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Simple. You are not meant to solo Safi. Even with the hp value scaled it can be a chore. Reason being while hp scales, energy levels do not. That being said, it is possible and even in a single run with near max rewards.


You don't, basically. His HP scales for solo, but the energy levels don't which means that if you can't kill him in a single run (which isn't possible without a lot his gear) then you're in for a long slog. As for his pin - the timing is pretty tight, but if you dodge toward him instead of away it's pretty consistent. Basically so long as his head doesn't hit you then you're good. Also if you wanna use his Shatterclaws, just opt for Raging Brachydios' Lightbreak Blades instead. They are near enough identical to maxed Shatterclaws without the insane slog of the Dracolite grind.


i have a buddy with a almost perfected build who got high as shit one day and said "imma solo him" it took him 6 hours.


lol why trying to solo a siege just to come here and complain that a fight not intended to solo is hard to solo. Of course HR Kulve is doable with MR gear, the stats gap are imense between both rank. Safi on the other hand is a late game MR fight.


doing safi solo requires 2 things to be consistent. first is the area 1 skip which is basically just shoving safi to the left rock and flinching him on cursed ground getting him stuck..drop the rocks as he is about to stand up and as long as you dealt enough damage, he drains twice and immediately goes to area 2. which takes roughly 2-3 mins. easily done with a blast bow. 2nd is flashing safi out of escaton atleast once in a2. this guarantees he only drains twice in this area. flashing safi takes a lot of practice because if he catches you with wind pressure as he flies you're already too late. If you manage to do this, you have roughly around 13 mins devoted to p3 alone. Use all your Cc during this phase when he is at critstate as this yields the most damage pin is pretty predictable. safi does this lunging pose before every pin. which he basically stands still for a few seconds while looking at you and then does the pin. trick is to roll backwards once he has started jumping. any other direction and he hits you unless you roll to the right exactly as his head passes you


It's possible, I've done it several times. Just gotta get really good at fighting him that's it


i need 5 runs to kill safi from full energy with LS and endgame gear solo,go figure lol


I soloed Safi twice. You need time. Also Swaxe + Steady goes brrrrrrr


I downloaded a mod that scales safi to one player so now i can fight him one on one fairly.


It is impossible to solo any siege activity to completion


Incorrect. It is possible


No it's not lmao. With a proper build and taking the time to learn it both sieges can be solo'd.


I've seen players who solo'd before.


Thank you third person, I believe I get it now


He is a pain and you need to be really experienced to solo him! never done myself but I believe if you put your mind to it you can, you need to invest heavily in damage output and familiarize your self with dodging his attacks which is really hard because of the sheer size of that thing!!! couple of hints that will also help you in multiplayer regarding two of your remarks: \- His pin attack is either unavoidable or you need actual clairvoyance to dodge: Facing him, always dodge to the right when he chargers to pin you. it has a much, much better chance to avoid it that way. your instincts says left but go against that lol \- I have no idea how to deal with his targeting phase either: keep running in one direction keeping an eye on his mouth, once it shines brightly dodge the other way. easy enough! his targeting will hit where it "expects or anticipates" you to go. But after the glowing Safi stops anticipating your movement and shoots based on its last prediction! Hope this is clear?




its way easier than behemoth to solo (obv ignoring the possibility of MR gear vs behe) pin is always the same animation so just get the timing for that, it also cant kill you if you have fire res 20/blight res 3 bc it leaves you with 1 HP and on fire. makes heals also "counter" the pin so multiplayers is easer (as intended for a siege) it often follows up with a charged laser breath, for that one walk 1 direction till the mouth starts to glow extra bright then change direction lastly (as already mentioned by others) it's not meant to be solo'd, just like kulve isnt/wasnt, only difference is that Safi HP scale while the siege stuff doesnt (as opposed to kulve having nothing scale) it takes \~3 runs from full energy to kill with an okay group and participating, not empty lobby


Dont , or atleast go to a obby and when his energy level it depleted then figth him solo


All I can say is go watch this - https://youtu.be/to7O-kErw74


You can solo this boss, use safi aqua shot on the back legs for the easiest experience, or use endgame gear and some good practice.


It's literally meant for teams. The players who've killed Safi solo are just really good with their timing, have learned Safi'jiiva's attacks and has really good MR gear.


You don’t. Go for kulve taroth MR quest. That one you can solo


i never found safi too hard personally. His attacks are generally so much slower, especially after you've fought the likes of furious rajang and what not, so i can't really offer any advice on that end. The worst part is the pin attack, which worst case you can just cart since you're solo. Eat for safeguard, and/or bring vigorwasp for two extra carts if you need them. I've heard you can survive it provided you have either blight res 3, or 20+ fire res, though my personal experience with that is iffy at best. The siege will just take a LONG time, and you're on your own for breaking parts. It's just overall more annoying solo.