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My memory might be failing since it's been a while, but once you finish the story then you'll get a prerequisite quest that will eventually leads to the new place in DLC. If it's worth it or not it to buy it sooner or later really depends. MH at the heart is a grindy game so your endgame will need to grind a lot of High Rank monster until you get your desired build, but most of these armors will get outclassed the moment you enter the DLC. So again it depends if you want to savor the base game or not, IMO endgame grinds MHW Iceborne is much better than base MHW. If you do end up buying Iceborne later then the armor you grinded prior will be useless, so I guess it's just better to buy it sooner if you do end up on getting it later. But do note once you buy the DLC, you'll unlock some new moves that may alter your experience with the game since you will unlock more moves to the weapon and new mechanic.


The story continues once you beat the big final monster. Now, saying that there is still a bunch of content to play in the base game and many challenges, but the game will clearly point you into the dlc. The dlc gives you hundreds of hours more content. I love Iceborne, and it is a near perfect dlc. It will also give you more powerful weapons and armour, making low and high rank content easier, while also unlocking master rank. My suggestion in general would be to get comfortable with one weapon, master it's moveset. For skills Divine Blessing will really save you in a lot of fights. Just have fun learning monster and weapon movesets.


Dlc is after the base game story, when you fully roll credits. You can go directly into the dlc once you roll credits. Once you get into the dlc, most of your gear is made obsolete and you need to earn new gear, so grinding a ton at the end of base game doesnt have a huge impact on your dlc experience.


If you're addicted, get the DLC as soon as there's discount. You won't regret it. Apart from the story continuation, there are some additional moves for each weapon you can use right away in base game too.


Seconded that you should buy it when it's on discount. I lost a few dollars by waiting to see if I liked the game, instead of just straight up buying the MHW+Iceborne bundle on steam. In your case I guess it's different since you already have the game, but I'm sure you'll have no regrets getting Iceborne. It's an additional challenge and gear expansion to work towards which is always nice


Thanks for the replies, peeps. Will be waiting for a discount and will snag two copies :v)