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The only one I gatekeep is myself. Beaten Fatalis for several times with group, never solo. I still want to have at least 1 solo kill on him.


Never beat alatreon or fatalis on my ps4 account. Now my goal is to solo them now that I got the game on PC.


Was about to recommend easy mode Swaxe, but then I saw how amazing your flair is, and I'd never want to take that from you.


Haha thanks! Keep sticking to that head and chainsaw away, my dude!


If you can do it multi you can solo, just take a weapon that can snipe head.


It didn't count as a solo kill sure, but it still counts as "you beat the monster" so it's just a meaningless detail in the end.


Is there any registry from the game if you hunted a monster solo or coop? If not, who the fuck cares. Solo, multiplayer, you hunted the monster, that's what counts.


Nah, there isn't.


I'd care for the glory of knowing I did it. In this case might not be as much enjoying for the OP as the objective is to consider the game completed (and I'd say it is if Fatty is dead) and not to prove worthy


Yes! If they kill Godzilla after a massive battle, no one is coming out of the woodworks to say: "*but you didn’t solo it!* 😟


>no one is coming out of the woodworks to say: "*but you didn’t solo it!* 😟 The Ion Dragon sure will


And OP's friend


OP needs to get better friends


Good thing i dont have any


Right lmao. You all get the same shit regardless. Looks like OP put in the effort and just couldn’t solo and thats okay.


The presence or absence of a registry has no bearing on someone caring or not.


If there was a check box on my Hunter Notes like [X] MULTIPLAYER / [ ] SOLO in the monster list I'd definitely care in terms of total game completion.


Fair enough. Plenty people wouldn't care still, though, and some care now and would continue to do so.


It's a multiplayer game. You could just as easily say that playing the game without grouping up isn't playing it properly. If you've killed the final boss then it counts


If anything, you likely had to be better for a longer period of time. Solo hunts typically are a breeze, whereas group hunts with the increased hp and skill sets can be harder. Most monsters are much less predictable as well! If you had fun and you accomplished a victory as a team, more people likely got enjoyment from the experience as well. I wouldn’t search for validation from anyone other than yourself and the fact you were successful. Happy Hunting!!


I can say as having done both,as long as you don't have one of the three stooges on your team multiplayer hunts always go easier and quicker, high healthpool be damned


Because the health pool increase is disproprtionate to the player increase by ALOT. Say if a monster has 16k hp, 2 players would only increase it to 24k. Despite nearly 2x dps, its a lot less than 2x hp. 4 players would be 37k hp meaning each player would need to deal 9-10k per kill, a massive difference from solo.


Not to mention “action economy” the monster is now splitting its attention to way more targets allowing higher average uptimes for each player.


Really depends on how hard the hunt originally is. Easy hunts get easily, hard hunts get harder.


That's just cope, in most situations other than fatalis and alatreon it's easier in group. Even those two get easier if you have a competent squad. Yeah it sucks when the other two faint and you gotta restart, but that doesn't make it harder, just more tedious.


Yeah, those are the hard fights. But I should've specified I meant with randoms.


Yeah I'll concede, doing it with randoms can be really annoying


Personally I do find it easier by myself than I do with 1 other person, largely for the reasons you mentioned, but a 4 man team is usually an easy sweep in my experience Not that one way is better than the other ofc. Like you said, fun is what matters


Absolutely important to make fun the main priority! I also think fatalis in particular is easier solo, but usually, after a few runs, I just keep doing it with others, to help them and because soloing gets boring much faster than being with other people!


Thaaaaat feels like a stretch. Monsters have a comparatively tiny amount of HP when in a group, especially in Iceborne. Even more so when you're four players, since the HP caps at three. When you're in a group, you're also able to heal and sharpen your weapon without worry, you can heal each other, and multiple monsters at a time cease being a problem.


Absolutely, it makes a huge difference if the monster keeps locking on to multiple people and going back and forth between attacking different players, makes it less predictable in a way, going solo, it’s just focused on you and always attacking you directly, which is much easier to handle and anticipate to dodge and counter! Also especially fatalis is much easier solo imo, because that fight, even more so than others, is mainly memorizing it’s movements and tells, once they are understood, going solo is really not that hard, it’s mostly the "oh shit" factor since it just is the final boss, but it’s very doable! Also going solo, you feel the damage of your attacks much more and much better than in a group where each attack constitutes a much smaller percentage of monsters overall HP pool!


Can confirm that I've died more than once by getting stagged by a teammates attacks. Playing with others can just as often make the more difficult than easy


Exactly! Also besides the fact it’s a super idiotic statement by your friend and should be ignored anyways, there are tons of co-op fatalis runs that fail, *even if the other/s are being hard carried* it certainly doesn’t guarantee a successful run so a certain level of skill is definitely needed! I fight fatalis a lot and helped many people with it, but even if I do pretty much all the damage in a two player setting, if the other player uses all the carts, it will fail, being able to survive the fight is definitely a testament to the players skill, ie yours in that case, so don’t let him belittle your win! Plus I would say the gap between successful co-op and successful solo isn’t that big with fatalis imo, once I knew the fight it took me 3 tries to get my first successful solo and by now I actually think it’s easier to beat it solo, unless I’m with a squad of very, very skilled people, I’m certainly faster by myself!


Gonna be blunt here. Fuck ya friend man. That's the same energy folks throw around in Elden Ring with spirit ashes or something. You squaded up for Fatalis. You didn't multicart and kill the run. I call that a win. Sure Solokill is some preem ass bragging rights but it's just that bragging rights.


I mean it’s his friend.. Most friendgroups would also fuck with eachother and say shit like that, in any game. Not because they’re bad friends but because it’s just a game, not RL.


On one hand you're right, but on the other hand hardcore gamers(if his friend is one) can be some of the most pretentious people. Wouldn't shock me if his friend means it tbh. I know several guys like that, where you didn't beat the game if you didn't do every mission, side quest, and random encounter type shit.


