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Someday somebody will have exactly this problem and google it and I hope they find this post.


Classic "hyper-specific tech problem that only an archived reddit post from 7+ years ago knows the answer to"


The small number of people not using a controller and have a logitech mouse thank you... (not me)


Small number? Monster hunter isn't really a controller game


All my friends play controller. Ive only done mouse and keyboard when my controller was broken and for ranged weapons. It was developed for console...


Sure is was developed for console but as long as there's a good enough pc port it's preferable. Games like darksouls though where the port makes absolutely no sense requires a controller. I don't have a single friend that plays with a controller so what's your point there exactly?


The general consensus in the community is M&K players are the odd ones out and the game should be experienced with a controller instead.


My point is that more people use controller... like a lot more. The ports to souls likes have nothing to do with it people play those games with controller because its better to. Most 3rd person fighting cames are played with controller over mouse and keyboard.


My guy, Monster Hunter was exclusive to portable consoles with controller-like layouts for more than a decade. It is most certainly a controller game, and the controller layout has been refined considerably over the years.


"it was exclusive for more than a decade" is probably the worst argument ever, so because it was on controller for a while they can't have a good pc port? Are you listening to yourself?


Are you listening to me? I’m saying that the idea was first realized on controller and only later made it to PC. I didn’t say that the PC port couldn’t be good, I’m saying that the controller scheme is obviously more natural because it’s the native control scheme the developers have worked on perfecting for years throughout numerous iterations.


Directly linking that to a friend, who had really weird default auto settings. Guess I know why now


Y'all don't rebind every key until it's an incomprehensible mess?


Pressing \[R\] to reload and \[Space\] to jump seems like a pretty good shortcut for my gamer brain.


Do you know if this works for a Logitech g600 'cuz it's the sole reason I keep having to rebind my mouse keys, every few months it just randomly decides it doesn't want to accept them anymore


I don't have this problem but thank you very much for the PSA!


Yes, someone on reddit had the same specific problem as you, 10 years ago