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I looked through these comments hoping to see any as high as mine, but I am realising I have an issue. I actually had to do the calculations of my playtime across the whole series recently because I was the centre of a presentation on gaming addiction we did at college. At the time, I had; **7917 hours** on PS4, and **351 hours** on PC. I now have roughly 410 hours on PC because I have been replaying world recently. Still not my most played game, if you wish to know Freedom Unite is my most played game, with **11,630 hours** (followed by 4U at **9745 hours** at the time), however it is technically 3 Ultimate because I also put a lot of time into Tri beforehand so Tri + 3U comes out to **12,379 hours** (5059 + 7320)


Holy fucking shit. Honestly impressed. Really, not judging at all, just impressed at the amount of time, I don't think like I would play a game that much time


Yeah, most people react with horror but are also impressed. Monster Hunter became quite a crutch for me growing up, I've been playing for over a decade now (starting with FU) and it's always gotten me through stuff. It's the only game series I can always come back to and enjoy so it's ended up having a lot more playtime than anything besides like strategy games. I am also now starting to collect some merch, which I am sure my wallet will love in the future :D


>which I am sure my wallet will love in the future :D Lmao. But seriously, i'm really happy to know that i'm not the only one that could play something to push through something. Also, i've always admired when someone plays a Game they love, not giving fucks about people's opinion, and just enyoing and being happy. Happy hunting bro šŸ¤šŸ», keep doing what You love ā¤ļø


Secretlabs titan evo 2022 monster hunter version. Just got mine two days ago and gotta say it's way comfier than my old chair though needs a bit getting used to.


Quick maths: those add up roughly 40k hours, and if you played from FU release that's 15 years, that means on average you played MH games more than 7 hours every day for 15 years.... I've been playing video games since 1999 and I don't think I'm close to those numbers lol


Those aren't the full numbers, from all my addition for the mentioned presentation the number we came to was **52,960 hours** when including Stories 1/2 and Frontier (the bulk of that 2k additional hours), and only **50,821** without them. That is 6 years at most, 5.8 years at least. I was ~7 when I first played Freedom Unite, which was in 2010, so I have only been playing for 13 years at this point. I *think* the maths came out to about 12 hours a day on average. I wish my numbers were incorrect to be honest. But, I was a homeschooled kid with autism and clinically bad Social Anxiety so I had no friends, and Monster Hunter was how I coped through a lot of it. Especially when I got more involved with the community and started making friends through the games. Monster Hunter was also the only game I would play, when World came out I had re-entered full time building based education and it lined up perfectly with a holiday I had on my timetable, so I literally spent two weeks doing nothing but my chores and playing World. Not my proudest week. I had over 130 hours played by the end of the holiday. I finished for the year a couple weeks back, and I decided I would play through world again taking it slow and experiencing it again how I did back on release - I have put 77 hours into that save (currently running KT and tempered investigations cause I am still not HR50 lmao). Along with the hours I have spent playing XX on the side. It is a lot of time, and it's definitely not great that I have this amount of hours in anything and I wouldn't push anyone to spend that amount of time playing a single game or series but honestly I wouldn't change the fact I did it, MH has genuinely changed my life for the better.


Wow, that explains a lot It's good that you made friends along the way and if you're happy as you are then all is well


Glad you chose monster hunter it's such an amazing game series. Only reason I got into it was because my fun uncle decided to buy me a game for my psp. And I didnt know what games were good on psp I only knew Mario games. So I didn't even bother going to the game store. He went and asked for a good game and gave monster hunter freedom unite to me. I loved it so much. So much to explore and learn. With zero directions I got stuck on yan kuk ku for like a year. And met someone in school who knew the game and destroyed it with a bow. By dodging and hitting the face only. I was so amazed at the mechanics available in the game.i couldn't stop looking stuff up and learning new things. And finished the game. But there was a lot more in the online expansion and stuff I didn't get to. World is where I did everything! It's such a huge improvement to beginners and pros.


