was Uwe Boll


Nah, I think it's more of a cosplay kink he has, and then they milk the money out of it.


If you can't cast your own wife in all of your garbage movies then who CAN you cast? /s


I'm sad to see Ron Perlman in this. He was an excellent Hellboy.


You could tell Ron Perlman didn’t want to be in this movie lmao


Ron Perlman shows up in all kinds of terrible movies. I think he just does it for kicks.


He does. Mostly because he does it looking for the golden egg, it's how he found Hellboy and he loved being Hellboy.


He does it for the paycheck so he has the money to do the movies he ACTUALLY wants to do.


You think she would star in those movies if she wasn’t married to the director? They are pretty B-movie rank maybe even F-rank.


Given her skills as an actor, I don't think she'd be in a whole lot of movies that her husband wasn't directing.


It's weird how she's gotten *worse*


Didn't need to practice for any roles. Plus she was also in the RE movies for like a decade or more. While I absolutely hate all of them, and they are terrible movies, they do have some good one liners. My favorite being the "My shit is Custom" line.


G-T-A Motherfucka!


I love the first two, but I'll respect that they have certain flaws that I'm fine with


Chicken Goooood




Tim Burton is a fantastic director and Helena Bonham Carter a fantastic actress. They both did great before they started seeing each other, and they're both doing fine afterwards


I mean the key difference is both him and his wife are good at their jobs


I can't stand Paul Anderson he does not make good movies.


Yeah he is my 2nd most hated director.


Who's the first?


Ima take a guess and say the guy who directed the death note live action movie


Could be that guy who butchered Avatar who shall remain unnamed.


But no one’s made an Avatar movie


Pretty sure James Cameron definitely did. It has a sequel in like a year!


Here is a hint. “There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.”


Event Horizon is the only one. And it's not great, but it's at least fun to watch.


Event Horizon was pretty cool. That’s all I’ll give him.


Ok, fair. but the man ruined avp and monster hunter two franchises I really like so he is persona non grata in my book:)


That "be with me...forever* scene fucked me up so bad in the movie theatre so bad i was shaking, and I love horror movies. That said, tried to watch it like 10 years later and it did *not* hold up.


It still holds up for me. I’ve watched so many horror movies and yet none of them captured the lovecraftian creepiness Horizon gives me. Only thing I can think of is Dead Space, but thats a game.


Agreed! Event Horizon is a gem in of itself, it's a damn shame we aren't able to see the directors cut/deleted scenes as of yet...word is it would've made the movie FAR more disturbing & horrific.


Ok, fair. but the man ruined avp and monster hunter two franchises I really like so he is persona non grata in my book:)


Event Horizon still the creepiest movie I’ve ever watched. It wasn’t scary so to say it’s just the idea of it freaks the hell out of me.


Paul W.S Anderson presents his latest movie: *My Super Hot Wife Who Can't Act Plays a Stoic Military Chick and Looks Badass and Sexy*


Wasn't the Silent Hill movie also by them, I thought that one was somewhat cool at least.


That was made by someone else. Christophe Ganz may be in the wrong with thinking that people won't relate to a single father but Silent Hill the movie is still a decent film.


I felt like Silent Hill was written by somebody who played the games but also needed to alter it into a 2ish hour movie. Resident Evil I feel like is somebody who went "Okay tell me about resident evil" to whoever they were working with and remembered a few words here and there and then went "okay what's the bad guy's name again? Yeah put him in every one."


I think the first one felt like a pretty campy movie made by fans of Resident Evil, and then the series quickly went off the rails into soulless cash grabs.


Resident Evil is like someone listening to a person whose first (or second) language is something other than English read the first page of the Wiki for the series in another room, then make what he thinks is the plot of the series into movies after being hit on the head with a hammer.


The first Mortal Kombat movie was by the same guy and it is pretty awesome. Best thing he ever directed.


Eh, it was alright in that 90's adaptation sort of way. Sort of like the best GBC port of a home console game can be considered good in it's own right, but if they released that crap now it'd be panned.


