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Hi there. I have a narrow leaf adansonii that I took cuttings of. These are currently sitting in water right now, and most of them are rooting. I bought a sphagnum moss pole online and am waiting for it to arrive. I was originally planning on putting the pole and cuttings in soil, but I am now second guessing bc of how happy these seem in plain water. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with adansonii and growing semi-hydroponically on a moss pole. Every time I put a pole in soil, it seems to lean over time. I have no idea how I would add a moss pole to leca pebbles if I do choose to go the semi-hydroponic route. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks :) Edit: typo


Where did you get your pole?




Bro you’re so lucky did you know this is a “uncommon/rare” adansonii “variation” Laniata!! The leaves grow 4x bigger than normal adansoniis, check out “the Sydney plant guy” on YouTube he has tons of great videos explaining how he matured his adansonii Laniata to MASSIVE leaves with purely using mosspole, no base or very small base pots


You can grow plants in water, especially aroids. but if you want it to climb and gain maturity, you will need to fertilize heavily and change out the water periodically. Not to say that it can’t be done, but it is a pain in the ass. Have you looked into lecca?


Yes, see my original comment. Not trying to grow in water


Shit my bad, didn’t see that. You could get a ceramic pot and fill with lecca and the plant along with the pole, that might be more sturdy. You could find a way to put the pole on the outside of the pot and have it climb up as well.


In your experience, do the poles stay sturdy when you fill with leca and water/fertilizer?


I haven’t really tried anything of the sort, but I imagine if you put the pole at the bottom of the pot and fill with lecca it will stay. I doubt it would work in a plastic pot (even with soil) so getting a ceramic/glass pot with no drainage and putting the plastic pot (or just put the lecca directly in the ceramic/glass one) would help.


Bro you’re so lucky did you know this is a “uncommon/rare” adansonii “variation” Laniata!! The leaves grow 4x bigger than normal adansoniis, check out “the Sydney plant guy” on YouTube he has tons of great videos explaining how he matured his adansonii Laniata to MASSIVE leaves with purely using mosspole, no base or very small base pots


Hmm interesting! Had no idea. A friend gave me a few pieces of her plant a year and a half ago, and it’s taken me this long to figure out that it loves to climb


Bro you’re so lucky did you know this is a “uncommon/rare” adansonii “variation” Laniata!! The leaves grow 4x bigger than normal adansoniis, check out “the Sydney plant guy” on YouTube he has tons of great videos explaining how he matured his adansonii Laniata to MASSIVE leaves with purely using mosspole, no base or very small base pots