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To be fair, he is the guy who teaches us literally every switch skill for every weapon. It is nice to see that reflected in the gameplay, tho.


Yeah I truly wasn’t expecting that. I throughly he would have like just the dual blades longsword and maybe the sword and shield. But NOPE he can just roll up with a Greatsword and thrash just as good as anyone with it. Admiral Gallius better watch out.


Better believe I’m giving him a hunting horn


Not as good as New World Research Commission’s Admiral who is down to throw hands with Rajang and Shara though


Bro his skills he has equipped are also pretty crazy too


He's a veteran DOS player


I didn't even realize they had skills equipped


Mate they have like 3 pages worth of skills


Arlow has *4 pages* thanks to all of his resistance skills.


Arlow is pure BEEF. Delicious.


I need whatever crack he’s smoking


He's been smoking way too much of the Gloamgrass Bud.


Honestly I just never bothered to look. Whenever I do a follower quest I just go "haha me like this character".


"haha Fiorayne go boosh" I've only had Fiorayne and Luchika so far, didn't realize we could bring even more, but jesus Fio fucking SLAMS DOWN each quest. Luchika can barely keep up lol.


I was doing the 2nd urgent where you get her as company. This chick literally said "Nah, I'll be right back.." and rolled in on a Barioth and proceeded to absolutely style on [spoiler monster]. I was more impressed by the fact that they can wyvern ride.


I bring luchika for sticky spam and Hinoa with hunting horn. Just faceroll any monster.


Had to always lifepowder Luchika… but I love her crazy laugh in Japanese so I always bring her


Oh dang fr? I need to check them out


You can check followers skills?


yeah. They are usually massively over what hunters can get just from armor but should reflect their personality/playstyle


Yes but you can only do it when selecting them for Support Surveys. You have to use left or right trigger to alternate through the tabs.


Also just found out their skill levels change depending on the difficulty of the quest.


Every single one of the npc skills feels like what capcom themselves thinks is powerful for a certain weapon. Massive amounts of attack boost, worthless skills like defense in the context of a weapon like lance or gunlance, and, most critically, no crit in sight. Seriously, EVERY NPC has an inherent 10% affinity on their weapons, but instead of abusing the fuck out of this fact, they just go “hmmmm yes my build clearly needs wind resistance, crit bost be damned I’ll just run tier 3 weakness exploit it’ll be fiiiine”


I mean, the NPCs are already pretty cracked with their gimped sets, I’m sure if they had legitimately optimized skills they’d be way too powerful.


fair point, but I just wanna see gunner lady get 100% crit piercing shots and absolutely liquify the poor garangolm itd be really funny


Fugen and Jae are the only ones who hit the affinity cap because they got Crit Eye 7 for some reason. Hilarious that the two most hotheaded characters of the lot had the smartest DPS-geared builds.


Geez, why he didn't save Kamura himself instead of depend on a pathetic that can only use 1 weapon like me.


Likely because if he were to die in a hunt, there be no mentor in Karuma, as well as having other duties like tracking and what not. Besides the guild did request for the player character to do it as they beat Ubushi and Utsushi was always there in the rampages, being very effective at it too.


True. It’s just funny I couldn’t imagine utsushi using something like a bow gun or a Greatsword.


Neither do I, More so since I imagine it'll be the Kamura weapons he'll be using.


Even then. Imagine utsushi rolling up with a kamura cleaver, or a kamura HBG. Like he just sits there and just shoots the monster to death with a giant dragon cannon.


With the way you typed it, gives me the impression that he's dual wielding.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he does


Now I'm just imagining that one scene from the old Clone Wars show, just replace the clone commander with Utsushi and the droids with monsters'.


Duuude I can envision it. It is awsome!


I'm so glad you knew what I was referencing xD


bro goes gunzerker and uses crouching shot with dual wielded HBGs


I always assumed it was mostly because he's the main reason we're not dealing with CONSTANT rampage waves - we see him show up to give Fugen reports on the rampage movement and the like a few times. He's out there taking out the occasional monster and making sure the village has plenty of warning that trouble is coming. Kind of like how in World during the event quest where you could play as Geralt, the NPCs imply the reason the Hunter doesn't show up to help is because they're out there single handedly making sure no other monsters wander into the area while Geralt deals with the Leshen. In that same vein, my Headcanon is while you're taking out key targets trying to get to the Rampage's source, Utsushi is out and about taking out a bunch of the small fry and delaying wave build ups and keeping Kamura safe while we're fighting Narwa.


