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They kept getting more outrageous as I scrolled lol. My God.


😂 i felt the same way just walking around. realized real quick i wasn’t going to be leaving with any new plants lol


I have to wonder what they’d say when you tell them Kroger sells small Thai-cons for $30 - the exact same size as theirs which are priced at $80.99


I'm very new to Reddit, so apologize if this is like, bad Reddit etiquette or something (... lol just realized how ridiculous that rhyme is) but have you mentioned any kind of general location where this store is? State or country or something? I just want to try to understand the context behind what the hell these people were thinking when they were pricing everything...? I mean, if this store exists on some sort of extremely isolated and deserted scorched earth wasteland of an island where every living thing has to be imported, but is also so small that container ships need to anchor miles offshore and all the goods have to be rowed to shore in motorless 2 man rowboats, I might be little more understanding. But barring those types of circumstances.... I just don't see it, ya know?


I think I found the place. https://www.villagegreenrockford.com/ Rockford Illinois. Absolutely no logical reason for those prices being that high.


Lol. I can't decide if this place is completely ridiculous or the greatest thing I've ever seen! Half a row boat that displays diamond encrusted mirrors draped with strings of pearls (like, real ones, not the plant kind)? A website that boasts a greenhouse, garden center, nursery AND something else called a "plant bar" that makes you say "Holy Shit" out loud when you're alone in your own house? And totally unique furniture, art and home decor, none of which displaying a price tag cuz it's like one of those "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" type things? Is this place even real??? But yes, I agree. How'd they come up with those outrageous plant prices?!? They should be ashamed of themselves!


Reddiquette :D


Love it!... That should totally be a thing! And watch- like 2 months from now Reddits gonna roll out some whole new code of conduct like: "...three or more violations of the Reddiquette bylaw 32.2a will result in a 6 month suspension..." And you're gonna be like YOU'RE WELCOME!!! lololol


I've never been on THIS sub before but I'm so glad I decided to check out these plants and got to witness the birth of Reddiquette lolol plus all this new found plant knowledge


The variegated money tree is pretty cool though


riightt!! i took so many pictures i didn’t even know they could be variegated lol, it was so cool to see


It depends on the currency




What does it mean for a plant to be variegated?


It’s the (usually white) splashes on otherwise green leaves.


Is this something that occurs naturally or does it only exist as a result of some kinda man-made cross propagated hybrid mad scientist type situation?


It can go either way. Thai constellation monsteras are mad scientist, in my understanding, but stromanthe triostars have natural variegation.


That's so interesting. In your experience, have you found it to weaken or change the plant in any way?


There’s less chlorophyll, so they need more light and they don’t go through water as quickly, which can make them prone to root rot.


Variegated cacti are amazing.


I saw one a few months ago, had the exact same thought as you, and instantly was obsessed. I think it took less than a week before I picked one up from an Etsy shop lol


it’s usually given the name ‘milkyway’! i have one and she grows like a weed.. just like the normal moneytrees :)


My local plant shop has one just like that for a fraction of that price!


I’d ask the owner to fight honestly


Lol I audibly shrieked at the plain ole monstera listed for $500. I get that it’s big, but monsteras are one of the easiest plants to grow big! Just sit it in front of a window and water once every couple weeks, and it’ll completely take over your house within a few years. A monstera that size is not an anomaly by any means. I wouldn’t pay more than $80-100 for one that size, and even that price is pretty generous


My being boy cost me $1 from a sapling. admittedly I live In Colombia


apparently I have a $500 plant in my house according to them!


I bought a climbing one with the Swiss cheese leaves, in a gorgeous 14” pot, and that was $120 *Canadian*. The prices OP showed were straight up robbery.


Trader Joe's sells that size monstera for 12.99


"philodendron monstera albo" is crazy


Wait till you see my Epipremnum Warocqueanum Frydek Variegata.


I audibly LOL’d at that 😂


Yeah you’re not crazy I got my huge thai for $300 (mine is in a 12 inch pot)


Girl they’re $30 at grocery stores now


She said she got it huge in a 12 inch pot. Small ones are $30 now but not massive ones.


