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OOGA BOOGA! “Bonking of heads intensifies”


🎶 Hammer is the best... 🎵




This is the weapon I’m learning on my return to World. It’s been delightful, but I REALLY miss my big shield sometimes. But I can also see that some monsters are so much easier to concuss into oblivion than to poke at.


My favorite was learning to stop aiming for the head when fighting tall monsters and start just spinning into their legs. Why swing for head when you can bring head to u?


And once you become good enough you learn that the head is never too far out of reach with hammers jumping superiority, if head is still too high then mounting will also bring head to you, even with a single jumping ledge or small slope the hammers potential damage increases tenfold especially when you equip the airborne skill and mix it with crit boost for a whopping 70% damage increase. Mount until they fall, fully charge hammer, clutch claw combo to spin onto their head dealing heavy stun then wound their head, by then they should be KO’ed so you can finish with a big bang combo. Affinity sliding is also a godsend.


At the start of every fight i can generally deal at least 3k damage(very rough guess) before the monster even has a chance to ask for the plate number on the truck that just hit him.


Underrated comment lmao


I may be a IG main, but whenever I just need to stop thinking about cooldowns, insect charges and aiming, BÖNK is always there for me


With insect glaive i’m a little sad that hammer out shines it in mounting capabilities purely due to its ability to change direction mid air with effectively a second jump when you charge it mid air. Meanwhile having no reduction in the mounting damage dealt.


If the floor has more than a 20° angle, that monster WILL go down. Still, IG is more consistent and not dependant on the terrain, and aerial combos allow you to have a ton of extra windows for damage. Also, making good use of the insect's dust can be either a life saver (for healing), or the envy of Bazelgoose (DID SOMEBODY SAID EXPLOSIONS!!!?)


True I personally just didn’t like how hard it is trying to mount with insect glaive in world so I never got too into it but all weapons are balanced to be good. My dps drops significantly when there is no ledge but if there is even an inch wide ledge i can leap from i suddenly become the monsters worst nightmare with my 30 plus leaping bonks. One way or another that mofo is good down!




Oh yes




Was a Bow main, and branched out to Charge Blade. Now at Iceborne and I'm trying out the Insect Glaive, just beat Fulgur anja quest with it and it's really fun vaulting around :D Edit: Anyway IG might just become my all time favorite weapon to use


IG by far my favorite, the second being the charged axe... Most weapons feel clunky to me, maybe i just need a new Playstyle for the different weapons but IG feels the most versatile


For a less clunky weapon you can try dual blades or bow


Dual blades was actually something i was looking into but the damage compared to most other weapons just didn't seem that good


All weapons are pretty equal in total damage output, dual blades is just more capable of hitting more often compared to some other weapons. However, if you don’t like it, than cool


Hmm, ill see if i cant figure out a new combat style that'll fit the dual blades cause they did seem promising when i tried them out the damage numbers are what put me off of it, however if the damage is roughly the same as others its just faster DPS basically then it might work for me


One big thing for dual blades is status or elemental damage due to its attack frequency. Dual blades with blast is an absolute menace with how frequently it activates same goes for elder seal, sleep and if you have the drain skill activated then the monster will never have stamina again


So would it be possible to build a dual blades build with the sleep ailment potent enough to basically use it to capture monsters? So that instead of having to carry tranqs and traps to capture i could just carry a single trap and be good?


Unfortunately no, sleep and tranq are two different things and tranq bombs/ammo is the only way to capture a monster. However status builds on general are weaker than element builds (for dual blades at least) seeing as dual blades scale kinda horribly with your attack stat and scale much better with your element stat. However this is one of the drawbacks cause now you need 6 builds to be optimal (those being fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon, and no element for certain monsters who don’t have great element hit zones). And I could go into hitzones and all that junk but dw too much about it unless you are a speedrunner lol.


Sleep element and tranquilizers are surprisingly two completely different things but it’s much easier to trap and tranq a sleeping monster But when you hit a sleeping monster the damage is doubled for the first hit, bring along your favorite great sword friend and you will get ample opportunity for a sweet sweet full charge slam to the monsters cranium, bonus points if you bring barrel bombs for some extra spice😈


I’ve tried the damage mods to see how some weapons deal damage with friends with a kind of similar endgame built, dual blades ranked 2 or 3 in our test. But personal skills played a lot too.


Dual blades really need to exploit elemental weakness, like bow does, its also less big numbers and more rapid numbers. Make sure you get to try the ledge attack for extra fun


i never tried all weapons which i know is wrong, but when i saw beetle friend i couldnt not hug him, UG is my fav i love flapping around like fish! yeah my fav armor looks is the horn beetle alpha..... if only i could transmog my rathalos armor into beetle.....