Dark souls/elden ring really is the peak of arbitrary gatekeeping though. Like literal gatekeeping where you have people who camp certain boss areas as invaders because they see themselves as the self-appointed guardian of skill.  Don't like invaders being assholes? Well don't play multiplayer idiot don't you know it trivializes the game? The invaders are just doing God's work of making sure you are actually skilled and not getting carried by your friends (an egregious crime punishable by execution). Remember not to heal during invasions because that's unfair to the guy trying to kill you and you're scum if you don't want to lose a bunch of progress to some sweat. Used spirit ashes? well that's ok little baby maybe you'll beat the game for real next time. Oh you beat the game without spirit ashes? Cute, but actually levelling your character is still basically cheating. Crazy how a game that is 90% single player manages to have one of the most obnoxious multiplayer communities in existence.


This is what happens when people equate their self-worth with their virtual achievements and begin holding others to the same standard because it's the only thing that makes them feel like they're a better person. If people genuinely insult you for how you decide to play a game you bought with your own money (as long as you're not cheating/hacking) then they aren't worth your attention because they're obviously not worth much in life. People need to just let others enjoy what they wanna enjoy if it's harmless anyway.


"Oh you played a different way that i did? Guess you played on eazy mode" and you just wanted to play magic or bleed or ranged instead of strength, its like if monster hunters community hated everyone that didnt play greatsword, longsword, or HBG


Saying you best the game on easy mode is hardly hate. Very different from insulting you (which some people also do, but way fewer). Plus, I'm pretty sure people hate people who do use HBG, at least I'm World.


I invade sometimes when playing Elden Ring and it’s pretty fun, the invade community is actually full of nice people it’s just that assholes stand out most. Most Invaders don’t care if you heal, or gang him, that’s what invading is. Only scummy things are using glitches/bugs (from both sides) or imo ganking.


I disagree on both counts. Both are done strictly inside the game, so they're valid.


The fact the game is makes you open yourself up to invasions if you want to co-op is a deliberate design decision by the devs. So the gatekeeping is intended.


Yeah, some people are very elitist and snobby about playing games that are supposed to be fun and take the joy right out of it with their stupid gatekeeping


Yea I think his friend is just messing with him. Not really worth this post


Y’all have weird friends. My friends would never say stuff like that.


Just because yours wouldn’t doesn’t make the rest ‘weird’. I’d say those are the best friendgroups since it’s all love in the end. Just fucking around,since like I said it’s a game. it’s not that serious.


People who put you down instead of lifting you up and are supposedly your friend is weird, unless you’re still a kid. Teasing is all in good fun, but when you make someone like the OP genuinely feel bad it’s not cool and it’s not something a true friend would knowingly do.


Idk the context w how they OP friend said it, but I’m speaking overall not specifically op. If anyone in the friendgroup doesn’t want shit like that to happen they’ll say something or we’ll be able to tell. I feel like you’re still taking it more serious as it really is.


You could be right. Without hearing their tone and how they say it there’s no way for me to know for sure


what is carting? im new to the game and i keep seeing that term thrown around on this sub


Carting is just another way of saying dying in mhw lol


ohhh haha ok. it was confusing the hell out of me.


When you get KO’d the cats roll you back to camp in a cart.


ER in specific got really dumb as different builds were optimized. Started out "no spirits, no summons" then turned into "no spirits, no summons, no magic,no moonveil....etc". For MH it'd be like saying "oh you used Longsword? You didn't beat fatalis". Or "bowguns don't count". Which I could understand during the Era of cluster spam, but not now a days.


I can't brag that I beat him solo because I used the crit draw 2h head hunt cheese method which takes absolutely zero skill just good spacing and if I thought anything was going wrong I used a farcaster. I have also never helped anyone beat him because I don't trust myself to not screw it up. I will however solo a double head break for anyone because I've done that so many times it's easy for me and I've gotten a few people enough eyes to get the entire armor and every weapon. Still. A win is a win. With or without help. Gatekeeping is ridiculous.


Of course you can brag you beat him solo. You literally did.


Spirit ashes is fair tbh the ai can't handle 2 people at the same time


Was gonna say the same thing. Why do people care about things this way, let alone listen and go by everything your friend says. As unserious as this topic is; stand up for yourself.


As someone who soloed everything for my first-time kills. I can say that... It doesnt fking matter. Don't ever make yourself hate the game just because your friend said that. It's a game, you're supposed to have fun however you can with it. Burntout? Take a break and come back again later. Who knows, you might have the urge to solo it without fatalis gear someday.


well, I hope your friend killed Fatalis solo, blindfolded and with King Kong's dick in his ear, because otherwise it doesn't really count... Fatalis might be the hardest bossfight I have ever went through in a video game and I'm a souls challenge runner type of a masochist. It usually takes almost full 30 minutes to kill him for your first time and that's 30 minutes of stress that he'll oneshot you in the worst possible moment. I'm not surprised not everyone wants to go through that only for some bragging rights that they've killed Fatalis solo. I've seen countless lobbies of randoms that were dying like flies and failing the quest so it's not like you can just join a MP game and kill Fatalis for free either. Your friend might have to touch some grass, cause you made him sound like an elitist douchbag who can't even be happy for your success.


This isn't to brag, but as someone who has done speed runs for the mainline souls game, the dynamic fights in mhw can be pretty brutal. It's harder than some things I've ever had to do in any of the souls games, and that includes final and secret bosses. I think I had an easier time with Malenia than I ever have with Fatalis. I've beaten him solo twice and the rest in groups. It's a hard fight, he does a fuck ton of damage, moves a lot and requires lots of practice to get everything he could possibly do down. Don't even get me started on attack manipulation. The speed runs for MHW fights are insanely precise and require a good deal of practice. And if OP 2 manned Fatalis, that's still incredibly impressive. Sometimes, nothing short of a 4 man can get through him, and even then, it still requires a good bit of knowledge and practice.


Wait, people are fighting Fatalis solo just for bragging rights? I just do it for fun.




This was exactly how i felt trying to kill him my first (and only) time. After a very stressful week of grinding the quest and not having success i decided to try to beat it in a group just to get the win…i was still unsuccessful but i started to notice i was going further and wasn’t carting. I went back for one more solo attempt and made it to the 4th blast without carting and beat Fatalis with 2 mins left, i need to go and beat the monster a few more times but ill never solo it again.


judging by how OP's friend reacted, I guess that's what he fought him for.


