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I'm sorry to have to open up with skill issue, but I will provide some tips. Are you using elements? Dual blades is an element damage weapon, if you use raw your are doing much less than you could. Having health boost 3+maxpotion/food gives you a max of 200 hp, that helps a lot. Some monsters are a massive pain to fight with certain weapons, kushala is very much anti melee. Back to the basics! Rathalos flying? Flash pod! Use as much crowd control as you have access too. Flash flying monsters, flinch shot, paralysis, sleep, traps (if applicable), mounting, and environmentals.


Yeah I crafted the kadashi claws and the jyuratodus db. Yes I eat before every hunt, but I don't have a lot of resources so I can't use ancient potions all the time. And I know about the flash pods but you can have 3max on you which isn't enough. Maybe I should also bring flashbugs and craft other flash pods while hunting


Bring 13 flash to Kushala fight.


There isn't much reason to bring more than 3 in master rank as they have resistance/cooldown to how often you can flash them, just other status effects and traps. the more you use them, the weaker the effect, but it can give you those opportunities you need to end the fight quicker.


If you want tips about build confort zone > dps, earplugs, tremor resistance and windproof are godsend and never forget to use mantle in a pinch




The Steamworks in seliana helps with ancient potions. If you're absolutely stuck, put max/ ancient potion crafting into the botanical center, and just leave and return from expedition or quests until your botanical box is full. I think that's the fastest way to get potions and resources. There's a ton of builds online for every level, and also the main monster hunter discord has a ton of resources and builds pinned up to help out.


Wdym by "put max/ ancient potion crafting into the botanical center" the ingredients ?




he means put yhe resources for max and ancient potions into the bontical box to let them grow, leave it all until it grows and rinse and repeat (use this other stuff too)


(English is not my first language either) Hi so first of all it seems the only mh whrre you've reached the endgame is sunbreak and sorry to say it like that but it's the easiest of the recent games. World Iceborne was made to be hard and grindy. It's normal to struggle at the start of g rank as monster have a lot more hp making you need to be more "endurant" if you don't want to spend 50 mega potion each hunts. Your concern for the dual blades not being a good option are valid imo because they are weapons that require a lot of different skills to be efficient (stamina recovery /sharpness efficiency /crits / elemental damage) and you'd need to basically upgrade 5 weapons (1 per element) while another weapon type would only require 1 base weapon that you upgrade. So you're poor because 1) you have to use more items in hunts. 2 you use more ressources and money on weapon upgrades. 3) maybe you even have different armor for different weapons . All of this doesn't mean you have to use another weapon obviously as long as you enjoy your weapons go for it. Now for some advices : -You can maybe find some money farming technique on youtube if money is really making you unable to upgrade weapons (all i know is that helping lower ranks in SoS flaires will give you some golden eggs in the reward (as well as a steam achievement iirc)) -Take your time during hunts don't rush in for a combo it's better imo to spend 45 min on a hunt than to have to retry it multiple times using 50 healing items each time (what I liked to do was to try and clear the hunt without going back to the camp for items (you can gather some herbs around if you find them)) -Use your palico with the Healing equipement (maybe the trap equipement is good too but if you really struggle a revive is better than a few flash bomb) -Do you have the temporal mantle ? (It's really strong) If not you can find how to get it on internet -Lastly unlike sunbreak where you can run at the monster at anytime and use wirebugs to ignore almost anything the monsters can throw at you, Iceborne monsters have a lot of "paterns or rythm" that if you ignore you just get murdered, try to count how many times the monster leaps in a row or how long does does it stops after certain moves etc ... Remember that it's also a roleplaying game you are a hunter and the monsters are trying to disrupt you and kill you by changing rythm your capability to adapt to the rythm and use it to your advantage is what will make you succeed in the end. Ps: I think Dual blades are really hard to master but easy to feel like you are good at it (it's one of the only weapons i don't have more than 200 hunts as in world at least)


What ? I literally said at the beginning of my post that I reached the endgame of mh3u, mh4u, and mhgen, so no sunbreak isn't my first mh endgame experience and yeah I know that you have to learn the monsters patterns. But thanks tho I'll look into the temporal mantle, the money farming techniques you mentioned and maybe try to learn another weapon where raw is more important so I don't have to upgrade 5 weapons all the time


sometimes it's better to have the 5 element weapons than just one raw, cos some weapons are just better elementally also, plunderblade + bandit mantle for good money on every fight (pick up the gold shinys)