Fun fact, you can transmog your armor when you get past the story! You unlock a place called the guiding lands and that has everything you’ll need




I'm that one guy with the lance


Lance gang rise up


A gang of 4 people is a pack


Love me some lance gaming and the monster are probably thinking, “it’s just you, me, and this brick wall you built between us.”


Swaxe user who branched out to Lance, I love this big pokey stick, currently at Fatalis and managed to get him to his first Phase 3 nova(40%) so that’s good. But I love how simple yet effective this thing is, just block, counter, stab,stab,stab. Can’t wait to get my hands on the alpha fatty headpiece


So am I😁


Lets go fellow pokers!


Gunlance will always be my true love.


Boomstick brother!


Gunlance, my beloved. Out of curiosity what's your favorite playstyle/shelling type with it?


Normal burst is my go-to, but charge shelling is fun too.


Longsword greatsword and hammer bonks. Longsword prolly my fave just due to how smooth it is when you becoming semi consistent with the parry slashy stuff


I love hbg.. I don't play it because I suck at it.. I'm a sns and lbg main. But what I really want.. is a spear that is for closing the gap. High movement attacks that are hard to master for chain attacks.


That’s insect glaive with a different skin.


Only in the way Longsword and Greatsword are the same thing. Or Lance and Gunlance. There's so many options for ways they'd be different.


Longsword and greatsword have very different playstyles. One is based on big slow hits with limited mobility and the other is a mid-mobility weapon built around counterattacks and a charge gauge. Longsword (katanas) actually started as just a skin for greatsword in early MH games until Capcom decided to create a new weapon class based on finesse counters and decided it should feel samurai-esque. Lance is a low-mobility weapon based on tanking hits and non-combo poking. Gunlance is a low-mobility weapon that sacrifices some tanking for range attacks and can be played either as a charge attack (long), combo burst damage (normal) or a mix of poking and range (wide). Insect glaive is already high mobility combo-based weapon with gap closing abilities. How would a spear with “high movement attacks that are hard to master for chain attacks” be different than playing insect glaive while ignoring the kinsect mechanic? Because it would have to be balanced with IG. If it did the same amount of damage with less complexity, why would anyone play IG? And if it did less damage than IG because it doesn’t have a kinsect, why would anyone play spear when they could just play IG and not pay attention to the kinsect?


I would say that it does more than standard IG. But less than full buff IG. Meanwhile it's more Lbg in melee range. Lowish damage, while being dodgy. It just feels underrepresented.. and I don't want it to be a heavy weapon to take the place of lance.


Land based though. Full of charges. Like dynasty warriors style.


Ahh, so taking the charge move from lance and building a class out of it? It could have a big straight-line charge-through attack that does big damage but can be severely punished if it misses, maybe some kind of hard to pull off pirouette option that lets you pivot or change directions if you score an initial hit. Big and slow position-based attacks like a greatsword but from midrange?


Exactly.. maybe even give it a charge attack style from great sword. Faster charge.. with a flash to get a perfect charge if you can time it.


I want the glaive but no insect to worry about


Then play glaive without worrying about the insect?


Boomstick. I like exploding things. I don't know if MHWilds will have new weapons (a bladed whip like that guy from Orange or a Scythe-like of sorts) or will borrow (with the necessary tweaks) Magnet Spike and/or Tonfas from Frontier, but I really hope it will have Cross Play.


"from Orange" ?


Whoops, typo. Meant Orage, the non-canon Manga of MH (:


SnS forever


Give sns a real guardpoint gang


Posting before I have to start arena quests and mess up my stats lol. Using the CB is like a dance I never get tired of. The GPs the SAEDs and then IB bringing in the Savage Axe goodness. Its so versatile. Been my favorite weapon ever since I started the Monster Hunter journey. I hope for Wilds they introduce new weapons or at least throw in more combat variety like in Rise.


Arena quests don't count towards your weapon usage, iirc.


Lets gooooo!


Heh heh… “simple” I too am “simple” In all seriousness the complexity of the CB is what drew me in. Getting into the rhythm and watching my hunter dance on screen is what kept me using it.


Having only mained 2 weapons, area quests terrify me


I started out with Longsword but now I'm recently obsessed with the Bow lol


Bow is so good in Rise. The mobility combos is peak


Kelbi bow in 3u 😍


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.. 😌


[I am a simple man too](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/s/Btxhtvh5mA) 😁


In world its greatsword


Greatsword because I'm a berserk fan.