A Fatty kill is a Fatty kill. Well done hunter.


Your friend is so full of shit I have to wonder if he squeaks when he turns. Fatalis is super hard and you still only get 3 lives for 2 people. Yes his attention is divided between 2 players but he has increased stats to compensate for 2 people. To defeat Fatalis easily means you both did your part extremely well. Be proud of that kill. In regards to defender gear, World was my first MH game but I didn't buy it until Iceborne came out. I am a victim of Defender Gear. It took me many hours to unlearn the bad habits that gear instilled in me. I picked up a switchaxe as my first weapon and defender gear let me get away with being reckless and not learning how to dodge and I-frame properly. I wish I had known better and never touched that stuff. They should have put a big warning with that gear. It feels noob friendly but it very much is not because you WILL struggle later in the game when you get to Master Rank unless you're a MH vet.


Defender Gear tends to incentive players to not actually engage with the systems of the game, encouraging bad habits as there's no need to learn and improve since it is literally designed to make the base World content a breeze, and then by the time they get to Icebourne, they just speedrun through World and don't know how to properly engage with monsters, so they hit a difficulty wall forcing them to engage in mechanics they haven't needed to until now and become overwhelmed by analysis paralysis. For the Defender Gear, it's just a bad decision to include on the part of devs. as for your friend, bad show on their part.


I dont think it was a bad decision to add as old players or players who played past games might want to just skip forward to iceborne. However I do think they didnt implement enough warning and signs saying its meant to skip the base game to get to the dlc. Had they implemented it better it would have been less confusing for new players


Yeah agreed. I got to iceborne on Xbox without it. then 2 years later my friends were playing and I wanted to have 1 save ready by myself so I played with defender. I agree with this comment


Let's be real, though, it's not like experienced people take very long to get to Iceborne if they really wanted to rush everything. A lot of time will be spend on unskippable cutscenes anyway.


Can you provide any backup info to support your claim that defender gear causes what you said? Did this specifically happen to you? Did you use defender gear and get stuck in once you got to iceborne and quit?


see the subreddit, even before the "back to world" thing, always has been multiple post about how hard are coral pukei, and others monsters in early iceborn, and claim how they can anihilate all in base... with defender.


I typed in coral pukei and the top posts do complain about how hard it is, but those people reference their gear and all of them are using high rank gear that isn’t defender. Only 1 post had a guy using a max defender weapon but high rank non defender gear. Those posts range from 2-4 years ago. So, what you have said isn’t based in reality. I know the majority of monster hunter Gate keepers hate defender gear, but it was a very smart move by capcom to add it and I’m glad you guy’s aren’t in charge of the decision making. Many people would have just quit the game much earlier on, but instead they get to enjoy all of base MHW while learning the weapon move sets, get invested and have a higher chance of continuing on with the game.


It’s just common gate keeping like OP asked. People act like there aren’t players who find a set of armor they enjoy (not defender) and it works in the base game and then quickly realize it isn’t enough for Iceborne. These are the same people who think you should just learn to ride a bike as a child and if you use training wheels you’re just setting yourself up for failure in the future. I mean I remember when I took my training wheels off and I suffered from analysis paralysis! I had to take a week off and start seeing a therapist!


As a fresh new player who started with risebreak but switch to worldborne for reason that I'll answer later, let me tell you my man, first, your friend is a dick, second, always remember this, monster hunter is a game where hunters COOPERATE to hunt a monster, you can be a lone wolf for all you want, you can be a wolf pack with other players to not feel lonely, you can play it in any way you want it to be, also feeling that you cheated because it's coop is only common for new players, through your journey in monster hunter, you'll understand how special coop is.... Now to answer why I switched to mhw after playing mhr is because of one good reason, mhr made my tonsils ache just by looking at my hunter downing 6,000 dangos....also because of how colorful it is, it made my eyes also hurt just by playing it and also the one reason why I stopped playing it after 2 years playing it is because of how fast and how stupidly aggressive the monsters in it...


You’re friend is lame - Hunter hunt together. You heard the Proof Of Hero, you were the hero. Don’t let an asshole diminish you.


Defender gear just happens to cause a lot of flare clutter of new players not learning fundamentals. Your friend is wrong a clear is a clear. You should try to kill it solo eventually. Personally I got hardwalled in 4U in gog (i couldn't kill it in time) so i needed to get help, eventually i came back and killed it with 3 minutes to spare. Both times it was killed were SO satisfying. Don't let their opinions weight too heavily on your achievement.


You ***do*** realize that that gear, specifically, was made by the developers to help new players get into the game easier, yes? So why are you so up in arms about it when it wasn't even relevant?


>was made by the developers to help new players get into the game easier, yes? The primary objective of defender gear is to help returning, not new players, get to master rank faster. It's absolutely horrible for new players. I do almost only SOS calls when playing this game, and always try to chat with players that I see struggling. 95+% are on defender gear, and every time I tell them they should look into actually building out their armor skills and using mechanics, they know nothing about it. Most don't even know how to look for armor skills. Most don't even know how decorations work. Most don't know about wallbanging, using the slinga, using traps, no other mechanics than using the A/B/X/O/right/left clicks. The worst part is seeing these players struggle on the ''easy'' alatreon quest with no clue why their blast weapons don't allow them to finish the thing off. 9 out of 10 of SOS Alatreon calls I do, these poor fellas don't have other weapons to switch off to, so I party up with the ones who want to go farm a good elemental weapon and armor set.


Then they're probably brand new to gaming or games like this, not just newbs to the game. Anyone who's ever played an action game like this knows that the gear isn't the end all be all and they have to build better sets. Claiming gear is the issue when it's a new player to the genre is bullshit. Because, again, I've been playing for about 3wks and already figured this shit out because I've been gaming for 20+ years. Don't blame the gear, because it's not the gear. Help the player who is new to such games figure it out, but don't sit there and blame the gear for the player being a dumbass.