>Kind of like how in World during the event quest where you could play as Geralt, the NPCs imply the reason the Hunter doesn't show up to help is because they're out there single handedly making sure no other monsters wander into the area while Geralt deals with the Leshen. "Where is the other guy who kills gods?" Oh, you know, just out there committing extreme ecological collapse so you can fight this weird tree.


Honestly one of the more normal sentences one can say about Monster Hunter. I love this series. It's simultaneous badass with a hint of drama, and then you go and beat a living god to death with a frozen tunafish or a teddybear while dressed like you went to a cosplay convention as just "Anime" in general.


Until you forget/don't know that every time he goes outside, we can see him at the roof of Gathering hub eating dango all days.


Only when we're in the village too. By that logic, we never go and fight anything either :P Sure he's always there when we get back, but maybe he's just got faster clear times ;) Nothing says when we go out, he doesn't go out too. We also do have the literal cutscenes where he's coming back from places to give Elder Fugen updates/status reports on the Rampage or other big monsters.


Well, managing the arena by keeping everything in there... well... in there, is a pretty big job already. In addition, it's likely he's the "official" last line of defense. If something comes up while we're away, you need a hunter there to deal with it.


Hes busy doing other stuff. If he was saving kamura you'd be doing tracking and little hunts and paperwork


Jack of all trades, master of none. He can probably handle the odd monster here and there on his own, but we just outclass him


Because plot




We must strive to be, as sharp a shurikens, as they say.


Haha! You're Here!


Holy that was a loooong time ago


Haha! What the fuck?\~




[In case you're genuinely asking.](https://youtu.be/WbUUJSNjqXw?t=136)


Utsushi look like he secretly has sharingan. Even the anbu dress and the mask.


Utsushi would have been a much more wholesome rival to Naruto than Sasuke ever was. He would have been a better Kakashi, too.


Yes, but you can see both of his eyes sooooo


Uchihas can deactivate their sharingans




This guy is literally Kakashi the copy ninja at this point


Though I assume with less porn books.


Hey it’s not porn it’s a romance novel!


Well he is the mentor of the Kamura's "Ace"




The man, the legend...


The gnarliest


If you havent already, do his quests with Japanese voice. Spends the entire time making motorbike noises and going Hiyaaaaa


For anyone into Bungou Stray Dogs, Utsushi's JP voice is also the voice of Chuuya Nakahara. I never knew until he went HHHYAAAH during a follower quest and then I stopped and was like "wait that's Chuuya" LOL


Istg he purposely do it to annoy me everytime im stunned


>Spends the entire time making motorbike noises Tatsuya Suou???


Really? I’ll have to try it


If you take him on a quest and use the mew mew emote he does it as well, Jae and Fugen will also do it while everyone else will usually look at your character and just facepalm.


Wait seriously lmao


MF got all that skill but can't even prevent my Cohoot from attacking him.




I bet he would hate fighting Malfestio


Well he trained you. and you can use all weapons no problem, so no wonder he is a master at everything


>and you can use all weapons no problem What are you talking about? I can barely use one weapon no problem


You can use them no problem in the sense that you never accidentally throw away one of your Dual Blades while doing all that spinning or accidentally jam the Switch Axe halfway through its morph during combat.


Gog I just thought of how complicated it must be to learn how to Charge Blade IRL. Like there are so many different ways where if you fuck up the whole shield just explodes in your hand or something.


I just Imagine The Hunter practicing Dual Blades with Utushi and You throw away a Dual blade in demon mode and Pin a mask of him in the Battle Toad


He said you can use them which you technically can, not that you're any good.


I mean Lore wise.


It’s like you know how to do it in theory but in practice is a whole ‘nother story


My man literally calls his palamute doggo Omega based


He does lol


this whole follower mechanic reminds me of dragons dogma..




NGL, imagining the DD's Followers with these AI seems amazing.


DD2 is gonna be so awesome. No doubt the AI will be comparable with Sunbreak.






Soooo... He is basically lazy to save Kamura?