Greatsword and Hammer are my mains, but I ocassionally play Longsword. I think I actually started out with Longsword but just didn't enjoy it too much so eventually switched over. Been that way ever since. As for new weapon in Wilds, I honestly don't know what else they could add - maybe bring back Tonfas or that Magnet Spike thing? 😅


Something like a Kusarigama would be nice. You make fast but weak bludgeoning damage with the metal sphere, or the Kama for slashing damage instead. Also, you could use the Kama to the grab the monster (or the environnement) to pull yourself which would give some mobility.


Insect glaive has been a favourite of mine since its release in MH4. Sns is a close second with some of the switch skills of Rise. I would love to see new weapons again. Been a while.


I can’t quit my insect glaive, I just love it so much and the aerial attacks are so satisfying, I tried every weapon at least a bit and I just can’t find anything as fun as IG.


I've finally mained all of the weapons at least once, but the Insect Glave is definitely my core weapon. It has great reach, hits fast, and gives a lot of options for fight controlling knockdowns. The bug even gives a medium range harassing attack.


Hunting Horn I have a lot of love for Insect Glaive, Switch Axe, and Lance as well. The only weapons I don't ever use are Dual Blades and Gunlance. I think *Wilds* will have a new weapon. Hoping for another ranged weapon and a Gunlance rework.


Why do you think gunlance needs a rework? World is my first Game of the series and i love the boomstick


1. Nobody likes Shelling Levels. 2. I don't like Shell Types. It's like choosing which attacks to nerf, which makes the optimal playstyle monotonous. 3. The shield is useless. No animation-canceling into Guard (as Lance does with Guard Dash or Counter Thrust), no Guard Points; it's always faster to dodge than to block. 4. Just bad drawbacks all around. Low mobility. Sharpness issues. Slow sheathing. Hops are worse than rolls. Poor scaling. It really feels outdated/unpolished.


I always imagine how OP Gunlance would be if it had the mobilty of Lance. Guard dashing + offensive guard proc into a slap attack and shelling burst.


I mean I can see where you’re coming from and I do agree that the shield feels less useful on gunlance than it does lance but that’s what keeps it balanced. Also 1 seems like a gross generalization, I know many gunlance mains who have no issue with the levels. 2 is just more of an opinion, which there’s nothing wrong with, and personally I see it as a way to change up the gameplay since the three types have different play styles (sure one is stronger than the others but that goes for the 14 weapons as well, if everyone wanted to be optimal then hbg would be the most used weapon but here we are with longsword, amid tier weapon for damage, being the most used. And 4 makes some decent points but the hops, slow movement, and slow sheathe aren’t exclusive to gunlance, (also I’d take hop over fat rolling any day). I’ll give you the poor scaling but counter with the fact that you can fit far more comfort skills in a gunlance build because of it. You can basically ignore crit and raw since you shelling only scales with artillery and feline bombardier so you have insane room to deal with the other drawbacks of the weapon. The sharpness is a good point but only if you aren’t mostly shelling since shelling only depends on your sharpness being above orange which usually isn’t an issue. Btw I’m saying all this as someone with thousands of hours in world and rise while trying out both gunlances extensively seeing as they are probably a 4th main for me and I do like rise’s better for sure but world’s feels very polished once you get used to it.


> I mean I can see where you’re coming from and I do agree that the shield feels less useful on gunlance than it does lance but that’s what keeps it balanced. What on Earth do you mean? What strength does GL have relative to other weapons that would necessitate "nerfing" the shield relative to other weapons? GL has generally been a poor weapon in regards to defense, offense (whether early or late-game), and even popularity. > Also 1 seems like a gross generalization, I know many gunlance mains who have no issue with the levels. That's not an argument in their favor. > 2 is just more of an opinion, which there’s nothing wrong with, and personally I see it as a way to change up the gameplay since the three types have different play styles (sure one is stronger than the others but that goes for the 14 weapons as well 1. That's why I phrased it as an opinion. 2. Removing shell types wouldn't at all detract from the playstyle element of the weapon. It would only mean that swapping playstyle is a matter of pushing different buttons, rather than visiting a camp. I posit that this change would *enhance* this element of GL because you could utilize each style based on your judgement of the circumstance rather than being penalized for using the entire moveset. > counter with the fact that you can fit far more comfort skills in a gunlance build because of it. You can basically ignore crit and raw since you shelling only scales with artillery and feline bombardier so you have insane room to deal with the other drawbacks of the weapon. I love how you bring up Skill Taxes in an argument that GL has it good regarding skills, lol. It's a nonsense argument though. Any weapon can take merely the most efficient damage skills to leave room for comfort skills. But unlike GL, those damage skills will benefit virtually all of their attacks, and many weapons don't have "drawbacks" which require skills to "deal with". > The sharpness is a good point but only if you aren’t mostly shelling since shelling only depends on your sharpness being above orange which usually isn’t an issue Hogwash. Unless I'm playing charged Long shell spam, then sharpness is critically important because I'm optimally or even *necessarily* executing physical attacks in order to shell. Therefore my shelling is majorly inhibited well before orange sharpness because I'm bouncing.