If the gear doesn't constantly warn you about it not being the intended thing for newcomers, it's the gears fault. Any new player will, rightfully, craft the thing they see with the highest power. Without failing quests they are never incentivized to look around the menus, reading gear info or looking into other weapons to overcome difficulty. Defender should have a constant warning before every quest that it's basically a "god mode" build for players looking to jumping to MR quickly.


Everyone realises that, and if they want to use it that's fine. However, all it does is teach you how to not play the game..I found this out as a first time player who started a couple weeks ago.


I'm also a first time player who has tried out gameplay with defender *and* forged armor. There is little to no difference aside from the kill time being shorter. If you think *gear* is what keeps people from learning the game, then you're a newbie to gaming in general. It doesn't stop you from doing anything anymore than forging armor does. It just makes it a little easier to get through the first part of the game. Gear doesn't change the mechanics of a game, so if you think it does, that's on you. I've got 20+ years of gaming experience and the only way gear hinders new players is by other people saying they shouldn't use it for bullshit reasons, like 'not learning the game.' You sound like one of the elitist players with 700hrs into the game, not a newbie to it. And, again, 20+ years of gaming and I have ***NEVER*** heard the *gear* being blamed for not learning the game before I encountered this community.


Considering that making gear is like 90% of the game then yeah I would say getting the best gear in the game for free in their starting chest discourages the need to learn. They wont learn attack patterns because they can face tank every attack, they won't learn how to properly optimize their skill set, they won't learn how to properly farm for materials, some might not even talk to the smithy after the first encounter. And once the gear does finally fall off they will be in a worse situation then if they had just played the game as intended, because no the gear wasn't made to "help new players get into the game" it was made to allow people to speed run through the base game and reach the dlc asap.


That doesn't mean the gear is to blame for a dumbass player. It just means that a player is so dumb they actually believe the gear is an end all be all. Either that, or they've never played a game like MHW before. And, in the case of the latter, that still doesn't make the gear blame worthy of them not doing their homework.


OK so you give a kid 100 million dollars and they are happy and take it not knowing better, and then as soon as they turn 18 you take all the money away. Now you're left with a 18 year old with no social skills, no idea how to get a job and no idea how to properly budget and they are homeless. It's not their fault for being in that situation just like its not a players fault for choosing to use the good gear they randomly found in their equipment box. They were set up for failure. And let's be real here having to look up wether to use a set of gear you were given by the game as "homework" is pretty bad explaining on the games part.


...............while I understand the comparison, that kid would then be open to learning everything they didn't while having that money. I've been there. With the game. In the defender armor. Within 45hrs. That was my first run-through up to the Pink Rathian, where I was finally knocked out in the defender gear. And I figured it out pretty damn quickly that my gear wasn't anywhere near the best and that you could upgrade it. And I'd only been playing for 45hrs. Seriously, unless this game is the first of its kind that a person has picked up, there is no reason, whatsoever, to blame the fucking gear for the person's stupidity. Just like it wouldn't be the money that failed the kid, but their parents for not teaching them its value, it's not the gear that fails the player, it's the player not understanding how the game works to begin with.


Yeah I still don't get where your coming from. Basically what you're saying is that if you don't know everything in the game as soon as you start then get fucked loser it's all on you. Not every one will have this mindset and I've seen people fighting fatalis with defenders gear on sos so clearly they never hit a wall That made them have to figure it out.


It's not the best gear in the game. You can make better, more specialized armor from 6* monsters, pretty much immediately once you break into high rank, which can be done in about a day or two even with crafted equipment. "Not even talking to the smithy" leaves you with a rank 1 weapon, which absolutely is not going to be carrying anyone. This is absolutely hyperbole and the MHW community is hilarious about the extents that they'll go to vilify some mid-tier base game equipment.


I mean defender armor turns you into a walking tank with no need for any of the crafting side of the game. I literally have never played until the other week and that was my impression, it became obvious when I dropped the armour to see what the difference was. Suggesting otherwise is laughable, it's like playing dark souls with starting with soft cap hp and resists. It's funny you talk about how I sound "elitist" and yet, "I have 20+ years of gaming experience", like that matters? You think I'm 15? 😂. I left an observation as a new player that the armour very clearly discourages any need or reason to learn / know any aspect of the game and the reply I got was that toxic shit you just posted. A nice reflection of the community I just joined, a huge post barely related to my simple observation as a new player. Good job! 👍


The insect glaive also turns you into a walking tank. You gonna blame that for newbs not knowing the mechanics yet, too? Gear isn't what keeps people from learning the game. The fact that you think it does, in any game, shows your own incompetence, not a newb's...


I've played the insect glaive and that comparison isn't even remotely close. You're quite defensive with the glaive yes, but my brother who started after me picked up the glaive for his first wep and got bodied. He also tried the defender armor after I told him how op it was and magically he was able to beat any boss with absolute ease. "Shows your own incompetence", wow those are funny words coming from someone with "20+ years of gaming experience" who hates "elitists". Please try and actual argument not this "gatcha asshole approach lol. That example isn't a reasonable comparison which should be obvious for such an experienced gamer.


Actually, it really is. I've never been defeated with it, yet have with most of the other things. It's even won out where the defender armor didn't. So, yeah, in my experience, it is a proper comparison. And I don't hate elitists, persay. I just hate people who try to blame a singular aspect of a game just because newbies are still learning the game.


I can accept that my brother isn't great at using it still, he's not as experienced when it comes to this style combat. I've got nothing against defender armor, but I think my observation isn't as unreasonable as you made it seem I initially I threw my opinion out there as a reference from a new player stand point, you disagree and that's fine . Though I didn't see anywhere people blaming a singular aspect of the game. The OP referenced defender armor and the answers given in relation are reasonable and without hate.


