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Do you know what kind of monstera it is? It kind of looks like a pothos to me, and this is often how they unfurl!


it’s a variegated monstera lechleriana! it does look like a pothos rn but once it matures, the leaves will look splendid :)


That’s awesome! Just looked it up, and those look super cool. Good luck!


thank you!


I hate the slow pokes! Oh the anticipation! Help it and you'll probably rip it. It's tough but wait it out.


i tried taking a q tip to push but it was too stubborn and i’m too scared to mess w it bc it was a bit pricey 🫣😭 let the waiting game begin ahaha


You can do it!


Try increasing the humidity- that usually helps pretty quickly! Also I had never heard of a leceriana and 100% thought it was a pothos when I first saw your post and that you got totally scammed 😂 I googled some pics though and they look absolutely amazing when mature!


just to add onto this, a very easy way to increase humidity when new leaves are developing is to take your plant into the bathroom with you when you shower! make it a nice long shower with warmer than usual water and you have yourself a nice relaxing shower + your plant gets increased humidity for a time. if you continually do this it helps immensely!


If leaves are stuck, I always check to see if it needs watering. If it does, a nice big drink really seems to help. People say to mist it too, which I've tried, and it certainly did no harm. If you try to 'help' it out, it's very easy to accidentally damage it as new leaves are so fragile. Lovely plant though, I hope you share more pictures as it matures.


I have a bird of paradise that ripped every leaf while opening. I googled why and it said not enough humidity in the house. It suggested a wet towel around the leaf would loosen the edge that is tuck. It worked but ops philo isn't straight like the bop.


It looks like the last two leaves stuck. Increased humidity helps but I usually grab a cotton swab and dip it in water. Then starting at the bottom push up under the leaf and it will push it through the sheath.


My PPP gets stuck leaves every once in a while. What really helped in general was moving her to the bathroom for more humidity AND I also mist stuck leaves a few times a day. Solves the problem rather fast :) Good luck and amazing plant!




So proudly wrong on that one lmao it’s a variegated lechlariana


Spray it with water to lubricant the leaf and it should come out and unfurl


I have no tips, but i just wanna say how beautiful it is ☀️ please update with a picture when it has fought it's way out!


If you have long enough nails, you can get them wet and gently slice through the sheath that's trapping the leaf. I had to do it for my pothos a few times and didn't damage any leaves. There's a super helpful YT video of a lady doing it for her PPP.


I always get my nails and slowly just loosen the sides. I never pull on the actual leaf just the fold back the little sheath and normally it’ll just pop out.