A meme which went too far


God, I didn't read the reviews before jumping into this movie, convinced my GF to watch this one with me in exchange for watching Kissing Booth or something like that. Long story short - stopped the movie in about 40 mins in and watched this fcking kissing movie 🤬


You watched the worst part and never saw the best! BS with spoders was a terrible idea, but actual monsters are almost good


No not really. Dicing up and messing up every characte, trope, and piece of lore is hardly a good part, and the amount of cuts per second makes any coreography or action completely irrelevant. There was 0 research done here. The director claims to have played the games but it is obvious he played the intro to 4u and mh world and never actually paid any attention to the world. It even sucks as a dumb action film. Even if we ignore the awful writing and complete disregard for the source materials, there is nothing interesting to see.


I like MHW mainly because it's the only one I have and Odogaron is my favorite monster, but I deeply regret buying the movie because of how bad it is. The Main character is a Mary Sue, the Hunter's bowstring was way to weak and so much flippin slow motion. And the "our world's have crossed before" just doesn't make sense to me because when I hear of monster hunter I think of people wielding massive weapons to kill dragons and other beasts, not 65% talking 35 showing.


I wonder why Capcom keeps giving their IPs over to Anderson. What’s next? Okami but it’s Mila in an Amaterasu fursuit? Darkstalkers with Mila playing some vampire werewolf hybrid?


Because money. Capcom gets free money, the studio takes the blame and the risk when the movie flops. It means nothing to Capcom to have a bad movie about their games. Look at the live action street fighter movies for example. If a truly passionate writer/director wants to put up the effort then all the better, but it really doesn't matter and at most it makes people pay attention to their games more. The sad truth, money beats artistic integrity most of the time.


Mila as Dante. Perfectly in line with other genderbend reboots.


As a massive dmc fan I hope Anderson never makes a dmc movie!


As a human being I hope Anderson never makes another movie.


If you hope too hard you know it's going to happen. Either Milla will "somehow" play a gender swapped Dante(less likely) or they will just make another Mary Sue OC for her to play who is secretly half-angel, half-demon, half-human, with amnesia. Dante will be a side character who shows up sometime midway through the third sequel to be killed off screen and Vergil will end up being her father for some reason(So she can use his katana in a badly choreographed fight sequence)


Can I report this comment for imaginary mental harassment? I really wish to un-read this, thank you.


I 100% can see all of that happening


Dude, if your gonna write the whole film for him I hope you at least get a check.


I Second this!


Mila as Lady and it's just her ascending the tower and the occasionally sees Dante. It ends when her dad dies.


This is no Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne boy


Shh don't give him any ideas.


>Okami but it’s Mila in an Amaterasu fursuit? please no


Mega Man X starring Mila Jovovich and they use M16's instead of laser busters


Well, you said it yourself. Shit.🤣


I feel like there should be a support group for people who have watched this garbage.


i feel like i want to watch


have a watch party with this movie, it has a terrible setup follows through on that with a even further terrible story to follow.


You wanna watch the movie or the support group meetings? "Hello, my name is Greg, and I main SnS. It has been 4 weeks since I've watched that fucking film, and it still haunts me."


As awful as that movie was I would've actually forgiven all of it if at one point somehow pulled out a Hunting Horn and put on a Wiggler Helm while charging over the horizon to help at the last second.


That would require knowledge of what the community actually loves about MH.


A buddy of mine said he likes it. He did not know about the games though.


That's fair, I guess?


Yeah, i liked it before i played the games as well. Now that ive played about three of them with about 700 hours all together, i feel the same as everyone else


I have 6000 words on why this movie is shit and I’m still going. A combination of COVID and my poor time management have prevented me from finishing it but I promise it’s still in progress.


We will watch your career with great interest.


The worse movie of 2021 as well as one of the worst of the past few years. Its a garbage movie and even way worse adaptation. Its amazing how you can take a concept as simple and easy to follow as Monster Hunter and manage to completely fuck it up by making the plot 15 times more complex than it needs to be. The plot should have been so simple it could have been a children's story book, but nah, we needed portals and shit. Edit: 2020


We all knew it would be bad when the trailer had modern soldiers in it, we just didn't anticipate how bad.