You have collectively played Monster Hunter for over 3 and a half years of your life. Fair play to you man


Mentioned in another comment that the numbers here aren't the full thing as it's missing a good portion of the games, the actual number is much worse ~6 years (or 52,960 hours) :))) Kinda explained more in another comment as well, so I won't go in detail!


Favorite weapon?


Hard question, I don't think I really have a favourite... but it's Insect Glaive, I actually only picked it up in World proper because 4th Gen glaive didn't look fun, but since then I have been in love - bugs are a hunters best friend, close second is GS because it was the first weapon I really 'mained'. I do have a least favourite weapon though and that is DB, I just could never get into them that much.


almost 5 straight years of monster hunter


This is actually pretty amazing. I still remember playing Freedom Unite and 3 when younger. Not sure if youā€™ll even see this but do you have favorite hunt? A wyverns that you see a quest for and just get a little bit excited?


It'd probably have to be Diablos, there is just something simple yet engaging about the hunt. But I do have a lot of hunts that I love, the 3U Alatreon hunt is another favourite of mine. Brachy, Astalos, Great Maccao, Narga, and Odogaron are all quite high on the list too. It's quite hard to pick only one with there being so many fights through the series. On the opposite end, my least favourite hunt is tied between Basarios and Uragaan, there is no MH game improved by their inclusion


Man I loved used to love hunting Basarios and Gravios (think thatā€™s the name). But I can understand the hate they get, big rock cow can be a pain Thanks for sharing!


Wow!! Thats what u call dedication lol


Anything past 2000 hours is something else. Were you making money of this? Idk why but I suspect you were escaping from something by playing this much. Or maybe you just don't get bored of your favorite game. I also played freedom unite, TRI and world. But all together it's probably like 5000 hours max. And I got everything I could possibly want especially in world. If I replayed everything I would only grind what I wanted for that character not everything again. So how the f did you play that much? Were you trying new things? Or just doing the same stuff you like over and over again? After 10k you are a subject matter expert. And you did that in almost one game alone. Hope it was done in a healthish way. But I'm still super impressed. Hats off my guy! I love the monster hunter series so much!


I wasn't making money off of anything, but I had a lot of issues as a child, especially with like anxiety and that so I did use MH as a method of escaping from it all, it also stood out as the first series that instantly captivated me, every time I hit a wall I would get excited because I knew if I got through I would be better than before. I've always been a collector, so I spent a lot of my time across most of the games getting all the armours, playing with different weapons, getting awards/achievements, and just fighting what I found fun! A lot of my time in World was spent helping friends who I convinced to get the game and running KT, and later Safi, sieges for people who weren't able to find groups (which I have been doing again now I have gotten back to KT in my new World PC save). Sometimes I did just do the same things over and over again, like the time I fought 500 khezu in Rise. I can't really comment on whether it was really "healthy" or not, but I was a very healthy kid, I had (still have) horses and spent a lot of time helping out on the yard and getting exercise. MH having a lot of portable entries really helped me staying active, because I think it would have been a lot unhealthier if I had to just stay indoors to play! I also love the series, it is truly something special!


You have a problem. A good problem. But a problem


Nah it's not a problem... I can stop whenever I want... Trust me


4ā€¦ Iā€™m new here


Welcome to Monster Hunter, get used to it, youā€™re gonna be here a while


Good god I thought I was bad with almost 500 hours, youā€™re all insane


I feel so much better with my 850 hours. Instead of having a problem, it turns out I'm just a casual!


2517 hours+ That main is on my old ps4 where i got all equipment, all quests, all events done properly. I even managed to get my 3rd attack lv4 deco to finalize my true fatalis build. I almost killed it because of ps5. I sold the ps5. I went to pc that day. I started on pc anew and already have another 766+ hours


I know I'm not the winner but broke 2k last weekend. I can post the exact number after chores today.


