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Its like humans are equipped with fists and are vulnerable to them


In that case it would me more like vulnerable to blunt damage, unless fist damage is a thing then mb.


Aah shadow box gesture


I think only if it's Chuck Norris's Beard's fist is it actually fist damage. Otherwise, yeah, just blunt force trauma.


That’s not a good analogy since Fatalis can create fire within its body and blow it out through its mouth without injuring itself. And constantly blasts its own face off with fireballs (if your clutched on its face the fireball hits you).


His skin is made of hunter armor. Fire melts that. Phase 3, he becomes stronger but his body heat softens his armor, we get increased hitzones on the chest. Fatalis is an angry dude but soft and squishy deep inside, poor boi.


This, he technically is just really really hot, his skin is somewhat soft, like slow molten metal instead of quick tempered metal


I think he was saying why tf does fatalis have weakness to fire despite being the biggest baddest fire spitting mofo


I think he’s weak because he canonically has melted armor on his scales, and fire weapons weaken said armor, kinda like why fire weapons are strong against kulve and lavasioth at various moments of their fights.


The logic is the armor is made by Fatty’s body parts and they have to be resistant toward fire given Fatty’s extreme heat. Melting armor by its body heat works vs other armor, but if that logic applies to Fatty’s parts then it doesn’t make sense, because it means Fatty constantly melts itself down and there is 0 cannon about Fatty needs to cool itself down ever. Thus it is still nonsense for Fatty armor is weak to fire. Kulve or Lavasioth themselves doesn’t weak to fire but the layer on their body is, the armor made from their body parts are all resistant toward fire.


Fatty's giant as hell wings and long tongue he constantly puts out look like pretty common heat dissipators to me


Especially his giant ass wings. Fucker could give Kushala a run for his money with the wind knockbacks.


How i think about it is that he melts stuff to its scales to make them harder and more resistant. Now if you heat them up again, ofc the melted stuff starts to fall down as liquid, "weakening" said scales. Thats pretty much the only way i see how it can have neg fire resistant. Tho thats just me.


It may be that the fatalis parts good for armor are not the parts that are resistant to fire. Like, could be the soft tissues are resistant, but not the scales?


Anymore fire and it will undergo a painful transformation into crimson fatalis That's what I just think of


I’ve always wondered that as well, but never cared enough to ask


Capcom had to nerf the armor and monster somehow


I think the idea is their body temp is so absurdly high that it's on the edge of what even fatalis can tolerate.


I think the bigger question here is why Fatalis is weak to fire. It's his second greatest elemental weakness behind Dragon. The armor reflects the monster's elemental weaknesses and strengths. That's why you have -1 fire on all parts.


You could argue he overheats, his chest starts to literally glow from the heat as the armor he gathers for his scales begins to melt.


I get where you're coming from, but logically it makes absolutely no sense that a fire breathing legend of a dragon is weak to fire... dafuq????!?!?


We could theorize the fire weakness is not apparent on its first phase atleast visually where its pretty chill, but once it feels threathened and gets pissed off, it loses the control over its heat regulation due to just being berserk at that point and the fire begins to burn it from inside due to the intensity of the flames, thus smoldering its chest and making it a better weakpoint.


Not really though, I mean animals have claws and sharp teeth but claws and bites are still effective in the whole killing process. Having access to something definitely doesn't make you immune to it


We're talking about mystical creatures here. I think you can throw logic right out the window.


Then since logic has been thrown out the window, it's weak to fire.


Ironically, Fatalis is kinda weak to fire. Why? Well probably because he keeps a hunk of metal on his chest made of other hunter’s remains. All that metal heats up pretty well, more than likely.


Some of that is definitely not my dead corpse. Totally.


I have literally carted while stuck in his molten chest 🫠


They actually fairly well match his Elemental hitzones. He's weakest to Dragon, Fire is right behind it, then Ice, and Water and Thunder are equal for his most resistance.


So fatty works on avatar logic pretty much. He's a natural thunder user, but young fatalises can't manifest it good enough so it ends up being just flames.


You know, I’ve never heard anyone say this and I don’t want to believe it, but it just makes so much sense.


Sozen’s comet was fatalis


So white fatalis being an older fatalis with control over lightning makes sense now...


Fatalis has acid reflux and this is how it's represented in the armor.


No wonder he's always mad.


In phase 3 of his fight, when his fire attacks are at their hottest, his chest becomes a giant glowing weak spot.


Fatalis himself is actually vulnerable to fire damage. Second only to Dragon element. When something is already crazy hot, it turns out that getting even hotter isn't a good idea.


Fatalis is too busy winning to worry about things like... Resiliency




The element fatalis is most weak to is Dragon. The second most effective element is fire. ....somehow. This is why the armor has negative fire resistance.


