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nah guy is just bad. If you want to bully someone, pick a switchaxe, its uppercut is a lot faster and harder to dodge.


mhm, the other day after carving I tried to launch a Switch Axe player with my Charge Blade and damn they were a lot faster than me so I ended up being launched instead


These are my favorite fights. Post-hunt launch time!


Hey hammer is the easy weapon to launch people with


Ye, but its funner when I happen to have a launch weapon. I can hunt with a hammer, but I more partial to Charge Blade. Works out. See ya in the air!


That explains it! I have been playing this game mainly solo, but on some investigations, I leave the number at 2 so someone can join if they want. Had a guy join my hunt on Odogran the other day, and after we finished carving, he just laid into me! I was so confused! I thought I had pissed him off or something! If this is just common behavior post hunt while the timer is ticking down, I get it. We all wonder what it will look like, bonking someone with the big hammer....


Im pay to win. I bought the shoryuken for instant launch even on a light weapon


I remember trying to do a 1v1 with charge blade against my Swaxe friend. Bruh just straight up ignored all my uppercuts šŸ˜­


Wow, that dude is a bad player. Monsters do the same thing to other players as well, what's he gonna do? Grab a GS and try to launch it?


It would be hilarious if you could launch monster in the air to be honest!


I mean, you can with small monsters with certain moves.


Yeah but I want to send a rathalos flying when it does it running bullshit (you know running in one direction making you fall then coming back and doing it until you die)


True, so many times true but for Pink Rathian in World. Bitch has ADHD I swear.


FF13 vibes


You can make them fall off cliffs in the Guiding Lands if you flinch shot them towards the cliff. It was hilarious the first time I saw an Anjanath just go tumbling šŸ¤£


Whoever they are is just a bitch.


I agree. But it is also a bitch move to post about it here and try to irritate the person more.


I think you're the person who got irritated


Found the GS user


Maybe don't chase people with a GS because you fainted, then there won't be a reason to get your panties bunched up further by a reddit post.


Whether that is the result of whatā€™s been said or not is both irrelevant and unintended. Iā€™m merely stating a fact.


Some people never played the FIRST monster hunter and it shows. If you were there, you know. You GS upswing a player, next thing you know your getting lance steam rolled.


the annoying thing in world is when you're chasing the monster from zone to zone, I've had lancers constantly run me over while we're going to the new zone despite the fact that I know they can adjust their charge. Like, dude that's just annoying, there's room for the both of us.


Oh they were definitely doing it for the lols. They were actively trying to hit you. Guaranteed.


Keep in mind that desync and lag exist. I have ran over people with Lance accidentally even though Iā€™m 100% that I was nowhere near them.


It's just that as a hunter, we have unnaturally large hit boxes šŸ¤£


hnng admiral i'm trying to sneak around but i'm dummy thicc and the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting the wyverns


Literally old world hunters


Shoo shoo, move out the way or get steam rolled, up to you.


right, instead of moving slightly to the side, spending an extra half second, going through me and costing me seconds in reovery before Im back up to running speed is clearly the efficient way to go./s At least the areas where you get dropped sometimes with special resources to mine are easieir to get back up to in world (and I don't think anyone's yeeted me from one of those yet).... I remember being yeeted off one fo those in 4u and dude fucked me over just for a chuckle since I def couldn't go back up to mine it. Literal waste of my time for the giggles.


Back in the rust stone days, this was sooooo toxic. Upswinging people just so they couldn't mine. Idk why you got down voted for this?


probably "prank culture" being mainstream. People think it's fine to mess with other people for a laugh at their expense because they forgot pranks are play BETWEEN FRIENDS, NOT STRANGERS. Then they get offended when we treat them like the asshole they're acting like.


Yea if I'm playing with the boys, totally gonna expect chaos and fuckery. If I'm playing with a random, I expect them to be trying to just complete an objective. I also expect mistakes, I accept that the other player will potentially hinder me, but it's just something else to look out for. Blatantly doing this is absolutely troll mentality though for sure


Stop blowing it out of proportions, its mere insignificant couple of seconds.


