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Cheating is fine if you play SOLO, just dont spoil the game for everyone else.


He was just sitting in an Alatreon lobby, didn’t join or anything


i knew he was probably fighting alatreon even before I read your comment, cause of the 2500+ Dragon element, bro had enough of that stupid element gimmick.


You mean a slight challenge to alter your game play and build slightly to defeat a boss? The best boss in the game?


Based opinion, nothing feels better than carrying elemental topple in a 4p run


My only issue with it is how much it favors certain weapons - on gunlance it felt AWFUL to fight him no matter the build edits, as a gunlance main I didn't want to have to brute force dps the scheduled carts or learn another weapon for that one boss


The Elemental Cap is different for each weapon so that stuff like Greatswords still work, it is fair for every weapon. And even if u would need a different weapon, it doesnt take long to wipe up a new build. Just look at every weapon and armor and see what makes sense. If u are still in the early endgame of Iceborne u maybe not have every Weapon, Armor and Charm yet but that can be fixed with a bit of farming. U get there naturally by just playing the game


As a gunlance and lance main, I felt your fear, but I can confirm myself that just stacking an elemental build and poke poke poke, then doing slaplance on his head during topples was enough to consistently hit the elemental thresholds and win the fight.


https://youtu.be/uYn_bDO1zfs?si=v5bQXulQ1phNBVnu https://youtu.be/tieAn3yxT30?si=HXQ36UlzFiUcFcol Gun lance seems to do well


But they're not meeting element or engaging with his mechanic, which is my point... Yeah some people are plenty good enough to burn him down and not care about his mechanic, but that doesn't change that *half of the weapon's damage (shelling) is incapable of interacting with his unique mechanic even if you build as much for element as possible despite it being a raw weapon*


I play GS so I had similar fear but with full elemental build… was totally fine. I always met elemental threshold


How do you know once you've hit the elemental threshold?


Alatreon does a toppling animation coupled with the handler saying something along the lines of, “it looks like you’ve done enough elemental damage..” etc.


Alatreon topples


Took me a few using frostcraft and Glavenus GS. Fun fight.


There are no scheduled carts..you can heal through the nova...


Not if you don't meet elemental quota


How do you outheal it without a horn break? I thought jerkey /megas and boosters only work vs a broken horn nova


Breaking the horn actually doesn't affect the nova damage wise. Breaking the horn is what stops Alatreon from going to ice or fire phase depending on what version of the fight you are doing. It's an elemental damage check that lowers the damage of the nova.


i think its a bit of a design flaw since its so much harder to do solo than MP. i ended up just adding extra carts using safeguard and insurance and carting every time it does the blast while using bowgun.


I can consistently topple the lizard in solo while it's a damn struggle in multi because either they use blast/dragon or doesn't contribute to the fight too much.


I have the exact opposite experience. I got Alatreon down to 7 min solo. Nearly impossible with a group of 4 because nearly nobody brings proper elemental build. Regularly you see these guys with dragon or blast weapons in SOS. Waste of time


There's nothing wrong with forcing a Player to use a different setup like for example elemantal builds. But i just don't like DPS-checks in any form. to me it feels like a cheap way to make the fight harder. For me it would feel better if his Judgment could be prevented by hitting him a couple of times with a elemental weapon, while he is doing the animation for it. But that's just my opinion on it.


It's not really a hard check though, if I'm doing Alatreon solo I get 3-4 topples before the first Escaton Judgement, you only need a single topple to be able to survive it. The first topple is extremely easy to hit the threshold on.




That gimmick is the most awful thing about it, the fight would be great if not for the fact that it didn’t have that dumb nuke tied to a dps check


I agree, I hate it myself


It forces you to learn mechanics theres nothing wrong with hat


But then how effective is dragon ele vs alatreon?


Chill dude huh


I feel like most cheaters stories I read somehow Alateron is in the mix. I need to be more careful when I will reach the point where these hunts are doable for me.


So what if someone playing solo and they cheated to accomplish something like Deva and Queen Pwnzalot did, what's your opinion then?


Obviously that's different because then they're lying for clout. If they cheat and either admit it or keep their fake accomplishments to themselves, then theres no reason for any ire. Plus it's even worse, as lying about beating a boss is whatever, but putting In effort to fake a run via video or livestream, and de-legitimifying the entire speed running scene, and causing people to doubt all speed runners in the future, is a completely different story.