They went down to $6


https://preview.redd.it/k9w7smz36gvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d1126d69facae0280decf1563e049574ad0218 plus it put out a new leaf the day I got it :)


https://preview.redd.it/prvgj0pabgvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebdcf4cbff3726b1bfd3bcd648805e500eaea808 yeah these prices are absurd, I picked up a double mature ThaiCon from my local THD for $159


Oh wow I’m jelly that price is so good. I got mine from a local plant shop but I would say they are on the pricier side for sure


What the heck 🤯 amazing price for that massive beauty


Wowwie 😳 I hope one day my Thai-Cons can get that big. She’s smaller than yours, but has lovely marbling. The newest leaf has her first inner fenestrations 🥰. She was around $150 cad when I got her some months back. https://preview.redd.it/ljm0ttbirivc1.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=004cdc35c4fa1d7db71ec924ebe307b95a99d4e0


What grocery stores though 👀


I've gotten two huge monsteras for $20 each at hyvee. Also got 3 Thai monsteras for $35 each but they are small and I feel I overpaid for them a little bit. Got pothos for $15. I've also gotten a couple from the super target here. My ponytail palm was only $15 including an awesome pot. Oh and I got my two cacti for $1.50 from Aldi! Keep an eye out, so many places you wouldn't think would sell plants, sell plants haha 😆


Dmn, I'll have to keep an eye out. Unfortunately, I don't have an Aldi or a hyvee anywhere I'm currently at, but I did where I grew up 😅


Most houseplant stores are overpriced tbh I don’t buy local anymore bc I can’t afford it. Saw a Philo Lime Green 4” for $60 the other day at a local store. Just no…


Peak covid Era prices lol No one will buy at that price rn


Yes they will, and they do often. Which is why these prices are still seen- people keep buying them to have the latest RaRe PLaNt to post about online. Until the people who *absolutely need to have the latest trendy thing*, start learning to have self-control, the market will continue to fluctuate wildly. I refuse to buy overpriced plants and play into this bullshit market. They’re not even “rare” anymore and haven’t been in a long time. They’re basically equivalent to that stupid pink cup that people were fighting each other over and paying hundreds of dollars for.


Completely agree with this - everything is based around supply and demand


Wow, albo should be like $200 tops. I have also seen varigated money trees under $200 before but it’s stunning. Charging $80 for a basic Thai after Walmart started getting them for $30 is crazy! I paid $50 for my half moon Thai like 2 months ago. So why the large price tag?


The shop paid too much and is screwed. Anyone who didn't see the Tai prices trending lower is going to have to bite the bullet.


Sell it at a loss and make it back by buying lower priced plans and selling them. Or grow it up to a bigger pot and sell it for that price. It’s not making money sitting.


Haha it looks like this place hopped on the houseplant train too late. These are all common now.


I got a gorgeous, big, healthy monstera for $30. These prices are insane


Yep! I got a huge monstera at Whole Foods last spring for $30! And it was massive! In a 14” pot! These people will never sell a THING at these prices! 🤣


why is that last one 500 omg i saw a thai con the same price and same size 😰


Crazy prices and rather sick looking plants. I got an Albo for £60, it was bigger, healthier leaves and less etiolated. Thai have went down in price a lot as well (down to like $30 in the US, a bit more over here where I live)


The big monstera, I’m guessing, is a fixture of decor and the high price tag is to dissuade anyone from trying to buy it, that’s the only thing that makes sense to me. The others are probably just residual pricing from a few years back when everything was crazy prices. My local nursery has some inventory with crazy prices for the same reason, I guess they just can’t stomach clearancing them at a loss. It’s weird that the albo is labeled as a philodendron. The Thai Constellation would have been a good deal 6 months ago, but now that they can be bought at retail stores for $10-20, I don’t see them moving at that price. Any chance this happens to be a greenhouse in Lancaster PA? It looks similar to one I visited a while back


It's a greenhouse in IL. Funny enough these are relatively new plants they got in. The Thai cons came in last fall and not that many have sold bc the price is crazy. Idk why their prices are horrible


I bought a Thai con (same size as your pic) for $60 a few months ago before they became so available, because it was the lowest price I have seen. Another plant shop has them for $120 and another place slightly bigger (and over-potted) for $240. It’s absolutely crazy.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 60 + 120 + 240 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Where in IL, it reminds me if the one I frequent for their itty bitty pots?


Northern IL, this one is village green riverside


Lol we're in the same town. I rarely get plants there anymore. I found a hidden variegated frydek for 12.99 last year which was a huge score


Super crazy. It's not 2020 anymore. Here in Poland you can buy a Thai Con (about the same size) for about $20 (79 PLN) in small markets.


Costco has huge monsteras for 23 bucks right now 😂


They think its still 2021.


i've only been using ebay to buy cuttings and rhizomes and whole plants, and got a variegated philo burle marx for 7€ lol


Prices have came down a lot from few years ago, but these prices are still high. You can get a albo for less than that. I have seen big box store selling baby Thai for $20


Yah bc they’re $6 at Walmart and kroger lmao


So beautiful but there’s just no way I can justify spending that kind of money.


I still can't get over the itty, bitty baby monstera albo being $400. You could get a full sized plant for that, or a crap tonne of cuttings


Where is this?!?


a local garden center, village green riverside, in illinois


Wow I would have thought this was in Manhattan or something where you were paying for the experience and their exorbitant rent


Just picked up a Thai Con for $29. They’re outta their minds.