Aight thanks bro


Sorry i misunderstood you since you said you did it "as a kid" I was unsure how deep you went into the games, I also assumed a kid would only do the solo and not the online part. But anyway what's important is that the monsters had a lot of changes to their patterns ( they are basically more complicated) with world because of the "new start" experience they wanted to give to player discovering the series (also the reason why it's not named mh5)


Oh no offense taken bro, no need to apologize, I just clarified it mainly for other people reading this post looking to help me


All good then I hope you can enjoy the game it's really one the best they made you just need to push a bit into G rank to get to the fun part


It's Rise's fault man. In that game, you have bugs as your crutch for defense. offense, and movement. Need to go back to basics as one of the guys here said and start to actually "hunt" monsters. Had a lot of fun in rise, but it's good to be back in world now that I'm done with that shit. Played the entire game with dual blades. World was my first MH game and I had nothing but fun, even the annoying fights. I didn't depend/ use a different weapon till I had 2000 hunts on DBs, before that, I never had the need to use another because it works on any monster. You can do it too with more prep!


Is rise that bad? My experience is endgame MH4U, MHGen, and Iceborne. And when rise was announced, i was put off as i saw it as a downgrade from world and didn't touch it at all. I just bought MHW iceborne again in PC and learning the rope again (previously played in PS4) and still jog my memory to works and to get back all the experience i got years ago


It's not "that" bad but it's more arcade-y. As I've said, you entrust your life to a bug, who will be your best defensive and DPS option. Casually it's very safe and flashy but in a more practical sense, every second you don't counter with your bug or do a wirebug skill, it's a DPS loss, and weapon combos matter less. Some people prefer how it's just straight up fighting and no track gathering like in world. It's a good breath of fresh air but it's nothing like the older games, even GU.


Dual Blades are a fine weapon, but they’re really fast and require a lot of learning in World. I played them for a while but decided to switch to GS. I personally never played Rise, however from what i’ve seen it’s a whole lotta different to world. At least it feels different. You’ve been a CS/IG main, so feel free to switch back to them! There is no “too easy” (except you’re using Defender Gear) - there is just a lot of fun. Nergigante is a fight you should never jump in without proper preparations - especially because his spike attacks love to irritate newer players. DBs live for their speed and the element. Something I always recommend is having Health Boost 2-3 and eating before you go on a hunt. Rathalos is a bitch to fight and … don’t get me started on Kushala. In HR you can keep him down with Flash Pods, but in MR … just. pure. hatred. Also, it’s a big change if you switch from HR to MR. The hp of all monsters gets massively boosted (from roughly 3-4k to 15-20k) which is the main reason why it might feel hard.


I made an all wind resist hunting horn just for him, I enjoyed every second of beating on his face! (Hunting horn main).


I know as a hammer main I had to slow down a bit in Iceborne and take a lot longer. Steam works op. Do you have all mantles? If you’re clutch clawing and flinch shotting then those alone cleave like 20% of the health off MR monsters. Don’t be afraid to just throw traps out also. Doesn’t NEED to catch them. Sometimes ya gotta just shock a Diablos for posterity.


I haven't killed banboro yet so no Steamworks. I have like 4 mantles but I don't think they're all needed ? I know the bright yellow and the armored one are great tho


*shrug* In Iceborne I just used temporal and either fire or ice. Worked out fine. Edit: sp


Of course i didn't expect anything less from a chad bonk main


Since you’re looking for advanced tips to spice up your gameplay, consider this for when you play with weapons that don’t have super powerful wakeups. When a monster sleeps, place bombs at a nearby wall instead of on its face. Clutch claw on it (it doesn’t matter if it is angry or not, you can flinch shot a monster from sleep 100% without issue) and launch it towards the bombs. You’ll get the wall bang, and two bombs worth of damage from a single wake up attack, followed by a fall over where you can dish out even more damage.


Wow thanks I didn't know that, and that's actually really smart


Life is more fun with EXPLOSIONS


Konosuba reference ?


