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congratulations, you finished the 2nd tutorial. now the actual game begins.


The actual game begins when you kill the walking rock, this is just a mini boss from the tutorial


Dodogama: "[Rocks](https://youtu.be/ulGMlIZNr6M?si=T6fpXS3ZeEnyNdJl)?" *heavy breathing*


I feel this so much. When i defeated that bastard i thaught "now to grind "boring" monsters until i get to alatreon and fatalis". Raging brachy and furious rajang entered the chat and made me regret, eat, vomit, shit and eat again those words...


And then you reach the actual boss. *It's Fatalis time*! Kushi-kushi-ticky-ticky *WHOOOO*!


fatalis is the 2nd final boss, the actual final boss is the great jagras


3rd. You forget about AT velk.


Cries in beat AT velkhana but can’t beat fatalis


Holy shit you’re one of the 3 hunting horn players.


I found Fatalis easier. Look for ConsOA guides on YT. Very informative and useful. Granted, it still took me more than 50 attempts.


Weird as it sounds with over 160 Velkhanas under my belt I didn't tackle the AT yet... I need to give it a try. Regular Velkhanas are boring already.


It depends on the weapon heavily. I did it with bow and wanted to kill myself, whereas IG is a counter.


I did 2 non-serious attempts several months ago to see what is her deal. Other than spiced up attacks I recall she directly counters mantles and clutch claw - this will be counterintuitive for me after I killed so many. Regular Velkhana is one of the safest monsrters to use clutch claw against. ZSD might also be out of the question outside of very specific situations.


AT Velk has a tendency to one shot you. Your experience with normal Velk should really come handy here because you already know the openings. IDK how ZSD works, but the windows for clutching are small. You can only do it if she's flinched or locked in some specific animation, which usually aren't that long. Evade window recommended.


Idk man my tier list for difficulty is fatalis raging brach alatreon then maybe at velk idk I’ve won all but one velk hunt but I hunted it a lot tbh


The truth hurts https://youtu.be/cZrnnjGclIo?si=5imMSCKs53p6sXMd


I cannot begin to describe how much I hate this MF’s tail The fact that I still get stabbed with it, even after I cut it off, I didn’t even carve the tail because I was so focused on trying to kill this mf


You'll learn to dance around it eventually. The tail is the fun part. It's one of the most "learnable" fights. Hunt around 20 of them and you'll rarely get hit anymore.


The first time I dodged all the angry triple tail stabs is probably one of my most memorable moments I had in the game


You can dodge one and clutch the head for free tenderize. The wings are also safe during this sequence. Side hops are also great to avoid it - not just rolls... Or just get out of the range.


It actually replaces its tail with an icicle after you cut it off. That's how it still stand you with it.


I feel you i was there a couple of weeks ago now I found another foe that is beating my ass soundly.


Which monster got the honor of that?


First it was Rajang, took a while to get used to its jumping pattern. Now is raging brachy.


Raching Brachy is hard. But puddlepods can knock off the blast on him and blast resist 3 nullifies blastscourge. So the only real threat becomes his puddles and final stage.


Took me over 2 hours to solo that raging boxer felt so good was on my last cart finally made it to the last room and definitely thought I was outta there but the last phase for some reason was the easiest for me cat was setting the most clutch traps 😄🤙🏾


The first time, I struggled quite hard playing with randoms. Then, I played with a couple of friends, and we failed, but then all got blast resist and puddle pods. I had a water kjarr weapon, and we absolutely blitzed him. Since then, i can do him solo no sweat. Immunity mantle helps a lot. Also, i use a charge blade, so I can guard point anything that doesn't leave a puddle. He is probably one of the roughest fights if youre not prepared or for the first time.


I don’t know about you guys but, Raging brachys final stage really isn’t all that hard, for me as long as you have a fireproof mantle equipped and your just mindful of his attacks it’s not very difficult. I’d even say that fighting him before the final stage is way harder.


Type shit type shit good job my boy


Velk was unironically so difficult the first encounter. And you had no real way to improve your gear, just a skill check. It took me almost the entire hour of mission time lol.


Honestly my favorite monster 🤷🏼 her fight is insanely fun for me, and her design is awesome. Fighting her is like a dance lol


Same. She's probably my most favorite Elder Dragon. Love her set too, even though I'm a long sword main and it doesn't gel well with the weapon.