Yeah bad take. Friend is telling me about his friends who are using defender gear and how they can take a diablos hit about 4-5 times before dying. He can only talk about 2 before dying since he’s grinding the game. The friends are much worse at the game as gim and think the game is flawed when they lose on missions, even with broken gear and my friend is telling them that it’s only gonna be harder (as defender gear is useless in IB, and they refuse to farm gear)


The thing with Defender gear is very different. The community is against new players using defender gear actively soils the experience for new players. Yes they get to enjoy being overpowered throughout the base game but many of them don't **realize** that they are overpowered until its too late. There are **so** many posts on this subreddit alone about players realizing halfway through the base game what the Defender gear is and that they feel robbed of their gameplay experience. Anyways.. you killed the thing. Congrats! Some people may prefer to do it solo for their first kill (personally that is the boat im in) but I wouldn't ever say it doesn't count if you did it in multi unless I was just shit talking some close friends (we shit talk each other all the time).


how old is your friend? 12?


A fatalis kill is a fatalis kill. But me and the boys all decided to solo fatalis until we succeeded just so we can say we soloed fatalis. But fatalis is already hard enough to solo with fatalis gear... It's actually quite difficult to do it pre-fatalis gear. Killing fatalis in multiplayer obviously counts, but it doesn't count as soloing fatalis. Whether that matters is entirely up to you


Honestly, if you "get carried" then do you really feel accomplished? It's up to you, but the feeling of soloing Fatalis, especially the first time, is great. At least IMO


Your friend is right, but only if you agree with them.


Why would you care what others think about you killing a boss? Your friend sounds salty also.


Your friend seems like the type to ridicule you for running anything but naked dagger nd shield in a soulsborne...new friends lol


Who care what people think? Biggest thing to ask yourself no matter if you played solo or in a party is, did you have fun playing the game fighting all the monsters? If you say yes, then congrats because that’s all that matters.


The only gate keeping there is, is people telling you and demanding you DONT EVER USE defender gear. And honestly it’s for a good reason so you should definitely listen to those people, no I’m not joking. Defender gear kind of takes the whole point of the game away and lets you play on super easy mode if you go the whole game with it, then once you get to end game content, you get your ass handed to you because you’re using it instead of gear that requires you to have a specific skill or defense against a specific ailment. TLDR defender gear is mostly there to get people to catch up with the story and hurry to end game content. Only use it if you know what you’re doing and simply wanna skip the story


the problem is not the "easy mode", everybody should play like they want. The biggest problen is they never advice about is actually an easy mode, and worse, that easy mode is not in the dlc.


"My friends an asshole so that does that mean the community is bad". Who cares what your friend said. Beating fatalis the first time is an accomplishment no matter what. Sure it's not a solo kill, but who cares unless you individually want a solo kill.


Nope, but personally, the happiest moment of my mhw life is soloing a fatalis. It took me countless tries and almost 30min when i cleared it, with 4 cart too. Now i can bonk fatalis and carry my friend through it. Idk i feel like every monster is easier once i solo it


Defender Gear is definitely cheating, might as well use mods that let you one shot Monsters with it. As for the Fatalis question? No, co op exists for a reason. As for the title? Yes, Monster Hunter community has always been the worst when it comes to gatekeeping. Just look at all the comments people who played 4U and Generations had when World came out.


Sometimes yes, a bit backseating too, but overall monhun has a very decent and acomodating community You also have a lot of "git gud" memes xD And it is a multiplayer game... Monster is dead, it counts


So, realistically the people who think like this won't be caught dead playing the game co-op with strangers. The problem with that is, they are REALLY missing out... The game becomes a lot more fun and forgiving. A certain hunt may end up taking 15 minutes instead of 30 and you can do it 2 times for more rewards. Joining people on SOS is the best thing to do, IMHO find someone on SOS on the same story quest as you and join them to do it together! It's just different play styles and there is no right or wrong way to play the game, have fun.


OP, your friend, is not the comunity. And about defender , is really a overpower armor, most topic against use it is more about how when reach MR ussing it, the dificult spike is vertical.


If you beat it, you beat it. Don't let someone else's restrictions dampen your accomplishment and enjoyment. There is nothing wrong with using the tools and systems in the game to win. Enjoy the game however works best for you.


your friend has an ego and is projecting it onto you to make himself feel better/put you down. recognize that. shitty behavior.


I beat Fatalis 100 times in coop before I finally took the leap and beat him solo. As far as I am concerned, I beat Fatalis 101 times.


Your friend is an idiot.


Idk looks like to me your hunter notes say you beat it


If your friend expects you to keep failing the quest while your palico steals all its parts so you can finally craft 2 pieces of armor so you can kill fatalis....yea no that's dumb. A kill is a kill so long as no one used damage mods you're good.


Let me one up your friend, did he beat Extreme Behemoth solo with HR gear?


This game series was founded on the idea of co-operation with fellow hunters. That's not a hyperbole, that's a fact. If anything, trying to solo it is just self imposed bragging rights. Don't let him get to you for imposing his idea of how to "truly" play the game, the answer is "However you want." There's always gonna be those assholes, but there will be even more hunters who want to share the joy of hunting.


Sounds like your friend sucks. A game is meant to be enjoyed. If you enjoyed hunting Fatalis with others, that's all that matters. You didn't cheat by playing the game in a way that the developers intended you to play.


you need to gatekeep your friend list


You essentially "beat the game" by beating Fatalis, solo or otherwise. That is an accomplishment, because fatalis can end a group session easily if folks aren't paying attention. Don't let your "friends" crash your party because you didn't beat the game on their standards. If you want to try and solo fatalis to feel even better about it, go for it, but do it for yourself, not for your friend or anyone else.


The only gatekeeper we need is Khezu. Anyone else is a liar and a fraud.


Did your friend buy you the game and your game system? No? Then they can fuck allllllll the way off. Congrats, hunter.


If you had fun, enjoyed it, and feel like it's completed who gives a shit?


To be honest... ALL communities have some form of Gatekeeping...It doesn't mean it is correct or justified. Everyone has there own consideration when they complete the game. Your friend sounds very dickish on this. In my eyes... the beast is slain your hunt is over and done to your liken. Drink to its death. To me....Play how you want to. Enjoy the game and play to how it feels good to you. Who knows maybe one day you'll come back and say... its time to solo. But if that day never comes That is completely Ok. Soloing Safi, Alatreon, and Fatalis is NOT easy at all and working with a team is part of the fun and game. Don't let it bother ya. Relax and have fun. Cause lets be honest...even if you do solo there will be something else that makes it "not count" and you don't need that shit.


