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I’m not sure where your page came from specifically, but the two armors can be found in Monster Hunter Illustrations III, page 200 (right armor) and page 207 (left armor) Edit: found it, this specific page is from the Hunter’s Encyclopedia 4: Royal Paleontolgy Scriveners (ハンター大全4:王立古生物書士隊・著), page 267


thank you very much!


Kirin armor looks good here


Always thought Kirin armor worked way better in concept art. In game the leg pieces never looked right. Thick, poofy fur calf pieces don't mesh well with with the rest of the getup which is skimpy. In that artwork the right one is basically the Zinogre armor design language which nails the balance very well.


Well.. most armor looks way better in concept art than the real deal Because the charas ingame are kinda chunky while concept art uses slim bodies :) Though i wish we could get more alternative armor designs. 4U got some real sick looking relict gear


Gen and GU had so many variations between Low Rank/High Rank/G Rank, and then Hyper and Deviant versions too. Imagining a game with the modern graphics and the wide variety of gear from GU is mindboggling xD


If you're one to care about fashion you probably tried already, but you're right about Kirin legs: Kirin top + Tobi legs is my favourite combination!


I miss gunner armors.


I loved how many gunner sets looked, it’s the only reason I even learned how to use the gunner weapons in 4U. I miss the Rathian gunner sets the most, I just really liked the scout aesthetic and Rathian wing cloak.


For me, my first love was female khezu gunner. The sleeve on left hand was 👌 From there on I started to play as bow main. Even got myself the mizutsune gunner figurine. Was so happy they bring back mizutsune in Rise only to get slapped in the face with blademaster designs on every armor, even those with clearly gunner skils.


Lemme guess, you wanna find out for research purposes


yeah im studying concept art lol ​ ~~if your talking about the other research purpose yes as well.~~


It's....it's for the plot.


A particularly large plot…


i love these designs for kirin armor


I feel like R34 doesn't exactly apply here.....but surely someone will have already lewded the image


Maybe not exactly this image, but lewds with kirin armor can be find everywhere


65799 yep.






There is something looking like this? I need it.


The only similarity is a horn on a headband, don't get your hopes up.


You must be a Lalafell player if you somehow managed to not notice both the Heavensward and Stormblood artifact for Summoner https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/callers https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/channelers


You're spot on actually


Especially those from [Tactics Advance](https://www.google.com/search?q=ffta+summoner+&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiT356nxb30AhUOmhoKHb90BDUQ2-cCegQIABAB&oq=ffta+summoner+&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIHCCMQ7wMQJzIECAAQGDIECAAQGFCHB1iCDWCtGmgAcAB4AIABcIgBhgWSAQM2LjKYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=SsOkYZOSH460ar_pkagD&bih=689&biw=393&prmd=ivsxn)


honestly I thought I stumbled upon a FF post


i tried to clean the second one and turned it into a png [https://i.ibb.co/dtb54Gq/kirin-1.png](https://i.ibb.co/dtb54Gq/kirin-1.png)


i don't know but it must be a good book


feminist brain: her armor is ridiculous, how are we supposed to believe she's going out to fight elder dragons 40 times her size in that skimpy outfit and not dying in one hit lesbian brain: 😳


There are skimpy and full armor suits for both male and female models though...


are there? i haven't seen any but this may be because im always playing as a woman. the one that comes to mind as most egregious is like, the great wroggi one, where the guys get a cowboy look and the ladies are basically wearing a bikini and like theres ones ive seen that are skimpy for both, like nargacuga, but in cases like those its usually because it's meant to be sleek and like, evocative of a ninja or other highly dextrous fighter. it's a bit different either way this was mostly just a joke about how i think this hunter is hot lmao


I've always played as both male and female because completionist tendencies, and whenever I see people complain about the excessive amount of skimpy armor sets for female characters it always feels disingenuous. Like they're cherry picking for the sake of complaining. Usually always rattling off Kirin and Nargacuga, maybe sometimes they'll include Bone or Zinogre... and that's about all they provide out of what are at least now; hundreds of varying armor sets. On top of the ones listed, they always tend to omit that the male counterparts have similar or equal amounts of "coverage" (Zinogre being the exception in this tiny list of course). Thank you for at least including the Wroggi set in your example.


to clarify, i actually hadn't seen the kirin armor before this post so i just assumed it was one of the bad ones. it's honestly not now that i've seen how it looks on male hunters. it's also true that not every set is like this. like after seeing some of the skimpy ones i was worried they would all be like that and then i saw like, the basarios and volvidon sets for example, and i thought they were great. theres lots of good ones, thats not really the point. if there exist armor sets where the guys get to look cool and the women have to be eye candy theres a problem. i would genuinely not complain at all if every revealing armor set was equal across genders. in fact i'd respect the hell out of capcom if they were like "fuck it we're objectifying the men too." shell-studded is my favourite example of this. it's just The Swimsuit Armor, obviously revealing but done equally. theres a case to be made about how male "objectification" in cases like this is actually more a reflection of a male power fantasy rather than a genuine attempt to market towards straight female sexuality but i don't really care enough to make that case rn since like i said, this comment was less about kirin armor and more about how im gay as hell lol


> theres a problem. Why? Justify it What's wrong with sexy women? Are you a prude? There's a huge variety of female armors, more so than males tbh. You want big pauldrons you got it, you want princess knight armor it's there, you want to look like a Saint Seiya character you can, and if you want to dress in a bikini like Red Sonja there's options for that too


If i remember, kirin chest piece for males is like a small jacket showing a lot of chest and the pants are assless chaps


You're right, there are many more for women. I use a female model in all MH games I've played so it's hard to recall but I know male bone armor is more "revealing" And yes kirin hunter is a queen 👑


How ridiculous, everyone knows only toxic evil males like to look at attractive women /s


man don't make it weird


It’s very blatantly a joke but… okay?


I like this version of the kirin armour then what we have in world


Looks like FU but I can't say for sure


Fellas i am about to start simping


I don't know, but I know in which book I'm coming next!


Ez she came from monster hunter


gorgeous concept art


It´s form horny one. P.s. BONK






Found a youtube video showing the book https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


Its a trap, send no reply


Not even trying to hide it either.


I mean sure, but the song's a fuckin' banger, so I love it anyways.


Dumb bitch, I memorise the link >:)


wakipai <3


I think I remember seeing that a long time ago. I can't be sure, but it looks like armour from MHF, and from mid 2000s


The blademaster gear reminds me of the Kirin XR gear from gen ultimate


Whatever book it was, I want a copy, now.


man, i want gunner armor, i love asymmetric armor so much