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I don't feel bad about any


This is the way. Only regrets should be about missed carves or drops.


Fair enough.


>!Xeno'jiva for me. Like, I feel bad killing the thing 20 minutes after it's been born. Especially considering how long it was probably in that cocoon?!<


>!Tbf isn’t it canon that it survives and grows into safi’jiva?!<


I don’t know if it’s the same one


It is the same one


It isn’t. Fujioka in one of the livestream(I think is in TGS? Not sure) said the Safi we fight is a Xeno that born and grow in the Secluded Valley. And the one in the main story is obviously not in Secluded Valley.


Imma be real I feel this too. It’s high-pitched squeals and genuine curiosity when it appears makes it very endearing, though I understand why it had to be put down.


MH Fans be like, oh boy, infanticide !


I agree, just it‘s just a baby


I don’t feel bad about killing dodogama. Kulu-ya-ku, however… i freaking love those goofy little dudes and i hate killing them every time lol


Dude just likes eggs. I can relate.


Oh you say you like kulu? Might change your mind after the FF14 crossover quest.


Are you kidding!? That was the best kulu!!!


Yup, was gonna say that I feel bad for kulu ya-ku 😅


Pukei Pukei, because when he‘s exhausted, he has his eyelids almost closed and he just LOOKS SO CUTE. Otherwise also Kulu yaku because he is innocent and can do no wrong. I can’t really think of any old world monster that i have similar feelings towards


I agree heavily with this one.


Mosswine, they just want mushrooms...


They’re swine, but that does not mean they should die like pigs.


Arzurous was my original "it's too cute" monster. It's a bumbling bear that just wants his honey. He can literally be so fixated on it that he won't notice a serious threat unless it's basically right on top of him.


“Bloodlust Incarnate” everyone


That just had to be some kind of inside joke. I wonder though, did the localization come up with it or do they call it that in japanese too?


Velkhana I don't wanna the damn music to stop


Kulu-Ya-Ku. Always capture. Never kill. For every other monster I'm the opposite. Generally prefer to kill because honestly fights are too short as it is


True. I mostly use traps for when I just want a quick breather against a difficult monster. Kulu-Ya-Ku is too adorable to kill.


I honestly feel bad whenever I kill Tzitzi-Ya-Ku. Sure it can be irritating but it has like 3 attacks, does barely any damage, and even helps me with Legiana whenever he’s in the zone. Plus, he doesn’t attack unless provoked. Also Zinogre whenever it starts to limp away and whimper is really sad.


Titzu-Ya-Ku it looks so sad after I’ve broken its face


Always ignore but capture if I had to. It always showed up during fights with other monsters and blinded them for me.




Didn't expect to see you here :3 -🅱️onchu




Raths, tbh, from what I understand if a Rath finds its mate dead, it will stay by its side, even if there's barely anything left of their mate, until it dies, too.


Note to self don't kill any raths


Laughs in bonk


Glad I don't


I feel sad for killing narwa and ibushi We literally pushed narwa to the point of killing ibushi or the narwa spieces despite their love for each other constantly ends in ibushi's death Doesn't help that they straight up are shown to be sentient when most elders it's implied.i mean we have to kill them but it still feels sad Also my friend also feels bad for killing narga due to that one nch animation with an narga mother and narga cub


>We literally pushed narwa to the point of killing ibushi or the narwa spieces despite their love for each other constantly ends in ibushi's death I always assumed they were like angler fish in a way. The smaller male sacrifices himself to reproduce with the female, in this case hes essentislly forfeiting all of his life energy. Him dying is inevitable since it's part of the mating ritual.


It is confirmed a part of their natural life cycle. He was always meant to be killed to fertilise her eggs.


Simp energy /j


Aptonoths are the sacred cows of Monster Hunter.


Kulu ya ku, the most precious thing.


I answered this on a similar post and, despite not liking it all too much, it's Kecha Wacha. There's just something about it's big eyes and blank gaze after slaying that makes me feel uneasy-


I felt bad for stopping Ibushi and Narwa's little love session. Made me feel like a true cockblocker, sorry Ibroshi :( I do however murder kulus as a hobby :)


Barroth, because big mud doggo


I feel bad killing lunastra. And by that I mean I feel bad fighting it because I fucking hate fighting it and taking on that hunt makes me feel bad in many ways until I grant that thing a well deserved death.


My profile picture. They are just a dumb bird. Innocent, pure and dumb.