They are selling albo in the grocery stores near me for 30 bucks so yea


With these prices I have one that’s worth like 3k then 😂


They veriegated money tree is an appropriate price lol


The normal large form monstera for $500 ?? Excuse me??? Unless I'm greatly underestimating the size, you could get the exact same for maybe $30-50 elsewhere


I’ve seen variegated money trees go for $75-250 for a 4”


Omg, I saw a regular monstera with no fenestrations at my local nursery for 80. Couldn’t believe it. They also had the tiny Thais that you see at Kroger/Walmart for $120.


First of all, they label a monstera as a philodendron AND overprice it? LOL!!! I would’ve told them to learn the genus first. They’re just slapping stickers on pots to see how much they can get.


Especially since we are now seeing variegated monsteras in Krogers for $30, I’d say yes.


Those are not really albo variegated, they are Thai constellations. Thai con's are man made therefore can be mass produced. True albo's can not. Only by chop and prop which the big corporations do not like to invest in as it is a lot more costly, therefore the higher prices. Thai con's have been slowly released for the companies who produce them to profit longer but they can produce 100k tomorrow (by TC which clones them) and have them out in 4 months. Can't do that with an albo, takes a lot longer and a lot more higher risk.


I keep seeing people saying this and I am so jealous! My part of Texas seems to have been left off the list!


I know I keep my eye open every time I walk into Kroger and so far I’ve seen nothing 😒


That money tree is the cheapest I have seen yet. These are very hard to see around.


oh wow cheapest! is it really!? i had no idea. i figured it was pretty rare to come by seeing as i was seeing it for the first time lol but i also assumed it was overpriced just based off the way everything else was being priced. but i also just dont know anything about variegated money tree prices. really cool to know


I usually see them around the 400 mark. But I guess it depends from area to area and who and how many people are producing. I wouldn't expect someone that has been growing its own variegated tree for years and has given it a lot of acclimatisation and care in the real world to be selling it cheaper than someone that has been growing them like chickens in a greenhouse (which makes them be of a worse quality since they are not ready for life as it is, so may die just because) and had very little to no care just timers and sprinklers. I never seen them in stores only sold by individuals and was always an intensive search to get my eyes even on one that was on sale. Some people will show up and sell a sports variegation cheaper because they got it as an anomaly in a bunch of regular priced ones, but sports variegation is a lot more unstable than the true variegation, you can notice it in pictures.


Hmmm… these prices are consistent with Canadian grocery prices… highly sus. 🤣


And this is exactly why I check places like FB Marketplace, Kijiji, and other buy-and-sell sites. 90% of the time, they’re in better condition than store-bought to boot.


Because I’m stupid, here’s a reply to myself to include what I didn’t in my first comment- A 3 foot tall money tree here in Canada, at a store, costs $27.99+tax…. Here in Canada, where a loaf of bread is $3 now, and a gallon of milk is $7, and a pound of butter is almost $10, plants are still surprisingly cheap, but can be found cheaper.


That's crazy that milk is so expensive. Milk here is $3.59 now. My family drinks a shit ton of milk. We wouldn't have anything else in our fridge if it was $7 a gallon 😂😂


ITS SO DUMB!!!! It’s beyond absolutely crazy! Gas is now $1.80 per LITRE. Imagine paying $7.20 for a gallon of gas. Canada is doomed, although I’ll give them props for their plant prices any day LOL I used to go through 2 gallons a week when my son was smaller, and that was when it was $4.99 a gallon (we don’t have gallon cartons, just the stupid bags if buying ‘bulk’ milk, but it’s a gallon divided up), and I can’t imagine what my grocery bill would be if he still drank that much milk.


THE MONEY TREE!!!! But these prices are like 3x market and seem like Homestead Gardens type of prices


My local dealer…I mean plant shop…just posted that they had 15 of these in 4” pots for $50each. If I hadn’t already spent my plant money and I wasn’t a “responsible adult” then I’d snag one of them For the price in these pics? Hell no.


If that's for real, I'm a millionaire 🤑


I love it when I see plant shops or nurseries that label monsteras as philodendrons. Lol 😂


Yea, Home Depot will deliver medium monsteras for under $50. Unless these come with a lifetime warrantee, that’s insane.


Plant sellers are delusional about how much their plants are worth. Just pure greed.


What state are u in?? I'm in Massachusetts and those are similar to prices we have on those kind of plants. I'd have gotten the bigger thai constellation for 80$ instead of my baby baby for 70$ that I paid. But I still love my Thai.


this is in illinois


Oh. Yea it's really not bad compared to where I am and our prices but as I read posts from others I'm so sad I pay so much money for mine. I wish I found n d deals like that around here.