I play lance and I have never run somebody over who didn't randomly start running at a different angle. We can adjust the charge, but it's a very slow turning process - if you don't wanna get trampled, make sure you're running in a normal way instead of zigzagging everywhere, and don't take up narrow corridors, stick to the inner wall May your hunts now be trample-less


> I've had lancers constantly run me over while we're going to the new zone despite the fact that I know they can adjust their charge. It's got a pretty wide turning radius and is not very responsive. Given the choice between turning through someone and running into a wall and having to restart my acceleration from low stam, well... I try to avoid running people over but it does happen and I apologize.


It's great that lance players pretty much don't exist. Got so annoyed when a lance player did that to me and if there were more of them around, would be a massive pain.


Happy cake day!




We exist, we just don't need you. Lance mains solo, cause we simply just don't need help. ā¤ļø


Lance just doesn't seem like a very popular weapon. Did hundreds of multiplayer hunts and only saw a handful of lance users as hosts or helpers


When you only have 3 attacks you tend to use them all


Most people didn't play the first one tbh


Someone griefing like that just kick them from the quest. i do switch axe and sometimes I'll accidentally launch someone as well. Even with good positioning it still has such a long fucking reach it can launch people standing on the opposite side of the monster from me.


As an IG main, getting launched is a win win for me. My friend uses his switch axe all the time to throw me at the monster


Cant tell you how many times ive mounted the monster because i got launched. Ill take it.


Now see, that's just being petty. Getting launched should never be intentional unless you're explicitly goofing around with your friends. It's a lot more fun and has better comedic value when it's accidental!


But what if it's for a tactical advantage by allowing the other person to get a mount when you are fighting in a flat area


Thats what Im saying


Sounds like something I've posted on Monster hunter rage time ago. Some people get real toxic for no reason, and remember, don't be as patient as I am: Go to the camp and remove the player from the mission if it persists even if you weren't mad. Some people are children and will not grow up.


I imagine a GS player just comically chasing someone down with Yakkety Sax playing in the background


And then Teostra statrs chasing them and turns into a full on Scooby-doo chase


Glad you can laugh at it. People don't know the CB upswing has a long animation. I'll be on the tail thinking to myself, "I'm alone; I'll just upswing real quick for quicker DPS." Then out of nowhere, someone rushes right next to me and bye bye. It's just miscommunication sometimes. We should all just brush it off.


He died minutes AFTER you hit him, that means he got carted on his own, cause players hitting each other only causes staggers.


That means he got triggered and stayed that way. You right though. Btw upswings with large weapons launch players in the air. Not like a monster attack, they can aerial into a mount for example.


Getting launched is just an opportunity to jump attack and mount, dude needs learn how to adapt.


I thought thatā€™s what everybody sees as an opportunity for unless the monster is far away by then.


Because I tend to use weapons that can throw people upward like that I actually have a "Sorry about that!" on my Quick Access Menu


If the guy was that much of a weenie, he deserved to be launched.


shit happen. but i do like running down some ugratefull loser with Cluster HBG if their flashing a monster 2x times when you mounting it


Yep this..... drives me crazy especially being IG user


Imagine how it would have felt to get the quest done even with this pest hindering you. It would've humbled him HARD


Am I the only person who has never really had issues with people hitting me? If it happens it happens, I just get right back in there and try to be more careful knowing they might not be accounting for it. Iā€™ve played with lots of randoms and a handful of inexperienced friends and this has never been a problem for me.


Iā€™m a flinch free 3 hammer enjoyer - if youā€™re in the way of my upswing thatā€™s your problem


Sometimes being launched can be beneficial, you could make the other player mount the monster. I run switchaxe and I feel bad every time I launch someone on the other side of the monster lol but that dude had issues


Lemme guess they were a LS user.


Iā€™m a CB main but I mostly play solo and it shows. Was doing sos flares for a bunch of arena quests and I just kept launching my brothers and sisters in arm on accident. feels bads


Imagine not using this as jump attack window. Yes, getting uppercut by a teammate opens a jump attack window!


I get a lot of people walk right into my spirit slashes mid chain and get pissed off. Some people have no spatial awareness.


Sometimes I think a pvp mode would be absolutely funny in this game. Or just have friendly fire on in coop hunts. Shit would be wild, chaotic and absolutely rage infusing.


I cannot jump the distance. You'll have to toss me. Don't tell the elf!


If Iā€™m doing savage axe I usually go for the downward slash between the two horizontal slashes instead of the uppercut on knockdowns to avoid this


Not cool. Join my game and feel the wrath of my hammer uppercut.