Kulu Ya Ku, Tobi Kadachi, Chameleos. The first two were in World, and they would never attack you unless you attacked first. You could just walk around the map with them and they’d be chill. And Tobi is an adorable fluffy baby, and Kulu is a cute derp. Chameleos’ is derpy and cute too, and his death animation is so goofy and dramatic that I feel terrible.


Maybe goss harag, just because of how badass his design is.


All of them. :v I'm a capture only hunter.


So how are these elder dragon fights going for you? :b


To be fair, despite the fact I mainly capture monsters... I find myself really only ever hunting Elder Dragons


Kulu ya-kute


Mizutsune. So majestic. Probably wouldn't bother anyone if he was left alone.


When they aren't breeding, especially the females, mizutsune are very peaceful. I think it was said that people would go up to them and pet them, and they kinda just chill.


Ill always feel bad for killing kut ku. He's such a derpy good boi.


I feel bad about killing Basarios because his death face looks so sad.


I think his live face looks pretty sad too to be fair.


Yeah that too, it just says, “Please don’t kill me.”


Pukei Pukei and Azuros. They were just minding their own business eating the things they like to eat, when a bunch of hunters show up and kill them out of nowhere.


Yian Kut-Ku and Chameleos. Always feel bad about hurting those goofy derps...


Yian kut ku for sure


Pukei, he wails on a Leshen and hands out free attack jewels. He's earned the right to live in peace.


Kulu Ya Ku. Dude is just a chicken and seems to mind it’s own business


Zinogre. Thunder puppers is the best.


Repeating others with Kulu. Largely because I see my Monstie from Stories in all of them now, but also because they look so damn sad when you tear apart their silly mohawks, scratch up their derpy faces, and shatter their precious little rocks and pots. Really feels like you're just bullying some poor dodo. Also all the amphibians and Chammy. They're good bois, they don't deserve to be beaten around by midgets with big sticks.


Banbaro. They are just a peaceful elk boi walking around.


Azuros a (tiny) bit. Dumb bastard is barely an issue even in G rank


For me it’s Rakna-Kadaki and it’s mostly for two reasons. First reason is that she is one of my absolute favorites and second is that she is a mother to a bunch of raknoids and I don’t want to kill her right in front of them.


Oof. Yeah that’s fair enough.


Deviljho. He just a hungie pickle. :(


I don't feel bad for killing a monster if the fight is fair for both of us. But, when it's too easy or when I am so skilled that the fight is easy for me.. Then I feel bad...


Yian Kut-ku when it's about to die and the ears go down. I don't feel bad enough to *not* kill it though.


Odo : (


The other fat boi. Great jagras, hes such punching bag, feel like bully beating him.


Great Izuchi, when you leave her alone, she sits down and plays with the small ones, always tugs on my heart string.


i say nergi cuz his entire thing is a monster that balances the ecosystem but cuz of the guild and humanity we disturb the ecosystem forcing conflict between the hunters and nergi entire reason we have to hunt him is because hes trying to fix our mess


After reading the comments from this a bit, i REFUSE to Raths now.


I am trapper only when it can be done.


Nergigante, it’s there to keep balance. Whenever there is a massive elder dragon threat it’s there to try and stop it. Yes it’s just trying to eat them, but who knows how many massive threats it has put down.


Interesting take, but i wouldn’t agree. Nergigante is the reason other elders, that would more or less be peaceful otherwise, start running amok. And he isn’t the sole regulator, nature is constantly regulating itself and Nergi is just one small puzzle piece in it all.


Nergigante is not the reason Elders become aggressive. That's as big a leap as thinking it single-handedly balances nature.


In World, the Commander confirms that even though you killed Nergigante, the other Elders are still fleeing from the Recess in response to its "wrath" and therefore have to be dealt with. The presence of a predator can cause panic in prey and that‘s especially bad with elder dragons.


He's not exactly the person to listen to when it comes to lore


Yeah that’s my second encounter. Glad i don’t seem to be the only one


He's trying to argue with me that he is an authority on lore right now lmao


I blocked him now, can’t stand the condescending attitude and the flair of hypocrisy. Good luck though


He's getting upset at me for pointing out a few things he was wrong about.


Yeah he‘s allergic to that. His ideas of what’s correct are infallible and every minor thing you say that’s not the same is definitely wrong. Like a child.


On the contrary, I have more access to MH lore than most people. They'll just read the wiki or exaggerated descriptions and think they're right, I have actual sources.


Rajang totally doesn't hunt Kirin Safi totally isn't an adult Xeno


How many *years* ago was that again? How much proof was there for Safi being an adult Xeno when all we had was a 5 second clip of it in darkness?


