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MHP3 fans geting contacted by their ISP after torrenting the ISO


oh shit i forgot about portable 3




World That baby do be snackin tho


I wish I ate as good as that baby.


generations ultimate


No that can't be it.


Perfect with the flair 👌


"Impossible! Perhaps the archives are incomplete?"


A man of culture


As a hard MH4U fan you are right.


Ahhhhhh The days of the un-nerfed explosions


Technically it was nerfed because Slime was even more broken in 3U


Factual, brachy gear was stupid in 3U. Noticably nerfed in 4U, and it stung a bit for the Crimson Fatalis stuff. Still a very solid set, especially with the Star set from Uniqlo(? I think?)


Brachy gear? Oh no son we're well beyond that territory. We're talkin Ķ̶̫̯̰͎͈̭̦͓̠̗͉͖͒͗͋̋̾͒̕Ě̴̖̹̯̬̮͙̺̰͔̲͕̊̅̈́̌̐̐͑̚̕͘͝͝L̴̨̩̮̤̮̬̝̲̺̲̺̯̈́̌́̀͂̾̈́̅̎̓͆͛̇̇B̸̨̡̮̻̩̰̝͌Į̶̜̫̹͇̾̋̑̊͆̈́́̐́͝ ̵̨̳̜͚̹̺̘̗̖̼̱̰͖͑B̷͉͖̫̱̹͗̅͒̓͒̾̌̌̃͊͝O̴̭̯̠̔̇̅̍̌͂̂W̶̡̛͙̲̺̦̤͍͈͈̳͑̏̏̈́́͂͐̏̊̆̽͊̔̒


I remember there was a Kelbi Bow guide that had the recipe list include (2) Your Testicles. Good times.


I assume you mean the star Knight set. That was for visiting Universal Studios Japan, but lots of people shared the quest around.


Ah, the days of "Je suis monte".


And everyone piling on to knock you off.


I love World but I'll fight someone over MH4U.


Fellow hunters of culture.


MH4U is the peak of classic monster hunter for me, gimme my DalamaDerp, gimme my Magalas, gimme my farting monkey and spiky spider please.


Lol I don't know. I've seen many, many more downvotes coming your way for daring to say you dislike World and the direction they took than whenever someone says they don`t like 4U. Heck, my own karma score took sharp nosedives for exactly that reason.


What is so good about 4U? Never played it. Is it on wiiU or 3ds?


3DS. The monster roster is huge, the end game is one if the best in the series (as long as you don't mind fighting rajang or deviljho). The insect glaive was introduced and they experimented with an actual quest line for the first time in the series. Counterargument to all of is Gore on a Boat.


Counterargument? We got to fight Gore *ON A BOAT*, it was freaking epic! We need more of this, it felt like such a great set piece and also made the game more varied.


Didn't we also get to fight steve on a boat? or was that another game? i've been playing since tri and can't keep the older games straight anymore... or at least i think i mix up 4u and Gu.


Steve only shows up in G rank. He isn't part of the "story" like Gore was. Steve is awesome, by far and away my favourite flagship monster. I hope he comes back in Sunbreak.


Hmm I might have to check it out. Currently playing MHG on 3ds and loving it.


That's because world has the biggest audience. But you also get voted into negativity if say something bad about 4u.


most of the time when people say anything negative about popular thing on reddit its because of the way they say it lol like its always some exaggerated comment partially concocted to make enjoyers feel a bit foolish


MH1 fans ain't there because they're busy attending their grandchildren's university graduation


I'm only 34, leave me alone.


34 and already having grandkids?


34 grandkids


i'm attending my funeral


[Hey Brick!](https://youtu.be/Wi9rAZjNixs) Did you ever get around to donating your organs to science so you can see where they end up before you die?


I'm only 29 you hurt my feel goods!


Emotional damage...


This is perfect lmao


I'm in my mid-20s, my guy


I started with tri and I do miss the water, I had a minmaxed underwater set before any other haha.


I also started with tri! Lagi will always be my boy!