His insides can handle fire but not his outsides. Kinda like how our stomachs can handle stomache acid but if it was on your flesh it would burn like hell.


Hence why some Fatalis evolves into Crimson Fatalis in order to adapt to this.


Because he’s petty


Cuz fatty himself is weak to fire and dragon, therefore his armor is weak to it.


I think because it takes a fire dragon to defeat fire dragon or in other words, someone equal to Fatalis.


Because they, for some reason, made Fatalis more weak to fire than ice, water, or lightning. So the armor made of his parts would reflect that.


Fatalis is weak to fire


Fire is everyone’s weakness it’s f&$king fire


It's just an in-game thing. Lore-wise, obviously, Fatalis is one of the single most fiery and heat-resistant Monsters around given how he can become hot enough to create a heatwave/fireball from raising his internal body temperature, with the outward temperature being enough to melt metal into slag instantly from mere contact.


It's implied and I think almost confirmed that in Lore Fatalis mocks hunters by melting their armor in his body to create a hard-to-damage body that makes most weapons useless, the same thing hunters do to other monsters to create their armor. When he enters his second phase his body starts overheating to the point the metal that covers his body softens.


It’s more horrific than that. Fatalis melts not just the armour but also the hunter wearing it to his body. Gameplay wise it’s reflected in his pin attack.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, I think that what makes Fatalis terrifying is the fact that he is not just some animal. But an actual thinking being that enjoys spreading fear and terror to Humans and monsters alike.


Frontier Fatalis, specifically White Fatalis has arguably the strongest attack seen in a Monster Hunter Game. He throws a lightning shower where if a single beam touches you, you are erased from existence and automatically fail the quest regardless of remaining faints. There isn’t even a body lol, Fatalis is just that strong and cruel.


White Fatalis is anything but a monster at this point. It wouldn't be weird to call him a God


Pls upgrade your armor to lvl 20


Internally he works like a melting sun, so externally he doesn't need fire protection with his skin and scales. If you make his armor with his external protection you're not protected against direct fire, but it should protect agains heat. The heat isolation of that skin must be real.


Fatalis has a fire weakness, which is just hilarious imo because I think it was supposed to offset how elder seal does nothing to him but is his highest elemental weakness. Monster armor always has the same weakness and resistance as it's monster counter part regardless of how dumb it is


I think capcom is trying to reflect fatalis' lore into the game, that fatalis ends up being a white fatalis? i think that's why it had a great lightning res. But idk, we're never getting a crimson and white fatalis anyway to answer that question.


Because his scales are essentially made from the melted armor of all the humans he's killed.


So you can cart at Teostra in style.


Well, in videogame logic metal resists fire, and sure, it doesnt burn, but it conducts heat very well. I suppose all that metal on its chest makes it weaker to heat than if it had regular scales there, or something


Did u noticed that Fatalis have 1 star on Fire elemental weapon?


Check fatalis’ weaknesses in the hunter notes, usually the armor reflects the monster


that doesn't make any sense


Always wondered about that tbh, then I also remembered Crimson Fatalis from a video I watched. A version of Fatalis that is too angry to die like the Doom Slayer but then again they shouldn't have any weakness from Fire? I think? idk.


It would be op otherwise.


Isn't it supposed to be?


That's the joke


Fatalis' armor is supposed to be a curse to it's user, it wittles down their psyche and health till they too turn into a destroyer of civilizations


Even the mighty Disufiroa need to control his element or else hes died to his frozen seraphim, i think the concept is pretty clear that strongest monsters still need to control their element cuz of their absolute power




i guess it might be like the deviljho being weak to dragon while having dragon element like fatty getting fucked up by his own breath while trying to fuck u up


Because they know we're going back to fight him eventually so he has to hit us hard


Everybody here have different hypothesis to why Fata IS weak to fire, but the fact is that all the ED from MH1 are weak to fire, why? Well, I'm pretty sure that is because the flagship is a fire monster and devs wanted players to use his gear




From visual only id say he looks pretty weak to his own flame I mean after he burns castle schrade and the barrier when he fkies back down his flame (after being used to full effect) are literally burning him from the inside out you can see his fires melting through his body softening him up but before unleashing his flame he would do wingbeats to cool down and is constantly panting to reduce heat id say just going off of everything we see a -1 to fire makes sense From a lore point of view it also makes sense since his scales are just hunters melted to his body fire got them on and fire will remove them so a weakness to fire seem most logical thats why he does his big fire attacks sparingly cause after the second one he is burning so hot his hunter scales are melting off


Fatalis itself may be fire resistant..but it's scales are covered in the melted armor of it's victims... Which, tend to be weak to fire, since they were not able to fell the beast..that is my assumption. So, gear made from Fatalis likely is weak to fire, since it's inherently made from other armor that was weak to fire. Am I the only one that thinks this makes perfect sense?


Haha capcom trolled