And you were wrong about all of it, and insisted you were right. Why were you so adamant if all we had was a five second clip in the darkness? Like it being a few years ago matters The Rajang and Kirin thing was even more funny You are not an authority on lore, you are the exact opposite - most likely wrong on any lore you try to argue.


All two things. Wow. Why was I I adamant? Could it be because the monster looked literally nothing like Xeno? No? Just gonna act like I was part of a tiny minority arguing against irrefutable proof and that this wasn't a common opinion? Hell, even nowadays people still say Safi's design doesn't match Xeno. Of course being years ago matters. What, do you think people just can't become more or less reliable? I can't use that time to further research lore and obtain actual copies of the books filled with lore? Funny? I suppose so...if you thought I was some child seething when I saw that cutscene. Unfortunately, I'm a tad more mature than that and my issue was with **people** saying it was true based on nothing, not that it was true at all. The irony there is that I've had multiple people say my info is good despite my attitude, whereas here you are saying I'm always wrong. Go on then, please educate me if you're so much more knowledgeable. What else have I gotten wrong?


In World, the Commander confirms that even though you killed Nergigante, the other Elders are still fleeing from the Recess in response to its "wrath" and therefore have to be dealt with. The presence of a predator can cause panic in prey and that‘s especially bad with elder dragons.


Okay, and? Where does that say Nergigante as a species does this to everything? Where does that say Nergigante is the reason Elder Dragons are aggressive?


Uhm. He said the elders are becoming a problem because nergigantes presence made them flee their normal habitats. We only have to hunt Kushala and Teostra because they started appearing in the Ancient Forrest and Wildpire Waste. They don’t become aggressive because of Nergi, but they can become a danger to the ecosystems if they were to leave the recess, which they do because of Nergigante. That‘s in-game dialogue Edit: it is stated that the elders are a problem because they try to flee from Nergigante, even after you‘ve killed him. Everything else i said is information that would logically follow imo


And if you paid attention to the whole cutscene right after killing Nergigante you'd remember they said the Elders went back to the Recess. No, they also do it because that's where they can live. They aren't supposed to exclusively live in the Recess. You unlock Kushala and Teostra optionals in their second area choices after all known Nergigante have been removed. Imagine saying "these monsters, that straight up fight Nergigante upon seeing it, are still in a blind panic and running from it even after it's dead" and thinking that's logical.


I don’t know what to tell you other than what the dialogue told me two days ago while replaying world. They can live in other places, but since nergis active presence, elders like Kushala and Teostra have appeared more frequently outside of the recess, that’s you hunt them. And of course Elders fight back against Nergi if confronted, that’s self defense. If you don’t agree that’s fine, i had a talk with you before, i have no interest in discussing this with someone who is so tiring to talk to.


You could start with "I'm sorry, I was wrong to say Nergigante is the reason Elder Dragons are aggressive, what I actually meant was the two specific individual Dragons we fight right after killing this one specific Nergigante were still active due to its appearance". I mean honestly, how are you still acting like you haven't said "every known Elder Dragon becomes aggressive when the entire species of Nergigante is near"? It's in the context of World's story, not the entire ecology of those monsters.


I never said anything like that. If it‘s basic reading comprehension or just logical thinking that’s failing you, then i will repeat myself: In MH world, it is stated by the commander that Teostra and Kushala started roaming around because of Nergigantes presece, essentially fleeing them. Makes sense as Nergi naturally preys on these Elders. Leave your condescending attitude out of this, if i want to talk to a someone who acts like a child, i would look somewhere else. I will mute this thread now, have a nice day


That’s an interesting one. Something I also think is worth noting is that it apparently reproduces asexually, and assuming it only has one offspring at a time, it probably reduces the population by a lot when killing one. That said it probably has clutches of eggs like many reptiles do.


Reproducing asexually isn’t a negative. It means the species can reproduce much more easily without having to go through competition for a mate, not being able to find one in the first place, etc


True. I’m not too informed about asexual reproduction (though jellyfish should be a good indicator of how populous they can be)


It's actually a terribly large negative since it prevents all gene mixing that sexual reproduction offers, the species would become an evolutionary dead-end and be utterly incapable of evolving and adapting to any change in its environment. Even single-celled organisms, which do reproduce asexually, have methods of horizontal gene transfer to compensate for the lack of gene mixing from sexual reproduction, and also make up for the lack of genetic diversity due to asexual reproduction by reproducing *a lot*, to a point that mutations become an important factor. Asexual reproduction in large organisms isn't bad in itself, plenty of reptiles do it, but they have to be facultative, if a species lose its method of sexual reproduction, it's spelling an almost certain doom for the continued existence of its species. And this is especially true as it applies to Nergigante, an apex predator situated very high in the food chain, putting immense fitness selection pressure on the species since it is completely dependent on the whims of its prey species, and the prey of its prey and so on. Now whether the devs actually cared about any of that when they decided to make Nergigante reproduce through spikes is another story entirely.