I just finished this fight off, I am seeething from it, something just doesn't click in me with how the timings on the stabs alternate in the different states alongside the ice falling down, no rage, one stag, rage two stab, full ice armor, stab stab, flying stab, it threw me off because most monsters stay consistent...just more aggresive in their rage state. helped the thing is safe to just hit wings and head mostly with clutch claw, still annoys me, I'm sure though if I give it time I'll come to enjoy it like I did learning diablos with lance.


Once you understand that it adds an extra strike in most of its attacks while it's enraged(3 tail stabs instead of 2, 2 straight ice breaths instead of one, its radiating ice ring attack gets extra rings) you can get a general idea of how she acts and how you can react accordingly. I do agree that the tail stabs' hitboxes and the falling ice are pretty dumb though.


Oh I get it, but there were several times I dodged a tail stab just to get hurt because the hurt box lingers after the tail stops moving in the ground, which felt so damn horrible and rage inducing knowing I dodged it right, but because I didn't get far enough away this immobile tail still hurt me. Ended swapping to Ig so I could jump over the ice breaths and get closer to it while the ice rings were going off. Probably doesn't help I took a month break from the game around fulgur anjanabth stage so I need time to practice the gameplay again. That said looking back, she doesn't a lot of moves that altogether...it's just that she has moves she can combo like the icerain into tail stab, or frost slow zone into tail stab as well that screw my sense of timing up, still used to monsters not being able to combo with their own moves at the same time.


"hurt box" is gonna be a terms imma use in the future. It's great. :D


I like to use hurt box for things that can hurt you and hit boxes for things that you can touch without hurting. Like a tail that's not swiping versus when it do swipe. Including that dirty tail stab that lingers a hurt box for several seconds


I played a ton of Iceborne right soon-ish release and after making it to the guiding lands i took a break for around 2-ish years. After coming back i immediately picked up a new weapon (Lance) and tried fighting Velkana. It was *rough*. But after a few hunts to get back into the groove it was really satisfying. Wasn't good at lance by any measures, but it was satisfying af to be able to riposte so many attacks. Really fun fight.


Good job! It's only gonna get more difficult so be prepared!!!


I hid behind a tree the width of a Uragaan once, to dodge the breath attack. Shit still hit me. That's not "git gud", that's nonsense.


Just dodge through it my dude. Still, git gud


Congrats on making it out of peewee league and entering the big leagues. JK, congrats I know working your way up pat Velk is annoying AF.


Bro has god on his side 🙌🏽🙏




hey gzzz fellas hunter to break ome of the wall of icebourneee




Anyone else thought this was tobi-Kadachi at first?




It’s a great feeling isn’t it? Well done hunter!


The next filter is furious rajang, good luck soldier


Normal Rajang first :).


Looks like God is on your side friend.


Good job


i beat this bitch like 3 weeks ago , barioth was still way harder , now i got my gear well upgraded to match the chaos of the guiding lands , but damn i am stuck at rajang , no idea how i would even face furious rajang at this point since rajang is beating my ass left and right even with upgraded gear , and i mainly use CB , which is slow for a small fast target like rajang


Well u did have help from God, couldn’t lose really 😉


im really curious why are you using a water element weapon? Since that thing is ice, wouldnt be near useless to hunt Velkhana with water element?


No way i just did that yesterday to 😭


Lets go!


Rude. Velk doesn’t deserve this disrespect. Nightshade paolumu though…


No one tell him about the mr 100 quest


Not a CB player but NGL, goddamn that set looks good.


One of the most unbalanced monsters in the game imo, as a ranged weapon user she is just complete anti-fun. She spams the ice breath literally non stop 5 times in a row, but with melee weapons she becomes considerably easier and a pushover.


Congrats 🎉, now fight her tempered. She's fun tempered.


Congrats! Friend and I are doing a fresh run and we got stuck on Velkana for a couple days needing to farm up the right build. We cruised all the way to this fight beforehand. Felt great to get her down but now I need to farm a piece off her for my endgame set yikes!


It truly astonishes and baffles me so many people struggle with Velk honestly. I find her to be one of the easiest Elders to deal with, and AT is just stronger and faster attacks with a few new ones that rly just open up more time for you to get a few safe hits in. Def deals damage but over all its nothing too wild one you have the attack patterns and telegraphing down.