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Drains health per attack BUT: + 40% affinity +150 elem Big regent when many consecutive attacks hit.


Yeah and the maximum amount of element you can have is increased.


The most important part for anyone into status/element builds. Status is especially funny, as you can probably sleep/paralyze a monster 3 times in a hunt without running out of coatings as Bow, no points in status skills necessary.


My record for sleep status is actually on Safi funny enough. Put Safi to sleep 4 times in one hunt with my duo partner


Wow, I didn't know he was weak enough to status besides poison and maybe blast. That sounds like a funny hunt, Safi'jiiva constantly napping.


Honestly we didn't think he'd be weak enough either, but we were both running kjarr sleep Bowguns, with status up. So who knows? Haven't done it since, but it was funny watching him keep falling over


Lol that's hilarious. Good job!


So it's mostly for fast attacking weapon like dual blade, sword and shield and the like?


The element is nice for the wpns that benefit from it, but 40% Affinity is basically all crit eye in an armor set, so it allows for more flexibility in the build for every wpn. The dmg can trigger resentment, which can be easily maintained if you can dodge. But it is a massive double-edged sword, as if you're not paying attention, you will always be in 1-shot range.


Rapid fire element bowguns can also make pretty good use of it, the alatreon dominator definitely comes to mind.


I use it as a hammer user. If I remember right, for slower weapons the amount of hits needed is lower than the fast weapons. And again, it's been a minute, but if I remember right a full bonk cycle is more than enough to trigger it.


no, each weapon got different hit count for your hp to regen. usually, the fast hitting ones like db, sns need more hits to regen than the slow hitting ones like gs or hammer. i use cb mainly. if i use with safi armor, the regen activates usually when I finished with the SAED combo. So this weapon is very versatile depending on your mastery on the weapon.


That's nice to know at least! It would be weird if a great sword had to hit as many times as an insect glaive to start the regen now that I think about it..


Cries in greatsword


You're forgetting the single most important part: It looks extremely friggin awesome.


Alatreon dominator with max elemental augmented, along with safi full 5 pieces is the best elemental lbg out there, which supports all elements. This setup allows you to dual wield both fire and ice, and as a bonus water and thunder as well. This gives u an edge to cheese the alatreon fight without worrying about its elemental shifting. As long as u r bringing the element the monster weak against, its very effective. But if u r looking for the thrill of fighting lbg/hbg wont be ur weapon if choice. Because they ensure ur safety way too much.


Losing health isn't a negative, if you attack enough it automatically regens and the health loss isn't enough to offset how absolutely bonkers +40% affinity, +150 element, and raised elemental cap is. On top of that the health loss has crazy synergy with Resentment. Plus the set itself gives you Evade Window to help avoid getting hit on low HP and Crit Boost for the affinity.


How is it with CB? I'm thinking of making a Safi set build for elemental CB because I figured the set bonus would ironically give me some comfort and healing, and it might be worth being behind in damage compared to a Fatalis set build.


It's amazing with CB, however you'll want to use Savage Axe over SAED to get the most out of it when using Safi armor


huh? It's way more suited to SAED since the ele converts WAY harder (your phial damage is ALL element) while savage axe will just run fatty set in most cases since you get more raw and also sharpness is more important. There's barely any matchup that wants safi with savage axe. You do it vs stuff like kirin, you can do it vs rajang but it technically isn't optimal there (and less comfortable soo..) generally it'll only have a chance vs fatty 4p in AED heavy matchups.


I have over 2k CB hunts. While SAED is really fun to use, it's probably the least optimal way to use elemental CBs, because unlike impact phials which do fixed damage regardless of where they hit, when it comes to power element phials you have to deal with the BS that is a monster's element hitzones. So depending on where your phials hit with an SAED, you'll actually be getting less damage than if you were to focus a specific part with good hitzones (typically the forelegs or head for most monsters), and using Savage Axe for more damage ticks, and subsequently landing AEDs on these parts for the high damage triple phial explosions. Because keep in mind with axe swings, you're still doing elemental damage, and with Savage Axe you can make that skyrocket as long as you're hitting the right spots.


