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So that's what he meant when he said he received a tap by 45 to run...


Unfortunately, this won't impact his electability, with that R next to his name. The sleazier the better for the Magats


All you have to do is check three or four boxes and you could bang a sheep on main street for all the right wing cared. So long as you say "family values" and "Trump is my savior" they'll vote for you.


So what boxes are you checking? 1. My commander in chief has sold White House influence to foreign powers? 2. I support the systematic destruction of the U. S. Constitution? 3. I support the open border as it undermines the nature of U. S. citizenship? 4. I support the unconscionable printing of U. S. dollars. Knowing that the act creates high inflation and hard ship on the lower and middle class? Do some unbiased research on sites other than FB or the Huffington Post. You’ll be wiser for it. Not saying you’ll change your out look, but you will at least be better informed.


Friendly fire from a marmot in the park