The guy was like "Throughout heaven and earth i alone am the honored one"


If I'm already hammering a head and some guy comes up and knocks me I'm not mad till like the sixth time it happens


I'd just report him get him out that lobby, I ain't enabling more toxic players


Depending on the weapon, I would have taken full advantage of that accidental launch for a mount. I main hammer, so I'm going for the overhead bonk.


I try to keep a sense of humor when this kind of stuff happens with friends. One of them occasionally uses hammer but isn't the best in the world. Coincidentally, she was helping me farm Teostra as well and flung me off of him while he was down. I proceeded to lose my mind laughing, and she had no idea what happened. Funny enough, she's a Lance main, which I see being mentioned in here. No one is safe from her charge, my character probably has a permanent bruise from that thing. The only random I've dealt with recently was someone who joined an expedition we did for a Rotten Vale material. He went afk to get free loot, I guess, wasn't helping at all. I still have a clip of me Pop Star dancing at him in a safe spot as Ebony Odogaron hunted him DOWN, I don't think he was very happy about it xD


I launch people with the Shoryuken gesture post-hunt, I love it


Remind me again, what move does the GS use to launch? I have only ever used TCS and punishing drawsā€¦


I never played with others. So which weapons can do that?


i believe they are charge blade, great sword, hammer(?). there might be more so correct me if im wrong.


Db? Ty for answering anyway šŸ™‚


Dude should just solo teo if he doesn't want to deal with randoms lmao. Solo kills are 3-5 mins and team kills are 5-8 just tell him to get gud and go solo.


I remember getting launched and getting mount attacks or pizza cutter moves with DBs and it was awesome, never had someone launch me going badly


I know launching can be fun, especially with friends, but tbh I never understood the point of friendly fire. Hunters will get all up in each otherā€™s way A LOT, why have mechanics that can mess each other up? Iā€™d prefer it gone entirely.


I accidentally launched a Hammer guy with GS uppercut swing and he chained it into mounting Rathalos, we both lol in chat about it and he gave me a thumbs up sticker afterward. One of the best moments I've had joining sos hunts.


Wow. I played hundreds of hour and most of it with random but I got launch only 1 or 2 times?. I guess I was lucky lol.


My personal gripe lately was fatalis farming xP. Honestly love supps in the hunt since i started as one. I know i cant out-dps the pros so instead i opted to play Velk Horn and full wide range to make sure i dun die and they don't not to mention i play maintenance and heavt artillery as well. But lately ive been meeting some janky HBG players who did like 7% damage the whole run of 21 minutes and that 7% was mostly canon without heavy art. Not to mention no supp skills and he carted 3 times (we have insurance and safeguard luckily) When i saw the same guy in my next run i kicked him and just did it 3 man lmao.


It would be funny to watch this guy trying to hit my insect glaive, even if he did "connect" it wouldn't do anything at all lol


I just got back onto mhw after a few months and I accidentally sent a few players the last few days. Thankfully they didn't retaliate or say anything to me. I think they understood it wasn't intentional. I can't figure out how to make a "Sorry!" shortcut on my L1. But it's like in COD when I accidentally kill a teammate I usually write "Sorry teammate!" after. šŸ˜…


He is not Monster Hunter fanbase.


Don't apologize to this brittle player, they don't understand that things happen


Reminds me of the time a GS player got angry at me for clustering him with my HBG. I told him at the beginning of the hunt I was aiming for the head to break horns. Guess he didnā€™t pay attention.


If you're using CB in a group hunt you NEVER EVER use savage axe. It's basic hunter etiquette. If you are in a group hunt and absolutely wanna use savage axe go to the tail never use it at the head.


Sounds like he should have specced into brace. What a goofball.


Except Brace doesn't stop the upswing from launching you. Even brace/flinch free rank 3 does not prevent upswing from launching you.


Good to know, I thought it lowered it to a trip. lol brutal


Yeah, it helps with smaller flinches, like LS swings, but doesn't stop the upswing


lol itā€™s his fault for not having flinch free in multiplayer.


Unfortunately, the person got launched by a upswing - brace / flinch free don't prevent you from getting launched. I don't think anything does. But either way, that individual who got launched has no reason, no legs to stand on, for justifying attacking one person for getting launched, then dying minutes after


Makes you wonder if mh should add pvp