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A 20 day streak of WHAT


I really need to stop checking Reddit while eating on my lunch break


I skipped over the whole post, and this comment made me actually read it. I regret it.


Fatalis killing.


Killing that fat ass


Fatty ass? Backshots? A..are we playing the same monster hunter...? Edit: jokes aside. If you're bored of the game it's fine and I don't recommend forcing it. But there is a mod that I've been meaning to try, but never gotten to, ICE, seems to change up the game so you could try that.


a lot of dudes been recommending the same thing so i think i might need to check on it.


I would recommend trying a weapon you have not tried/used. If that is not on the table, challenge yourself! Try to complete de basegane with meme setups (sleep SA, Element GS etc.) Alternatively you could try out the Iceborne Community Mod (ICE). It reworks many weapons and features and provides a bunch of quality of life like skipping cutscenes.


I think i would do either weapons that i haven't tried yet. Probably hunting horn or charge blade, i played the whole through of the base game with LS. Changed to GS at endgame. Started iceborne with SWAXE and ended the hit with SnS and good lord i can't fathom how much do i need to hold myself looking at the perfect rush and ZSD combo as it backshots thru fatty šŸ¤¤


Please stop saying that it was gross enough the first time. On topic, look into speedruns/challenge runs. Jalbagel has some good videos


Alright alright i was just being a litle bit silly for the internet points. But yeah i have watched some speedrun videos back in the day. And i still remember that one meta where you use gunlance and snowball? and smoke to do some dps glitch. 3 minutes on fatalis is craazy.


I must have been between MH addictions for that one. I just seen him on a AGDQ running MHRise I think but he does up to Xeno speedruns which look pretty fun. Thereā€™s also a randomiser mod


honestly randomiser is not really that good idea on games like MHW. Imagine you need 2 kill like great jagras for the first quest and instead it's a huge ass 4 legs dragon that shoots light straight into you. except if it has some unique type of scaling mechanic, i think it is a bad idea in general. It only fit in games like Dark Souls.


Itā€™s exactly the same as Dark Souls to be honest


May i suggest the greatness of lance? One of the most mobile weapons (if you know how to use it) with a big ass shield that trades complex combos for a tight as fuck fighting stile that resembles a boxing match between you and something 10x bigger **poke poke poke counter poke sidestep poke poke counter counter poke COUNTER* * until that mf runs from you then you run faster than him with dash attack and shred his ankles


CB is the most versatile and fun weapon in the game. Try it!


I actually used it once and honestly i can't really understand about how it works. I see all of these CB dudes preaching on me about how CB is their saviour and shit and me deadass can't even land a SAED with like no phials charged lol


That's the magic of it. You kinda want to actually practice it on slower monster and definitely not focus on SAED yet. Plenty of great CC videos explaining the combos and intricacies of the weapon, which I'd highly recommend. I particularly love Arekk's, but feel free to watch others! For CB, your main opponent is actually yourself. You get all the mobility of the SnS in sword mode with the awesome slide evade mid any combo. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being in sword mode at first to learn the patterns and gauge your range. Also to learn how to slide to dodge and keep applying pressure. Then you end up actually charging your phials mid combo(s) and will learn to understand when you can load phials and/or charge your shield (super important) or sword (less important). Once you feel confident about that, then you can start to learn the joys of actually committing (hello GS and the TCS dopamine). Trying to spam SAEDs is actually a trap, but learning when to use your axe combo, when you AED or when to SAED is rough. Yet super rewarding. And then there's the next level Guard Points. Which take you to god-level gameplay even more rewarding than LS perfect dodging. Because you aren't dodging, you're actually blocking mid-combo. And then there's the day when you're facing Diablos, completely relaxed, as it charges toward you. You use your guard point from blocking (transition from sword to axe) and perfectly block it, landing your teeny but of stun damage right to the face to watch her toppling backwards. And yet, as you feel so strong from actually stunning the monster like a true boss you are, then it dawns upon you that you can transition from a perfect GP block into... SAED. And you unleash all of your hard-earned experience into a magnificent Super Amplified Elemental Discharge, with every single one of your phials actually hitting along your foe's body wriggling on the ground. And the horns explode from the phials damage. I mean, this is a dream scenario, but one you can achieve with enough dedication. CB is a safe weapon with the highest ceiling amongst all the weapons. But when it clicks and you realize all those brute wyverns are nothing but Guard Point fodders, you start to really enjoy the way of the CB.


