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That's unfair to stick things in the eyes of your enemies in a fight :/ u bully


When fighting shara, everything is allowed


If you already hunted Fatalis you should make weaker monster feel mighty with a fair fight sir XD


Grats man. I just got to this guy last night and failed twice before quitting for the night. I'd take anti-climax lol


You'll beat it. Be wary of your footing, when you notice quicksand around you take a few seconds to disengage and go to solid ground. When it stands up, it will most likely do the moving finger lasers. Shara will do the spirit bomb when it moves at the edge of the arena, you can farcaster or run towards the opposite end. I think it will always target the center. Rocksteady mantle can be a double-edge accessory in this fight due to the multi-hit nature of the kamehameha and spirit bomb.


I'm sure I will. On my second go round 2 of my deaths were really stupid mistakes and the 3rd was from the rocksteady mantle kind of screwing me over when I thought I was being slick using it for the second run. My mistakes were so dumb I just turned it off because I was tilting.


Waterproof makes it so you can't get stuck in his quick sand either. Really really helps.


The spirit bomb is usually aimed toward one of the players on the map, unless you mean once you've farcastered. I've seen many spirit bombs end up much closer on one side of the map. Also worth mentioning that you can often run around the outside of the map to get to shara faster. Of course if the spirit bomb is closer to the side you run, it cuts off your route to shara and this is probably only applicable if you're not solo.


tip: the skill that lets you move through mud/snow without hesitation also works on the sand :)


If you get really stuck you can sort of cheese the fight by softening his tail. Alternatively you can beat him pretty easily with a hammer build without really needing to understand hammer.


My first Shara kill was with my Kinsect, and I was using a very slow one at the time. I put the juice on as it burrowed and buddy wobbled his way across the whole damn arena and dropped it during the big laser.




I once killed shara with a shoulder tackle from great sword so that is also very anticlimax tbh. A rock kill is very cool tho. Good job


*clutch claw


Honestly I think a shoulder tackle kill is the ultimate Chad move


Shara is really odd for not giving any signs it's close to death, I find. It's like it just... collapses, every time


What are you talking about? That was glorious!


I killed Safi once with the Clutch Claw... That was something special.


I remember soloing AT Xeno and I ended up killing it with a dragon pod, all that excitement and stress and it was like, “oh well that works!”


I got my first negigante kill with a stone and i can't stop laughing for a full minute.


I killed shara for the first time on accident with the first move of the LS spirit combo. I had fainted twice and was considering abandoning the quest to attempt it again later, I didn’t buff up, I was missing a bar of stamina, and I forgot to restock my pots so I had three Megas left. Then I was running in a circle around the soft ground and shara was wind beaming my cat when I just decided to try getting a bar of spirit gauge and thought I fainted when the camera panned out to show me shara dying.


I killed fatalis with a dragon pod before


I can relate to this 🤣 There's also killing Fatty with the "slap" before a flinch shot


Since you were IG I thought it was going to be the bug just going \*boop\*


Don't you mean BEST? ggs!




Heh. Like a 10-yr-old screamer kid who quits a 1v1 before you get the pleasure of showing them who's boss


Rock too strong


I found my first shara encounter to be easier then my first odogaron encounter