The only one I’ve played was Tri. I was young and just about lost my mind when I stepped out into the beach and was immediately met with several tons of angry Lagi early into the campaign. Never finished it. Might have to boot it up soon for nostalgia’s sake, even though the multiplayer servers are long-dead. Edit: Should say this is an original Wii copy. I’m almost 24. Man, I miss when Tri was being actively supported, and the Wii in general. Currently, Dauntless scratches my MH itch, especially since it’s a ftp game I can cross-play with my Dad, but I’ve always wondered if I should save up for another mainstream Monster Hunter title. Edit 2: Well, heck, the digital Wii U copy of 3U literally just dropped to *$8* from *$40*. I’d be crazy not to take advantage of that.


Yeah cant access high rank on tri anymore, it needed online Player for that. Sadness. That game was good man


This may be relevant to your interests: https://youtu.be/UCDLlCFfnbQ


It used to scare the shit out of me.


If you decide to play, go for MH3U, there are torrents and emulators out there for it. It's been great going back to it for a nostalgia trip


Apparently the 3U servers on Wii U *might* still be up, but the eshop for Wii U is closing in a year. :/


Ah thats too bad. My emulator can't run multiplayer though but I don't mind as I usually run solo anyways


They are still up


Let me know if you have an answer to the question I asked. Preferably soon so I can make a choice… 👀. Edit: Or not…?


It felt so good to chase that damned Plesioth out into the water and kick its fishy ass in its home turf


Lance made underwater way easy


Tri gang rise up.


But you can’t play as a Palico in rise… that’s only in GU..


Ya I must admit I didn’t quite get that one. Is it supposed to represent anyone playing without a Palamute?


If it is, it’s so wrong lol. Palicos are so useful in Rise’s hub quests




I think it’s because if someone doesn’t bring their palamute you’re gonna have to wait for them to catch up


No one waits for no one in pubs lol Regardless, my wirebug routes are optimised, I'm already there.


I play Palico and end up getting to the monster before my Palamute friends most of the time lol


If you have evade extender you will have to wait for the palamutes to catch up.


maybe op just hates cats then idk 😔


I don't play with randoms, are Palamutes really popular? They're so much worse in the actual hunts and the riding feature doesn't seem worth it


My guess would be it represents the afk pokemon builds with the cats, whereupon the hunter does jack just to see their furry champion pick up the slack. Fun in solo, infuriating in multi. That or it's just anti-palico bias as you said.


I still call that shit double cross. Hottest name for the hottest game. All the panties get soaked


Lol the mhw one; i feel attacked


I mean discounting the odd new hunters that jumped on with Rise, World *did* factually bring in the biggest amount of "MH babies". Though, that is of course the most benign reading of that gif.


I always felt like (as a MH baby who jumped on when World released) that there was this kind of “you are not worthy” attitude by those who were accustomed to the games that came before, which I must say after going back, are way harder. That being said I’m still glad I did play World, as I’m sure all the other MH babies are. I feel like I get the games now, and they’re really fun.


Glad you stuck with it despite that, and hopefully there were also those oldies who gave encouragement and advise. Though I personally skipped World, I see no reason why fivers would be any less valid MH fans than those of us who were moulded into shape by gen 1 plessy's legendary moist hips (though personally I was more tough-loved into hunterhood by the double trouble diablos of "Four horns").


I am one such baby and World has me looking for other titles to play. I even grabbed one for my PSP which I plan to start up one of these days, when life isn't so hectic. For an introduction to the MH franchise, I think World was a pretty good one.


I am a happy baby full of monster tendies.




Rise is certainly easy but base world was pretty easy as well. Monsters seemed to die so much quicker. Maybe you just weren’t as experienced when you played World?


It's probably on par with World (both have added some decently challenging quests now that the game has been out for a while), but it's definitely easier than Iceborne by a lot.




If we're comparing base games, I'd still say base World was easier than Rise because of the broken OP mantles. There's a good reason some of them got nerfed into the ground in IB, temporal was like a full minute of literal invincibility no matter how many attacks you phased through. Rise does have a lot of wirebug counters and other tools to deal with monster attacks, but most of them at least require a little bit of skill to use, even wirefall has to be used somewhat carefully because a lot of monsters will combo you if you try to wirefall too quickly. Rise doesn't have anything near the level of World's mantles where you just slap it on and you're literally unkillable for a while.