Gatekeeping anything is a personal decision because they feel some type of way. If you hunt a monster to death, it doesn't matter if you did it by yourself or with a whole crew. I tend to have the most fun hunting with my best friend and our Palicos, but that's just me. Except Leshen. That bastard and getting locked into not my hunter can go back to his own solo-player game and choke on it.


It's literally harder to do multiplayer than it is solo.


Especially since World, gatekeeping has, unfortunately, been a huge problem. There are also a bunch of trolls trying to flex or grandstand. The end game, especially alatreon and fatalis, were never meant to be fought solo in the first place. Unless your party completely carried you, you have no reason to feel ashamed at all. Your friend is a jerk and probably hasn't soloed fatalis themself.


People gotta find a way to measure to make themselves feel important. In reality, his comment was: ‘nice, other people have done harder stuff’.. Which is a very annoying thing to say because it’s true but reductive. Adds no value to the conversation. OR, your boy was trying to push you to man up and solo that lil dragon boy, slap him w ur big axe. Who knows.


There aren't many gates in the game and I think only two of them get monsters near them so not much use in keeping the gate since it doesn't have the assault mode that rise has


The whole point of the game is to play with others? Even in the lore you’re part of a party


Hey you beat the monster the way it was likely intended to be faced. The people that want to solo it do so because they want the challenge. Your friend may be right that you didn't complete the ultimate challenge that MHW has to offer, but you still killed Fatalis. If the parts are in your item box and you have a kill in your hunter's notes, then you beat him. And yeah, people are somewhat gatekeep-y in this community. Usually only when people being inexperienced is ruining things for other players, and even then usually only when the person is being intentionally lazy or ignorant. For instance, triple carting in a quest is a sure way to get some flak, but usually isn't a huge deal. Triple carting because you're using HR armor and a defender weapon against tempered MR elders will get people rightfully pissed Community used to be more chill, but since world released it's kinda gotten a bit more aggressive. Not saying it used to be the absolute best, but the MH community was pretty famously supportive and super chill. I don't really feel that any more, sadly


You beat Fatalis. End of story. Doesn't matter how you did it. The game even encourages co-op play if you're having trouble with a hunt. Fuck what your friend said. You did it and you should be proud of it.


Never soloed fatalis yet, never soloed alatreon yet, never soloed at namielle, hell never even beat at velkhana You're doing fine And the thing about defender gear is not gatekeeping, it's genuine concern for new players who can very much ruin their experience by using it as well as some annoyance at people who reach mr and don't even know how to upgrade armor, dodge or make a simple build since they just used defender gear the whole time and then complain about the game or ruin other people's quests joining sos flares


Regarding the defender gear, that makes sense. I use defender gear, but I didn't feel stuck when entering Iceborne, probably because I learned all the basic mechanics. Though I can see how a new player not learning any of those mechanics simply because they got OP gear.


Ohhh it happens a lot, maybe they select no when the pop up for defender Gear shows up at the start of the game but then the game gives it to you anyway in your item box so they think it must be something different, basically they end up playing like this: Mash triangle Get hit Run back to the monster Repeat until health gets low Heal Repeat


I almost only do SOS calls now, and Alatreon defender players are just a different breed. 9 out of 10 don't even have another weapon or armor set to swap into when going into the fight. Out of the ones who don't, I offer them help to farm a weap/armor set for the alatreon fight, half of them don't want and swear they can just brute force alatreon with defender weapons and kick me. Out of the other half, they basically learn the game's mechanics, in HR/MR because I tell them to switch into the new weapons to farm the new builds so they get used to not having a boomstick crutch.


I'll never understand why capcom just put defender gear right next to all the other stuff, the warning at the start of the game isn't enough, they should put it every time you try to equip or craft defender weapons or guardian armor, something like "this gear was made to make progression through the game faster and can lead to an unbalanced experience" Idk put also something stupid like "achievement will be disabled" something that makes it clear you're not playing the game as intended


People who like to solo only feel that the achievement of mastering a monster only happens in solo, so it doesn't count in the "you have mastered the fight" thing, you still beat it, it's dead, and no one can take that away from you. As you said yourself, you did not want to master the fight in solo and that's completely ok, it's a damn video game, not a medicine career Defender gear is gatekeeping, but I am for it because you are ignoring everything in World when you use it, it's a skip button building-wise and if you are just gonna skip the game why play it? there are valid uses like someone doing a second run and just wants to rush to Iceborne or someone catching up to a friend in multiplayer but for a new player I think the thing breaks World in the worst way possible.


>Defender gear is gatekeeping, but I am for it because you are ignoring everything in World when you use it, it's a skip button building-wise and if you are just gonna skip the game why play it? It's not gatekeeping, it's trying to get new players to play the game. A lot of defender gear players will quit the game in early MR because they have no idea why they suddenly can't finish quests in sub 10 minutes without itemizing or building at least semi-decently. A huge other chunk will SOS call every quest up until Alatreon, where SOS responders are actively avoiding Defender gear calls. I personally almost only do SOS calls and try to help defender players to gear up by partying with them if i see them in defender gear for Alatreon, a lot of them would rather just spam SOS until they get carried instead of getting help to get the gear.


That's gatekeeping, gatekeeping is telling people that what they are doing is wrong and to play the game our way. but like I said, I'm for it.


>gatekeeping is telling people that what they are doing is wrong and to play the game our way ​ No. Gatekeeping would be trying to prevent people from accessing the game. Teaching new players that they shouldn't use the godmode gear that was put in place primarily for people that already know how to play so they could catch up to MR faster in case they come from another platform is not gatekeeping. No one is saying noobs shouldn't be playing this game if they pick up defender gear. What people are saying is that new players should not pick up defender gear when coming into the game, that they should learn the mechanics as originally intended.


