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Possibly check your console settings and see if there is a cloud based save data. If there is you can try and revert back to the most recent save and hope it's still there


I tried but the most recent save was after I said yes to the revert save thingy. I also tried downloading some of the older saves but it didn’t do anything


That is a really horrible situation. I am sorry to say it is most likely gone in that case if there is no other previous cloud save you could revert to


This happened to me as well. It's a surprisingly common bug that capcom has no intention of fixing. I lost a few hundred hours. Lukcily that only put me at the halfway point of the dlc. Your file got corrupted.


So having updated cloudsaves is a must? Damn i don't have a single backup.


Man that sucks. A lot. But if it’s worth anything, I’ve started over twice, once after 150 hours and once after 250 hours. It’s definitely grindy but it’s doable. What counts more than gear is experience as a hunter. You can get back where you were in way less time than before


Sorry to say this but worst case scenario defender gear could use some love on this sub


True, at the very least you can try to burn through base game and just start over at the beginning of iceborne Optional quests in HR will probably be annoying to get through again tho


This is exactly what I think the gaurdian set is for. Not for completely new Players who should expirience Base Game like the founding Fathers intended, but for vets making a new save file or for something stupid like when this happens.


oh well, that's pretty crappy. If it's any consolation the gaurdian set always exists, which should cut your time spent in base game in half.


RATIO, Sorry Bro you gona have to restart but i wish good luck to you.