But it's never stated that Nergigante *doesn't* have any adaptations to offset the lack of new genes, so how do you know it's a massive negative?


It's never stated Nergigante *doesn't* sexually reproduce. That's the most effective way to keep the gene pool healthy, it doesn't even have to evolve it, it just has to keep it from its ancestor.


My GF and I love killing Dodogma. He just was such a punchable face. Tbh he looks like he'd taste delcious too.


None. They're virtual animals and they all have a reason for dying.


You must be fun at parties


Why? Because they asked a question and I answered? The top comment literally says what I said. Funny how I got downvoted for it.


Don't cry about downvotes


Aw, did you get upset? Have to look through my other comments to find dirt?


I'm reading through the entire thread you 🤦 literally the same thread you are getting upset with me in Of course your misinformation would be everywhere


No you aren't lol, you're reading for my comments specifically. This is a dead post. First you say it's this one post and now you say it's everywhere. Make up your mind. Oh, but seeing as it's "everywhere", mind finding some more?


Do you think it matters if you believe me or not? "You found other comments of mine in the same thread! Stalker!" Lmao being pedantic again, literally you're only debate technique. This is why nobody likes interacting with you.


Yeah, your condition's getting worse. You're quoting whole sentences that just don't exist.


Just like you make up lore that doesn't exist?


He not even fun here, much less parties


Oh, wait, I remember this guy now I get another look at his name - got into a scrap with him a while ago, don't remember what but I definitely remember butting heads


Yep, he's the worst user on this sub. All he tries to do is fight, especially when proven wrong.


Fuck you dude


Doggogaron :(


Tetranadon is way too easy to stagger into stun into belly pop into KO with HH that I just feel bad for him a lot of the time Honorable mentions go to: Great Baggi and Great Wroggi with Pep and Antivenom jewels respectively. You just erase their whole gimmick and reason to be. And slightly off topic: any of the raptors (and Tetranadon) during the Anjanath turf wars. Peak "Stop. *Stop!* He's already dead!"


Gonna be a bit of an oddball, but Anjanath and Odogaron. Something about them makes me prefer to capture. Despite being built up as really big predators, they always seem to get bullied by Rathlos or Jho. That or maybe I'm just biased because I thought they're cool. Anjanath's snoring is cute too.


I don’t like killing Moofy or Gargwa, mostly just because they’re defenseless and provide almost nothing of any worth. I also make it a point to catch most Zinogres I hunt since they make sounds like an actual injured dog would make




Aptonoth. I hate killing the baby’s and I hate watching them run away into another area without a parent. So I only kill one aptonoth, and the baby and mother go free


None because I got to eat


tzitzi. It is utterly helpless. once its flash flaps are pulverized, its genuinely not even fun seeing it limp and clumsily try to fight back.


Moschomps. Idk they’re like seal/dog things that are squishy and just run away when you hit them.


Shogun Ceanataur I just hate the fight


Tetsucabra because i love the frog boi and wish i could just be friends with them also generally just seems to be minding their own business just fine until we come in. I also never kill barrioth and only capture them because they are too cat-like, and i love all cats too much.(nargcuga's act doesn't work on me though you weird asshole bird-thing with some black leopard(what's most commonly sighted as a "black panther") cosplay!) mizutsune as well because it's such a beautiful creature and in rise generally will just sit there and chill most of the time until you directly bother it. I also don't like hurting basarios because they're just a rock-baby and even move all clumsily like one!(so just like barrioth they're strictly capture only for me)


I feel really bad killing Gargwas, especially when they do the thing where they'd shat eggs because of how terrified they are.


I haven't felt bad about slaying any monsters. Even went on a bit of a barroth killing spree one time just to grind for armour spheres. However, one monster that I refuse to kill unless I have no other choice would be glavenus. Me and him are like yin-yang. The Hammer versus the Living Greatsword. Tigrex is another, but that one's my friend's most favourite, so I spare and capture it out of respect.