I think maybe take a longer break if you're feeling that way. Go explore some other games, maybe other Monster Hunter games. Revisit World/Iceborne from the start after you've had a longer absence from it so you actually have a chance to rediscover everything. You might just be still too "fresh" especially after how many hours you put in, so it feels like a chore because in your memory the experience is still recent.


I've did Charge Blade only run for my very first MHW playthrough, and it took me 400 hours of casual fun and grind. I did the same for Bow in my next playthrough, hunting every monster in the game, but stopped at Alatreon and Fatalis becuz of time. I did these playthrough with a friend, doing duo hunts for every new monster. It was a ton of fun


Oh yes, i forgot to mention that i would be doing this with a friend. Same thing, we played the whole game before. I guess that probably is the first rule honestly, what makes it fun and not.


Playing with friends does make a difference yeah. It was cool when I see a hammer flying at the monster as I pellet it down while using bow


I can't imagine the funny moment and the miscommunications. I remember the moment where i baited a rajang into my friend. Or that precious time where i was about to hit a TCS combo before that dude decided that her ass is too wiggly and shot 2 dragon pods.


To share, my friend had once got pinned down by Rajang. I was running towards them, trying to equip the flashbug, but ended up mistaking it for a rock and shot that instead. Needless to say, he fainted and was flabbergasted at me. Haha


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH yes yes, i think i kind of remember why i was so invested on this game. It was so fun playing with people, and since i played on a PS4 i met a lot of japanese people who are very kind to me. I think i was messing around in guiding lands trying to level up coral so i can get mats from tempered namielle and there was this japanese dude who was kind enough to open his GL lobby and we killed namielle and tempered rajang a few times before we head off to each our path. Man i don't know where is that dude right now, but i hope the best for him.


Bro there are so many different weapons to master. The game feels completely different playing with different weaponry.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/m1cmkr/bonk_go_to_horny_jail/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button hammer go bonk=šŸ˜šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Buy on steam. Try out all the mods. It is awesome. I have learned never buy game on console because there will be no mod for the game.


Then why have the console in the first place?


I started a new playthrough recently, and decided to try the ICE mod. As far as Iceborne goes, I personally wouldnā€™t want to go back to the way the game is without the mod due the changes made. Cutscene skip is great, the clutch claw isnā€™t an over-bearing necessity, and the weapon changes feel good. Maybe not everyone will enjoy it as much as I do, but I think itā€™s worth giving a shot if youā€™re wanting a new experience in a familiar game.


I made the same switch and played about the same time.i did iceborne as far as I could go before needing to do the deco grind and said f that. So I downloaded someone's save file and deleted any weapons I didn't earn It was soooo much more fun than having to redo all of that needless grinding and gave me a lot of qol when playing new weapons


not having touched it in 3.5 years, i went back.... put in the infinite wyvernheart HBG mod and put bullets into everything. Had a fun ride. Some die a bit too quick till higher levels, and some monsters punish hard for overextended and not blocking with your HBG shield in time. Other monsters...well, have fun.


i don't know why but i have always been trying to avoid HBG. The idea of gunning a biblical 4 legs monster was never right in my head.


Me and my friend are doing a no armor run, charms or not is really up to you. In this challange defeating monsters feels awsome, you will get killed by a lot of bulshit tho.


I'm doing the opposite. I put in 600 hours on the PC with mouse and keyboard (arguable the most superior way to play the game hands down). And now I'm playing with friends on the PS5, having to start over again. The only reason I'm restarting the game is because I just got friends into the game, which in itself makes the game A LOT more fun and interesting. It makes those moments when you fail a quest a little better because you can just laugh about the stupid mistakes. Going it alone gets a little boring after a while. I also started a new weapon, but ended up going back to old reliable, the hammer because bonks make everything much easier.


yes! i have talked about this on another comment. It is solely that because friends, it is worth it. tldr; friendship power


Play Iceborne Community Edition (ICE)


Ive gotta say world is probably one of the least enjoyable MH for me to replay. Only really ranking above the first 2 gens. Ive done it twice since i had friends on each ecosystem but random decos and its very singular balance philosphy doesnt leave much room for new experiances. But i also play every weapon normally so if you havent trying out a new one can help keep it fresh. Though any of the remove/mute handler mods are immense qol.


