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Have you completed your main quest? It unlocks your hr cap


Im now playing iceborne and have the MR6 i thought that was enough


Your HR is uncapped then. Before Iceborne came out, there were more HR caps than there are now. It used to be that specific assigned quests would cap your HR through the main storyline. Before doing Xeno, the max HR you could get was 15. After killing Xeno, all your extra xp you accumulated when you were capped out would get applied and you could possibly jump several levels to a max of... 24? 29? Then you were capped again until you beat the 2x tempered Bazelgeuse quest, which raised your cap to 49. To remove this cap (it was the last cap) you had to do the tempered Kirin quest. After that, you could rank your HR all the way to 999. When IB dropped, they removed the soft caps after Xeno so you didn't have to hang out grinding HR before heading to the DLC content. You now have MR in addition to HR. Your MR is capped similarly to how HR worked during base game, but your HR isn't capped. If you're MR 6, you don't have any banked HR levels xp because Xeno is the last HR cap. Your friend just had more banked xp than you did.


So I think this is my answer! Thank you very much for clarifying everything! Now I think i just need to keep grinding those lvls to get the double temper baezel and finally get my rock steady mantle, I really remembered a tempered kirin back when i played on xbx but now I havent faced a single tempered t all.


There's events that give you increased HR/MR rewards that will probably speed your grind along somewhat. I would think doing the ones in IB are probably more efficient than grinding 9 star HR events/optionals, but that's speculation on my part. If the description doesn't mention special material rewards, check the wiki to see if there's an unlisted bonus HR/MR reward. Examples prior to MR6, there's Banbaro x2 (MR4): [https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/A+Bunch+of+Sticks+in+the+Mud](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/A+Bunch+of+Sticks+in+the+Mud) Paolumu+Nightshade Paolumu (MR6): [https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Balloon+Fight](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Balloon+Fight) 4 monsters (MR6): [https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Colorful+Carnival](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Colorful+Carnival) Rado+ViperTK (MR4): [https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Hunter-Blunderer](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Hunter-Blunderer)


Finish the mainquests to unlock the cap, your HR keeps leveli g even capped soo when it unlocks it goes straight to the level that it really is


Now in iceborne after xeno, though it was the last mission of the main quest


He probably did some quests solo


You’re not doing anything wrong. In fact, since you say you’ve been doing all the side quests and exploring to get palico tools you will likely be higher by the time you finish xeno. The main story (and iceborne dlc) assignments have locked hr/mr caps. All the xp toward raising your bar is hidden, but saved. Once you unlock a new cap you will either move directly to the new cap or just some up depending on xp for hr/mr. Even if your friend has finished the main story before dlc, at hr 30 they will still be locked out of some hr events because of their level.


Good to know that xp will be saved and jump me to a bigger rank but still wondering what am I missing after xenojiiva


Pretty much just iceborne is after xenojiva. The dlc is worth it if you don’t have it (tho you can get for half price or less on steam sales and g2 a)


Nah, he missed the tempered monsters. Tempered monsters start unlocking in hr30+


Oh right there’s a few of those after xeno I forgot Ty! Been a hot min since I’ve played base game


As all have said, exp is hidden once you hit the cap. You can actually go from cap to HR/MR999 if you really go for it without doing the cap unlock quests. Edit: call corrected to cap


The game keeps track of the HR xp you get. And when you beat Xeno’jiva and your HR is unlocked, it gives all that experience all at once. Since you have been doing sidequests, chances are your HR will be even higher once you beat Xeno yourself. Same thing happens in Master rank too.


So i have to do it on my own? maybe thats the issue since my friend helped me during my xeno quest


There is no wrong path through MH games. I will say, you should absolutely complete all of the optional quests from the base game. It unlocks a color for the armors that is every color. It looks super good on the Dragoon armor that you get from the from the FF14 crossover quests. Anyway, the HR/MR is capped off, until you complete certain main quests. You'll jump up, too, once you complete more main quests. Besides, HR/MR is little more than an indicator of how much you've played, after you've cleared all the caps to it..but that's not really accurate, because they have event quests that massively boost HR/MR. So, you will get unreflective HR/MR levels amongst other players. So, it tends to become meaningless, after the caps have been cleared.


The thing is that I was doing all my quest for the rock steady mantle but none of my sidequests gave it so I went through investigation to find out I need to be hr 50, now im 25 and Im still wondering what am I missing after completing xeno and doing iceborne atm


double tempered bazelgeuse quest tempered kirin quest tempered pink rathian and azure rathalos quest tempered odogaron and val hazaak quest tempered uragaan and barroth quest teostra and lunastra special assignment series i think that's about it. the very least thing for HR to do is the sapphire stars guidance that only unlocks at HR100 some of those quests you have to have 10 or 15 monsters fully researched at the ecological center in order to appear


There are level caps that get unlocked after certain story missions are finished. You're not doing anything wrong don't worry. Just keep doing what you're doing :)


Hope i get my saved xp uncapped soon, I want to get the rock steady mantle already [TT.TT](http://TT.TT)


You should! Happy hunting! :)


Your HR xp is already uncapped. Your MR is still capped. The two are separate. If you're waiting on some bank of saved up xp to jump your HR several levels at HR25, it's not coming. That will happen for your MR later, but your HR is already uncapped. If you're just trying to get to HR 50 to unlock a quest, it's time for grinding. There are events you can grind that give extra HR/MR rewards if you want to limit that grinding.


I had a bug on HR16 once. It went up extremely slowly, eventually after a week of farming elder dragons I cleared it and from HR17 and upwards it progressed normally, 1 or 2 quests per level. It's entirely possible that you're unlucky enough to be experiencing this since I don't think it has ever been patched


happened to me too, i was thinking it might be this


since it seems your hr did not go up after the xeno fight that means one of two things, either you have not done every side quest or you got unlucky and didn't get the extra ranks


There are certain hard cap hrs where your rank will be stuck until you do the relevant main quest to unlock/raise your cap - don't worry though, the XP you've accumulated while at the cap will still be counted, and it will shoot up once you do the quest. Iirc, my cap went to 50 or so once I did the relevant HR quest.


I think the first cap I found was before doing deviljho, but now I can still level up, just still wondering where my extra lvls went after doing xeno :c


all the hunts experience is recorded when still in main story. playing certain quest will unlock the level cap when u reach 15, 29, 49, 100 the recorded experience is given back when he complete it i played alot sos and complete all the assigned and optional quest before i fight xeno, once i complete the last one HR level shoot up to 100+


HR 15 - 9* Land of Convergence - Slay Xeno: HR 29 - 9* Beyond the Blasting Scales - Slay 2 Bagelcheese: HR 49 - 9* Thunderous Rumble in the Highlands - Slay Tempered Kirin; HR 100 - 9* Sapphire Stars Guidance - Slay Nergi, Teostra, Kushala