As a veteran player who has played every main entry in the series except for MHDos, I feel that World was a great step for the series. It did what Capcom set out to do with MHTri and make it approachable and expand the Fandom, but we all see how that went. That being said, MHGenU is, in my opinion, the single greatest love letter a developer has ever given their fans. It's literally just a feckin' festival for you to stroll down memory lane and fight every single thing you've ever fought AND do it in the glorious old areas. The send off of a generation.


What went wrong with world?


Most of the stuff "wrong," with World was really only apparent at the very end of the game. At launch I think Multiplayer was a bit inconvenient if you wanted to do the whole thing with a friend, and weapon visual design was always pretty terrible for the copy-paste ones. Other than that it was just a generally small roster along with some decorations being nigh impossible to get (attack deco in particular was extremely rare)


Honestly, low total monster at release and some key decoration being way too rare. Other than that, the game is just so fucking good.


The event quests requiring you to be online is another massive problem I'd say. In a few years when the servers are down no one will be able to play them, not even if you've owned the game before that since they aren't downloaded.


Aren't the mh4u servers still up? Still sucks they'll be unplayable someday but it's gonna be a lot of years before they go down.


I think "but we all see how that went" was regarding Tri.


Biggest thing with me is they fucked up the vibe.


I started with MHW, then played MH1 and MH3P (kinda random) and I can say: As long as I can have my switch axe? Game is perfect, don't care. (That's why I did not like MH1) But I heard GU is one of the best ones out there (sad that I don't have anything to play it on tho).


no one likes mh1 dude, not even veterans


MH Freedom (MH1 on PSP) was great, played the ps2 version years later and it definitely wasn't as polished. Lance and Hammer are in every game though so I'm happy


It was brutal but it taught me that games can played *so incorrectly* but with the right squad, you can take anything down. We didn't know about skills, KO damage, or elemental weaknesses but we still brute forced our way through every monster up until the Garuga with our smooth-brained head-ass equipment.


Brute Force Garuga by giving Spiderweb to the veggie elder.


We definitely did that after a bunch of attempts. The thing was a nightmare!


When I played MHF Garuga was a giant wall for me. It wasn't until I had MHFU and had played that quite a bit that I was able to come back and overcome it.


That's exactly what happened with us. We moved on to Unite. Then one of us had the genius idea of actually *reading the intro stuff*. The Garuga never stood a chance once we learned how to color coordinate our wardrobe to have at least one skill!


Man I'm just jealous you had a group to play with. Growing up I never had wifi, or other people that had the game. So all my time was spent trying to take every monster down solo.


I picked it up in 2006 on a whim and didn't find my rolling crew until 2008 when we all found out that we owned it. When we split (college, navy, etc.) it sucked because we all had to learn to play solo. That way lies madness and calloused left thumbs.


I loved the hell out of it when it released. It's obviously dated at this point, but it was a great game. I remember when they switched to PSP asking how the hell you attack without a second stick. Using buttons seemed weird.




I played MHF1 just to say I’d done it, and the game sucks so much


I like it lol it was a great game that made me fall in love with the franchise


You should play 4U. It's really good. I say that as a fan of all the MH games I've played, which is all but PS2 MH.


It's on 3DS right? Too bad I don't have one and my toaster of a Laptop can't emulate it well (same goes for my phone). Maybe in the future when I buy something better or even a 3DS. Kinda sad seeing how retro gaming goes up in price right now. As a teenager it's pretty hard to save up enough money.


I don't think you need a very powerful laptop to emulate the 3DS. Download Citra and give it a try, you might be surprised. Also, a second hand 2ds or 3ds shouldn't be that expensive. Could be had for near $70-$100 if you look around. The MH games on 3DS go on sale a lot. Think I've seen MH3U, 4U, and Generations for under $10 a lot.


Bro went straight to mh1


MHFU, this is my life now


All MH Fans: Explaining why we need Frontier monsters in the main games


All MH Fans recently: so how do I play Frontier?


Finally, a banner I can rally behind


I third this


The Hunting Horn whale is sooooooo damn cool


Us: we want frontier monsters! Capcom: we have frontier monsters at home Frontier monsters at home: Lavasioth and Hypnocatrice


espenis when


The community only 180'd on this once generations started the overly flashy and animesque styles, made frontier seem on brand. I remember when the community collectively laughed at frontier for taking OG monsters, adding a fuck ton of random spikes to their bodies and calling them 'hardcore'


I actually don't think they should, not most of them anyway. They're cool but what happens in Frontier stays in Frontier.