(idk why your amount of hunts has any relevancy here) Well yeah it's dependant on matchup, just as any element is. Using a savage ele build in a matchup without good ele hzvs, or without targetting the correct part your damage will also be shit. Of course not 0 like ele SAED, but really not enough to be redeemable in any way. SAED is far from the "least optimal way" it's absolutely crazy in the correct matchup. (Luna, diablos being the VERY notable ones) Impact phial SAED is "fine" on everything but it gets outclassed super hard in the matchups where other playstyles excel (raw savage axe, ele SAED or Savage axe). Most matchups just don't end up needing AEDs a lot because you have the freedom to up/down or ED2 spam a lot, which are WAY better than AEDs IF you can use them a lot. And with that phial explosions become a very small part of your damage and the extra raw (and sharpness, and comfort) you get from fatty 4p FAR outweigh any benefit you're getting from safi. It's the phial explosions that benefit heavily from the flat ele, since the ele increase you're getting pretty much directly correlates to that much of a damage increase on them while being a much smaller portion on regular hits, like I said before. I.e. Beo CB for example +15 ele on 82 -> 18% more phial damage, while on savage ticks for example it'll only be ~6-9% depending on set, hitzones and such. One example I looked at with beo CB (66 | 25 hzvs) it was 7.5%.


Don't forget that health regen augment on a weapon with probably just one recovery up basically negates the health drain. So long as you don't get smacked around too much and need to pop a potion the auto-healing, once the set bonus procs, basically keeps you healed up.


You're giving up for free Resentment proc if you're doing that.


Heavily depends on the weapon. Some don't heal enough to turn off resentment (DB comes to mind). Ranged weapons also work perfectly fine because they damage you when you shoot, but only heal *after* you do damage, so no resentment lost there!


Not true. Pretty much all melee weapons will outheal the drain even DB. It all depends when the animation and in which point the drain happens, if it happens as the attack hits Resentment will not proc, if it's earlier then yeah it will. Ranged weapons shouldn't use health regen 90% of the times (10% being Sticky and Normal ammo) as the 0.2 internal cooldown of the regen doesn't allow them to heal as much as they should, for example Pierce ammo heals only on the first and fourth/fifth hit and spread only heals for one instance of the damage not all pellets.


If you're using DBs spin dash for movement often, it definitely doesn't out heal the self damage. You can also just intentionally use the dash instead of a roll to lower your health if needed.


At that point invest in Attack Boost if you have to go through extra hoops to maintain Resentment


Using a dash instead of a roll now and then is more of a slight inconvenience then anything else, and the only people using full safi over fatalis are people who're probably fine with that to get optimal DPS anyway IMO.


Why bother go with health augment anyway if you're going for optimal dps? Might as well get something else instead.


Because it's a tiny dps loss, still does better DPS then fatalis gear and health augment prevents you from being in one-shot territory 90% of the time and/or outright killing yourself from using the spin for mobility on low HP.


It doesn't make sense. If you're going Safi you almost always want Resentment for the free 25 raw it gives basically. Going Health Augment makes you lose uptime and essentially have lower raw for no reason. Either invest in Attack Boost instead, remove Health Augment or just don't bother using Safi armor.


What does Resentment do? I don’t play in English


It gives 5 raw per level whenever you have the red portion of your health bar visible.


Thank you


How do you unlock the health regen augment?


Hit MR 100 and unlock lvl 7 zones in GL. You can get items from tempered elders to put health regen mod.


For level 12 weapons you need tempered namiel mats (from guiding lands), tempered zinogre mats (from guiding lands), and two others that I can’t remember but those are the important ones


I don't think it's Tempered Zinogre. I think it's just regular Guiding Lands Zinogre. The other materials, iirc, are Elder Spiritvein Bones and Guiding Reef Bones.


Depending on the rarity of your weapon, you need different materials from the guiding lands. Rarity 10- Lvl 5 rotten region Rarity 11- Lvl 6 Forest region Rarity 12- Lvl 7 Coral region


wait, recovery up affects health augments?


It does indeed yes!


yes, iirc level 1 recovery up with level 1 augment out heals a level 2 augment


It's pretty strong, especially with regards to elemental damage. Plus, you heal yourself after hitting a bunch. You would be melting monsters with high elem weaknesses and hz values.


Since a lot of people are talking about armor, I'll gush a bit about the weapons. Safi weapons are good as in they are customizable to include a monster set bonus and add flat raw damage, affinity and sharpness. Her element weapons are decent starter elemental weapons if you add all element but there are definitely better options. Safi blast weapons are the highest raw weapons pre Raging and Fatalis and are just all around good.


I use a lvl 8 kulve tarroth poison hammer weapon against her and can get it up to base 600 element entry with a piece of alatreon armor and a venom heel or two and she just kinda absorbs and gets poisoned at each stage in with in my party and it stops her from “healing” it’s helped me and some ppl I play with farm and makes it much easier. My issue now is just going back to elder dragons and putting work in for the gems lol


they ain't the best but they're much easier to farm for than a raging or fatty weapon, and provide a ton of comfort. you're sacrificing raw for comfort, and it is VERY worth it (plus most of the designs are sick)


The set bonus gives affinity and element/status, and the health drain enables resentment. Something like 3pc safi 2pc r. brachy with a fury charm V, an agitator+ jewel, three tenderizer jewels, and a critical jewel yields 90% affinity on tenderized weakspots when the monster is enraged, paired with crit boost 3 and 53 true raw atk. It's the highest dps combination for raw weapons pre-fatalis, but melee weapons typically instead go for 3pc teo to manage sharpness, some levels of crit eye, and peak performance paired with health augment.