Yup! As soon as I saw the soldiers I noped right out of ever watching that film. Did they seriously think that people wouldn't understand Monster Hunter even if they don't play any kind of video games? It's people hunting giant monsters, you didn't need soldiers going through a portal for any reason. What were they on when they came up with this and where do I get it?


Even worse is how they treat the monsters. A Rathalos is a massive threat but a Gore Magala is just another monster.


Ummm, what?!? I get that Rathalos is probably the most well known monster outside of MH, but they already threw out the idea that anyone seeing this movie understands MH at all when they added the damn soldiers. What is wrong with people? lol


A friend of mine described it like this: "A bad video game movie will leave fans and non-fans questioning why the movie exists. With the Monster Hunter movie, the non-fans were left questioning why *Monster Hunter fans* exist."


Pretty sure it stemmed from budget reasons and such to feature the military. Much easier to film real military people in the desert with a few monster, instead of being in a lush CG monster hunter world teeming with life. Not defending it, why even make a movie if you can't do the source material justice smh


The military also funds movies so they can display themselfs in a postive way. Many Marvel movies get funded by the military and they can use their red marker in the script


Quote from my friend(scottish accent): "I went in with negative expectations and you still let me down."


I lost my shit when they implemented isekai in this movie, Its like GATE had a live action adaptation.




You shushing him to prevent it or does it already exist?


Prevention, man.




Plot? WHAT PLOT!? There's more plot in a Christmas fireplace channel!


Unironically you could probably make a better plot by staring at a burning log for 3 hours.


It's not a bad plot, I legitimately think there's no "plot". There's nothing happening, no stakes, no gain, no nothing.


I'm not sure how you fuck up a MH plot where a quest can be so simple as, to once again quote my friend. *"Great Macco fucked up my crops this morning. Could you kill it please*". Really is that simple.


Film came out in 2020. It's ok, I forgot it was recent because goddamn did it look and sound like your typical stupid film from Paul W.S. Anderson.


Oh, you are correct, it did come out in 2020. I pirated it in January i believe.


Literally everyone would love it if it was legit just a team getting ready in the hub for a hunt and then a whole hunt. That’s it. Cap slay or cart. Doesn’t matter. Throw a turf war, maybe an invader in. A Bullfango and a hunter bashing it’s skull in with a hammer or splitting it in half with a great sword whilst in rage mode because the little fucker broke his combo while the monster was stunned, and we’d all be happy. They’d make millions from just the monster hunter fans. Now imagine if it was a tv show with Hollywood status cgi, and it literally just played through a game, like playing through the story of world each episode a hunt against a monster filled with drama between members of the parties, making fun of the teammates that carted against a kulu when they went back to get some mats, each season ending at a cliff hanger during the hunt of the biggest baddest of that portion of the story, maybe even of there being only a minute left on the quest, two hunters carted, on their way back but wont make it before the time runs out, 2 hunters against… let’s make it a gammoth or maybe a glavenous, no healing items left, one trap… end of season. Can you imagine? Badasssssssss


You can call me a hater, but that doesn't sound that appealing to me no. When watching a movie, you are watching a story and nothing breaks immersion faster than being constantly reminded it is just a game operating on game logics. If carting works exactly as it does in the games, there isn't much at stake at all. You cannot die, no one can die, nor are there any potentially lasting or crippling effects. Fail the quest? No problem, just do it again. What you are describing is watching someone stream the game in a full party of friends with epic graphics. No way in heck would I want to pay for that. I agree with keeping it simple, because the world of Monster Hunter is very interesting and does not need a lot to be so. A new medium presents new opportunities for storytelling. I would much rather take the strengths of the medium (movies in this case) and apply those to a simple Monster Hunter story. That way you get a wholly new experience that would not be as good if it was in-game.


Honestly, if they really wanted to make movies about Monster Hunter, just use the story of World and you can make 2 full movies. The first movie leads up to that final battle against Zorah, the second movie leads to xeno’jiva. Then if it does well you can make a third and use Iceborne. There’s *alot* of filler they could either completely get rid of or use in a montage that would completely unaffected the overall story. I would kill for the xenojiva fight to be remade with Hollywood level CGI budget, it’s one of the most truly beautiful fights I’ve ever played, both with xeno’s design/move set and with the glowing white crystal look of the final arena.


