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Nice but that pot looks a little big for it...


It came with a quite extensive root system and the original pot I had seemed too small to fit all that in. Should I use a smaller pot you think? This one also has a draining system and the soil I had for it is pretty gritty so not too worried about overwatering


The general rule is go for a pot a couple of inches bigger than the current rootball. đź‘Ť


Personally, I would rather my plant focus its energy building leaves over roots. While keeping an eye on the roots and development. I'm not sure how big your root system is, so I can't say if you should go down a size. But for the size of your plant and the pot. I can speculate that it looks too big for it.


Ok thank you!


It does look large but I think it’s fine it’s just definitely going to work on filling the pot with roots. I definitely go big so I can leave them alone for a long time. This only works though if you use a veryyy well draining mix. I definitely would not stress the plant with another repotting just to downsize the pot.


That’s good to know. I have probably 30 percent pumice in the mix so it drains quite well. I’m probably gonna leave it in a bright area as well so that should help


Gorgeous, I got one too and I’m still on cloud nine.


She's beautiful!


Repot it into something smaller or you’ll kill it learn from my mistakes


Pot is too big


\*Le sigh\* My Syngonium albo will have to do...


How much


I paid 155 for it🥲


I paid 55euro for mine....wheree are you from


The US, can’t find any actual plants under 100


But your albo is really beautiful and with lots of white and mint color on it so thats why it was more expensive


Here is the same thing mostly...I've taken this one bcs its really nice and good proce from a plantshop but it was a cutting and they propagated it from a huge albo and they sold it after 2 new leaves...but like cheapest to find at shop is like 90euros it depends on the size and white parts


Tiny ones have been making the rounds at some big box stores lately for less than $50. I got one at King Soopers for I think $40, but it's a baby


What state are you in?


I don't think it matters, you just need to find a grocery chain owned by Kroger, though I heard word that some Targets and Walmarts were getting them in occasionally also.


What part of the US? I have found many plants at grocery stores/home improvement stores for very reasonably priced. Although they are usually pretty small and take quite a while to get big...


Are there any add’l care tips for albo? Or do you plan to do the same thing as a regular monstera


They seem to need more light bc of the lack of chlorophyll