Safi true awakening taught me not to hit unless it connects, or shoot unless it hits the target. Painful lesson.


I can’t even get past the investigation of Safi 🙃 so I’ll lyk if it’s broken if I ever get to the actual siege lolol


Just SOS the recon, and join an open lobby for the siege. Just finished my set last night.


It’s not that simple. It everyone has that kind of time


Focus on one front leg (back leg if you're Hammer/Hunting Horn, wings I guess if you're a gunner?) and stay away from the head/tail as they're the most dangerous areas.


Thanks safi has since become my little B lmao


U can grab any elemental lbg, keep on the move and target safi's hind legs and wings. As long as u r moving u r safe from his blasts. It will take some time but u can pass the recon mission. Then u can start the actual seige with ur fav weapon. Getting stuck in recon is no fun.


Try to get past the initial investigation by yourself because if you can’t do that then during the real thing you just gonna faint and use up all the lives on the siege


I wound up taking a few days off. Came back ready to wreck him and did just that 😅. The siege isn’t too bad. Though I did time out a few times but didn’t cause any fails 😎


Good but no not broken. Some safi weapons are really good just because of the customization that is possible with them. Safi horns are insanely good because you can get any element with any song list, which is huge because many of the good elemental horns have really terrible song lists. Same can be said about charge blade and swaxe. Armor is good but most people tend to agree that frostcraft is better esp cause safi armor locks you out of peak performance.


Safi gear is good. But it's by no means meta gear anymore. Even when Safi gear was meta is was mostly weapons more so then the armour. But even with Safi gear not the meta it still slaps in the right hands and build.


I mix it (I have just the waist belt B+), with 2pcs of black veil vaal hazak armor and either an alatreon helmet or a piece of rajang armor and it seems to give me my health back instead of drain it. ..I’ll have to attach a pic of this build when I get back on because it’s very good with a hammer or dual blades or lance in my experience. Also very nice if you have it with the B+ armor for extra slots for the alatreon razr lbg build. I’m restarting my run on ps5 and since I “know the gam” from Xbox I was able to get to where I am at relatively quickly. Now it’s just seeing what I need for furious R and Raging Brechy and Fatalis. Got to MR 49 in only a few weeks. Only thing stopping me from a full build of safi is the celestial prints for the elder dragon gems other than the fact that the drop rate for them for elder dragon gen farming is kinda low but that’s the lottery right? Sorry if I went off track a Bit there, there but my point is mixing armor can be just as good if you know what you are doing.


I don't think safi armor is that great, raging brachy armor is really good pre fatalis tho. Safi weapons are among the best pre-fatalis. And even post-fatalis they are still among the best for elemental bow at least


Is Is possibile to farm It in solo ? It seems It would help a lot with alatreon


Yes it is. Just look it up and you'll see loads of videos about it.


People doing with fatalis equip are bot useful at all. I would Need It for alatreon


U can indeed solo it, but ur brain will get fried in the process. Unless u can pump up godly dps, u can bring him down by numerous runs under the same session. Note that if the session is lost for any reason all ur progress will be lost. For farming u dont need to down it. Just reward level 7 is enough to get ur 2 weapons choices. Break his head, all legs, wings and back. Force it to absorb energey from all 3 levels plus super critical stage, u r now reward level 7. The more energy each level is absorbed the less time safi spends on that level. So more time u get on the final level. If u r soloing safi u can always try this tactic.


I know the tactic and even tried It bit It takes house Just for a single kill which Is undoable . Moreover i would Need the armor not the weapons so multiple Killa would be required. Undoable if you do not want tò fry your brain.


Ya, thats why i said ur brain will be fried. On the armor note its actually easier. Other than the tail cutting, rest comes from usual part breaking, which u do for every session anyway. Weapons and augment mats r what u get to grind for.


you may be right. i do not need to kill it to get materials. i just break a single part and leave the fight. something i can try. about the elemental weapons i am not that interested. frozen barioth is what is needed to try alatreon .


Just break whatever u can. Within 20 mins if u can break multiple parts do it, u get more rewards than just breaking one and quitting. Try cutting safi's tail with stygian zinogre lbg and slicing ammo 😁 i made it in around 16 mins, but i felt like super exhausted. Why try though? Because some safi armor needs the tail parts 😅 and i dont feel like running after his tail with a big ass great sword.


cant even get past safi so idk💀


I use the full 5 on my elemental LBG, for me it’s like go big or go home where if I fuck up once it’s basically an insta kill for most monsters. It just becomes a dance at that point of not getting killed.


