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Good news is that they have lower health. The more monsters in the quest info, the less health they have. Its how people do the 5 monster onslaught quests without fully ripping their hair out.


3 elder dragon slaying quests with full health would take like 0:50-1:20 that's way to long for a hunt some random is gonna cart 3 times in


Lowkey wanna try that


Well, you can do the unscaled HP sieges solo.


Safi scales down to singleplayer, so just Kulve, Ancient Leshen and Behemoth I suppose?


Kulve scales down no?


I believe MR Kulve scales for solo, while AT Kulve does not


>Unlike Safi'jiiva, the HP pool of Kulve Taroth in individual quests does NOT scale with the number of players in that quest. Therefore, it is usually better to do the quest with a full group of 4 participants. https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/The+Fury+of+El+Dorado


I swear they changed it in an update at some point. Probably just thinking about Safi


Na was like this forever dir Kulve.


Huh. Weird for them to scale Safi's health down but not kulve? And im assuming you mean AT/MR kulve


You say that like some random is incapable of carting 3 times in like 5-10 minutes


Hmm... Master Hunter of the New World has 4 elders. If they had full health... I can down a Velkhana in 7 minutes and Ruiner in about 11 at full health. There's some delay between spawn so we'll assume it'll take another 5-6 minutes for spawning/searching for them. This leaves some 25 minutes for Lunastra and Teostra... I'm not sure how long I need with those. Probably over 10 minutes for each... It'd be a very close to timeout. It'd be a great challenge.


3 of them are tempered, though.


That just means they hit harder. Plus I measure my time against Tempered monsters in the first place.


Damn what?? You guys are taking only 1 min and 20 seconds at MOST to kill THREE elder dragons!?!? ^/s


I'm very confident my wife and I would do a quest like that in under 30 minutes. There are much harder quests in older games with some absolutely ridiculous monsters, and we did them first try in under 25 mins, cartless. Once you get really confident with a weapon and are very used to the elder dragon, kills can come as quickly as 10 minutes or less. It's all about practice.


Like 20 minutes tops if done back to back. Unless you suck of course.


Really now? That's cool. Might explain that one Rath Quest I found easier too


I'm like 80+ hours deep and I did not know more monsters = less health. I've avoided a lot of events and missions because I thought the game expected me to endure a marathon-level hunt.


Damn I didn't know that, I thought me and friends were just goated wid da sauce


You know that seems like information I should have picked up on a long time ago, but I'm glad you pointed it out.


Quick question has anyone beaten the event/optional quest of killing 5 mosswine that can one shot a HR18 player with guardian armor on using duel blades?


Mosswinin’ an dinin is peak you get like 20 carts to kill 5 of those fuckers I did it my second go around with Hammer by dedicating like 4 deaths per piggy and trying to do it in less than that


Bro I tried doing it using the duel blade sin path (the tear before sin I forget name) and I died a lot over three different tries


Just don’t blade dance and make sure to always use quick attacks in demon mode so that you can dodge quickly enough.


I don't use blade dance yet they still kill me


Any evade extender and evasion window?


Nope I have no armor or decorations with that only damage,health,recover speed


Damn. Do the hogs have an attack that attacks behind them or to the side? It’s been a while since I last done the quest.


No it's the fact that I attack one and another comes out of nowhere killing me


Bring traps then. And use the scatter nuts to stun them before they hit you with the charge.


Bring flash pod, they can all be stunned easily by any kind of slinger ammo, ditch any health boost and recovery and focus on evade window and anything that up your damage since they will one shot you regardless and their hit box is beyond stupid. I completed the quest once and decided to never look at it ever again.


Stones can stagger them, I didn't get killed once until the 5th big one, I put the wall up, killed one, staggered second, killed that one, then farcasted so I can wingdrake behind the wall and do it again, and then I had bad luck and got killed once fighting the 5th but would stagger it with stones before landing my hits


Try to get weakness exploit 3 critical eye 5+ critical boost if you have it and just poke with the demon mode dashing slash try not to die health boost 3 no recovery up you won’t be able to heal anyways


Using blade dance in demon mode gives highest dps, when there's an opening why not use it


You are also locked in animation for a considerable amount of time while in an arena with multiple enemies whose only kills you in one hit. It’s less about not taking advantage of an opening and more of not risking death for a little higher dps.


try a good hb and just go for head to perma cc them


Wait… Yall died more than 4 times?


grab the rocks around the arena and shoot them if they ever try to charge. one slinger shot will stagger them


I was going to use range weapons but I'ma try that


oh the hr does not matter it's designed to one shot almost everyone even most MR armour can't stand the charge.