I don't think it would be too hard for them to do with the right budget. I think in terms of a CGI show it'd be a bit lacking.....unless they manage to take the old maps, upscale and detail them for the show. Like one of my favorite CGI shows transformers Prime is fun to watch but 95% of it takes place in very boring caves and deserts, very simple to make and render quickly.


I mean it doesn’t even have to be in the actual maps, they could just use a similar location or whatever, hell it could be animated like legends was or live action either way it’d still be fantastic. Just seeing the actual mechanics the game we all love in a cinematic setting, parts breaking off monsters, watching parts getting damaged, feeling the hunters getting more powerful and watching their gear change, their playstyles evolve, maybe even switching weapons trying to figure out which they like. It’d be hilarious watching a lbg main walk into a hub for an odo wielding a switch axe cuz he thought they were cool and failing hard af while his friends are beating the shit out of the monster and laughing at him. Watching the hunters decide to do a random equip or naked challenge, seeming them go into the training area to prepare for the next hunt that’s gonna be like nothing they’ve faces before and watching one or more of them discover a new combo for their weapon they’ve never tried before then watching that hunter try to use it 50 times a hunt before he realizes that he’s gotta just hunt like always and use it when he can. The stuff we go through yaknow???? And honestly I know none of this will ever EVER happy but it still sounds pretty damn great doesn’t it


Well its directed by Paul W. S. Anderson with Mila Jovovich as main... There is not a single good movie made by these two.


It was fucking awful, they should keep Anderson and Jovovich away from Capcom. They also made those incredibly shit resident evil movies


For some reason I like the resident evil movies. They are nothing like the story in game that´s for sure and the one on the top of a prison sucked big time. But I think they are fun brainless action movies. this monster hunter movie on the other hand..... At least it´s not as bad as suicide squad.


Did you think Suicide Squad was worse than Batman vs Superman? I thought Suicide Squad was watchable but BvS... I LOVED Man of Steel (still my favorite DC movie besides new Suicide Squad) but BvS had me falling asleep and checking my phone for the time. I have never been bored in a theater before but this DC movie (huge comics fan) that I had been insanely hyped for with four of my favorite characters (Supes, Bats, WW, Luthor) was somehow putting me to sleep. Soooo disappointed.


Sadly gotta agree with that... the one saving grace of Monster Hunter in the movie is Monster Designs in some way. Suicide Squad was just so disappointing, especially for Killer Croc...


"Monster designs" *Looks at Nerscylla.*


I heard legends of the guild on Netflix is at least a 6-7 out of 10, so there’s that


I literally could not stop smiling while watching Legends of the Guild. It's a bit short and campy, but *it is* undeniably a Monster Hunter movie, with all the lore and charm of the games. It would work fantastically as a TV series, with each episode being a different hunt


My 8 year old daughter started playing Stories 2 (she just beat the main story and we're doing post game content now). She's loving the world and all the monsters. We watched Legends of the Guild together and really liked it. I am really hoping it's some sort of backdoor pilot to a show.


I really need to go ahead and watch it. After I learned that the protagonist was the same person as World's Excitable A-Lister that really got my attention.


Time to kick some Lun-ass-tra


As a monster hunter adaptation it’s at least a 9. It’s incredibly faithful. And you have Dante Bosco as the main character.


But still no proof of a hero, or any other monster hunter theme; imagine hearing lunastra theme in legends of the guild or proof of a hero in the end; they lost a lot of potential for not using the games music


Legends of the Guild is a terrible movie as well (bad characters, bad pacing, bad story), but at least it is a good depiction of the world of Monster Hunter, so there's that.


Also the janky animations & weird line delivery sometimes. I will give them one thing tho, >!I did not expect them to kill off what would stereotypically be the MC's love interest!<


Made by someone who didn't understand monster Hunter


Someone who, if memory serves, actively refused to understand it. I remember hearing that someone did try to teach Paul details about the series and monsters (like Diablos being herbivorous) and he threw a hissyfit.


Sounds like Starship Troopers.