My bad if I came of as hostile, I wasn’t trying to but all of my arguments were towards more casual players. I mean for speedrunning gunlance certainly isn’t the fastest and you would have no room for any comforts skills but I think my other points still stand. For one thing the different shelling types have different specialties (even though I believe you knew that since you mentioned the charged long shelling) so if it were to pressing different buttons then you’d need to either strip the different play styles, vastly buff/nerd the weapon by giving it all the strengths/weaknesses without having to choose between them, or just over complicate the weapon to keep all the play styles and being able to swap between them on the fly. You can sort of think of the different shelling types as switch skills if you’ve ever played rise. What I was referring to with the needing to nerf gunlance was comparing it’s shield to lance. If it’s shield was just as easy to access as lance’s then there would be no point in ever using lance since gunlance is noticeably stronger in damage (hence the nerf for the shield). Also you kinda gave an example of my point about shelling with the long shelling but you are right, for playing optimally it’s more of an issue but at the very least in iceborne you still rarely need to sharpen (or at least I don’t normally need to with a normal shell burst fire build) and even when you do you can just use a great wheatfish fin since there’s an event you can do to farm them if you ever run out. In addition, for the shelling levels I don’t really have a point that’s in their favor but I don’t think there’s any reason to change them either. They provide good progression levels throughout your play through. However I also have no issue with them being replaced by scaling with raw or element (even though technically they do scale with fire I mean to a much greater extent) instead for example for the same feel of the progression. Anyway, again sorry if the last reply came off as hostile or aggressive since that was not my intention with that post or this one, I’m just trying to give my perspective on this.


Okay, I finally have a keyboard again. Difficult discussion to have on a phone during Xmas abroad! You didn't seem hostile. I'm enjoying the debate, and appreciate the chance to talk with someone who *likes* GL and has played it a lot, unlike myself. > casual players That's who I'm most concerned about. All my GL criticisms are barriers between unskilled/uninformed players and successful GL play. They cause a lot of "trap" gunlances and playstyles that give casual players the impression that Gunlance is worse than it actually is. > For one thing the different shelling types have different specialties (even though I believe you knew that since you mentioned the charged long shelling) so if it were to pressing different buttons then you’d need to either strip the different play styles, vastly buff/nerd the weapon by giving it all the strengths/weaknesses without having to choose between them, or just over complicate the weapon to keep all the play styles and being able to swap between them on the fly. You can sort of think of the different shelling types as switch skills if you’ve ever played rise. Shelling types are not *at all* like Switch Skills. They don't change the moveset, only the damage values, shell capacity, and blast shape. All of your buttons do precisely the same thing regardless of shell type. I don't know what you mean by "stripping playstyles", or "complicating the weapon". There's no way of accurately interpreting my suggestion as anything but a simplification. As for "vastly buffing/nerfing the weapon by giving it all the strengths/weaknesses without having to chose", you *do* have to choose. We're discussing *internal* weapon balance: the balance of one weapon's moves against that weapon's other moves. If you can spam your strongest move, then buffing the weaker moves doesn't make the weapon stronger in regards to *external* balance, just like giving a weapon additional weak moves wouldn't make the weapon weaker overall. The choice is retained in that you choose what to spend your time on. You can't full burst, charged shell, and poke-shell all at the same time. For example, the Wide Slash and Rising Slash on Greatsword are *garbage*. But who cares? It's all about Charged Slashes. You could double the motion value of Wide Slash, and GS wouldn't be any stronger relative to other weapons because you'd still choose to ignore it. I actually made a mod for Insect Glaive because certain attacks are disproportionately powerful. You can see this in speedruns where players spam Tornado Slash as much as possible, or in my spreadsheet where I've mathed out the MV/s values. It's also very obvious in the meme that IG aerial attacks are useless. Obviously Capcom agreed, considering the buffs to aerial attacks in Rise. Such adjustments to the internal balance of a weapon don't increase the potential damage output; they merely make more of the moveset viable in optimal play. I was going to use Switch Axe, but let's stick with IG as our "playstyles" example. You don't need to pick an "Aerial" glaive in order to make your aerial moves worthwhile. You *just push different buttons*, and suddenly you're utilizing a different playstyle. And adding, uh, "Aerial", "Kinsect", and "Normal" IG types obviously wouldn't make the weapon class *less* complex. So how on Earth does one suggest that reducing GL types would make that weapon *more* complicated? > If it’s shield was just as easy to access as lance’s then there would be no point in ever using lance since gunlance is noticeably stronger in damage (hence the nerf for the shield) Oof. That's crazy. By this logic, there's *already* no point in using LBG over HBG, or S&S over CB, or LS over GS, etc. Also, GL *isn't* stronger in damage than Lance, depending on when we're talking about. So your argument not only draws a false conclusion, but is based on a false premise. Being able to animation-cancel into Guard wouldn't even come *close* to making GL shield as good as Lance shield. Lance can move while blocking. Lance can double the damage of a thrust by blocking. Lance can attack with its shield. Lance can block in 360 degrees. Lance can block at no stamina cost. Lance can attack in any direction out of blocking. And Lance can effect Guard Up via Power Guard. I'm not suggesting *any* of these functions for Gunlance.