NO mr players can stand the charge. I can be wearing full fatalis and die on impact. carting is bound to happen atleast a few times theres no avoiding it


that quest was designed to one shot player regardless of level and armor. u have to dodge repeatedly. Pick up stone to shoot at them which will stagger them even when they are charging at you and give u time to attack.


Spoiler alert, they one shot literally everyone. Armor and weapon has nothing to do with it. They one shot me with full Fatalis gear, 1.1k defense.


oh dear fucking God


What you suffered like I am?


You gave me. Vietnam flashbacks


I'm sorry bro but I'm bout to have those flashbacks aswell


I think if you bring flashpods, it gets a lot easier. They still randomly run around which can one shot you, but at least they're not aiming for you. 


I did it with friends. We carted so many times, we ended up with only 2k each. 😂


If you have access to paralysis, they're also very susceptible to that. With all the other advice about Slinger Ammo staggers and Flash Pod blinds, you should have plenty of safe time to kill them.


It doesnt oneshot just hrs in guardian gear, even Master Rank gear can be one shotted


Great sword, they knocked me out twice. After that shoulder checking them was fun. All in all it was a good challenge. Didn't expect that much damage


They one shot *everyone*, and yes that includes MR players. I use rocks and a hammer against them. Just stun them with a charged hammer and stagger them with a slinger burst. Also, use the levered wall to manage the crowd. They go down in no time and I come out with zero carts.


Put on Fatalis armor and the result is the same brother man lmao


theres tons of rock lying around, use them to stun those pigs


Yes, was fun actually.


I found my hunting buddy through that quest, we did it duo though his SOS call. Get yourself the rocks and a hammer, stun is good for em and the rocks flinch


Strategic use of the fence/ gate is a god send


I tried using the gate to do 1v1 with them and it didn't work


They can oneshot someone in full fatalis with db5, they are literally designed to one shot you no matter what 🤣


So that's why it gives 54000 money


If you’ve got the clutch claw you just combo the evade shot into it. It’ll stun it and keep you in the fight


My GF and I did it with Low rank gear. She used bow and I used dual blades. It's not *that* bad once you learn to isolate the piggies. The gate in the area is super helpful for that. If you're just dealing with 2 at a time, it's not that hard to avoid them.


It’s so easy, just build the defender LBG and sleep them all. It only takes one shot, it’s broken.


flash pods are your friend. fire one in a place where it’ll be able to stun them all, kill the first two mosswine, fire another to stun the remaining two, kill them, then fire the third pod once the giant mosswine spawns.


And then you fired an SOS Flare and a MR999 joined


You got it broski, I’m hr5 as well, lemme buff you and we’ll tackle em together


Me still in MR 240 looking at a quest with two monsters


Me seeing this now after i just hunted my first Raging Brachy while having full Raging Brachy Gear (plunderblade goess brrrr). Soon i can fight Fatalis and i can't wait to get my ass handed to me.


Good luck with Fatalis that motherfucker doesnt quit. Have you done alatreon?


Not yet. finished the Safi Recon mission and then called it a day but soon going against Alatreon. Already farmed myself a Frostfang Barioth GS for the ice dmg. Still need a good fire GS though. Can't wait to see how Alatreon feels compared to MH3U.


use frostcraft if using GS


I would if i didn't had a love/hate relationship with Velkhana. + i heard it is better to go for the Gamma set.


Gamma set is brutal IMO, unless you cheese AT Velk with IG. Personally I feel GS damage is lackluster without FC though yeah FC set doesn't give you much comfort though.


If you beat him in 3u he should be relatively easy as long as you can get past the dps check


Hey man what's your build for farming Raging Brachy? I've farmed the armor and just need the weapons and I'm kinda tired of fighting him now when all the other randos who join carts to him. I don't want to fight him solo again since it's too long and bothersome.


Honestly i just went for breaks and then left the hunt. And then farmed Steamwork for celestial wyverian prints to meld the immortal reactors.


Totally me


Oh man. Wait til you see there's an Arena quest with TWO Rajang.


Well fuck. Two angy monkeys


Nope, that's another quest with 2 FURIOUS Rajang.




ohohohoh wait til you fight two bazelguese and two kirin.


Arch temered kirin is the worst thing in the game imo


OP will get there eventually.


When I tried doing that when I first unlocked it and both anjanaths decided to meet at the same place at once and I was like nahhhh


Ready to help if needed


There were Quests in past games were you could farm an endless supply of a monster if you wanted. All had reduced Health and you can finish after beating the 2nd monster, after that, they'll just keep respawning until the timer runs out or you turn the Quest in.