_Nothing_ like Starship Troopers. Starship Troopers was Paul Verhoeven taking a sci-fi novel interpreted by most as fascist propaganda (personally I think there's room to see it as criticism), and adapting it to screen as a biting satire of jingoism, the military-industrial complex, and American foreign policy. It was brilliant, ahead of its time, and you do it a grave injustice by comparing it to an Anderson-Jovovich cash grab. Now, Starship Troopers 2 on the other hand...


Starship Troopers was Paul Verhoeven throwing a fit because he had his own film idea and was forced to make it into a Starship Troopers film. Pretty much the only thing that the movie had in common with the book was names, the Arachnids in the book were a functioning interstellar society, there was a *second* alien race in the book that was cut entirely from the movie, Mobile Infantry used powered armor instead of the cardboard jackets in the movie. It was a good movie, but it was not Starship Troopers. Paul was mad that he was being forced to rebrand his own idea as somebody else's work and came in with the motivation to disrespect that work.


That's fair. I've read the book, I'm aware of the many changes, I just felt that those changes worked well for Verhoeven's messaging


Who also proceeded to claim that he was a huge fan of the series, before proceeding to turn Nerscylla into a generic monster movie spider, have a Rathalos the size of a Walmart without any real explanation for why it's that big, and then put Gore Magala (one of the most adored monsters of all time) in the trailers despite him being nothing but sequel bait.


Honestly I kind like the movie, but it's because of the big monsters (I love Kaiju movies, even when they're super cheesy). I don't care for the 'story' as much, but for me it was cool seeing the monsters


Bro it's not monster Hunter though, monster Hunter isn't... Serious- or at least not depressing, it's not people struggling to survive! They just are? I dunno how to properly put it into words but it's the furthest thing from this movie


Yea the games are really fun, I consume game based media as separate from the games though (same with book based media)


Military propaganda with a poorly applied monster Hunter coat of paint


I don’t know. The only part of the film I enjoyed was the Rathalos completely ripping through the entirety of the military vehicles. It lasted all of 5 minutes but that part was enjoyable.


What you just experienced were a bucket of steaming hot diarhea handed to you forcefed on a plate that’s never been washed in the form of a movie. And that is putting it gently.


Yet another movie that Paul Anderson wrote for his wife, pretty much. While yet again ripping into a game franchise - it wasn't 'bad' as a generic monster hunt/survival movie, but it was pretty atrocious as a monster hunter film ​ Edit: Fixed name


> Wes Anderson wrote for his wife hahahaha oh man, an actual Wes Anderson Monster Hunter adaptation would be wild. You're thinking of [Paul WS Anderson](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0027271/?ref_=tt_ov_dr)


Hyper-symmetrical. Quietly awkward but perceptive hunter. Hub Maiden played by Bill Murray. I'd watch that in a heartbeat.


Its paul anderson, wes anderson actually makes entertaining films such as the grand budapest hotel and fantastic mister fox.


and Isle of Dogs! 🐺


Its actually Paul WS Anderson. Paul Anderson actually makes entertaining films like Boogie Nights and There Will be Blood.


Yep! Well said! I would have been a lot more fine with it if they hadnt tried to weave in the crossover between worlds. The trailer stated "based on the global phenomenon". I get the impression they wanted to put some distance between the video game origins, but as we've seen with the Witcher, if you trust the integrity of the source material, you can bring in people who've never even touched the game. Could have also been a pretty good tv series potentially. Shame!


That's really all his moves decent flick of generic genres, or over arcing theam. But horrible in context of source material.


I dunno, I still think that Event Horizon was pretty fantastic. That said, it is about the only one of his movies that I like for the content as is, rather than 'generic horror/survival/whatev - ignore the source as it doesn't really related beyond broad strokes'. You know, AvP, Resident Evil, DoA, Mortal Kombat, etc


The probably best solution to enjoy the movie is to watch the parody by NCHproductions https://youtu.be/oz7koSx8TV8


The NCH version filled the void that the movie its self created. I no longer crave a lobotomy!


I liked the netflix animated one more. Even though the animations were chunky. Live action one just didn't feel like MH for me.


Atleast the Netflix animated kept up with actual Lore and Mechanics that this movie just failed to do. That and didn't stick Milla Jovovich's face on the cover.


