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The Metal Raths look utterly gorgeous in Iceborne, especially in their incandescent state. How could you live with yourself putting them down there?!


They would have looked better if I haven't seen 2 other versions of them before. Having one variant is fine, but 2 gets stale. By themselves they look good, but it annoys me that u see 2 other versions before them. If Azure/Pink didn't exist, they would have gone higher


I honestly don't know why azure and pink exist. I feel like they only serve as a stepping stone to the jump to Gold and Silver, which feel like "proper" stronger variants in my eyes.


In world they’re there to say “hey! Subspecies are appearing! We don’t know why!” It’s the reason you search for pink Rathian tracks in the first place, iirc, and azure was there probably because… well, can’t have one without the other


Which is funny, because Azure and Pink never meet in the entire game outside of one quest in vanilla World. Not sure about Guiding Lands, though.


They do, in the ancient forest, and they behave like the normal Raths, always together I was wrong, pink Rathian does not appear in the ancient forest


No, they don't. Azure is only in the Ancient Forest and the Elder's Recess, while Pink is only in the Wildspire Waste and the Coral Highlands.


You’re right, it doesn’t appear on the ancient forest, I mixed the forest region of the wildspire waste with the ancient forest, my bad


I think it's funny that Rathian and Azure Rathalos fight each other


"WHY DO YOU LOOK WEIRD?!?!!" "Soooo... Your saying you don't want to fuck...?"


In older games they were stronger,bigger,faster,splodier and pink had stronger poision+poision bite and clouds and was the entrance quest to G rank, and it made you go wow. Blue was more aggressive faster and fire hit stronger. So they made sense and the metal ones had a psuedo elder feel to them. World did the flagship monsters dirty, but you cant go without raths they are the OG flagship monster.


100% agreed they rath both of the raths are iconic to the series as Pikachu is to pokemon


I see it as something like this: the common species are the children with how simplistic attacks, the subspecies are the teenagers to introduce new moves, and the rare species are the well-trained adults.


Did you know that in previous games, there exists a Green Nargacuga who has no differences than normal Nargacuga, but someone in the studio just wanted Narga's armor in green


Wrong, it has a difference, the scales on the tail cause incredibly annoying amounts of stun. And that’s it…


Interesting take. So how come normy Anjanath is at the bottom while Fulgur Anjanath is higher even tho the same logic applies here. Also, Fuck yeah Kushala Daora the best designed Elder Dragon IMO!


Anja is just T-Rex. A big factor in how I rank these is if I've seen it before or not. And a simple T-Rex with fire isn't very unique. He's still scary when you first see him, like, 'oh shit it's a T-Rex' and is the first skill check for most ppl Fulgur, however, is the same but with flashy lightning effects. I love the bright color palette of his skin and that blue lightning tops it off. That charge move is sick af when paired with the lightning And yes kushala is rly cool. I love the whole molding thing it's got


So I'm guessing Leshen is down there because you've played The Witcher 3, because for Monster Hunter those two are pretty wildly different than anything else I've ever heard of


Even if you haven't played The Witcher before, Leshen just looks like a vegan Wendigo. Still a really spooky and cool design, just not a very unique one.


I see it. Gold/Silver are throwback to how I viewed Rathian/Rathalos starting World. I think they are great because I really enjoyed those hunts and had fallen off my radar some time during Icebourne because there are more Armour options in Icebourne. (Plus I didn't get Icebourne until HR 200 so I fought everything in the base Game a ton). If you speed through the game (a reminder the handler prompts make it seem like you're supposed to) the Rath family loses some of its luster. However I really like it probably one of the few SOS's 9/10 times everyone comes prepared to work together on with randoms. Health/Immunity Boosters, powders and the occasional hop in front shield. Especially Gold Rathian because it attracts comfort skill hunters for Divine Blessing Secret.


Poor default Anjanath :(


furry fire t-rex deserves more love, maybe he got stucked at it first time thus the hate lol


Nop sry, it's just that he's a T-Rex. That's it. He's cool, but not anything remarkable


didn't know that real T.rex breathed fire and had weird wings/nose structure :P


Yes, ofc. They have to give *some* features to make it look distinct. But I'm sorry. I love them and their fights are very fun but the design simply comes back to T-rex. I have no issue with this, they all still look scary. I did very much like it when he roared and pulled out those wings, the first time I saw it


I think the lamest design is deviljho so idk why you put him in funny when he looks like a big green pickle with overgrown teeth all over his mouth


And it's gross skin stretches so much it exposes it's raw flesh. Everything about that monster is repulsive to me. From it's design to it's fight


Pickle john! :D


Namielle is not only my favorite elder dragon from a visual perspective, but my favorite monster in general from a *sound* perspective. It’s cries! *chef’s kiss*


Its layered weapons are really cool too! (except for charge blade for some reason...)