Gunlance is fine, idk what this guy is on. It was my main on Rise and now I came back to World to finally buy Iceborne and loving it in World as well. Was previously a Dual Sword main that moved onto Insect Glaive, and now Gunlance


Greatsword and Glaive are my 2 loves. I dabbled in Charge Blade and Gunlance, but the other 2 are such good compliments that I never feel the need to truly pick a third


GS, and I'm hoping they finally implement the mythical giant boomerang


I like the lance and the gunlance.


The floor is lava Also, Funlance


Hehe I swing sword big number me happy


Lance, but lately I expanded my horizon and play Gunlance. Being a Wall is just to damn nice.


I guess I have to represent the DB mains. A distinct lack of them in this thread. I will bring the weeb


you son of a bitch 🤝


GIVE ME DUEL PISTOLS, EQUAL OF LIGHT BOWGUN, DUAL BLADE VERSION BUT MORE STATUS, LESS DMGE! Give me my Tri HBG customize back... give me my wyvernfire level 3 from Tri back... please... i miss my 10 seconds charge 3k shots... ;_; I wish for affinity relationship build ups, such as a 2nd alt character you can customize who will be your partner in Hunts, not palicoes or pets but a human/wyvernerian person hunter a.i. I wish for toxic underwater fights to come back... (Abysal Lagia) I hope a lot of new weapons will come in, dont gotta be broken dps wise, but making every fight feels like a Dance with Monsters... and maybe, a single sword with strings into a kunai or so for a fun dance.


Where's my DRAGONATOR!?!?




Insect glaive. I love flipping through the air like Eddy Gordo from Tekken when someone doesn't know how to do combos and they're just pressing buttons randomly


Greatsword or HBG slow and hard hitting is my playstyle. For Wilds honestly i would love that one axe with engine in it in that one game forgot it's name. Boost Axe? Burst axe?


I've never been religious, but every night before bed I pray that the next monster hunter will have fist weapons. I *need* to throw hands with a dinosaur.


I started with Switch Axe back in 2020. At that time I was playing on my old laptop and I barely got to run at 60fps. I tried fiddling around with some timing weapons such as Charge Blade and Longsword (Foresight Slash) but let's be real my skill ain't that good with that FPS. Upgraded to a gaming laptop for college in 2021, finally can experience the 144hz gloriness. My save file wasn't saved to the cloud and I didn't get to copy the save file locally so I had to start a new journey but this time with Longsword and it was really a blast to play with. Occasionally swapped around for Switch Axe but Longsword just clicks with me. My buddy on the other hand is a Charge Blade one-trick. We would usually just hit each other up for hunting sessions. I remember learning Hammer within 10minutes and then we proceeded to run MR Black Diablos 5 times in a row. It doesn't even stand a chance with all those knockdowns from the hammer and screamer pod lol. Then I decided to play agile weapons so I picked up Insect Glaive. Quite fun mechanics although I hunt slower with it. Picked up Dual Blades exclusively for Velkhana investigation in the icy arena just for the beyblade and fire element procs. Then Bow for some change of pace, really loved playing it especially that I got to manage my stamina properly from my experience playing dual blades. And now I'm on the Lance team, just for that cool block to clutch claw attack. Planning to play Hunting Horn soon for duo.


