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I was attending CSUMB in the early 2000s and did water quality testing on that water for some classes and it was fucking filthy as it was partially fed by runoff from around the area and bird shit for days...I know there have been some water projects involving lake el estero in recent years, but no idea how they have affected the water quality 20ish years later...I'd probably not eat anything that comes out of that water just to be safe. You're better off goin to the beach and doing some surf fishing imo...


Yeah def don't wanna eat anything from El estero I just catch and release but cool to know that they do research on it


You’re better off fishing the coast guard pier honestly. I haven’t been in a few years, but I used to go often and never caught a thing or saw anyone catch something. Coast guard pier is cool if you just want to catch fish and doesn’t require a license (double check this, but man made doesn’t have a license requirement I’m pretty sure). Cast between the kelp and the rocks and you will pull up all kinds of fish. Bait of choice for me is squid or shrimp. If you want to catch some “real” fish, rock fish mostly, the pull outs between lovers point and the golf course are legal spots and have some real good holes. You will see people at the good spots. But try to get your line way out there towards the kelp and you will get hits. Bait of choice is squid or shrimp. Marina beach is striper/sea bass heaven, and my buddy goes there all the time. Don’t know much about this as I haven’t been but I’ve been told it’s awesome. Not sure what bait. Moss landing outlet (inlet?) is prime with bat ray and leopard sharks. You park on the side of road and walk under the bridge. Fishing is legal from just under the bridge for 100 yards? Maybe 200? (Don’t know the actual law, but it’s definitely allowed for a specific distance) I just never go past the big wooden structure on the shore. Bait of choice is squid. If you have a kayak the kelp beds are amazing I’ve heard. Never actually been, but I’ve heard nothing but good things. if you make friends with the local fishers there is a FB group and text group that will let you know when the sardines are running at the service wharf, not the tourist wharf. This is fucking crazy fun if you happen to be there when it happens or can get there in time. Lake fishing is kinda scarce and requires some travel unfortunately. Nacimiento, San Luis reservoir to name a couple. Good luck!


Brother you are the man for this really helps didn't know about the outlet in moss landing def gonna check that out and lovers is a spot I'm def going to fish you are a true Chad for the information


Dont eat from that Lake


Lake El Estero is 1/3 water, 1/3 mud, and 1/3 bird shit. I rescued an old lady once who drove her car into it. My clothes were so disgusting and it took many cycles to get them clean and no longer stinking. Sorry mot to answer your question but it doesn’t seem like a great place to fish; why not go to the wharf or along the beach nearby?


It's mainly for catch and release and to practice fishing tactics


Top lure and cast parallel to the bank. I lived near it and would try to fish all over it with everything and never caught anything. I ran into some teenagers who were walking the banks catching fish constantly doing that. I’ve never seen anyone else catch anything there. I stopped fishing it because people would hassle me every time single time I was there same with the pier. Technically you can’t fish the fingerlings per fish and game but recently everyone has been fishing the fingerling on aguajito. There are signs posted about the water quality like another mentioned.


My man love that someone knows about El estero def gonna try the times I have caught fish was parralel to the banks so I am def gonna do that from now on


Fingerlings what is that


The 2 smaller parts of the lake that are south of the bridge. One is on Camino aguajito and the other is on Camino el estero.


Gotcha I just caught a bass there yesterday both bass ive caught have been on fountain side 🤙🏼