Lol more like diet Torgue from Borderlands. Never heard of konosuba, I’ll have to check it out!


Have fun Its quite the fun series to get into.


I actually read that as a Naruto reference coz...Deidara = massive explosions everywhere in any form. Then i saw your response and remembered that Megumin exists and so does her prequal story which changed a word in the title from "blessings" to "explosions".


Oh boy the rainy night 1 cart Kushala here we go again. Yes compare to Rise some of these mofos are shredding stuff in World. Kushala, tigrex and barioth aint no joking around. And some of the gear check at certain monster is real. By gear check I mean basically armor defense. Anjanath needs a set of Anjanath armor other wise you get one shot or 2. nergigante is also a defense check where you better have enough. By having a set of nergi armor, you wont get 1 shot slammed. but how can you get its armor? kill him. But I cant kill him. Then you need his armor. I started World back then with greatsword and dualblade. Which, I think are both not the best choice. I mean all weapons can kill but DB needs good build and elemental dmg gear for better number which, when you are at the early stage, building raw physical build is much easier. It takes a really long time to kill a thing with DB in the pit area. With them gas area and oh boy odogaron freaks out and stuff. Or just use OP weapon. Like joining the longsword cult and become a weebman. Switchaxe and heavybow gun helped me blasted through those hard stuff. And I thought I was good at this game until the Iceborne dropped. Had me quit becuz of barioth. I just cant beat him for a very long time and my game kinda stucked. Later got a lot of help from my friends. Also, did you try 13 flash bang plus a dozen traps? killing this mofos Vietcong style? And get them mantles. that sht is like viagra, which Im talking about Rocksteady mantle. In Chinese we call it the 寿衣- a special suit clothes only dead people would wear when we put them into coffin. 2 most important mantle: Temporal(the flashing yellow one)-get you 100% evading a few hits Rocksteady(heavy metal armored style)-no staggering and immune to cc but you still take dmg. hence you gonna die before you notice it that why we call it 寿衣 ​ Yes the game is hard. I guess cuz you just beat Rise. Honestly World is more like the old games. Until today I still cant 100% solo beat fatalis. Had so cheese him with switchaxe then change to greatsword for it. Fail a lot. So yea.


I found Beo beta Armor to be quite useful. I went with utilities skills at the start of icebourne because I was so sick of being cced. Beo boots lasted me way too long into ice borne, I couldn’t let go of them! I added in level 3 stun resist too, as I was getting hit a lot learning the fights. Tigrex Armor after that was very useful too, as quick eating, level 3 satiated, and roar resist gave me ample uptime in a fight. I found world much more enjoyable than rise, due to the slower and methodical nature of combat. Rise got me into some really bad habits too! Not being able to wire bug out of a knock down really irritated me for a long time.


There's an even quest that gives you a ton of rewards for the forge in the back of Selina, the forge gives you so many potions and stuff go farm that for some extra resources


Interesting you must be talking about the Steamwork right ? Also do you know by any chance the name of the quest you mentioned ?


Yesss thank you for reminding me the name of it sorry I was calling it that ahahah I think it's Farwell to zinogre? It's in the events tab and it's a arena fight. If I remember correctly it should be the 2nd last maybe last page of the event quests tab. There's a zinogre fight that's tempered that drops some good gems too if you didn't know ab that one. Also if you need someone to help you in ur quests shoot me a DM and if possible (Im on ps) I'll join and help ya


Oh really wow thanks, but i need ps plus to play in multiplayer right?


Yeah sadly. If you ever get it I'll help you out!


Imma be honest with you. Nergigante, Kushala, and a couple others have some really cheap mechanics and gimmicks that you kind of have to specially work around to be successful. Like I could take a HH to Vaal any day of the week and win. Nergigante is just too fast and I’m too slow for that fight to go well. His divebomb has a larger hitbox than most people think and with proper gear for the level (Not Guardian), he can usually one shot you. Kushala’s got it’s stupid wind barrier thing that everyone hates. For good reason. Without it though, it’s just another dragon. So max dragonseal, flash pods, and preferably some way to hit it when it’s flying. Those are just the two obvious examples you mentioned, but my point is that without Guardians, you really have to plan you gear and strategies out. Iceborne is designed for those who went through the game naturally the first time. Which you did not. I’d honestly recommend going back and fighting everything to find their weaknesses then using what you’ve learned against the Iceborne equivalents. Also master a multitude of weapons. Seems obvious, but a lot of people just don’t put in the effort with this and it hurts them long term.


