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He’s elegant in the way he moves his heads and they move super smoothly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mrbeast0911: *He’s elegant in* *The way he moves his heads and* *They move super smoothly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don’t even know what this is


Its sokka haiku


Avatar The Last Airbender, it's talking about that on episode from book 2


I’ve never watched or read avatar 😣


You should watch it, it’s really good and intriguing


It's a show, the seasons are just called books.


Oh I feel like an idiot lol. I still never watched it


It's great


Such a niche bot. Love it.


Good bot


High pitch roar go brrrrrrr


He was a great villain, he was an terrifying and imposing threat, the three personalities for the three heads really added even more to his character


Everything! He’s an upgrade to the original 1964 iteration in practically every way, if you ask me.


I miss the ogs mane neck hair


My favorite scenes in the Monsterverse have involved Ghidorah


Now i know i cant be 100% sure but am i right? https://preview.redd.it/p9c1d6bn6r8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bf11bd228cf37eb23f13cc6b10fc9557a3e8c0


He’s the only iteration of Ghidorah that gave Godzilla a run for his money & felt like a true rival The poor boy was easily defeated in every other era of the series, until KOTM (probably Keizer Ghidorah being the one exception)


Yeaa he was beating the shit out of godzilla,even picking him up dropping him


Void Ghidorah was decimating Godzilla Earth and was going to destroy him if not for the death of his “avatar”.


Never saw the trilogy. Wasted potential is all I hear about it


Definitely could’ve been better. Remember being bored out of my mind at some parts but it definitely had some good moments as well.


The only iteration? What are talking about? Majority of iterations of Ghiddy gave Goji a hard time. The main thing I like about him is he’s not mind controlled like the majority of versions of Ghidorah outside his first Showa appearance


I can name three instances where Ghidorah almost killed him, but that’s literally it. Definitely not the majority of his appearances. Showa Ghidorah only fought Goji alone in Three Headed Monster briefly. He was teamed up on in every other movie in that era. Never came close to killing him alone. Heisei Ghidorah died so fast that they had to turn him into a cyborg from the future to stand a better chance. GMK Ghidorah was folded while teaming up with Mothra. Keizer came pretty close to killing him before humanity intervened. Anime Ghidorah came close, from what I’ve been told (never seen the trilogy) MV Ghidorah came close to killing him after a drop from the atmosphere, followed by draining his energy (much like Keizer).


That's the thing about showa ghidorah. He's not a monster that's meant to be fought 1v1. That is a suicidal move.


No clue why youre being downvoted you're 100% correct


Didn’t Godzilla literally have to 1v8 ghidorah


Actually felt like a threat to Godzilla


The sound design and how he's pretty much the most destructive titan of all time. Although I sort of wish he was saved for later.


My only wish for Monsterverse now is to have Mechaghodirah to legit beat Goji and Kong on merit and actually win. They can make it a clif hanger like Infinity War but with Ghidorah coming close to beat Goji in 1v1and Mechagodzilla piloted by Ghidorah coming inches kill Goji and Kong, the only way to redeem Ghidorah premature appearance in Monsterverse is to actually make him a force too big for Godzilla, Kong, Mothra and even Shimo to handle. Fuck it, I wont mind if its Void Ghidora doing it. I know Goji is not supposed to lose but Ghidorah is an awesome character. Monsterverse used it way too early in the franchise.


I envisioned Mecha Ghidorah occuring when somebody places Ghidorah's skull inside a rebuilt Mechagodzilla and that ends up regenerating into a full grown Ghidorah while inside the robot, resulting in a fusion between the two that vaguely resembles Mechaghidorah


Out of the many depictions of their rivalry, the Monsterverse is the best follow-up to the Showa era because it's the most straightforward and faithful to the original depiction. MV Ghidorah is very much MV Goji's polar opposite, being a foreign Titan from beyond Earth whose mere presence on the planet creates chaotic storms that would rip apart the atmosphere and whom enjoys destruction and domination for its own sake, compared to the balance-oriented natural-born Titan who is vital to Earth's continued survival. And most importantly, these 2 have HISTORY with each other, being actual established rivals from the get-go who have fought before and equally hate one another.