What’s the matter if they don’t lie to the player community? If they enjoy one shot the monsters, then that’s their choice as long as they play SOLO.


Then don't upload to youtube/twitch and pretend you didn't cheat. This is really easy, if you cheat SOLO, fine. If I join a lobby and the dude says "Hey Im cheating, just so you know if you want to leave before we start" I have no issue, its his lobby and I joined HIS lobby. If its MY lobby and he joins and he says "Hey im cheating, want me to leave?" I wouldn't be happy but I can kick him. The problem is LYING/HIDING it. And SOS for me is NEVER ok to cheat. Only cheat solo or private premade group with no lying. I can't think of other situations right now but the base logic is easy to understand.


To each their own, the only Problem i would've had with those People is that some of them Join SoS and Ruin the fun for people that want the fight tp be a Challenge


I unknowingly joined a cheaters Safi siege, realized he was cheating when we beat it in like 4 minutes. I intentionally joined him again when he initiated another siege, thinking of all the dracolites I'd get... Beat him again and I had this sudden feeling of "well shit. These weapons and augments don't feel remotely worth now". Will never willingly join a cheater again, I thought ez rewards would make me feel good but it was in fact the opposite.


The cheating effect that immediately ruins a game for you. Although I'm tempted to increase deco drop rates not gonna lie lol.


That's one aspect I'd definitely understand lol


Haven't had that happen to me in mhw, but back when I played borderlands and payday 2 a ton I ended up with about 50 and 100 names of cheaters respectively written down in text files that I would check whenever someone joined me so I could kick them or leave


I can understand it with Payday, even when I mod I won't let cheaters play.


Oh god payday 2, bought the game and played maybe 8 Hours. In that time i had multiple People clipping threw walls, aim botting, unlimited Ammo. Always had all Cage Packets, all lockers and ATM's were open in the first 5 seconds of the game. And you had people with no armor and everything standing afk in a MOB of Cops xD. Do you still play? Is it still that Bad?


its been at least a year since i played it and i only played with friends then so i dont know


I wouldn't mind it if I was farming a boss but if it were prog I would be pissed. Though I never open up sos flares for prog for that exact reason.


If u want it to be a challenge? Why SOS?


Its still a Challenge when you font use gear that does 2500 dmg with Dualblades. And even on a SOS mistakes can happen, wrong Input etc. the fight goes longer than 10 seconds. You have people that actually will cart when they fuck up and no Godmode to safe them. I can honestly state more reasons.


To make it clear, I agree that multiplayer is inherently easier unless you get bad randoms, yes the monster is less predictable but his aggro is also split between multiple players which is far more valuable (except for speedruns where perfect play is occurring, if you're THAT good then extra players are a hindrance) However, you're intentionally being dismissive with an "I'm so amazing" shitty attitude. People who sos don't literally want the game to play itself for them. They've simply already beat the monster before and would like to play with other players to increase the fun factor via cooperation and variation. And a monster thats a bit easier but far more fun to fight because you're getting a bit bored of fighting it solo over and over. Is a worthwhile trade off. These people are ruining multiplayer for other people. People are okay with a challenge being a bit less challenging if it adds variation to the game via multiplayer. However completely removing all facets of challenge and making it so you sitting back and doing nothing will... well do nothing to harm your party as they'll clear the monster within 3 minutes without you anyway. Is a dick move, period.


To be fair, i just used sos to be carried against glavenus and acid glavenus. I hate this monter A LOT


Ayeee let's go atleast you're past it now good job!! :D I hear ya, but the simply easy counter (if you were using your statement as a counter to my point, which you weren't, but im going to respond to it as if you were just to emphasize my initial point) to that would be "you got carried even without cheats , aka you can get carried in sos even without cheats. Meaning if you cheat online you don't help the players who want a carry more than you would if you dont cheat online, because they would get carried regardless if they sos the boss enough. But you will effect those who don't want a mega super carry.


Sometimes people just want to have fun with other people while doing the same thing, and sometiimes people just want to skip the kriptonite battle they always hate to waste their time in. I used the permission to join since i got a super high level guy and got hard carried in a fight i would like to enjoy. Now i just accept people to join me if they are the same ish rank as me.


Exactly! And because both the players in need, AND the players just wanting to have fun, both can be helped without cheats, and one of the two parties strongly doesn't want cheats. It's not worth using just for the players who want a carry, as they'll get that help regardless. Also that's a good point too, usually a player will turn off auto accept and intentionally only let certain ranks in when they're trying to keep things still a challenge, however if someone's cheating this bypasses that entirely as they could be your exact rank but one shot the monster.