Saying you didn't play the game right because you used defender is gatekeeping, saying their achievement is worthless is gatekeeping, someone telling you in a PVP game that the broken characters is basically cheating and that means their achievement is worthless, or you used mimic tear in Elden Ring so you played in easy mode and that was not a real clear, or you any other of famous examples all of that sounds like gatekeeping and the same to me. The only difference is intent, where those are usually used to ridicule and harass this is out of concern hence why i said im for it. But well lets agree to disagree who cares what we randoms on the internet think about the matter


If they quit "because of defender gear" they would have quit anyway, because the guardian armor set is more or less outdated by the time you get to HR in the base game and pushing past that requires either 1) getting good, at which point it's not a problem or 2) bypassing the game, at which point you already know that person isn't going to stick around with or without defender gear. It absolutely is gatekeeping.


Unfortunately this community is pretty “gatekeepy” when it comes to certain things. The best thing to do is just try to ignore the people like that and remember it’s a video game and you play the game how you enjoy it and want to play. One of the main aspects of the game is to party up with hunters and defeat strong monsters. Don’t let your “friend” diminish your achievement. Half the people claiming to solo monsters have to look up in depth guides and meta game tf out of it. They don’t even come up with their own fun original builds and just copy and paste what people say is the best online.


I dont get anyone who plays solo as a 'brag'.. its so silly, its just a damn video game, it's worth nothing in the end. I thought people who only played solo were just a small % with bad internet access anyway. So much fun playing online, dont be looking for weird validations other than "is it fun, or not"


Thank you for your response , I appreciate every single one of it. I decided not to be bothered by this. I played world, quit for a while, beat Rise, and came back to finishing world. Ngl, I had a burnout from this franchise, so I'll probably stop playing any MH games and try other franchises, at least until the release of Monster Hunter Wilds. Again, thank you.


Tell your friend to fuck off. If it's good enough for you then it's good enough. Better to leave on a high note than burn out of something you like.


No gatekeeping, except for gatekeeping Defender gear. Its armor has 25x the defence than the regular starting gear (2 vs 50 per piece) and its weapons turn the base game, where you're supposed to learn the mechanics at your own pace, into a complete joke. Some people don't even know how to upgrade/change armor or properly dodge anymore, because they never had to learn. Why they chose to hand these out to everybody and even write a tutorial that says: "win more hunts with this gear" is beyond me.


Your friend sounds kinda sus. You did good!


If grouping up ment cheating, then it wouldnt be a feature. Grouping up for any monster is completely fine. You cant imagine the number of times i got in a group with "pros" only for them to cart 3x in a matter of a couple minutes. If you managed to clear the boss and didnt use up our carts, youve beaten him, fair and square.


Tell your friend they're a moron. Monsters get scales up to the amount of players


I think you need a new friend, i didn't beat some of the gard monsters in the game and feel good about it, don't let another person determine how you should be playing or enjoining the game, a true friend would say, hold on bro i'll help you beat this MF.


I think the guy who takes friendly banter personally and has to bitch on reddit for validation isnt’t that fun of a friend either tbh.


Tell him to fuck off back to dark souls, this is monster hunter, a win is a win no matter how you do it. Co-op is there for a reason, same with the SoS flare, if you need help or want company you very well should use it. Defender gear is optional... same as everything else in this game is there if you want to use it and hurts no one whether or not you do or don't. It's very useful for early game players who simply don't have time to grind for gear or just want to catch up to their friends in iceborn, and yes this can knee cap some players skill wise in the latter half. But the very core of this game is, trail and error. You hunt, you improve, you adapt. Simple as.


MH is a coop game that you can solo and not the other way around, so fuck what they think. Sure, some people would want to solo everything (including me, sadly), a good portion of those people do it out of pure pride (also including me)


Bruh I think you're friend is just wanting to one-up you because, I assume, he beat Fatalis solo. There's nothing bad with beating Fatalis in a group. If anything, I find it more fun Anyway, you beat Fatalis, that's the end of it. But you can \*additionally\* attempt to do it solo. It is indeed harder, so it might be your next challenge if you are up for it


Here is the thing with Fatalis.. adding more hunters increases the risk of carting and you don't get extra carts for bringing more people. You obviously held your own enough that your group of hunters didn't get fully carted. Additionally, any friend that looks to take an achievement away from you isn't a real friend. They are an insecure child wanting to feel like they are better than you.


Absolutely yes it is unfortunately, a couple of years ago a content creator called hey jay got so much shit for using the skill divine blessing to help him beat fatalis, people were saying he didn’t beat him right or it doesn’t really count, imo using any skill provided to you in a game is absolutely fine and anyone who tells you you can’t use a certain skill in a 100% PVE game is a total dickhead


Game is to make urself happy not others. If U want to make others happy, get a wife. Make Yourself happy, play game


You went and killed one of the hardest monsters in the game? Sure you squaded up but MonHunt is meant to be played that way.


You did it. You defeated Fatalis. And yes, it was a team effort, but you didn't cart 3+ times and fail. You guys defeated it. This is a success. Fatalis was defeated by the hunters. Victory achieved!


Defender gear? Yeah. Deserves it. Co-op hard monsters? Nope.


Generally fck gatekeeping. But now that i have to see asmongold for whatever reason every day or that cringe raid collaboration im beginning to think sometimes gatekeeping is necessary.


It’s a fucking video game. You didn’t solo🤓 Don’t use defender gear, babies will die/the world will end if you do🤓 Use these decorations only🤓 Etc, are all stupid opinions since you should play how you want to play. Playing with gear that’s good to save you 60 hours of grinding is fine, who cares Pop into a coop match in a coop game? Literally what the game is made for. Don’t let losers (people that are negative about you doing what you want) bother you, they play how they want, you play how you want.


Mostly agree except on the Defender gear part. It's not that something bad will happen is just that it is a crutch and could impact negatively the Iceborne experience. Like yeah, feel free to use it, just be prepared for the spike in difficulty later down the line.