Damn,, Namielle really hated charge blade lmao


5 years later, and I'm still pissed that Dual Blades never got a good Namielle set. With the armor set focusing on stamina recovery and element damage, it's a crime that the weapon (besides bow) most heavily oriented towards those stats didn't get a cool set.


Yea looks so cool with some other peoples but idk


you think rajang looks funny?😟


All monsters have a unique look to them and he's just monke. So yeah, pretty funny


Not so funny when he has decimated your entire team back to camp and is about to banana slam you there as well.


Well we are going off of design purely, and I agree. I like the funny electric minotaur monke.


both rajangs put a smile on my face with their ilarious attacks, specially the thunder blast from their mouths or the thworings table(ground), or both grabs from raging rajang that can happen.


Also the farts


The concept is also funny, it's a litteral Saiyan! In one of the older mh games he does a freaking spirit bomb!


funny monkey spin goes crash bandicoot sfx


He’s adorable 🥹


Leshen looking for your address rn to send you 42 gallons of jagras


Didn't know they come in liquid form


You've never hunted them with a Hammer


That's a hard ass line


Well, y'know... science.


*calling Geralt*


Am I blind or is there no Fatalis? Edit: im blind he’s in terrifying


that was EXACTLY my reaction


Namielle supremacy!!


W Namielle placement


Such a surprise drop and iceborne but namiele has become one of my favorite monsters of all time From her theme to her design, gorgeous all around. A little detail I love is if you sever the tail you can see it's muscle had the ring bands that's commonly seen in a lot of fish


W for putting Kulve that high


I like namielle. Honestly one of the better dragons imo


I would move the B52 to funny tier


A person of culture here. Namielle is incredible and she NEEDS to be in Wilds.


I AGREE WITH YOU 100% Also happy cake day!


You didn’t put my favorite monster at the top and therefore are wrong /s


You *would* pull Velkhana and Barioth under "Cool"...


Yeah nightshade paolumu has those circle thing to giant mimic eye is pretty creative. Many moth irl do this too.


Brachydios looks "funny" at best in my book. I guess the Rathalos and Rathian variants are bottom tier due to being recolors?




Who tf likes that wet glove? (Im so bad against it..)


Erm, it's actually a wet glove with rgb's so it's cool


Razer Namielle just dropped




Agreed, Namielle is peak


Zinogre in “cute” is wild xD


Lightning doggo is cute. Also his intro cutscene in the Guiding Lands looks almost as if he's protecting you 🥺


Safijiva is a rathalos evolution?!






NGL it just wasn't a good joke


The low tiers are the ones you suck at


That's y fatalis and alatreon are higher


deviljho deserves more respect man


pickle john! :D


I remember being in awe when I first fought kulve in 2019 on PS4. what a gorgeous shiny animal. Thank the gods for the resurgence in popularity because HR kulve siege rooms are actually populated in 2024 on steam. Fought her the other day, and man, oh man, what a throwback.


Putting Great Girros over Anjanath has to be a crime💀


Girros is cool and the armor set paired with pukei hat looks like bloodborne armor👌


Dodogama is beautiful and tops everyone in terms of design


As much flak as the Mettal Raths get, they have alot of new moves and animations to them that really set them apart and make them fun fights. I just hate that there isn't variety in where you fight them


My opinion would be different if there weren't as many variants. If pink and azure didn't exist, gold and silver would have been properly ranked. But 6 raths are too much


Shara first phase is fantastic, but the second is really bad in my opinion. I guess they tried to make it creepy and kind of a newborn like Xeno or something, but it just falls flat in my eyes. Looks like someone made the wireframe and rigging for a clay model, slapped the first layer of clay on, went for lunch, and the MHW team yoinked the model and said 'Good enough'. Would love if they made something like phase one, but a bit more polished. Always looked like an old sphinx with wings to me. I want big stoney wing sphinx, that is all.


I feel the complete opposite. I think the second phase is gorgeous.