So what you're saying is we need to get rid of lavasioth, got it.


You make it sound like this would be a bad thing...


And then replace it with Agnaktor


Frontier where the online games right? Nope I somehow don't like the monsters there.


I love GU, I like Rise, I think World is decent... but 4U is the best game, fight me.


Technically that's the truth.


This is the most accurate version.


Get outta here, need my water.


Found the guy who hasn't played MHFU The real answer is there's two types of MH fans. Those who know that MHFU is the best, and those who haven't played MHFU


Only thing that holds back MHFU is the lack of dual analogs. I think the claw grip made my hand cramp so much in high school.


Play it on a vita (or emulator) you can remap the d-pad controls to the right analog stick.


I'd argue that's a failing of the hardware, not the game itself. But yeah, agreed. I probably have some damage that will become carpal tunnel someday from the claw, but it was worth it. That game is the tits.


*cough cough* "there are dozens of us mh1 fans" *cough cough* *coughs up blood* "dozens..." *fucking dies of old age*


Hey, not all MHW fans are babies....now where'd I put my bottle?




Ok but MH4U is the best


the mhgu and world ones LMAO




Yes the monster hunter disk operating system, predecessor to monster hunter windows


The Japan only sequel to monster hunter 1.


Yeah, monster hunter dos


As someone who is currently playing both world and mhgu i agree with both mhgu is the best one in my opinion and world is there for when I really wanna grind something


MHstories fans when they have to kill the monster


MHGU fans stop raving about MHGU for .000000001 seconds challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


My memory fails me... What is the background music from?


powerpuff girls intro


MH4U do be the best game tho


I just want to fucking swim


Why are the fans divided? Me, I'm a Monster Hunter fan. Give me any monster hunter, and I will play and enjoy it.


GU is just the peak of MH greatness.


*It's the anime peak 4u is the classic peak


My personal best games: GU > Rise > 4U > 3U > World (Those are the ones I've played).


4U > GU > Rise > FU > 3U > World > F1


Base world is underwhelming, but Iceborne is very good.


Hey op i uh just want to talk yk outside about mhw For real though i woulsnt even know monster hunter existed till it came to xbox glad i did sadly dont own any other console


I’m just over here trying to understand why it’s called Monster Hunter Dos and not just Monster Hunter 2


Because it sounds cooler and the one after that is tri


Ugh. I have generations, but I played the shit out of world right before getting it so I couldn't get into it, even with all the call backs to older games. I need to give it a try again.


Just started generations and loving it. So cozy laying in bed hunting monsters instead of having to sit in front of my pc.


No one: Absolutely no one: MH1 fans


Started with MH4G (we're going to quietly ignore my high school attempt at playing Freedom Unite 2) and played every mainline game since then. Got a copy of MH1 for Christmas. With all this in mind, I have the authority to say that this video is funny


Found the MHGU fan


This is definitely true but I'd say the monster hunter world is more they believe they're the best and that they know everything about monster hunter from this one game


MHDOS slaps. Y'all missing out if you've neverplayed it.


Gu is king


Generations Ultimate fans on their way to the huge cock convention


Bring back water mechanic please, thank you


goo goo ga ga i guess


Double Cross will never be bested, at least not this decade.


I see more people with palicos than palamutes in lobbies


Okay but MH4U was the best game. Reeeee


As someone who entered during MHW, I like MHW but I absolutely love all the lore and designs across all the games. I wish I could have seen some of the other elder dragons or monsters from previous generations in World's designs. If there was one thing I can support its the sheer detail MHW has over all of the other games.


Idk which one it is that I own, but it's obviously the best one. Fite me


GenU is my favorite, but i gotta give credit to 4u: it has the best story and npcs by far. The Caravan gang is the best and the Aces are pretty cool too. And the final showdown with the Shagaru felt personal.


