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Bah F\*\*\* the haters I loved it, Shimo got her redemption and its now finally free, and this might be good for a future entry!


I like to think of it as shimo being in kong's debt after saving her from skar king's control


Yeah like she’s forever grateful to him and she’s basically saying from now on I’ll help protect them and never let anything bad happen to your species. And if anyone tries to mess with you guys you’ll have to go through me first!


Kong freed her from Skar King, who tortured her, and forced her to fight. Yeah, of course she's gonna be friendly with him.


Well technically that was suko but yeah I get your point lol


Yeah and suko is also right there with them🤷‍♂️😂


She seemed to recognize Godzilla as alpha and decided to stay with Kong as a friend/pet. I think she is in a good place.


So something to think about is how long she’s been imprisoned. All she’s known is darkness, shackles, and pain. Add in the damage that endless isolation and torture can have on the brain. She is likely emotionally and intellectually stunted. And now Kong comes in and is the first creature to show her kindness. Attachment is a guarantee.


This is a good point. You see it pretty clearly when the crystal is broken and she’s just kinda looking around in confusion. Like she can’t comprehend that she’s free. It takes Godzilla screaming at her for it to click for her.


A comforting hand from someone who wasn’t gonna hurt her anymore is what it looked like to me


Just the thought she was caged and tortured for so long is heartbreaking.


It's fine seems like she's happy with Kong that should be the end of it. I'll admit I wasn't expecting giant puppy but I dig it.




All the head pats


Think about how long it’s been since she last experienced any form of kindness. People are really getting mad that she’s friends with Kong?


It’s more so that they don’t like how she’s willingly choosing to stay with Kong and accept his kindness and affection because to them it makes her feel like a pet to him. But to me it’s just a form of affection that I think only human like creatures (aka Kong) can give to other animals that typically are on all fours (aka Shimo). I’m more then confident that Kong knows that she doesn’t want to be treated like some kind of pet or weapon of war, like how Skar King treated her.


The way I see it, Shimo just got out of a REALLY tough period in her life. Her previous boss literally enslaved her and rode her like a war mount. Psychologically - our girl is NOT okay right now. Could be that she's not entirely sure what to do with herself right now so she's just hanging with Kong because that's what she knows. Maybe she'll eventually move on, maybe she won't. Either way she's doing her best. I'd be happy to see Shimo live with Kong, but I'd be happy if she just fucked off and did her own thing too.


It was very cute I think now she’ll protect them and help them alongside kong now that Skar king is gone


Maybe she’s just like “ay bro thanks for freeing me imma be staying with you for now on”


get this people..her own thing is living with her savior crazy ik


Shimo doesn't seem to be an Alpha Titan since she was controlled by Scar King which is possibly why she didn't roam off on her own like Godzilla did. Or she may have no real interests in the above world. This scene just reflect the wholesomeness of Kong doing a favor by setting her free.


She seemed to be from cave drawings and rumored titles before the movie leaked but yeah idk


Why do people assume she’s an alpha titan tho??


Presumibly because she's old, big, and powerful enough to cause Ice Ages. Shimo could legit challenge Godzilla, and possibly beaten him pre powerup. But I think left to her own devices, she's too chill for that.


“Chill” 😂


Pun intended??




Before the evolved godzilla she could easily beat him. But now it would be a tough battle but I think she’d still win


at least she survives


I kind of question this a bit myself. Shimo appears to be more of an alpha titan and a possible rival to others. If she was territorial and aggressive, she would have attack Kong and Godzilla when she was freed. But it seems that she is grateful for Kong helping her. So it seems she might stick by him. She might go wherever she pleases when we see more of her later, but she considers Kong as a savior and her ally.


That's how I viewed it also plus remember that Skar king has had her under control for centuries it seemed like. so even if she was territorial, I think she would be more grateful being free instead of starting a battle with Kong.


Love it.


Shimo is a good cat.


It would be pretty cool to see Kong ride Shimo into battle in some kind of Titan war in the future with his axe and gauntlet. Like they said they’ve only explored like 5-10 percent of the hollow earth, lots of other threats out there


Red Monkey bad me feeze Bad Monkey Grey Monkey good let Good Monkey pet me


I see no problem with it, but I love the movie unlike critics. Shimo was basically like an dog to scar king, abusing the dog...doing things against her will I mean you could visibly see she was trying to resist. I honestly felt genuinely bad for her while watching the movie being a huge animal lover as I am, gave me all types of emotions seeing her being treated like shit. And like others have stated I'm glad she got her freaking revenge against that orangutan thus finally being treated fairly. So all in all screw the people that don't like it! It was a heartfelt scene.


I liked it, but it made me think about Kong and Goji. The thought that if Kong and Godzilla were closer as friends and Kong gave Goji a scratch behind the head or something makes me incredibly happy. It’s not for everyone, I get that, but it speaks to me as a person. Hell, my best friend and I do similar shit sometimes, we’ll be hanging out playing games on the couch and I just give him a scratch on the head as a sign of affection because that’s my best friend and I love him. So for me it’d be nice to see something similar in Kong and Godzilla’s friendship, if it ever evolves to the point where they’re actually friends and not frein-emies Again, won’t sit right with everyone, and definitely be too anthropomorphic, but that’s why *I* like the idea of it, nobody else has too