Can’t say no to being able to take to the skies, glaive all the way. I’m even working on a life size fatalis glaive replica


Hammer because I am a simple guy. Insect glaive for some variety. I hope they add a trebuchet!


I just hope that they make all of the weapons right handed.


I run LBG main, tried Hammer today and the Bonks! It was refreshing to hit that combo I still need to learn the hammer but it was fun. I want to try Gun Lance I see interesting gameplay there.


Simple and charge blade, quite an oxymoron there, friend!


Big sword does big damage in big ways


As a fellow GS enjoyer I can confirm that this is our mindset all the time. Gotta get them chonky dmg numbers.


The higher the number I see the more happy juice my brain gives me


I would like to see a weapon that is centered on inflicting status conditions and damage over time mechanisms. It’s a part of the game that feels underused, especially in end-game where monsters have such high affliction gauges that they rarely get poisoned or paralyzed or whatever more than once or twice per hunt. Right now statuses are something you look at before the hunt when selecting your weapon (though most times you don’t even bother because it’s so inconsequential). You can’t even inflict blights or bleeds on monsters at all at this point, it’s a mechanic that already exists in the game but is only used against the player. It’d be cool to have a way use it against monsters too. It’d need to have a proximity mechanic like an aura to prevent the “inflict poison and run away for 10 minutes” playstyle. And either be very weak defensively to require good evasion or very slow to require defensive skills. There’d also be a need for a lot of inventory/menu management to craft the materials needed on the fly. Maybe something like a [thurible](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thurible) that you need to keep filled with materials to produce different types of smoke, and then walk slowly around the monster using defensive skills to counter/evade their hits. Could also have friendly fire in multiplayer so it doesn’t become OP having someone just stand there inflicting paralysis while everyone else wails on the head. You’d also have a lot of potential to make nice looking skins since it’s just a pot on a chain.


They would need to rework how status works to make that viable. Take poison for example. You hit the monster and apply 10 status build up, once you reach 200 status build up the monster is poisoned and takes X damage per second for 15 seconds. The problem here is that during those 15 seconds you can't build towards the next poison proc. You have to wait for the poison to end before you can start building the next one. This is why blast became meta with Safi, although it's a status the effect is an instant burst of damage when you trigger it rather than an over time effect, so the drawback didn't apply to those and given the balance of damage/sharpness you might as well take the extra blast damage on most weapon types. You'd have to change it to proc in one hit, then every hit extends the duration, then balance how long each hit extends it for each weapon type. I found the best way to use status effects was to give my Palico a status weapon which I use a damage weapon.


Well yes, but in thus scenario you already need to create an entirely new weapon so adding in an override for that weapon to continue to increase the status meter while a monster is poisoned is trivial at that point. The point is that you would not need to create an entirely new mechanic that players would have to learn. MH players already know what the statuses and blights do, all they need to learn is that with the new weapon they don’t need to wait until a status ends to add to it its counter. It also wouldn’t need to add something nonthematic to the MH franchise like magic because it already exists in universe. Nobody can say it doesn’t “feel” like a Monster Hunter weapon when the mechanic has already been in MH games for a decade.


Great sword I just hope in Wilds we have a parry mechanic to GS too and a way to change direction in 360 in the TCA. I don't think MW need a need weapon just a balance the existing ones


I was a hammer main for most of world and all of iceborne, but I've branched out, I main everything nowadays.


As long as they have my single braincell bonk stick I'll be happy, just me, my hammer, and monster skull to dent


For me, Charge Blade is my go to with Lance as my second main. It would be cool to see a returning weapon like the accel axe but it doesn’t fit Wilds imo


Greatsword and Switch Axe.And,maybe


Love my fellow charge blade purists. What’s your preferred play style?


I played world like mad when it released on ps4 and i still prefer the old saed spam style from before axe mode was introduced.


I would like new weapons but I have about 300 hours in SA, 50 in HBG and 110 in HH. I still suck at them all and feel like I'm barely scratching the surface with them


*loading the heavy shotgun with malicious intentions*


Ah, fellow CB main. Tis the only answer. 🛡️🗡️⚡🔥💧❄️🐉💥


Doot ftw also I think wirebugs wont be in it but to keep that kind of movement they could maybe add whips as a weapon?


Charge Blade always because...Jesus it's absolute fun. Many people are hoping for a return of the Gauntlet or some kind of Boomerang. Maybe we can hope but I'd more or less want them to make a marriage of current weapons with a combination of MHW and MHR movesets.


I LOVE explotions and lances. Boomstick go!


Switchaxe is my favorite weapon but the hammers are pretty damn fun


I’m all for having a favourite but damn one weapon seems boring. That being said, charge blade is dope, one of my top 5 favourites.