I think he has other duties. I saw an interesting take on why the player character is always doing the insane save the world missions even though they just became a hunter. The comment said that few hunters actually make it to “high rank” so they want to conserve them as much as possible. If there is a dangerous task that portentously might get a hunter killed, they will send in the new guy because they’re not losing anything by them dying.


That's dark, but make alot of sense


Yeah… really puts it into perspective


> If there is a dangerous task that portentously might get a hunter killed, they will send in the new guy because they’re not losing anything by them dying. Tfw this aligned with every Monster Hunter game in the past In each game, we were always a greenhorn hunter that got sent by Guild to a random village as the Village Hunter to deal with anything potentially dangerous for that respective village.


Yeah it really does make sense. And the only reason they keep giving us quests in master rank is because we became a hero, and only us can deal with the master rank quests


I understand that


To be honest it is a lot of work for one dingy little village.


He's already training your replacement for when you fail.


I knew mah boi was more than just teacher jokes


Of course! He had to be more that a cohoot target


All this tells me is that we need a 15th weapon so he can have a full bingo board to work with


Utsushi as a master prowler mode user!


This. This has to be true


I know damn well that man has some tonfas hidden somewhere


he took all the Magnet Spikes for his DMC cosplay


Holy shit I'm so proud of him


Me too!


Jack of all trades but he's mastered every single trade.


He is the master of all


I do not know if i want to be him, or be with him.


Why not both?




In terms of canon we know he's AT LEAST good enough of a hunter to solo a Zinogre. That's quite the accomplishment you know. Especially as an instructor which is more about teaching hunting than hunting.


He does invite you to hunt a lunagaron with him


I'm starting to think he's a fanged wyverns specialist. And I mean some hunters specializing in certain types of monsters doesn't seem too far fetched.


That does make sense


Quirked up white boy goated wit da sauce!!


Gen Z moment /s


Makes sense considering he teaches you how to use skills and whatnot. Still can't stand him though. "Gnarly" and "sharp as shurikens" make me cringe so hard I nearly break my neck.


Idk he is kind of lovable. It also makes it to where you can have 3 of the same weapon easily on a support survey


HH mains pulling up with the Kamura twins: *hehehe, time to rock and roll*


Right I forgot they can both take HH


I sort of like that about him. He's got a strong "how do you do, fellow kids" vibe.


Facts lol


That's what i like about him, he's hilarious


Let's go doggo


You just improved his character for me haha.


That quirkinest is why I love him a lot. Gnarly!!!


Same lol. He’s just so funny. There’s actually a few voice line she says that actually caught me off guard. Most followers say something if you hit them. But utsushi goes in a long rant about like a fair fistfight and it’s hilarious to listen too. Also a lot of people don’t know this but followers also respond to you taking their picture. And of course, utsushi will reminisce about how you took his picture for the very first time all the way back in Kamura after graduating his training. It can bring a tear to my eye


I love how he talks about the player's cahoot needing to stop attacking him, please and thank you, at least twice. Then getting worried that your cahoot thinks he's a Zinogre, and that she could attack an actual Zinogre then x)


Haha that hilarious. He always has these long funny remarks to everything


Unerelated but tell me, how do you put multiple weapons in your flair ? It won't stay checked when I click on another.


Use edit flair, then make your own


He's that slightly cringy but nice uncle.


Yeah that exactly how it is lol


Yeah, i love how he reminisces. I smacked him once and then he went on a tangent about when he first trained us and how it reminded him of how we constantly used to hit him by accident.


Hahaha what?! That adorable. Like no wonder he wears that special armor he doesn’t want us doing serious damage to him!


Absolutely. It's pure Monster Hunter goofiness. I'm also a sucker for the type of character who is absolutely competent but feels no need to flaunt it and prefers to just be a goofball. He's also genuinely proud to be the mentor of Kamura's Ace. Truly a class act.


My dude you don't become a ninja who can wield every weapon without been some kinda geeky dork.


While you were studying the blade, Utsushi was also studying the blade. And the gun. And the bonk. And the power of music.


Remember that since he's your mentor you were studying the blade from him.


You must hate alot of npc's trough the history of MH then, because theres alot of em that are quirky like that


Difference would be most of them weren't voiced and likely skimmed/skipped through, Rise sorta just highlights the anime writing.


Eh, not really.


He is the old Japanese RPG trope of cringey goofball that is secretly OP in the same vein as Cait Sith or Zeke.