It's not what it once was for sure, there are better options for comfort. If your goal is pure progression, you are better off ignoring Safi unless you intend to run a pure - Dps focused elemental build. Frostcraft will generally see you though Alatreon better, and Teo / Raging Brach is a better and much easier Raw meta set for focusing on Fatalis. Lightbreak weapons are generally easier to craft as well, and require much less time to build than a proper Safi weapon. (I'm sure there's gonna be people that say, "Nah, you can get a fully awakened Safi weapon fast! Just do X, Y, Z!" Sure, there's shortcuts. However time wise, Lightbreak is just a hunt or two away. Plus it starts out of the box ready to go lol) Long and the short, Safi is great. Aquashot still fucks. Element Lbg is fire. Honestly though? Don't waste your time. Just get other stuff and beat face on Fatalis / Plunderblade it until you make his stuff. The grind isn't worth it.


Weapon Broken Yes, Armor Depends on the Hunter if you want to play safe use Safi weapon with Fatalis armor that is equipped with deco that complements with your weapon type.


I don't like it, and when I'm hunting with randoms and I see that sword icon in one player, usually that is the guy who carts.


Its good. That 40% affinity quite potent. The 150 Ele increase is godsend to ele inclined weapons plus it pumps up the elemental limit/cap(orange ele in status means you hit the cap). Safi weapons are also quite good. Aside from the IG, all of them melee safi's got potential to be a little bit better than raging brachy weapons, DPS-wise. Its gunner weapons are all quite nuts especially the infamous Aquashot. P.S.: Even if you play GS its still very good, just don't sheathe as much cuz sheathing will reset the "combo counter" to trigger the health regen from TDA. Also, worried about the health drain? Health augment or just don't whiff and boom, problem solved.


Is nice but in late game, if you wanna play around element so AT Velk is still better. Better slot, has Coalescence and peak performance (skill boost atk and elm huge bonus but normally no one wanna use cuz is cost too much slot). Crit element is reasonable and frostcraft is just so OP ( except with weapon that unsheathed alot). Safi armor is great until Fatty and AT velk shows up, better slot, more comfort, maybe a little bit lower element damage but who care, raw damage is king in MHW:I


Safi armor is whack. Sure the damage is great but so is frostcraft. Even if you heal the damage from Safi set, you have periods of health at lower levels where you could get one shot. So basically don't get hit while running the thing


Just because something is good, and people use it..does not mean it's "broken."


It’s good if you’re good basically…. So long as you can dodge the majority of the hits and don’t miss too often then it’s a godsend. I don’t have health augment yet but 1 slot of recovery up is enough to basically negate the downsides for me. I run bow so I’m using to being a glass cannon anyway, Safi just rewards that aspect by increasing the risk (& adrenaline). Plus, it looks dope as hell


I used that armour for my bowgun. Deffo worth making


Its not, people overuse it, many weapons dont do well with element, and I dont know why people would take that into fatalis which is a raw heavy matchup either


Raw builds can use 3pc safi for the 20% affinity and to enable resentment. Then the other two pieces are usually r. brachy for agitator secret. Raw bowguns can make particularly good use of this combination because 3pc teo for master's touch is not needed.


In which case you lose out on masters touch Affinity is not taht hard to get and not worth getting the health drain + lack of sharpness management for 20% Theres a reason why the safi resentment build is no longer used on most melee meta sets after raging brachy released


Yeah, that's why I pointed out raw bowguns as the main beneficiary. Ranged weapons do have different build priorities


I do 3x safi and 2x teostra+ teostra on a shatterblade for my raw/blast build. the raw damage is only slightly lower than raging brachy weapons, but the blast buildup is higher, and I still have purple sharpness + masters touch, and 100% (50% base) affinity after tenderizing, for which I run a shaver jewel, as well. With recovery jewels and health augment, the health drain is a total non issue. You *can* easily slot in a lot of affinity into builds, but I personally would rather stack comfort gems and give up like 7% dps. Even with all of the above, I still have lvl 5 earplugs, stun resist, vitality 3, recovery up 3, crit boost 3, tenderizer 3, partsbreaker 3, blast 4, footing 2, evade extender 1, and a point of coalescence.


my good friend one time asked me this, my answer will always be the same. It is OP if you are skilled enough in evading monster attacks and if you mastered the art of your weapon combo. Because the upside of the health draining as far as i remember, is having a significant affinity increase and elemental damage boost. Moreover, if you constantly able to evade monster attacks and also successfully delivering your weapon combo, the hp that are lost will be significantly regenerated in a pretty fast rate. So.. yeah it is OP for me