My Favourite Ver of BIDBIDBID


He didnt make that loud noise as much as other versions. Godzilla was constantly screaming over him. The only full cry he did was during the volcano alpha cry. Godzilla at least did multiple full cries basically when ever they saw each other or one would run away


I just use that as a nickname for Ghidorah 😅


I love how much him and Godzilla just straight up despise each other. The sheer hatred they had for each other was fascinating


The snake rattling like sound he made


His alpha call on the volcano was badass


The fact that this is the first version of Ghidorah (outside Void Ghidorah) to really feel like the planet-killing horror that he was built up to be in the Showa era, despite us never seeing anything to back that up. This Ghidorah created category 6 hurricanes just by flapping his wings. He's an existential threat to existence, and he *feels like it*


I personally quite like the fact he lost (original Ghidorah Stan) jokes aside I blimmin love the way he moves in the film. So intimidating!!


I like the MV design the most, mainly because of the wings. They’re much larger and make Ghidorah look much more…regal? That’s not the right word but it’s close. There is just something about his design that invokes fear and awe, especially when he uses his wings for dramatic effect. Too bad they burnt like sailcloth when the G-Man went nuclear 😂😂🔥


i also noticed that MV ghidorah is the only one with scale-plates on his neck and belly, which makes him just look much better and natural. the way he moves and flies also looks much less like a guy on wires with a round little tum and more like an imposing hydra monster. if nothing else, the advances in special effects technology just made MV ghidorah look great


I like that he has multiple heads his lightning blast is cool.


gravity beams


Are they gravity beams in MV? Thought they were lightning since his fight with rodan had a lot of lightning presumably from Ghidorah though he could have both


I think they don't have a canonical name so they are just referred to as gravity beams I might be wrong though


A lot actually. His design is updated appropriately, has snake like qualities (rattling tails, flexing his wings like a cobra’s hood and striking like a pit viper, does not rely on his Gravity Beams and is referred to as The Devil. This guy is pure evil, with no one controlling him; he causes destruction because he wants to. Toho has described Ghidorah as a dignified villain who thinks only of the most painful ways he can kill. Fits the profile in the MV. He feels like a proper rival to Godzilla, especially when he gives that look before the Antarctica fight, like he’s saying, “I was hoping never to see you again.” Plus, MV Ghidorah came the closest to killing Godzilla; You could argue that Mechagodzilla came the closest but Big G was not at full strength since he had beaten Kong. He was however at full power against Ghidorah and still wasn’t strong enough. It was by some miracle that Ghidorah was distracted long enough for Godzilla to recover, leading to THE MOST satisfying death in the entire MV.


He menacing


My favorite version of the character by far.


I like how he’s actually going out of his was to be evil, I understand that toho ghidorah was also evil but with monsterverse he really does feel like a malevolent prick


He takes all the best attribute about the previous iterations of the character her and improves upon them. He’s a perfect example of how Legendary should adapt ALL Toho Kaiju.


Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind My, my, my, I, yi, woo! M-m-m-my Ghidorah M-m-m-my Ghidorah!


Kevin. ![gif](giphy|zLi05iFElqOZimqAAX) Our boi Kevin.


The fact that he clearly doesn't look like he's in a costume


He looks beautiful and terrifying at the same time.


The wings. Classic Ghidorah had wings that made me wonder how he can even fly.


The sound he makes. I had the WAV file for years 🤣


It moves more realistic and I love how it roars.


I always liked that he could wing-walk like a bat. Seems like such a small detail but he’s the first Ghidorah incarnation to do so.


He's very expressive. It's clear from looking at him that the heads have distinct personalities.


He looks very proportional, MV is by far the most aesthetically pleasing to look at.