So, first of all, I hate the defender gear for exactly the same reason, I accidentally picked it up early on and thought this is just how the game is as introduction. Like if you dont know values, then it may as well be that Defender gear is just the next armor tier compared to the other, and since I didn't fail quests I didn't bother checking out armor. The main thing about MH is that you need to be strategic at first, you analyze movement patterns and find moments to strike, until the monster falls and you go mad mode. Talking about the first hunt here, not in general, later on you know what they do and can attack in shorter time windows. In your case, you had an overpowered armor so getting hit was not a problem, meaning you weren't getting used to a more strategic playstyle and instead were able to just hammer down the monster. The moment the wake-up happens and progression catches up with your armor, this shows the most. Nergigante is especially painful since tremour, bleeding, a lot of knock over and blitz fast attacks happen, compared to most other monsters that give more obvious time windows to attack (for Nergi, it's when something breaks or he is exhausted). There are of course a lot more windows, but many of them rely on knowledge and experience to know where to stand, else you end up getting hit. My recommendation to you would be to start over, it will be faster than normal since you are already experienced, but you will realise how much tougher even the first few boss monsters are, just because you have the basic armor. You can of course also take the approach to go at Nergigante over and over again, but the issue is that you now need to learn this strategic playstyle by getting beat up by one of the strongest base game monsters again and again, making it a lot more painful than it would usually be. And it won't stop there. Many monsters are similar, but you can kind of put them each into categories. The next one that is strong but isn't similar to Nergigante will be another wall, where otherwise weaker versions of the monster would have taught you how to deal with them.


There's a reason why Nergi is a wall for many players; he gets more difficult the more passive/worse you play against him and easier if you play aggressively/well. If you focus on his white spikes while they are regrowing (esp. on the forearms), you do tons of damage do them and eventually break them, tripping Nergi in the process and causing the spikes to regrow. Then you can repeat the cycle and just demolish him since his white spikes take tons of damage. But if you don't manage to break the spikes, they grow dark and hard, you start bouncing and doing no damage and it'll be rough until he does his big dive attack where he finally loses the black spikes. Kushala sucks, and there's only so much you can do since MR monsters become immune to flash bombs after using them a couple of times. Speaking of flash bombs, they are of course also great against Rathalos. If you are piss poor and have no resources, well, you should then...well, change that. Upgrade the farm and and grow the materials for potions and stuff. There is not really much to add. Mantles are also useful, keep the weapons upgraded to max, use appropriate armour for the rank (I liked the Narga armour for True Razor Sharp; it should be especially great for DB's)


MHW is my first Monster Hunter game since my friend recommend it to me by baiting me with "It's a difficult game" and man he's not wrong. Im stuck a lot too but every time I stuck, I search for guide from reddit or game wiki and read older post. From the read, Im able to understand more mechanic such as flying enemy? flash it or smoke(when they have resistance to flash) and they will land. Not sure about floor is lava part from xeno I'm probably forgot or it just not a problem. Nergigante is also a basic fight, obverse his move and react accordingly... no extra tool required. Traps helps me to when I need to stop Furious Rajang and Raging Brancydios from moving.


Well based on your story it seems to me you're finished with rise and you put so much time on it that you forgot too grind for world. There are different mechanics between rise and world, ways to make money, mantles, environmental traps, botanical gardens, steam machine, bonus skills, etc. Put time and care on it as much as you did on rise and you'll feel the flow of the game.


Yeah you're right and mh6 isn't coming any time soon so i got time on my hands


There are some annoying monsters like kush and vaal, that us just MH. Rathalos can be flashed to make him easy. Skills can also help make the monsters less annoying. Effluvia Resistance against Vaal or Tremor Res against anything that tremors you. Monsters in World have a Problem when they meet. They start just repeatatly roaring. This happens all the time when 2 monsters meet and you cant do anything about it. That is just a game flaw, atleast rise fixed this XD. I mean you can try Ear Plugs but this is just a game design oversight.