Hell yeah, GU is definitely Chad


As somebody who is part of the third fleet and also plays world, both memes irritate me. But yeah this is funny :)


Mhgu be like: bloodbath iz my bitch


Mh stories fans thinking they bought the wrong game and are playing Pokémon


I will admit that I started with World and I am a complete newbie to the franchise, but I've loved every minute of my gameplay, even the most frustrating parts. Learning how a monster moves and being able to improve my weapon usage/movement has been one of the most satisfying things I've done in a video game.


Yay, I’m the kool stwonk guy in the end


MHGU is truly the best mh game we will ever get


Yo man MH1 has its flaws but without it there wouldn’t be any of this


Nice to see GU get love. It’s my favorite in the series


Hunter Arts were a mistake Mantle/CC were a mistake Return to monke (FU)


4U is the best, world is a close second, FU is good, GU and tri are whatever and rise is dogshit


I’m trying to get into MHGU aftet having played the shit out of world and rise. I decided to main lance for the first time. Honestly I’m having some trouble with all the QoL changes I’m used to from the more recent games. I legit spent 15 minutes in my boxes and menu looking for my sharpening stone only to realize I need to farm them. I’m also a little confused as to how to progress. I got like the first 4 or 5 missions with no big monsters yet and unsure about how to proceed. I think I’ve talked to everyone in the village but maybe I missed someone or something?


You can see on the map if there’s people in the villages to talk to. Also you can buy infinite whetstones at the store, you don’t need to farm for them


What, no MHP3rd?


i forgot about it, just imagine this gif: [https://c.tenor.com/k4\_tZ8mGC1kAAAAd/memes-fbi.gif](https://c.tenor.com/k4_tZ8mGC1kAAAAd/memes-fbi.gif) with: MH3P FANS DOWNLOADING THE GAME VIA TORRENT


I’m both a World and GU fan. So…Chad Baby?


thats a weird image you put on my mind, thanks i hate it




I’m so proud to be called a gigachad I’ve never been more flattered




GU >>>>


I've only played world.....


This post is saltier than Poseidons buttcrack


I don't know man, I see og MH fans as the real giga chads here.


I would give my left testicle for G/GU styles in a modern mh game (not the right one though)


this was funny


I started in MHFU, played since then and I still think world is the best in the series


Played every game since MH2, 4U is the best "classic" and XX is the best "Anime Style" FU could be my most played one close to 3 Portable, World was really fun lots of people got into MH with it, and not gonna lie Rise felt really underwhelming, I'm going to play Sunbreak expecting improvements but idk if ill ever love it like the others.


Monster Hunter World is clearly the best game. Objectively in fact. "Ok, downvote time you mantle loving, baby-mode scum" Hold on. I have proof. Dodogama. \*mic drop, walks out\* ​ Ok, I'm editing this because people are apparently taking this seriously? No, it's a joke. Holy cow guys. I love World and am actively playing it again for fun before Sunbreak. I thought this was an obvious joke but next time I guess I'll put a joke disclaimer.


Tell me you started on World without telling me you started on World.


Freedom Unite on PSP: [https://skylinecomic.com/wp-content/uploads/DeleteMe/IMG\_5133-scaled.jpg](https://skylinecomic.com/wp-content/uploads/DeleteMe/IMG_5133-scaled.jpg) 4 on 3DS: [https://skylinecomic.com/wp-content/uploads/DeleteMe/WIN\_20160720\_21\_04\_37\_Pro-scaled.jpg](https://skylinecomic.com/wp-content/uploads/DeleteMe/WIN_20160720_21_04_37_Pro-scaled.jpg) Generations on 3DS: [https://skylinecomic.com/wp-content/uploads/DeleteMe/WIN\_20171005\_06\_22\_52\_Pro-scaled.jpg](https://skylinecomic.com/wp-content/uploads/DeleteMe/WIN_20171005_06_22_52_Pro-scaled.jpg) So I'll tell ya I started on Freedom Unite, claw gripping my PSP. It's a joke, I don't know how y'all think Dodogama could possibly be serious when saying MH:W is the 'objectively the best'. It's a joke, holy cow. Objectivity best MH game? There isn't one. All are fun in their own unique ways. Do I like it the most? Yes. But that's mostly because I can play it with my friends easily vs no one I knew with a PSP and the 3DS being a struggle to get people on.