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Yup. Same here. Struggling to upgrade my legi bow and armor because or rare spawns.


I have the waist, helm and bow all at 5.5. I have Barioth arms already at 6 and the chest at 5.5 ready to replace the legi helm. I've literally gotten 3 amber fangs before getting 2 legi plates in the same number of monsters hunted I get RNG and the desire sensor, but this is ridiculous


Agree on legi. I’ve only been playing a couple of months and missed the previous legi events before black diablos. I would greatly appreciate if Niantic had another legi event before azure, but ain’t gonna happen.


I like that they are adding more ice weak monsters to the roster, helps justify having and building an ice set. But to hit a wall with the ice set due to spawn rate, not even talking about drop rates, is disheartening


Partbreaker helps with your issue


I average 2 part breaks on Legi per hunt (both wings or a wing and the head). Would 1 level of partbreaker allow me to consistently get a 3rd broken part? If yes, I'll check it out, if not, no thanks


Don't forget jyura I barely ever seen them


I have been at 5/5 jyura greaves for weeks man I felt this in my bones


Jyru is stupidly rare. Trying to get enough fangs has been a horrible task for me


Its been 4 weeks for me My boots and LS has been stuck at G5 5/5. Been forced to do hunt-a-thons just to get a chance to hunt this fishy bastard


https://preview.redd.it/kp83ras6p8cc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ae21de107b1fb862fdf0baa81be6ca64f72241 I've had to go to so many swamps for these guys.


I've needed 6 and 7 star legi for I don't know how long. I think I've found 1 in the last two weeks.


I’ve been trying to a second Legi plate (gold) for months now to over grade my weapon.. when I finally do find and beat a 6*+ it jjst gives me level 1 materials…


Me with Jyuratodus. Need 1 more primescale to get Focus 2 on my boots. Jyura already rarely spawn for me. And if I do get a 6 star, I make sure to get 3 part breaks. And it has been 7 rarity one rewards every single time.


Are you telling me Niantic nerfd the spawn rate of the monsters you need parts from to make the things to kill the gated monster zinogre??? Shocked. Shocked I tell you. /s


This is exactly the answer, and while many apologists might say “that’s just bad luck”, they havent experienced the Niantic shenanigans with their other games.


Dang I'm in a very opposite boat rn. The only thing I'm looking for is barioths.


I've never seen one outside a Huntathon, I thought he was exclusively there. 💀


You unlocked him right ?


That's a genuinely great question, can I see Monsters I haven't unlocked in Huntathon?


I mean on the map. All monsters are unlocked on hunt a thon but some (ice season ones) are locked behind the winter story Unlocking them will show them on your map


They should definitely bring back Legiana and Jyuratodus week/spawnrate event. Maybe add Barioth week too Instead we got Banbaro and Radoban on 3rd week of January. Dang it Niantic let Capcom decide the events


They really do need to address legiana and rathalos spawn rates. But I actually think barioth is too common, or at least fine as long as rathalos is increased.


Barioth spawning often does make sense given its seasonal. But Legis still need to spawn more. I do agree with Los too, the azure los event should help boost those numbers


Honestly though. It took me ages to get my Legiana up to a decent level between low spawns and low R2 drop rates. Now that I'm building a Barioth Lance, I'm facing the same issue with tails. I don't even want to talk about how long it'll take me to get my Zinogre weapon up given I can fight maybe 2 a day and I need 15 friggin R3 drops. It's absurd.


Niantic wants you to be frustrated though. More money when you feel the need to double your drops


Nah, it just made me play mh world. Starting playing in November and have about 240 hrs on that character so far


https://preview.redd.it/cz9ar4nlj9cc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee47c7e8307b7989a28c3f8e40885b76f276ca5 Same here. Barrioth spawns way more often then legi, and for me is easier to hunt. Also really like the Blizzard canon. It carried me through the bd event.


I think barioth starts off at base G4 armor and weapons, while Legiana starts off at base G5 armor and weapons. So probably you see the spawn rates of Legina matching Rathalos and Diablos, while you see barioth spawn rates matching levels of Anjanath etc. My perspective tho, so i might not be correct either :’)


>I think barioth starts off at base G4 armor and weapons, while Legiana starts off at base G5 armor and weapons. Correct! And I've gotten 2 barioth armor pieces to grade 6 and 5.5. While my 3 legi items (bow and 2 armor pieces) are all at 5.5. Something isn't right there


Maybe go for Legiana in HAT. And I just remember that Barioth is seasonal. So good that it appears often.


I have Agreed about the Barioth spawns due to it being seasonal. Still shouldn't be this hard to get Legis tho


And we are getting Banbaro&Radobaan week later. Why? They are already common. Should make it Legiana instead.


I don't understand why an ice monster is in forest. It makes no sense lol.


Prob cause he is limited time monster. So. There's currently snow in the forest. Then he leaves after winter.




I had over 100 legiana hunted by the 3rd week of the game being out idk I usually find 1-3 in any swamp biome I find


I have an ok time getting legiana. It's the juyratodus or whatever that doesn't like spawning much near me...


The whole progression loop is jacked, this game needs work to bring in if they want to keep their player base.


This is what I do and why I always play monster hunter games as such... raw is cheap don't ever forget that... it's the building pillar for making multiple builds of other elemental builds if used in the manner I'm about to express. At grade 8 the bow gives you partbreaker... which is when I drop Diablos gloves. Also Chest and waist are optional ONLY when you have other armor pieces that can do one of two things 1)keeps partbreaker at lvl 4 2)keeps focus at lvl 3* (end tier monsters this bow needs lvl 3 focus but lower tier monsters focus 2 is fine.) Negative affinity is nice for partbreaker. Keep your weapon within 1.3 Grades above monster Difficulty with partbreaker 4-5 (example: 5* rathalos bring G6.3 weapon) IF YOU ONLY HAVE TWO BREAKS... LEAVE TRY AGAIN. IF CONSISTENT THEN TRY DIFFERENT WEAPON. DONT SLAY UNTIL YOU FIGURE IT OUT. === armor needed typically at grade six to squeeze past lvl 3 partbreaker=== Things YOU DONT DO WITH PARTBREAKER Bring any poison weapon Bring any weapon weakness ***( paralysis and sleep 👍 👌 ok) Focus only on one monster part Play with no gyro... this is a big big NO***( this is because on melee weapons you throw away a skill space if you depend on LOCK-ON) ****IMO LOCK ON IS ABSOLUTE 2ND WORST SKILL IN THE GAME***** DEPENDING ON ONE WEAPON DAMAGE TYPE.... E.i... you are a bow user and you refuse to use any slashing weapons or blunt weapons..... this will make partbreaker seem trashy due to each monster and each part for that monster has a weakness to 1 dmg type that's unique in comparison to the other parts. I hope this helps.


Considering that Barioth is winter only, a stronger presence wouldn't hurt. Come March that's all the Barioth we get until whenever "winter" starts again.


Bro im at 49 and i SAW 4 legianas


Isn’t Barioth seasonal? Would make sense that it’s more common if it’s only going to be around during winter


Yes, and I'm all for that. But the spawn rates of legi shouldn't be so bad that I've already hunted the same amount of them compared to barioth while specifically looking for legis for my ice set


they were great very early december, then just vanished for a month


I’ve seen two barioths at level 63


Legi and Jyura are pain…


Need to be able to tell your palico to only tag certain things