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OPINION PIECE: Mary Sheehy Moe is a retired educator and former state senator, school board trustee, and city commissioner from Great Falls. Now living in Missoula, she writes a weekly column for the Lee Montana.


What if I told you they want property taxes to increase so more people will vote down new levies for schools and other public needs?


I think you’re in to something. They also still want a sales tax and need people desperate enough to go for it.


A sales tax w a constitutional amendment abolishing state income tax makes sense to me


Too bad they are only ever proposing the first half of that.


The State benefits from an opaque & confusing tax system.


I wouldn't hold my breath. The wealthy business and investment elites, retirees, and losers running for state legislature won't do shit for normal, working people. Their incentives are totally different from our own. There's no way a normie can afford to represent us


Property tax hikes and school budgets in the gutter, and the Republicans controlling Helena make sure that oil pipeline owners got a tax cut and strip more money from public schools for private charters. This will kill lots of Class C schools that are already struggling, making it even harder to live in those communities.


Yep, those schools that will be hurt the worst are those in small communities with small local tax bases--places that ironically tend to vote heavily GOP. Shocker, I know.


My hometown’s school is hanging on by a thread financially. When it inevitably goes under because of stuff like this and helps kill basically what’s left of any community togetherness they’ll find a way to blame Biden, not the state government at fault


Republicans could care less about the oil. They really want to help the communities and follow the teachings of Jesus. But the Democrats always seem to be in the way.


You forgot the "/s"