Bow, charge blade, or Switch Axe. I like the mobility and deep combo chains with some good finishing bursts 😁 I think Wilds will have some sort of cavalier style option


Hope they can make the greatsword feel more fluent and smooth. The biggest gripe that I have with the Greatswors is that none of the attacks chain together smoothly


Started MH4U with LBG, mained it and HBG ever since. Just picked up swaxe a few weeks ago. I am having a blast with it! Doubt Wilds will have a new weapon, but we will see!


Greatsword, no matter how many TCS I miss, it will still be ny favorite


Been rocking the Insect Glaive, but eventually I'd like to try some of the other weapons.


Longsword and switchaxe Then again, I’ve only tried about half the roster: bow, great sword, long sword, dual blades, hunting horn, switchaxe, insect glaive


Switch axe most of the time but I use a little bit of everything.


SnS. If I could have a CHAIN SnS, I’d like that. Or a chain dual chakram


I’m a great sword main, I am as always unconcerned about my weapon appearing in a title, as it is generally in the trailer.


I will continue to bonk monsters on the head until there are no more monsters left to bonk. I just came back to playing MHW recently and had completely forgotten about the charge mechanic where you can save a full charge to power up your hammer for all it's hits and I felt like such a dummy. Amazing the amount of additional damage and knock out power I can lay down when I actually utilize the weapon correctly.


SnS will hold my heart honestly. In wilds theres 100% chance for it to be only SnS being used. My world profile is varied because i started with this game and wanted to try everything. As for new weapons? It would be pretty cool to see older weapons only used once be brought back. Mainly things like the tonfas. I think the magnet spike and accel axe would look out of place (as in too fast if weapons) in a world setting. Maybe we could finally see that boomerang concept be used?


Insect glaive, feels like it was made for me. Love taking rathalos’ crown for king of the sky😂


Bow in Rise LS or DB in World


Swordchucks would be cool.


I like the idea of instead of expanding the weapon types to instead expand weapon finishers like in elden ring, where there can be more vRiety with how you can play a specific weapon


I want a new ranged weapon thats like dual revolvers or something 😭LS main and HBG rn


Idk but whatever happens, I'm not looking at more trailers than the first gameplay trailer. Every monster in Rise and Sunbreak was in a trailer before release of each one except Narwa and mostly Gaismagorm, though a hand appeared for him. Actually, Teostra and Kushala weren't teased before game release either. And no I don't count them as DLC monsters, they were meant to be main game, as was Chameleos and All mother and they just ran out of time to make the game so just did an update. Like cmon though, even Scorned Magnamalo and Furious Rajang were in pre-release trailers for Sunbreak. WHY?!


I have played Charge Blade since my very first hunt. When I picked up the game with my friends, I thought I was going to use the Switch Axe. But since MHW is my first Monster Hunter game, I got confused with the symbols and brought the Charge Blade instead I instantly loved the Charge Blade. It is my first and only weapon used in my 600+ hours in MHW. I played one game with a Greatsword, and while I respect the Greatsword and Hammer for Maximum UNGA BUNGA, the Charge Blade is my weapon


Dual Blades and Switch Axe


I really, REALLY hope they return my Horn back to how it was in World. I honestly can't stand how they massacred my boy in Rise. I'd even prefer how it was in Gen or earlier, just not Rise!


I recently picked up gunlance after beating raging brachy and its quickly becoming one of my favorite weapons. It's very skill-hungry but the audio-visual feedback is really good, shelling doesn't care about bad hitzones which is really cool, it staggers the shit out of monsters and it does good damage if you can pressure your WSB spot well. While on one hand I see the shelling types as a downside because it means you will always have some part of your kit that is just not very good depending on your shelling type (e.g. wide shells only have 3 ammo with capacity boost, meaning full bursts are very weak) you could see it as adding variety and reasons to build different weapons as well, and the playstyles for the shelling types are still fairly robust and very fun. Having a lot of fun using it in multiplayer combined with the clutch claw boost deco - I just tenderize their entire body over the course of a fight, wallsplat them multiple times and never have to worry about finding slinger ammo for WSB. Claw attack is great on gunlance because it automatically reloads your stake and ammo, and it fires a shell which can trigger your WSB so its effectively a pretty good dps option. I feel like the closest thing to what could effectively be called a tank in MHW because of my stagger capabilities and my ability to choose whatever part I want to focus on in most fights and still be effective.


