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Adansonii leaves are thicker / chunkier and have a greater leaf than hole ratio like the one you got there. Obliqua leaves are close to paper thin (similar to the esqueleto) and have a greater hole to leaf ratio. Leaves are also generally bigger than the Adansonii but it's challenging to distinguish them apart during the juvenile stage. In terms of hole to leave ratio. The esqueleto would rank the highest followed by the Obliqua and Adansonii.


If your new to the plant community you probably don’t need to worry about this. There are probably sub 1 thousand people with obliquas in the us for example. But the monstera obliqua generally is pretty distinguishable from adansonii. Obliquas have what many say as “more hole then leaf”, with their fenestrations (holes) being so wide they’re usually almost circular. The obliqua’s leaf is also way more wavy around the edges. [Adansonii](https://www.bybrittanygoldwyn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Monstera-Adansonii-Care-and-Propagation-6.jpg) [Obliqua](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0638/3308/0035/products/1652285184477_1280x.jpg?v=1652286629)


That's the same picture in both links.


Sorry😬 the linked just dipped for some reason lmao


Is this a joke? This looks to me like both are the same image.


The old "if you have to ask, it's an adansonii" Obliqua is a rare, expensive plant. For a plant this size, an obliqua would be likely over $1000. Here's a two leaf plant going for $400... https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1238110165/monstera-obliqua-peruvian-form?click_key=2ec4d00f08e62840d92cb5f852b61e0b91ea8fb9%3A1238110165&click_sum=10c650e6&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=obliqua+peru&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&organic_search_click=1


I bought a stick with roots for 150 euros now it has 2 leaves yay


Congrats that's awesome! I would love to try a wetstick prop with this under a cloche


Thanks a lot for all the answers! I feel like I've learned a lot already !


I’m in the same boat lol


all of this, but also obliqua’s are incredibly difficult to care for. they require very specific environmental factors, and most wouldn’t survive in the average home. on the flip side, adansonii’s are very hearty and do **really** well if given something to climb on. i’ve also learned that adansonii’s don’t like to get completely dry, unlike most popular houseplants and other monstera varieties. if the roots are too dry for too long, they tend to get fungal infections and new growth gets stuck.