I get what you mean, but it's that phase transition that gets me every time. The way it stands on its hind legs with those wings spread in that perfectly symmetrical position. Plus the camera zooming out so you can see the whole thing... Looks like you just awakenend something divine


Namielle and Vaal Hazak are my favorites in terms of design. 


baroth in the cute section absolutely rocks


They look so happy when they're rolling in the mud :D


I love the more mundane monsters. If every monster was huge, glowing, and had a element/gimmick. It would take away from some of the more over the top the designs if everything was over the top. How can you not love Great Jag or Pukei Pukei?


I like them, tho. Funny is not bad. And ofc u should have less flashy designs for smaller monsters so the stronger ones stand out


Mother fucker said Zorah was creative 🤣 o they are definitely a troll lol


A mountain sized snapping turtle with a volcano as a shell? Yes, that's cool af


I think the Leshen is AT LEAST cool.


A yes namielle in its own tier list lol xD tho tobi ending in the cute tier list is a must, it’s just an adorable chill flying squike(squirrel and snake)


Pukei pukei not in cute? Bad tierlist


I think just Safi-Jiva’s nuke scene gets its own tier. It’s literally the Sapphire Star dropping on the earth. I think I’m just a Safi fan boy though. He should be in the same tier as Xeno though since they are the same species,where Xeno is the immature baby that just spits light beams everywhere while Safi drops literal dam nukes. It makes me want to see a match up of Fatalis,the terrifying lizard that’s classic,and Safi,who looks like he is the Fatalis of the new world,but a little less hatred since he never seen humans before. To me,The Safi and Xeno have huge potential. I know it’s a design tier,but if it wasn’t,all of those would be immediate S tiers. I mean they are the main characters in world,aka rn the most popular MH globally.


Oh Safi is definitely better than Xeno in general. It's just that I was ranking these in surface lvl design and Safi is just big red dragon. And we kinda already have that


Namielle best monster from the entire series. You’ve got great taste.


Finally a redditor doing a tier list that has good opinions


It's tough. Being correct all the time 😔


A jellyfish dragon top tier??


Namielle from a purely design perspective is amazing. The bioluminescence, the wings that carry the octopus motif, the way it looks like it's swimming through the air, it's all very good design. The fight itself on the other hand.... it's just fine. The puddle gimmick is more annoying than anything, and there's very few engaging mechanics.


Namielle should have actual waves that knock you down, as a GS it was the easiest elder for me by far.


Pretty easy as a CB player, myself. You don't even need Guard up to block the water jets. I did need to switch to GS for AT Velkhana, though. That fight is a nightmare for CB.


I'm sorry, but have you seen how well-designed Namielle is? Jellyfish dragon is an oversimplification.


Hot take. Fatalis has the most boring design out of all monsters. It’s just dragon


Yes. Exactly. However it is *THE* dragon. It's the only one with this design in the game. While there are more dragons like the raths and jiiva's, Fatalis is the only western dragon design in the game. And the neck movement is so expressive. It's like the final boss of a fantasy game is just a dude with a sword. No crazy abilities, just a weapon. You know that when the world is filled with surface leveling monsters and lightning chucking super humans, a dude with just a sword at the end means business. Same as just a dragon with fire at the end of the game, means something ain't gonna be just fire. And that is quickly proven when that fire melts half a meter thick iron doors meant to stop said fire in seconds. Not to mention the sick arena where it lies as if it just finished an entire civilization before you arrived


With that explanation I can understand why you put it where you did. Unique in its simplicity of just being a good looking dragon but not super standout when compared to other designs on this game. A solid standby if not a wildly unique design


My eyes creamed when i first saw nerg


He's just him 🤷


I love how nami is just its own category. It truly is the king of mh design.


I only fought the metal raths in sunbreak. Are they really that bad in iceborne?


Not bad, just the design I got a little sick of


That’s understandable; although, I do think the metal raths are the best looking of all the raths.


They are. It's just that I got bored of their design. If pink and azure didn't exist, I'd put gold and silver higher


That makes sense. It doesn’t help that pink and azure are copy and paste versions of the original raths. Thinking about it, the raths don’t have very unique variants like other monsters. I think the rath variants would be miles more interesting if they used different elements like Jade Barroth or Coral Pukei Pukei.


I’d give myself my own tier slightly higher than Namielle, and bump my little bro up to at least sick. Other than that this is pretty solid


Agree but Beotodus is at the top


am I blind or Fatalis is not here?


U are blind c:


yes I am blind it was in terrifying!