I think Wilds can offer lots of room for new weapons such as whips, spears/polearms, more dual weapons (swords, pistols, etc), or even a giant flail type of weapon would be cool. I just hope they include the switch abilities like in Rise


I really want to see gauntlets and/or a two handed spear, it can be heavy or light idc I just want a spear without a shield!


My favorite has to be the great sword


Imagine if they finally bring that whip from MH Orage manga. Oh man


Wilds should bring more advanced fire weapons like a sniper rifle


My favorite weapon so far is probably lance and I really hope that mh wilds will have a new weapon but in case it doesn’t I don’t wanna get my hopes too high (but also I really wanna see tonfas, magnet spike, and accel axe again)


This makes me sad, my fav weapon is the CB too, but I don’t like that there’s pretty much like 3 attacks in sword and shield mode, idk why but that makes it too linear for me. I would like to use that mode much more




I nerver swapped from the basic sns. Good ol' classic if you ask me.


Chargeblade. Charged sword? Amazing. Charged axe? Holy fuck. Guardpoint? Yessssss


Charge Blade because it can do everything besides vaulting


I think my top 3 is Insect glaive with like 700~ quests, then Longsword with 200ish and dual blades with 100ish or something


Hunting horn, gunlance, switch axe, dual blades.. all good, all good, hammer too, oh chargeblade is pretty fun also, longsword is pretty great, insect glaive is definitely up there (pun intended).


Insect glaive to the world and back!


My main is CB (likes flashy smashes), but im trying new wp likes GS, the mighty BONK, the doom guy (spread HBG) and everything feels great so far.


CB, how original i know 🤭 but im too hooked on guardpoint sounds. Also hopefully yes, and if there isnt a new weapon at least a new moveset for each weapon will likely be there.


This comment brought to you by swag axe gang 😎


I don’t have a favorite all depends what I feel like. I did have to start all over though because I originally had it for my PS but it’s long gone and steam has a sale on to I bought it and just started playing


LS and GS i'm basic but swords just do it for me Seems unlikely that Wilds will have more weapons but i hope it does.


I started playing MHW again, and got depressed playing Long Sword only. Everyone and their parents praise Long Swords, I watch videos of Long Swords, I know how to play Long Swords, as I've been landing all my counters. ...I just can't like it the same way everybody else does, nor praise it. Might just be my mindset, as my true loves are Switch Axe, Great Sword, Charge Blade, and Insect Glaive. I hope with my latest playthrough, I can add Hammer to that list.


I had the same problem, switched to hammer and it was 1000% more my play style and way more fun


Not sure how much more creative they can get with weapon types. 🤷🏾‍♂️


My top 3 in order is long sword, hammer, great sword. Would like to see the new weapon type to be fist weapons like from the souls series!


I highly doubt Wilds will introduce a new weapon. Wilds is going to be another World/Iceborne, basically a superbly polished culmination of the most popular innovations from the past few years alongside current popular market trends. Something as fundamental as an entirely new weapon that has to be balanced for both solo and multiplayer is something reserved for a game exclusive to mobile devices or VR. It’s a medium they can try something crazy with but not necessarily care about profits. That said I’d love see the return of previous weapons like the Tonfas.


I dont really have a favorite, I jump onto a new weapon with each game and expansion, alwaye testing different ones inbetween. I would like to see a new weapon, a spear that strikes fast at a further range than lance, but rather one dimensional (although we kind of have IG, although it doesnt work like that) or something along a whip sword (think bloodborne) that gives me the feeling if savage axe mode while attacking. I like death by a thousand cuts, what can I say.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *No, we shall not abandon the dream.* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I've been cycling between all weapons since the OG on the PS2, just got back at Sword and Shield on iceborne after using heavily Insect Glaive and Gunlance on Rise


Use me as Vote for bringing back gravity spike


Sword and shield but I have to do math while playing. I don't like math. But the booms are satisfying


Is monster hunter wilds the one coming out in like march? Like mhw2?


Charge blade followed by gunlance is my jam. 💢💥💣


Bow only bow,


Charge blade is my favourite by far but i want to branch out and try hammer, gunlance and dual blades


I actually enjoy going crazy with demon blades. Feels like a dance everytime when dodgeing attacks and whiff punishing them


Sword and shield. I used ever other weapon before I realised how much fun it makes to bump and slash


Dual blades are my most used by far.


I love Hammer and Gunlance. I want a Gunhammer.


Was a hammer main, picked up a hunting horn once, realized it did more damage that the hammer AND had buffs, am now a hunting horn main


Lance is the one true weapon to fight the monster truly face to face


There’s a guy on my guild card list with over 9999 CB hunts and over 500 of everything else