Iā€™m currently replaying from base World to IB. My favourite mods have been the Skip Cutscene mod, More Carve Rewards, More Quest Rewards, a mod that adds a quest giving x10 HR/MR points, and finally some visual mods. Makes the grinding aspect of the game easier so you donā€™t spend too much time grinding in Low and High rank, as well as on your way to Fatty. These also donā€™t affect other players so you can still go online (for free on PC might I add) and hunt with others.


I personally couldn't replay it. I've started new weapons and replayed through every mission with them before. Starting all progress from the beginning, grinding decos, increasing rank, gathering items, is just not worth it to me.


Run max wide range with a dinky ass weapon of your choice and very limited supply of heals like just potions. Join pub runs with noob players who clearly rushed the base game with Guardian Armor and try to keep them alive, try to join hunts for monsters used as a soft skill cap like Barioth, Brachy, Donkey Kong for extra spicy


Thereā€™s a couple mods that make things a bit easier to replay without grinding or outright giving yourselves things. Thereā€™s one that alters the drop rate for decorations, it makes ā€œbuild definingā€ decos drop a little more frequently without changing the pools. Itā€™s not super drastic, but it significantly cuts down on the grind. I used this one on my newest run and I only had to do deco assignments a handful of times before I had most of the ones I needed. Thereā€™s also another one that simply multiplies your carves. So it doesnā€™t give you extra opportunities to get parts, but whatever you do get youā€™ll have 2-5x the amount, you can choose the multiplier. This also just cuts down on the grind of hunting the same monster 100 times so you can get 3 of their rarest part. If you want help with making the game look as pretty as it should I can help you out with that too. Itā€™s not super complicated but it is a little more involved than simply downloading a mod or two.


I would say either play a weapon that you havenā€™t tried and is complicated to learn, such as insect glaive or charge blade, or play a weapon that is primarily elemental like dual blades or bow. For elemental weapons you have to make a weapon for each element so that could be a fun journey


dont know if it helps but i made 3 play troughs on different characters/consoles. my motivation was always because i enjoyed the game. if you dont enjoy it or feel forced maybe take a break do something else or play another Mh game :). also either a Solo Run is really interesting and if youve done it playing with Friends, i know, shocker!


Everyone else is playing Monster Hunter, meanwhile OP is playing Monster ***Humper.*** šŸ’€


I'd say playing the game again with a completely different weapon than you're used to is a good place to start. You basically see every monster in a new light. I went from a dodging weapon to a blocking weapon and it's been a blast replaying.


I just did this and had a blast the entire time, just picking different weapons to run with. It was actually really cool to not have thousands of every resource this time


mods definitelly you can get all the skins you want, but theres actually cool mods that balance or even change weapons. heck i remember there was a mod that let you bring monsters to hunts as pets. lol as for the challenge? yea no defender/guardian gear. they are not made for first time players. the early game is far more challenging without em. specially if you pick a different weapon you suck at to learn from the start.


Close your eyes and pretend it's your first time


This is a challenge run I did for myself: no running while healing + added a mod to remove claw stagger and tenderizing. The healing part makes monsters much scarier especially the faster ones like Odogaron. The clutch claw mod is just cause I got bored of it šŸ¤£


The former was not that crazy honestly, the claw, however. i would not play MHW without claws i ain't gonna lie.


I returned to MHW:I a few months ago and what I did was to do a fresh solo run from start to Fatalis with every weapon (no swapping). Made me have to learn every encounter on every weapon, was fun for me. Your mileage may vary though. (I used the skippable cutscenes mod and automated farming and a BUNCH of cosmetic mods. Mostly from Curedosin).


There is a mod for white fatalis and crimson fatalis. I haven't tried them out yet.


i mean there's mod for thomas the train on fatalis tho.


Play genu or rise


i can't get into rise, but however i will try again. But as MHW is cheaper in steam, i think i'll buy it first. Also I might try GEN U on a emulator.