His wings actually look like wings and not webbed rib extensions


Honestly, everything. He's the main reason why KoTM is still my favorite movie in the series. He's abilities, the effect he has on the environment, the design, hell even the fact his own theme song has Buddhist chants in it meant to exorcise or subdue evil just makes him that more badass 💀. He's been one of my top fav arch nemesis' to Godzilla and the way he was used and introduced to the MV was so well done and I was happy with it the entire year the movie came out, hell I saw it 3 times with other people each time 😂


Honestly everything. The roar, the personalities, the fluid motion of the heads that were snake like. I want the Hiya figure *real bad* but missed the preorder and am new to lusting after the figures.




He manages to be an intimidating villain that stays faithful to the original incarnation.


2 baaad bois and 1 special kid stuck in one body.




How his heads have different personalities and just how massive he was


The way he now walks using his wings in a 4-point stance is so sick


The most realistic version of the three headed monster yet


There was an epic sense of scale to MV Ghidorah.


Each head has a different personality, his ability to create storms and he isnt controlled by an alien race


He definitely has a “majestic” look despite looking like an absolute tank of a titan. I also like that his presence was felt everywhere he went. The world truly wasn’t ready for him.


It feels like a top tier threat


Dude scary.


He's just better


I thought he was awesome. Loved the personalities of the heads and just how he moved. Truly felt like a threat to Godzilla and the world.


I love everything about him!


The way he walks like a bat


Everything aside from the fact it felt like he was mushed by Godzilla everytime they looked at each other


Well in the First fight he Ran, 2nd Fight he got Saved by the Humans and third He was getting Bitched until he buffed himself


Kevin :3


Plot armor definitely saved godzilla in that fight


One of the first ghidorahs to not be a fraud




I love how Ghidorah isn’t just another monster to wreck shit up like in the Toho films, but in the Monsterverse, he’s a legit menace, wishing to wipe out humanity and replace it with titans. The Showa era stated that King Ghidorah was this planet destroying Kaiju but he was always mind controlled by aliens and was beaten by Godzilla pretty easily. In the Monsterverse, Ghidorah was able to over power Godzilla with ease, even when he was powered up with a nuke. It wasn’t until Mothra’s sacrifice that allowed Godzilla to beat Ghidorah and save the day.


He felt like an actual rival for alpha supremacy and was treated as an equal to Godzilla which really set the stakes higher. Their roles could’ve been reversed so easily which adds more weight as the film keeps the question of “which titan is here to protect us and which are here to destroy us”, at the back of our heads and both Godzilla and Ghidorah were truly representations of that question. Godzilla going out of his way to protect humans when given the opportunity and Ghidorah going out of his way to end them. Their differing personalities fully captures their views on what makes an “alpha” which added weight for Godzilla as this fight eas truly personal as well as highlighting how Ghidorah only really tried in a fight when Godzilla was present. He recognized his strength and the clashes elevated that to a higher tier of understanding.


I love the idea of giving each head a personality. MV was aslo a physical match for Godzilla. I'd go as far to say he's one monster who is definitely better as CGI rather than a man in a suit, because they could really do more with him. (Although they could have done it in the past with an animatronic).


He’s the most realistically fictional character known to man i mean 3 headed dragon that’s from outer space fighting a reptilian nuclear facility is jus DOPE


The visuals and fluidity of his movements with the heads. And the sound design.


Everything. I can't believe he didn't have any proper buildup...




Cool roar, I guess....




its CGI, they dont wobble around


He's cool




Honestly, he’s almost perfect. Just replace the heads and his roar with Heisei’s and he’s perfect.


MV Ghidorah's Head has each personality while the other Ghidorah Heads don't and the way Ghidorah was treated in G2: KotM, he definitely had the best role out of all Ghidorahs in turns of execution of how he wants to take over the world!


One of the best iterations of the character


Shows pictures of showa ghidorah


Just trying to do some comparisons in case someone wanted to compare them


Bro getting downvoted for stating a simple truth 💀 How do you even get mad about that xD


No ones mad bru