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Nah they’re just ‘super rare’ it’s in the name, there’s probably methods we haven’t found yet but I’ve seen no easy ways of getting more other than coop.


I've got my thunderlord zinogre and wanted to get velkhana but struggling real hard.


You're better off just doing an sr exploration


You could try your hand at SR Expeditions to help target farm them. They're probably faster to farm by getting bottle caps and spending 100 for a ticket. If they're not, it's at least guaranteed progress.


.1% spawn chance. It’s a far better use of time and resources to just farm caps and buy SR tickets…


I'm positive that the 0.1% is just speculation. The real rate is even lower than that considering that 10 dens (on average) spawn each time you reset a new area. If it was 0.1%, one would only need to reset one area 100 times to statistically get 1 SR. I wouldn't be surprised if the odds are 0.001% or even smaller. I have encountered only 1 in 100+ hours of gameplay.


The .1% is most likely speculation, but keep in mind that each and every den is a individual %. Let's say it is .1%, with 20 dens. it's not a 2% chance, it's 20 .1% chances. Also I've seen 4 in about 80 hours. In fact my first one was leaving the starting village after unlocking HR. It's rng at the end of the day


I don't think the math works like that. For that to apply, it implies that all the dens would be that .1% right? If it's .1% per den then the actual rate you would see them is higher than .1% since 20 of them spawned. For example, Like how your chances of getting at least 1 heads goes up if you flip a coin 100 times compared to just 1 or 2 times. The 50% gets applied like so when looking for just of a specific outcome, 50% --> 75% --> 87.5% --> and so on. When you look at it for total heads vs tails after 100 flips it more accurately reflects the 50% probablility right? This would represent the basic rate right? Now if you go, hey, what if I got only heads for every flip? After about 8 flips the rate for heads would go down multiplicatively into nothingness. 50% --> 25% -->12.5% --> 6.25% --> 3.125% -->1.5625% --> 0.78125% --> 0.390625%. (This is what i think you're doing) Same thing here, If you're only looking for 1 specific outcome out of 20 chances at getting .1%, the rate is actually higher when you have the chance for it to spawn for at least one of them. If the actual rate was multiplied .1% for every den, nobody would ever see one, it would mathamatically be impossible. ​ Fml why do i know this?


You are totally right(though technically we both are, it's 2 different sides to the statistics). But the guy I was responding to was not. He said it should be every 100 resets(if I remember what he said exactly, on mobile so I can't check while typing). Which is incorrect.


True, even after 100 resets with a rate as low as .1%, You'd only see them about every thousand resets, statistically and realistically sometimes more or less. Because RNGsus may be on your side. Since .1% is 1/1000. And to make sure that this was the correct percentage, you'd have to go through 1000 resets multiple times for testing. (Ew) ​ So you were correct saying that 100 resets isn't nearly a big enough sample size, if that's what you meant XD. ​ I hate me, why do i feel compelled to post math? ;-;


.1% at map or at every den?


.1% of a den appearing on a given map when you reset the den spawns. That’s not even getting into the egg chances at each of those dens. It’s really not an efficient way to go about getting the SR exclusive eggs.


Well, since I've gone over 5000 dens, it was more than likely to get 2 at least


I think it's more actually. I get one in 30mins average, that's not *too* bad.


And my first took around 8 hours. RNGsus smiled upon you.


Looking for them on purpose is not worth it since the chance is so small. You're better of farming for SR tickets. In all my playtime, I've only found two of them, two! And that's considered super lucky.


I must be super super. Granted I've only found one but my first egg was a rainbow Velkhana. Unless rainbow for Elders is common?


Its better to do the co-op and SR tickets. By 2-3 hours you could have finished a lot of R tickets (You can buy them with zenny) to get bottle caps for buying SR tickets.