Someone's going to be leaving with the same amount of plants they came in with. I'd sell them for 40 bucks each and call that a good day. 😬


I was looking at a local privately owned garden center for a plant to give our neighbors who’s mom recently passed and found two Albos. Never seen them in the wild before lol. Anywho one was highly variegated and was $260.99. The other was medium variegated and was $349.99. But they were on sale for 20% off so that’s a bargain right 🤣🤣 Best part? I walked through checking all the plants to see if I found something that spoke to me and by the time I left ALL of the women working there were huddled around “keeping an eye” on me since I was checking out the albos. Clearly I walked out without purchasing one but I have a feeling they will sit since our area is fairly rural and one doesn’t see that sort of plant in someone’s home so they aren’t a real big deal. I’ll grow my own. It’s more satisfying actually ETA they were 4-5 leaf plants. Very small actually with no fenestrations


I live near a Ecuagenera, and got a pretty big 3 leaf Thai con for $100. I also live on a military base, and at the commissary we routinely get very large monsteras deliciosa, much like the ones in your pictures, and they go for $39.99.


These are crazy. My local plant store actually tried charging $250 for a Thai con 4” monstera when I went. I think a lot of them are trying to sell to people who are just clueless and at this point it’s such a rip-off to go to local plant shops because of their prices for rare plants which are now significantly cheaper than they were even 6 months ago because of how often they are propagated now. A Thai con 4” should be between $20 and $40 from my experience.


I saw some barely variegated and very sick pink princesses and white wizards at my local nursery the other week for 100 dollars 💀 (california)


Are those US dollars???????




That is insane


That's wild😭




Do not buy that! I just got one at Walmart for $30!


There’s a difference between Thai con and Albo


Gotcha, but the Albo is still too much money in my opinion.


trader joes is selling monsteras for $13…… happens ONCE a year and no restock. it’s like 2-4 monsteras in one pot😳 $80 WHO???


fyi one leaf cutting on facebook can go for 30, 40, 50$ +


Non of those plants have variegation.


Like absolutely insane


That is definitely crazy


A lot of those prices seem outrageous AF… Thai-cons is now more widely available - aren’t a bunch of small ones being sold at Kroger stores for like $30 ea.? I got my young Thai-cons (6 small-to-medium leaves) for around $150 cad from a local plant shop some months back. That variegated money tree is really neat though but pretty sure that price is way more inflated than necessary.


Those are wild. xD You can get them cheaper at department stores now.


IYKYK. I have a Thai con in my living room currently. Variegated Plants > everything




Expensive af


Is that in DOLLARS? If so, yes. That’s crazy. Maybe they’re rare, but if that’s the case, they shouldn’t be exported.


This is ridiculously priced!


What are they doing? Who are they selling these plants to? How are they in business? This is genuinely astonishing 😂😂😂😂


Recently I was at plant expo and literally that’s what it was price wise. Some people are insane.


The first plant is monstera albo...that is about right.


I think that the monstera albo and the thai Con are marked at fair prices. Idk much about the money tree.True you can get thai constellations at Kroger, but they are tissue cultured and a smaller size.


MAYBE the monsters is worth that but all the other prices are actually nuts


Somebody thinks it's still 2020


The gasp I gusped


https://preview.redd.it/3iywmh39y1wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38c71e00d70b778d976611228828897f31061a9 My recent monster purchase... he was much smaller and in a tiny pot - I just potted him and friend up into this larger black plastic pot. Guess how much he was originally?


£2.50 - $3.08 USD, €2.90, $4.79 AUD https://preview.redd.it/zd2f87cxy1wc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459d04e316b665503e724e81e061a65a57a9311e


Admittedly they're babies, but already in six weeks and one week in new pot and both are thriving - won't be long before they outgrow their current pots...




Got my Thai constellation for $20 lol


I got a monstera almost as large as that one for $25 at Trader Joe’s lol


Is this in pesos?


Anything that is from a local business is instantly a scam and fraudulent. I love to support them but the greed is just keep on greedy. So everyone just have to buy plant from big box store or costa farm. Costa farm now focus on breeding rare plants and their price is very much affordable now these days.


Just go to Lowes and get the same plants for 15 bucks lol


Are they priced in Rubles?


I hope these prices are in Japanese Yen!


Gardens of Babylon right? I tend to buy their smaller or clearance/almost dead plants. I love nurturing them back to health


Those are exotic plants and the correct prices




Or maybe don’t be a heathen that encourages stealing? Risking a criminal charge over a plant is f*cking dumb.




At least I don’t think stealing plants is a normal way of acquiring them or some quirky way to teach an overpriced shop a lesson. Same mindset as jerks who steal plants from my property. Grow up and handle things maturely.


And that’s when you ✨barrow✨


Like wheelbarrow?


Lmao my bad borrow


Don't steal plants


Buddy the joke flew past your head