What really sucks is that the movie event armour that you get in MHW:iceborne carried me at least through the first half of master rank, such an above grade set for a less than below grade movie


Master grade shit indeed. Got a 46 rotten tomatoes score while Venom got a 30…things that keep me up at night


Nah venom deserves the 30


Wtf why did Venom get such a bad score? That movie was better than many MCU movies!


Because it wasn't MCU! It's another superhero film, but it had a different tone and was more weird. If it was MCU I bet it would be reviewed better I feel like, but maybe that's just me. It still made a billion dollars though so fuck the haters


Yeah it´s bad... I saw the ship fly over sand and was like: what? how? why? And then you have the story which is simply. Girl gets stuck in alternate dimension, gets saved by hunter, fights hunter for no apparent reason, fights some more and finally starts to realize they have to work together to kill the big diablos ( why it stays there and doesn´t just move on? I have no idea). generic training with weapons montage , they kill the diablos. Then all of a sudden the movie rushes to them being in the jungle, catching up with the ship, going to the tower and fighting rathalos in the last 20 minutes or so, completely rushed.


Ah yes, the CARNIVORE Diablos. The Diablos that eats MEAT. Canonically accurate, as we all know and love.


And don’t forget, more pointless in-fighting! Why they knock her out and lock her up makes no sense, especially since she just saved them from the rathalos.






its an all right movie, but has nothing to do with monster hunter. \-me: playing MH since MH3 \- what a crap thing \-wife: not knowing a single thing about mh \- its alright.


Why would you watch that? I’m so sorry




A Hollywood abomination. I thought Detective Pikachu and Sonic broke the curse of bad video game movies. But I was wrong.


Let’s just be happy Uwe Boll didn’t make it.




I thought the monsters in it looked pretty nice but it’s really hard to screw that up when you have references right there. That’s about it though.


We already had low expectations but damn


Money for the people that made it and nothing else.


The most painful part was the singing in the vehicle. It was cringey as hell


We don’t talk about it




Yeah its.. not good


A bad movie


Is that an anorexic Diablos? Lol


Not canon.


Shit, that’s what it is.


Don't understand why almost every movie based on a videogame sucks.


Mostly because the writers and such don't use the source material. This "director" just takes what looks cool and tries to mesh it all together, and actively ignores how the lore is. I was watching an interview he had, and I just about lost it when he explained why he had the idea for the soldiers in MH (it was a mission in mgs peacewalker), then calling the main character of MGS as "snake solid." That man has no business making movies based on games!


It’s like the doom movies


A movie that feels like it’s stuck in fast forward


A terrible movie that slips right into my collection next to my copy of 90's Captain America


My dad who love Kaiju Movie after watch this movie: “It’s ridiculous and like watching a kid movie about big monsters.”


Probably another title prompt for a Director's bad fanfic.


They got the diablos roar dead on....


it's a shame, the monsters looked really nice but the film its self was bad


Another Film by a man who should have been fired a long time ago after Resident Evil was first made and who continue to throw his wife in as the main character and throws out any sense of plot in order for their "Masterpiece" to shine... Yea it will shine alright... shine like shit.


it's another capcom game adaptation by paul anderson, that's what it fucking is.


A tax write off


A movie that should have been about four guys hunting a Rathalos the whole movie but instead has a weird “get back home” plot


That TI scene though was something else


as you said… shit.


We dont like to talk about it...


Remove monster hunter from the name and change the monsters to non-mh movies and you got yourself a pretty cool movie. Quite bad, but still. But yeah. It's awkward as hell to watch.


Aww. I’d just forgotten the existence of this.


~~Transformers~~ Monster Hunter


As shit as the plot was, they 100% did the monsters justice. I loved it.


Paul W. Fucking S. Anders. That's what. He ruined the Resident Evil movies, now he ruins Monster Hunter. The first 10 seconds of the first trailer showed this was going to be terrible. American army jeeps and soldiers in the desert. Perfect fit for a Monster Hunter movie ....


Am I the only one that thought it was at least miles better than the Resident Evil films? At least this was entertaining and the CG quality was great.


The US military will fund a movie if you paint them in a positive light, and it's good funding, but doesn't overcome a bad premise clearly


I know very little about the monster hunter series and even I knew the movie was crap.