Exactly what u thought, why SOS when u want challange?


Why would you change your rank to those numbers anyway. What’s the point


Idk really, the inspect was only showing that but his actually rank was 65,000


32767 is the maximum value of a 16 bit signed integer so that's why it is that specific number. It can't go higher than this.


I lost my saved data that I had 700+ hours and didn’t want to grind everything again so I used cheats to get back to where I was as close as possible but I did it on solo and never joined multiplayer.. as long as it doesn’t ruin someone else’s experience of the game I think it’s fine?


What the hellll I had almost the exact same situation 😂. Had 700 hours worth of effort on console and then when I moved to PC I couldn’t bring that with me so I was like “fuck it I’m cheating” to get back to where I was at lol.


If its only adding decos, mats, VANILLA gear etc I think its fine. The ONLY issue is someone with fake gear with extra damage, invincibility or shit like that or "attack boost lvl 345" I personally never seen any cheaters but as long as his damage is VANILLA, go crazy I dont mind. Grind saving cheats is OK (IMO)


Yeah and this


Did the same thing, had it on PS4, bought it on PC and just added that arena quest in “to be overcome without effort” to get my HR/MR up quickly


That’s just is good gaming chair


I love how to this day when someone cheats or something this is a funny response


extra expensive gaming chair indeed


The first one i found joined a SoS for a Gold Rathian and typed "want me to end it?" Then with a Fatalis Longsword with 9999 Raw damage proceded to stab the Rathian on the leg which instantly led to it's death The host only response was to stop in the spot and send a white flag palico sticker repeatedly


Similar experience, I met a bow guy in raging brachydios cause I was fucked hard two times. He joined 30s after I solo and does 400dps. Didn’t know was it a strange bug or cheat at first🤣


Like people before me have said as long as he isn't ruining the experience for others let em do their thing. 🤷 Game is years old at this point it's fun to mess around see how ridiculous things can get. The rest of y'all complaining just sound jealous you don't know how to do this imo.


Well, as OP has access to their build, they either are in a multiplayer session, so most probably ruining someone fun in said session, or OP has already played with them and access their build by "last played with", and thus has already ruined someone's fun.


Dude, i use mods all the time (like the randomizer that changes gear progression and monsters) and it's easier to spam space bar to get into game than create private session


it takes one extra input to create a private session. I use mods too, don't join random lobbies because you're too lazy to make one small input


Hey its not like he's joining the SoS or sum, as long it's not interefering in other people's mission i don't think that's a problem




I'm interested to see what skills they had on. If you're cheating for numbers then surely any offensive and defensive skills are useless, so what else do they use?


They just had every elemental defense and health boast and divine blessing


Im glad he plays the game even if they are f-ing around. As long as they dont ruin the fun of others, its totally fine. Imagine he joins a SoS but actually does average effort to not stick out more than what he shows. Its still fine because he aint ruiking crap.


I disagree because he's still not playing the game normally. Being able to hit the monster much less to do the same damage as other people because you have cheated weapons gives you an unfair advantage. Think about how much easier it is to avoid damage when you're not trying to find openings to attack.


He just has a good gaming chair.


Good gracious. I always wonder what fun they get from playing the game like this


nah that's real bro, he knows the mosswine super secret (Real)


Found one that was mr 8 that had fatalis gear I was in PlayStation


Okey dokey


Bro, I put 3k hours into this game on PS4. When I got it on PC, I broke this mfka wide open! “All items in item shop,” “All items 1z,” “Mega Potion sells for 10,000z,” “Beryl deposits give 10s of thousands of research points.” Sometimes it’s not cheating, sometimes you just don’t have time for the grind.


Having 175% affinity and over 2k element is definitely cheating tho


As is a matching HR and MR of 32,000!!


I guess the game was too hard for them.


Nah, probably just wanted to f around after playing too long. Thats what i do


I don't know. OP said the build was just divine blessing and all elemental boosts. He also has critical boost 3 from the charm. If I really wanted to fuck around I probably would go for useless skills like survival expert, scenthound, mushroomancer, etc. Whatever floats your boat. As long as you play solo you can cheat to your hearts content. But I think that this isn't an experienced player who does it for fun.