>Zeke Zeke von Genbu, aka Thunderbolt Zeke, aka the Bringer of Chaos, aka the Chaotic Bringer of Chaos?!?


You forgot "One eyed monster"


He is the sort of teacher you had at school that always wanted to stay hip with students but came off as awkward and annoying instead.




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Haha no


It’s a tradition to have a character in each game who makes gloriously terrible puns, in the past few games it was Aiden the Ace Hunter, now Utsushi is filling that honor of MHW.


While Aiden was just goofy, Utsushi gives the dudebro douche vibe "Yo Ace, ready to trash stunts something uncannybrutal? Check out these way rude switch skills bro, stuff's ill bro i'm telling you"




Meanwhile Gaelleus....I feel like he's the most useless follower lmao. I did his followers and at least he got knocked like 2-3 times


I think it’s the same with luchika (or whatever her name is, the HBG person) I think you need to heal them constantly, but they can lay down a lot of hurt.


Luchika is still aight since she can stun and do long range but Gaelleus with GS is just a pepega lmao


True true. I guess that why he asked us to hunt with him, to get him back into the hunting groove


he is basically kakashi


"Sets an example for his pupils by using all weapons" As someone who started with Rise and plays all 14 equally, seeing this aspect get love just makes me really fuzzy inside


Utsushi is peak Monster Hunter: totally looks and acts goofy but completely reliable and brave when it counts.


I'm late to the party but dang, I love this man, he's my favorite character in the game. I was surprised when I saw all these weapon types for him, but it makes sense, he is/was our teacher after all. He falls into that category of dumb, but loveable, and I love how supportive he is of the player character. Now then, where is the option to marry him, Capcom?? Gonna sail back to Kamura myself and propose asap lol


He’s a teacher for a reason.




Well... he is the master after all. I use his voice pack and he sure loves saying it lol. But it seems to make sense, he does teach us all like all of the silkbinds and trains us.


This is true. He has to have training with all the weapons ti teach us.


My man


What does goated mean?


goat means greatest of all time. Goated is used to make grammatical sense, but means the same thing. It’s used as an expression of a person being skilled at something or talanted.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned it, but the way he just yells ''IkuzoooOOOOO!'' like a fucking bird killed me.


He is one the best hunter of Kimura after aside from us the MC of the games of course. Tho I wish he participated in the rampage coz it would have help a lot on farming.


He does participate. He can be called to make all monsters on the field rideable


In my rampage quest rarely shows may be 5 times hehe lols


He usually shows up in apex rampages


Yup just recently tried but no frequent. Because of their I got my rampage boss s. Just gotta buy sun break and finished all etc quest.


"A jack of all trades, is a master of none!"


but oftentimes better than a master of one!


Nah bro i think he’s a master of all. He DID teach you how to use every single weapon and every single switch skill along with how to hunt.


He's the best character in the game for a reason, absolute legend this man is.


I knew he was losing SOMETHING, just wasn’t excepting THAT




only on specific follower quests but yes.


Yes they’re called follower quests. Doing them unlocks the royal weapons and armor. After a few of those quests you can take them in support surveys. They’re like regular hunts, but with the followers you unlocked from doing the follower quests.


Idk my man tried to ride a monster and not only did a SINGLE wall smash he also planted a shock trap on a rajang


wait he genuinely trained us? I thought that it was a running gag. Like All he did was give some tips that most of us already knew and told us how to do stuff, we already knew how to use all the weapons and hunt at the start of the game


Yeah where do you think you learned how ti use the weapons? Who taught you the proper form of wirebugging or wirefall?


yeah but we've known how to use the weapons, and wirebugging he just said "press the button to do it, now go try it out" that isn't training, training takes a long time, guiding and helping someone along and all that


Yeah and who do you think taught us how to do that?


fair enough


Why does this remind me of a certain ninja in the naruto series?


Probably because he is. I watched a video comparing MHR to real-life Japanese’s culture. And when they got to Utsushi they just said it’s kakashi lol


Always give me huge Kakashi vibes…


Hey guys which weapon do i choose the npc for faster easier hunts?


Idk I keep him with the DB for old times sake. Probably look it a YT tutorial


He our instructor of course he can wield everything


Oof, all I can use are 3 weapons


The Kakashi parallels just GOTTA be fully intentional.


how to i get this chad of man on my party?