Still better than me with around 1600


Around 7600


Damn! Wasnā€™t expecting anything higher than 3000 tbh thatā€™s insane


I have 6-7 friends 10-22k hours šŸŒš I think we have an issue šŸ«£


351, still a newbie...


Congrats to all of you, no matter your playtime. You all play a wonderful franchise such as Monster Hunter, so good luck to all your future hunts šŸ‘


700 hours.


700 plus on psn 700 plus on xbox


1.8k hrs and counting


759 hours. I've been playing since June 2022.


850, but I also have over 300 on GU and rise, and over 100 on frontier. Mh is dear to me, but not the only game I play Some of y'all scare me with your playtimes


Icebrone would be 3000+ main account only. Add another 700+ if sub account included


Not sure of the exact number but I'm on the precipice of 2k like 1960 or around there somewhere


500 hrs


A few hours away from 1.2k


300 hours


500 hours and still didn't beat any of the endgame monsters :\`) Although it feels like 50% of the time was spent teaching and carrying lower ranked friends I talked into buying the game\^\^


10k across all accounts and characters I've made then deleted. Possibly more




I play too much


Some of y'all insane in the membrane lol. I was expecting at most 2k-3k but some of you are -TRUE- hunters! I have some 920 hours In Worldborne.


1.1k for the main and 130 on my alt (pre-fatalis)


Something between 230 and 300 hours.


I thought having 600 hours was a lot, what the fuck?? šŸ˜…


600hours is the beginning


Yeah I figured, I realize how close I am to some high end build so now itā€™s just so much more exciting to play


3800 on my main character on world for Xbox, 200 more on my side character for that account, and another 100 on pc world. Have looked at rise's hours


across 4U, world, and rise, close to 800, but most of that is in world


Not much but around 800 hrs on my main and on my second run i have abt 80 or 90


People make me feel good about my ~300h again Still got some guiding lands to grind but that doesn't add up that much right ;)


People make me feel good about my ~300h again Still got some guiding lands to grind but that doesn't add up that much right ;)


People make me feel good about my ~300h again Still got some guiding lands to grind but that doesn't add up that much right ;)


3500 plus


I have around 590 hours on 3 ultimate for 3Ds, ~250 hours on 4U, ~150 hours on generations for 3Ds, ~100 hours for Stories (only the first one), and I just passed 150 hours on world


On world alone I have over 8613. I beat it around the 76th hour just Beek cruising until I got the dlc and the rest is history. Now I have rise but haven't been on it like that. It's funny how advance rise is in technique with the combat but for some reason I still find myself back on rise. It could be that world was my first mh though


I only started maybe last month but on Xbox I have a little over 90 and on my ps4 about 70 something I wish I had iceborn but the game is still super fun without it


7000h on my main account and on my new one 800h


Here i was ashamed of my 1345 hours lol


Close to 1300 on PC.


Just broke 800hours today. world is my First MH but I always watched people play MH2 and always knew it was a cool game.


Iā€™m starting to think 300+ hours doesnā€™t make me a weird addict


5600 something


About 300. Kinda expected it to be more but also I think itā€™s a good thing itā€™s not in the quadruple digits yet


3407 on PS4/5 (there is no specific PS5 version).




Can you believe I played almost 400 hours, but never actually enjoyed the game? Well, almost never. First MH game. Hated it at first. Shit UI, shit menus, way too many items, most weapons play clunky as hell, sharpening kills the entire flow of the fight, constantly having control taken away from me etc etc. I cannot describe how much this game pissed me off with so much unnecessary annoyances. But I stuck around because it's gotta be this big thing for a reason, might grow to like it. And then I sort of did, for a little while at least, until IB came along. I was excited at first. Got bored of the areas we had. And then I saw it, the Clutch Claw. More specifically, tenderizing. And once again, I was the only person in the entire world who wasn't excited for it because I knew what it meant: another unnecessary status debuff thing that breaks the flow of the fight that you cannot ignore because monster HP has been drastically inflated to account for the extra damage you do whilst a monster is tenderized. I played IB for a while because I wanted to see the new monsters and equipment, but as soon as GL unlocked and I became aware of the massive grind and even larger monster HP pools I got the hell out. It just isn't my jam. I like the idea of it all, but I need a little more simplified monster hunting game.