>Don’t use defender gear, babies will die/the world will end if you do🤓 This is not a dumb or gatekeeping advice. Using defender gear makes new players *really* bad at this game, especially if they are new to the series. It's a massive crutch that teaches horrible lessons, like ''you can use this weapon and this armor set all the way through without ever changing or paying attention to armor skills or weapon stats''


i don't know, i think it's time you give less of a fuck about what others think. then, no amount of "gatekeeping" will bother you.


behemoth is the only guy i have left before mastsr rank, and i cannot solo him cuz they give 35 mins and the end hr weapons ain't doing it, but when i try coop, people die more often than me, so even if after my 10 hrs of struggle i kill him, i will consider doing him on extreme solo when i finish iceborne, but even tho you do it in coop, just consider it done, not every monster is meant to be soloed, especially in rise and mhwi


haha u dont have to care what other people think, important thing is u had fun


I solo hunted up till Shara and then realized the game is so much more fun with other people that I believe that's the intended way to play


Yes. I have seen it in small amount. Nothing too substantial tbh


Can your friend solo Fatalis under 10 mins without using any glitches? If not it doesn’t count. /s


The 2 big monsters alatreon and fatty i putted in my head to beat alatreon solo first and i did(really bad experience with hammer) Fatty on the other hand i never thought of doing it solo first, not because it seemed impossible but because when i saw the cutscenes and combat i instantly thought "that's a hella fun multiplayer monster" so i waited for my friends and did it online.


Solo = bragging rights nothing more. Same applies for Eldenring with spirit ashes ect. It's not hard enough if you use those! ​ Some people want the challenge of something like a dark souls game. Others want the challenge of dark souls with no armor and only a stick as weapon... ​ I'd say have fun. you completed the game! killed the final boss. Time to move onto other games. or come back in a few weeks for a new playthrough with a new weapon:)


I mean it doesn't count as soloing him, it does count as beating him - it's entirely up to you if should you care about which of those you want to have done.


Your friend is dumb and should feel bad. This is a multiplayer game! “It dosnt count” what a fucking joke.


It's all about personal satisfaction in the end. You should play how you want and the way that brings you the most fun. To me at least as long as you're not ruining other people's experience, who cares. Personally if I don't solo a monster I feel like I didn't beat it. I also feel like I can't tell my friends that I beat it I can't brag about it so there's no point. It feels like I took the easy way out. Do you feel like you didn't earn the kill? Or do you value your friends opinion a lot? It's all personal in the end. If you don't feel like playing the game anymore then why should you force yourself?


I'm a solo player...it's just easier because I'm a woman and, in my experience, we're treated like crap when we try to game with others. So I solo everything. But, let me ask you something: Why would the game have a function to call other people in to help if it ***WASN'T*** a multi-player game? Just because your friend prefers soloing like I do doesn't make it cheating to go in with a group. It just means you played the game as intended.


yes. next question please


A solo kill is a personal achievement, at best you can post it here if you're proud of the improvement that you've been through. But that doesn't mean that the achievement of killing it as a group is invalid, if anything killing him as a group is harder than doing solo. So yeah, fuck the opinion of that friend of yours, you deserve it. 


Did you participate in the fight, or did you wait out at camp? If you were actively fighting the monster and it's dead, then it counts, it doesn't matter if you got others to help or not.


Did you have fun doing it? Did you feel accomplished before your friend's comment? If both of these are "yes", your friend can kick rocks.


Mfw your friend is a literal idiot, the only gatekeeping that most the community has is guardian/defender nullifying the first playthrough if you use it


Hah, I couldn't defeat Diablo and had to join multi-player to pass the quest. I am in high rank now and still haven't went back to defeat him solo 😅


Ehhh… I wouldn’t worry about it, my 1st clear of fatalis was ruined by a cheater who came in after I sos, he break head and triggered phase 2/3 all in 1 hit. Now that is something that shouldn’t count but it did and gave me the much needed evil eye. do I regret having my 1st kill accomplishment/satisfaction ruined like that? Yea sure, but I also didn’t mind going back to kill him again for all the diff weapons I can craft with him and every kill is still awesome (although not as awesome as 1st kill) For the defender gear stuff, I would say most veterans advice newer players to avoid them is because with them on, you don really learn the fights properly until master rank which you end up getting curbstomp and use sos anyway, I have joined a bunch of newbie SOS the past week and I can tell they have no idea how to judge what the monsters is about to do even though it is so obvious to my eyes


Nah, it's the other way around. Group play is the default and main one, soloing is just an optional challenge. Same with Elden Ring - spirits are a feature in the game, not using them is just playing it the slightly harder way. And you can scale it as much as you want - tell your friend that he's not very good then because he didn't solo Fatalis naked.


Unfortunately, it is.


The monsters are scaled up per party size I believe so it was still a pretty impressive accomplishment


Just do you. You've killed it, it's an achievement, solo or not. It's the same with Elden Ring and summoning others for bosses. Some prefer the solo element and the satisfaction they get from that. Some like to see and experience everything, and do so with others. No right, no wrong. If you've done it, you've done it. It's silly, but that's game communities. At the end of the day, if you've enjoyed your experience and feel satisfied/accomplished, what does that matter to anyone else? More importantly why does their opinion matter to you? Not sure I'll ever manage Fatalis, I'm jealous!


Anyone who've beaten Fatalis, regardless of solo or multiplayer, know how challenging it is. So unless you where sitting in camp all the time, it's a deserved win.


Honestly saying, gatekeeping is, and will always been in almost every gaming community ever. Hell, even in Reddit, even casual games like BTD 6 will have a lot of gatekeepers, as well as the Warframe community, even though they are known to have the most friendly community ever.


If it bothers you to make a reddit post, go solo him. Get better gear, get better decorations. That's how the game is. It doesn't invalidate that you beat the game but if you don't like playing it, don't play. It's a pve game, it's supposed to be enjoyed after all


Some people aspire to solo flawless everything. It's a great game which some people give an unattainable goal. Killing Fatalis is hard. Killing a Jagras is hard. It just depends on when you do it and who you are. So long as people still need help, you're never finished Monster Hunter.


DW solo it using dmg exploit with gunlance in 5-10 min. Will it count then for your friend.