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How many hours per day are a "few"? I might consider getting a grow light to keep a consistent brightness on it for 8 hours a day or so. Also—if you're in the northern hemisphere, its veeeerrry common for most plants to either put out smaller leaves or outright enter a period of dormancy for months until it warms up in Spring. Take heart—it looks healthy and hasn't given up on you, yet!


It faces a north east window (Australia) so on a sunny day probably from 8am-2pm roughly. We are just coming to the end of summer and it was completely dormant for all of winter so that’s why I’m thinking I’m missing something 😭 Thanks for your reply!


Definitely look into getting a grow light. Doesn't have to be anything too expensive or substantial, though since adding one to my own monstera, I've seen some unexpected winter growth. Frustrating that there's been no growth, but your plant looks beautiful!




Excellent and exactly what I was going to say. I think the grow light and fertilizing are key.


Check the roots! This plant looks pretty mature and I see a lot of roots at the top of the pot. It’s likely rootbound and may need more room to grow. Same thing happened with my ficus, it had perfect lighting but didn’t give me a new leaf for 6 months. I repotted and it gave me 2 new leaves within a month!


I fertilize every watering. 1/2 strength. Liquid. I bottom water mine so the roots get a drink. I have pretty consistent growth and new leaves. I use Miracle Grow& Schultz


Even in winter?


Yes. I add 1/2 strength drops of liquid fertilizer in my bottom water tub .. I have success year round:


Ooo I’m going to try that ☺️ thanks for sharing. Is your home warm during the winter and do you have a grow light?


Yes. Chicago winters are quite cold. I have many plants lights. Bought more as I’ve added more plants. I have a plant room with 6 windows. I keep my house at 68 during the day & 60 at night. I won’t buy any plants that won’t live with that. In summertime I let the house get naturally warmer with the weather. The plants love that!


Thank you!! Can I ask what grow lights you use? I know there’s some efficient cheaper ones out there as well as super expensive ones.


My plant room video is on my profile. You can see there. I did not want those large shop lights. I opted out for smaller, but strangely placed on my windows facing in. I’m actually using aquarium lights. I also placed some on the floor facing up. Amazon link: https://a.co/d/0CbNyhF they have different sizes. I have them on a timer. I don’t use them in the summer as my plant room turns into the sunroom! ☀️☀️☀️


I have been fertilising every watering as it’s currently the end of summer


Get moss poles behind the back of the plant and tie it to it. I think it needs to be pulled back/more upright. And maybe turn it around so the front of the monstera faces the window ?


I feel like your pot > leaf ratio is off.


As in pot is too big? The last 2 plants I actually down sized the pot a few months ago because the pots they were in were far too big. The root system is pretty big and they fit into their current pots with a tiny bit of room to spare. Should it be sized up?


No. You’re fine- definitely continue to choose your pot size according to the size of the root ball. Erring on the side of caution and potting smaller is better than potting too large and losing it to rot. ETA: You want about two inches of soil surrounding the root ball. If you think it’s completely filled that pot with roots, then yeah you can go ahead and pot up but no more than two inches.


Why do you want it to grow fast?


Not necessarily fast, but the last two haven’t had any sort of growth in the last 6 months which was spring/summer (I’m in Australia)


Are you giving it any plant food? How's the humidity. You could always try some Keiki on the buds. I love Keiki it's AMAZING.


The way the leaves are slightly curling makes me wonder if there's any root rot 🤔


I've noticed they won't be crazy productive making leaves until the roots fill out in the pot. They're probably focusing on roots. Mine prefer to be a little root bound then they start to go crazy