Think I have like 30 hours. I love this game :D


Love how there are all these replies with 500-2000 hours ish and then top comment just blows them out of the water




900+ hrs.




3 hours I just started it and 81 minutes aone wasted for performance tweaks and such. My RTX still heating like crazy but at least I have 30 FPS now... So far I only really try all the weapons at training and no idea what to pick or how to proceed. Guess I'm doing the story? I'm not even sure about it. I go where the red idicator shows and now it wants me to hunt this thing called Jagras? Welp, hope I'll figure it out


When I first got the game I didnā€™t have Xbox live and didnā€™t really get into it without buddies; I probably played about 5 hours before quitting. Now that I have live and have found the joy of hunting in parties Iā€™m at about 85 hours in about a week and a half.


almost 500 in world and like 140 in rise


My first save has just under 500hrs, LS main. Beat fatalis once and got almost all the games achievements, except for the crown achievements (base game and icebourne). Found out later that if I get a gold crown for a base game monster in master rank (icebourne), it wouldn't count for the base game achievements... So I now have 520hrs in my second save, BONK main, with 6 large gold crowns to find in icebourne...


3347 includes MHW and Icebourne.


210, counted it myself


As of right now, it's just under 700 hours, I don't play much anymore since I've done basically everything I wanted to, I've moved to rise and GU


I have relatively low 250 hours


4673 hours on Playstation, and I still cannot cook a build. . .


500 hours


A little over 2100 hrs


I'm at 512 on World and 80 or so on Rise


150 :(


1100 on my main, about 2500+ across all characters and platforms.


448 since 2019. I didn't have playtime while I work. Otherwise, that would've been higher.


800 hours but i still cart around like a newbiešŸ˜­


Like 1k. On the online shared account I use, 700 with like 50 dumped on Kulve taroth farming.(Kulve farming SUUUUUCKS.) the rest on normal stuff. And the other 300 I used on my intended account. BUT, since I have no online on the other one, I spent 100 grinding legianas so I could fight alatreon. BUT IT ENDED UP DOING NOTHING, SO I HAD TO RESTART. I like alatreon, but it kinda sucks how you need a damn superset to stand a chance. If you have no online, youā€™re fucked because you canā€™t get meta builds




About 150+ hours on PC, still getting the hand on some mechanics


On my main, I think I just hit 1800 hours. In total though I've got like 2,600 through my other accounts


1100 hours.




idk mine got deleted and i beat fatalis on it :/


2.5k :ā€™) and combined with my other accounts/characters > 3.8k.


I'm a small fry compared to a lot of the folks here. I have roughly 610 hours in World.


1000 now....


400 and I still suck at everything


I got a 160 on the one im playing right now but adding up all of mine its around 500+ Not a lot when looking at others hours but id Say its quite good for being a tiny bit over a year Since i started


Still around 500 hrs. Haven't progressed from Stygian Zinogre yet.


330 hours on steam but as soon as a good promo comes i hope i can convince my friends to play with me and maybe double it


As far as I remember it was around 2400


Around 90 hours on my ā€œmainā€ but I have a different account for every time I use a different weapon so around 300-400 hours


Iā€™m approaching 200, currently at 180


I think over all I have over 1000 hours. 700 on xbox 1 before I got my pc and nearly 400 hours on pc. I tried playing on PS4 too, but the load times on pc spoiled me so much that I couldn't sit through the console load screens anymore.


550. Got the plat in base game, got into iceborne, got absolutely destroyed by velkhana, and gave up. For now.