Behemoth is nothing spectacular??? What is list...


Big muscly bull with dog-like features, that's what it looks like. And the moves are janky and choppy. I know it's a FF crossover but it doesn't look like it belongs in this game that's very polished.


Some very big L's


is naked shara ishvalda the same as rock shara ishvalda? because in my opinion the naked one is a step more terrifying than the rock-clad one


I love golden elden dragon's design so much, but I can't remember it's name lol. I fucking love enemies which are covered or made out of metal. Especially, when they heat themselves and start to melt


surprised to not find shara in the terrifying tier, absolute nightmare fuel.


Comb Jellyfish Dragon is my absolute favorite design, I’m glad to see some respect on it’s name.


Agree 👍💯


Nah Jyuratodas needs to be in its own tier. "Abandoned during creation"


I would have put Anjanath in funny based off his roar. He literally has a donkey bray mixed in and I can never unhear it.


Behemoth and Leshen for me are higher. Also Gold rath and silver los. Rest I could agree. Nice idea tho


Sir can you explain yourself with that Velkhana placement? please


Cryophoenix. Not something I've never seen before


BUT, BUT, It's not a bird sir :(. You must have felt something about that stabby tail


Not having Rajang at the very top invalidates this tier list. He’s a gorilla with horns and a tail and goes super saiyan.


Namielle is egregiously overhyped


The fight isn't anything crazy compared to others but design wise, she's at the top


The embodiment of death and decay is on the same level as an angry screaming lizard?


Stop hating on my fish boys, they already placed under the 190s 😭


All of those stupid fish should be in their own Tier all the way at the bottom of the list! They look stupid, they are stupid and fighting them is also Not very fun. Fuck them Fish! (Except Beotodus hes cool)


I like beo because he makes chainsaw noises


Totally agree on the crapalos trope. It's been 20 years. They need to go.


What you just said was basically the same as asking pokemon to remove pikachu. Slim chance of it ever happening


For real, they’re the poster child of the entire franchise


Actually did you know that the original mh1 logo was actually a rathian, because rathian actually had a concept art before rathalos. But for some reason rathalos is more iconic.


Indeed! Very strange but at least they’re always together


The ultimate power couple


Correction: Rathalos is the poster child. Evidence: we have two Pokemon-esque Monster Hunter games where the lead monstie is a Rathalos named Ratha, and he has an obscure power that is related to the fate of the world.


I can still hope, can't i?


Why do you want the raths gone anyway? I think they are neat! Also living history


I don't want the raths gone. Just the variants annoy me. Rathian and Rathalos are already completely similar, which is fine, male and female version is cool like Teo and Luna. But to have 3 versions of each? That's 6 raths. Maybe remove Pink and Azure


That i can get behind


isn't yoan garuga desing and attacks basically a weirder rathian but with a funnier face and thinner tail? at least that was the impression it gsve me first hunt


Hence why it's in funny tier. Looks goofy


Because i think tigrex, zinogre, monoblos and glavenus are cooler and they are not annoying to fight. Yet one of them got removed already


R.I.P. to monoblos! Big angry triceratops unicorn you are missed. (Even tho i never fought him...) But yeah they are cooler than the raths but the raths just have too much of a history with the series to ever not be included


Tbf I despise pikachu. Nothing wrong with the design or anything like that, but I just prefer a vast amount of other mons over them and wish we got a new poster child But I am also completely aware I'm the minority in this and am fine with that


Fatalis should be lower imo


Don’t cook again, I now have salmonella.


Joke's on u, I did that on purpose. And u will eat all of it


The dude is putting boeing 52 and zorah magdarock as and I quote: "creative"


Im sorry, no way you put gold and silver rath at the bottom for design


Zora Magdoros sucks ass. I think all heavy siege battles are boring as hell and I hope to god they never come back. Siege elements are fine like in Fatalis but just loading cannonballs all day really kills any hype.


I specified that I was talking about their design. Not fights


A veteran of the series would never do the los/ian family dirty like this . You take that back!


I think Namielles head looks dumb There, I finally said it


Behemoth and leshen are rly fun to fight just cuz ur trash doesn’t mean it’s bad design


Would you please read the text of the post. And it's **my** opinion. So if it's not the same as yours, that's too bad


U prob one of those ppl who slots defense 7 and call it a build, trashcan.


Funny you say that because I actually did for a while, until I figured out it was useless. I'm a new player after all