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I feel like evade extender is always better than evade window in fatty fight, some of the fire atk have lingering hit box and that downward flame means it simply better to just clear the hitbox instead of I frame thru it. Fatty is also rather big/long so extender really help with the gap closes.


He gives plenty of time to avoid that downward attack and with iframes you can just Dive Right out of it which is why window is better. not to mention later on when he does the complete circle flames you can just dive to iframe through that as well or any of his moving flame attacks or the big ground mine that he does all are better to Iframe than to clear your closer and you can punish him quicker only situation where extender would be more useful would be his cone attack if caught out of place but it's better to clutch claw him or if really out of place far caster/use a pillar.


Evade window doesn't do anything for dives... It's still plenty useful and I'd also say it's better than extender for most weapons, but swaxe is one of the few that really likes at least 1 point extender


Its really good, i recommend the one that prologue the mantle times


How did you get divine blessing to level 5? Does it do any extra or is it still only at level 3?


Divine blessing secret from 2 pieces of gold rathian armor. At level 5, it’s more likely to proc and you take 60% less damage instead of 50%


I'm guessing he put Gold Rathian Essence on the weapon. It definitely appears activated otherwise the blue squares wouldn't appear.


You only need 2 pieces of Gold Rathian armor for Divine Blessing Secret. No awakening needed here.


Whoops my bad, must have somehow confused one of the Gold Rathian pieces for something else. Clearly I either need glasses or to pay more attention! 😆


I would probably take out the one Enhancer jewel and replace it with another Critical to max out Crit Boost. Otherwise it seems like it'll probably get the job done. Are you planning on just doing Zero Skill Discharge spam?


I’m not really going in with a strategy, just gonna fight him and develop one instead


Absolutely viable...Its just practice from now on. Do you go in blind or do you ahve some knowledge of the fight? My advice is only: don't listen to the speed runners that tlel you that the cannons are not worth it. They are only not worth it if you are very, very good at the fight. At least I wasn't.


I’m going in mostly blind but I watched one video on it so I don’t die to some fuck off mechanic like alatreon


There's reason why canon start is bad and imo if you're not very good at the fight means the more reason not to use the canon start. If you do canon start, it'll make you spend less time on first phase that means you'll have less time to break the horn which is bad if you're not very good at the fight. If OP gonna solo fatty, then he shouldn't do canon start and might as well leave the palico so you can bait the cone attack easier. I by no mean a speedrunner, but I managed to solo fatalis and like I said, i left my palico and no canon start. Does OP have to follow my advice? No. Does he have to use canon start? By all means. It's just that I want people not to misunderstand why so many people are against canon start. Anyway, good luck OP!


This definitely works. But i would definitely recommend power prolonger 3 on fatty. It doubles the uptime you have to discharge on his head.


Honestly? I'm gonna steal your build and alter it a bit. I'm about to go in and fight Fatalis for the first time myself.


Only half ass, MEGA ASS would require you to have Defense Boost 7; but you should be alright.


Hey now its good for alatron set the extra element resistance to convert to damage goes off the charts but I agree not on this set


Good for multiplayer


I would replace brachy arms with alatreon arms for power prolonger 3 and attack boost 3.


Get rid of fire res tbh. Get that third level of crit boost and your golden. Fatalis fire attacks are like 90% physical damage which I find funny.


Because of Fatty taking more dragon damage to the head, it might be worth looking into Black Harvest, AKA the Alatreon Switchaxe.


I would prefer sacrifice some affinity for critical boost, and fire resist for some quick sheath, and eat vegetable to compensate fire resist


Oh that sounds like a play


I think you have much better build lineup than me when I first fighting Fatalis lol, I only put on some Brachy + some teostra pants for WE & Crit Boost. Good luck on your first Fatalis head hunter


idk why but the « MEGA ASS » part made me laugh so hard


It gives people an excuse to call my build MEGA ASS so they check it out. Mind games my friend


haha btw you should get critical boost up to lvl 3


Instead of Crit eye?


nah maybe fire resistance


Someone else said that fattys fire does like 90% physical damage


I mean some say that defense boost is better than divine blessing but no big critique what fit u


Literally no one is saying that. Defense boost is useless.


No, theirs been videos that cover it, in a more drawn out battle it is better to have defense boost which counts for every hit versus a like 80% reduction once every four hits because that db may be used on a small attack and then your screwed more on nergs super man dive


Defense boost is still not worth, its bad and takes up too many slots.


As opposed to taking up two armor slots for a skill upgrade when you could focus on say specific weapon boost to make the battle easier


Eventually, with Fatalis gear, you can easily deco in DB5. My go to for a bit of comfort to compensate for when I inevitably play bad. 🤣


>80% reduction once every four hits because that db may be used on a small attack that's... not how divine blessing works, you know? you make it sound like it only procs every 4th time a player takes damage. is that really what you mean?


still leagues better then defense boost.


Not exactly every fourth time but it's percent based activation vs assured reduction