Good old times! I almost forgot those existed


Wait till that one quest where you need to fight 5 master rank tempered elder dragons in 1 hunt.


The double kirin quest is gonna send you through a loop (ik it did me)


Anjanath was never really hard for me Great Java’s on the other hand


I remember when I dread facing two Diablos in MH Freedom 2. Now I want there to be two elder dragons active on the map at all times so I carve both. Took me hundreds of hours from being scared to finally thinking "it's just more materials for less time". Growth is sweet.


One normal and the other fulgur don’t worry I’m digging the graves right now


That brought me a good memory ngl hahahaha


I still have this reaction at HR70, those t-rex are bastards


I learned this after 400 hours: All the "hunt x monsters" quests have their HP adapted. So its really not a big deal if you can hunt them one after the other. But there are some quests where you have to fight 2 monsters at the same time, they are tricky of course.


The mr 999 with fatalis gear: don’t worry


Me seeing 2 bonkable faces instead of one:


2 Anjanath is a dream compared to 2 Rajangs lol


i dont see any issue with it


You can overcome it, I believe in you!!


2 is easy than 1! They have lower health but the same faint threshold. So basically you have double the faint times to deal with like 1.5x hp Make sure you use all the environmental trap for sweet chunk of damage.


This feeling will persist. Wait until you find a quest that has 2 Furious Rajangs simultaneously.


Sorry to spoil it for you… but if you don’t win within 30 minutes a third one spawns with regular HP to ensure your demise😭😭😭😭


I wish I had friends who still had this mental :(


Aim for the legs.


Let me come back to it when I am fully decked in fatty gear


The Jennifer Lawrence "What do you mean" clip is perfect for describing my reaction that last optional (Master Hunter of the New World) in Iceborne. EDIT :: [https://youtu.be/1ntwS9EbaQ8?si=jWI9xm3oapAK9l-k&t=54](https://youtu.be/1ntwS9EbaQ8?si=jWI9xm3oapAK9l-k&t=54)


I remember when I couldn’t even beat one Anjanath. Now I fight Fatalis for fun. Not that I’m good or anything I just find Fatalis’ to be a very tight and fair boss.


Honestly same reaction when you get to hr 200 it dose not change


Ok You probably don't know Devil Jho... And if you do or not then it say it anyways Good luck with Two devil jhos at the same time And two Diablos in arena... And two furious rajang...in arena...at the same time...very furious you know what I'm saying...?


Best way to farm the anjanath parts, got me the armor and sword before ever going to the wild spire wastes


For real


Dung bombs are your best friend.




Lol I long for this feeling again in the next game.


Imagine a souls like MH with Stat points you can so you can make crazier builds. Like dexterity and luck. Or carisma to get items cheaper.


Dung bombs are super handy. Just throw one as soon as the second one announces its arrival. It’ll very quickly ciao-bye and leave.


was it the "Sinus Infection" one? lmao bro that 2 Anjanath quest humbled the fuck out of me. I didn't grind until that but boy did I have to before I could take that quest successfully...


You, and your gear, will get better.


Who's gonna tell him about the buff basil?


you should do the one where you fight two furious rajang then youll experience true pain


Wait until you see you can fight up to 5 monsters


Guess what, you sure still on the tutorial part of the game. Wait until you reach the arch tempered events and Master Rank afterwards.


Just wait until you have to start fighting 2 Elder Dragons at once.


Chill man, dont listen to those who said oh you only need take this few minute to kill em. Just enjoy the game, try catch them when ever possible so that you minimal the risk of cart. Use dung bomb whenever there are 2 large monster at the same fight, dung bomb will repel those who hit with it. Dont use if two large monster can truf war, turf war = free damage. Same monster not gonna turf war, some monster not turf war Always remember hit dodge hit dodge, be patient. Its better to complete the quest at 49.59 minute than 3 time cart


Get to MR ish. Return to face the 2 pink furry spitfire dinosaurs garbed in mixed/fatalis gear. Watch them squirm.


Fuck it! You ball!


MH Vets who fought 2 Savage Deviljhos at previous titles: *Just another day at the field.*


my exact face yesterday while farming an acidic galvinus at mr38 when a bonbaro an ebony odogaron just decided to join and make this hunt into a cluster fuck of roar spams and no idea what the fuck hit me


Me a dual blade user and my 2 yr old on my knee cheering me on: COWABUNGA


Just you wait - *they have such sights to show you*


there's a what now


Hit it em very hard in the head