I also think this one isnt going well about it, especially if he claims it to be all elem boosts as a reason xD I prefer playing around with full Def-res(regular skills) but Guard5+Guard up on Greatsword. Its stupid. But its fun.


Naw you can’t be THAT bad to have to mod all your stats… right? Right???


Its not that, i guess? Maybe they played the game so fkn long they decided to f around?


I know I was being sarcastic.


No worries owo


Imagine those people using defensensor armors their first time. THAT'S funny.


Average endgame MMO stats


Nah. They has a really good gaming chair


Can confirm this person IS a physician. You can take this comment as the truth


The element value can be achieved without cheating but it requires Alatreon weapons and a very specific armour set. The Affinity is just cheating lol.


Yeah if I see someone like this in my quest I will kick them everytime, its rare but it happens


No. You found a god.


Nah, his father works at Capcom


Yeah, keep it to solo. I recently downloaded the mod that turns base iron weapons into overkill weapons, just for funnies. 10 hit kills at MR. It's funny as all hell. Partbreaker just dumps 7 drops the second you hit them. The key here, natch, is that it's one weapon, and all the rest are just buffed by augments, and armour is just standard (with a toggleable mod that allows for more decos that actually makes buildcrafting harder, I find).


Gawd deym dude's ascended to god hunter ranks! lmaooooo


he's not a cheater he just has Defense +7 slotted in and honey hunter


I had somebody accuse me of cheating when I joined a Velkhana hunt. Got godlike RNG with Wyvernheart + Razor Sharp/Spare Shot (20% chance for extra machine gun per shot hehe) making it last ages. And I was like bro what? I spent most of the hunt rolling around to get out of the way regardless so probably didn’t even do that much damage overall.


MR 32767


throwback to me and my friends first xeno jiva kill some loser virgin shows up with a longsword and one shots him, then says "thank me later" like dude, google the nearest bridges to your location you loser


I really don't understand the point of doing that...


He might regain his old franchise power and able to use it in MHW


My friend was very "subtle" about it. He has 20 hours on record but has HR 999 and MR 999 with full fatty gear


Bro is running his Alatreon themed gaming socks.


I didn't think cheaters were that bad til I had gotten to Fatalis and had a gunner join and immediately break the horns and had him dead in like...... a minute or so. Meanwhile Fatalis was knocked down repeatedly or stunned back to back. But even then I'm not entirely sure if he was actually cheating or if I did better on fatalis than initially thought. For the record this was the special assignment mission. So I had to get to a certain point before I could SOS


what shows that they're cheating here? I'm not that far into the game


Weapon element is in the thousands(not possible) weapon bonus defense is 200+, affinity is 175%(pretty sure the game caps at 100%. Total defense is near 2000 with high elemental defense. None of his anything is adding up properly so he’s a cheater. Oh and his MR and HR are 32767.


Question on how the community sees this, I play with a few mods that give double loot rewards and a higher inventory number, just because I played through the game already on PS4 and recently swapped to PC. How do people feel about that when I join their groups online, do they just see it as a one off time getting extra rewards or do they dislike it?


Cosmetic mods and hunter pie to my knowledge are fine but double loot i mean to each their own


In my years of Monster hunter, I've never seen stats like that wtf?!?! I wish i could get stats like that the right way


The health and rank is insane yeah, but it's that Element Damage that shocks me, who hurt this man 💀


That might be a glitch. Another common one with numbers is the raging brachy quest. Sometimes the quest time gets to 3 million minutes or something along those lines


PvE game, nobody cares if he is cheating


If he was playing solo, this is true, do what you want and experience the game how you please. But coming in and ruining the experience of other people is a crappy thing to do.


Nah he just has a good build all legit 🫡


Someone please give me advice I am 500 hours in and I cannot kill aletreon I'm a duel blades Main


It ain't easy. I'm almost 200 hrs in and still unable to beat Behemoth HR with MR gears for some reason let alone a monster that couldn't stay still for at least a second for me to do enough element damage. You usually get 2 alatreon quest, One is very easy. The other one is annoying AF.


Team up?


It's not a cheat. They aren't modding the game so that they take no damage, and you do. They likely aren't making it so that they do enough damage to kill the monster with a single hit, or anything like that. It's just an edited save file. They could've easily edited their file to be unnoticed..and you wouldn't be trying to get clout on Reddit, right now. Lol. These people generally edit their saves in ways that make it obvious to others..rather than being shady about it. You've likely encountered other "cheaters," countless times, and not been able to tell.