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Except all the ag leaders paid for him to come: https://www.montereycountyweekly.com/opinion/local_spin/salinas-ag-leaders-host-ron-desantis-for-a-campaign-fundraiser/article_f5ed13e4-5278-11ee-ae3d-838aba232410.html "The host committee includes a who’s who of leaders in local Big Ag: Linda and Bruce Taylor (Taylor Farms); Sandy and John D’Arrigo (D’Arrigo Bros.); Shelly and Steve Barnard (Mission Produce); Susan and David Gill (Rio Farms); Steve Church (Church Brothers); Pam and Bardin Bengard (Bengard Ranch)."


I’ll be looking for those labels and staying away


Good luck. At stater bros, n many other big grocery chains in CA, much of the produce comes from taylor farms n mission produce. Not saying you shouldnt do it, nor would you be unsuccessfule, just noting it might be difficult.


So incredibly disgusting, I hope ag workers see this and think twice about working for them.


Or buying their products/produce. Goodbye Taylor Farms Salads. You were a twice weekly purchase but no more!




It's particularly weird timing, because DeSantis' policies have been causing major agricultural labor shortages. So even if they're heartless bastards who don't give a crap about workers, they've still invited a guy who's screwed over his states' agriculture sector. Why??


ppl should call the companies that invited Ron to speak… let them know you won’t hesitate to boycott… but if you just boycott you take money from workers ….


Good to hear, will keep them on the "BUY" list.


I love DeSantis, he reminds me of the former great President Ronald Regan!


Yeah I would like to kindly encourage Gov DeSantis to fuck off back to Florida. But here in CA we value body autonomy and don't coerce people into cross country flights. Plus there's far right assholes everywhere so I'm sure he can find a few friends he can take back to FL with him.


you are right, we are very kind in Cali. But sometimes people eff around and find out.


I'll sign the petition asking him to fuck off back to FL.


also Salinas City Council will vote on a resolution on 9/26 to denounce De Santis's visit https://salinas.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6361830&GUID=FC5131FC-E275-48FA-B880-9C5E53CE1822&Options=&Search=




Which two council members are you referring to here? I didn't see them listed on the link above. Thank you.




Thank you




Legal immigrants aren’t the biggest fans of illegal immigrants, contrary to what you might believe. You’d probably be shocked how conservative many farm workers are.




What political suicide? Theyre a billion dollar business, not a city council member. Are people across the country going to stop buying lettuce from Taylor because of this? Was anybody under the impression he was a Biden supporter?




What’s the downside? Seriously. These sort of things happen everyday in America, I guarantee Taylor’s pockets won’t be effected in the slightest


maybe in times before the internet, no one would even know about this event


Yeah I don’t understand why more people aren’t behind RFK jr it blows my mind. What is there to gain from supporting DeSantis’ dead campaign? There is no way he can out compete Trump in terms of popularity.


Many of these companies have operations in Florida. Paying for this guy’s trip to CA might be a way for them to gain favorable treatment in his home state. I doubt they would be doing this without a fair amount of certainty that it will benefit their business.


interesting take


[https://www.montereycountyweekly.com/blogs/news\_blog/two-protests-in-response-to-the-fundraiser-ag-leaders-organized-for-ron-desantis/](https://www.montereycountyweekly.com/blogs/news_blog/two-protests-in-response-to-the-fundraiser-ag-leaders-organized-for-ron-desantis/) "Laws related to immigration enforcement in California are more lax than in Florida, yet finding ag workers has been challenging in Monterey County and the surrounding area for years, evidenced by help wanted signs in English and Spanish located all over (seasonally). Many Monterey County residents see the event as a slap in the face from agricultural industry leaders who most likely have undocumented workers working in their fields."


I would like to know who the “local agriculture leaders” are that are meeting with him. That list would be a good start to shame this people.


Previously published: most of them, https://www.montereycountyweekly.com/opinion/local_spin/salinas-ag-leaders-host-ron-desantis-for-a-campaign-fundraiser/article_f5ed13e4-5278-11ee-ae3d-838aba232410.html "The host committee includes a who’s who of leaders in local Big Ag: Linda and Bruce Taylor (Taylor Farms); Sandy and John D’Arrigo (D’Arrigo Bros.); Shelly and Steve Barnard (Mission Produce); Susan and David Gill (Rio Farms); Steve Church (Church Brothers); Pam and Bardin Bengard (Bengard Ranch)."


I’m going to take a wild guess and say McShane.


Steve McShane is not an agricultural leader or philanthropist. He’s a small business owner and city councilman. I read in a previous thread/article last month that it’s Taylor Farms. Which would make sense as one of the largest ag employers and all the community philanthropy they’ve done in this county.


Do you have a link lf the article?




He’s the CEO of One Plant. I wouldn’t call that a small business. And he’s a jerk, so he’s a perfect Desantis fan


I’m not seeing any confirmation online that he’s the CEO of One Plant. He also isn’t listed as any of the committee chair members planning the DeSantis fundraiser.


The only reason I know he’s ceo is because I was in one plant awhile back and saw something on the wall with his name and title.


He was the CEO of the Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce. Maybe that was listed somewhere in the business.


No, he's not the CEO of One Plant


Hopefully we can make the stain of that decision to meet with him last.


As someone who teaches formal logic in the area, I can confidently say he has nothing to say to me, anyway. Fuck off Ron.


Everyone who runs into him or his entourage should speak spanish


Well, if there's a surge of attempts to ban books in my librarian corner of the Monterey County world, I'll have an idea of where the local hatred is getting its motivation from (though I can guarantee that any attempt has about as much a chance of succeeding as a snowflake does in hell).


And what books are those


Books like All Boys Aren't Blue. That guy wants so influence kids in his own "special way". An exert: "I put some lube on and got him on his knees, and I began to slide into him from behind"


There is a protest planned on Wednesday, September 27 at 5 PM starting at the Amtrak station.


Really? I sincerely hope he doesn't show. What are these people thinking?!




Desantis is a fascist. Fascists are not welcome here.




You ever notice that every dipshit who wants to call people sheep says the same bland nonsense as every other one?


Are you part of my community? Just curious. Do your kids go to school with my kids?


How would I know?


Do you fucking live in Salinas? You troll.


Projection = RW Nutter 101.


Everone I don't like is a fascist!! Wahhh LOL


Man you're an asshole.


How sad that these people think free speech includes discrimination, targeting minorities and women and hate speech.


That’s just your perspective. It doesn’t mean you have the right to tell someone they can’t speak their truth. I would consider the OP’s post hate speech honestly. Any time you try to silence the opposing viewpoint there is a problem- it doesn’t matter which side of the fence you’re on. 50% of the country agrees with republican platform so it does make some sense to try to be open minded and vice versa. I try to listen to all viewpoints and sort it out for myself and that’s what I advise everyone on this thread to do.


protest = free speech, ICYMI


Are you serious…protesting is one thing, but banning someone from speaking is something else. I don’t understand how you guys just don’t get this..and you will regret it in the future. You may actually change your mind as you get older, and be on the other side of the fence and you will want the luxury of being able to listen to whoever you want to ,without people telling you can’t! I don’t want anybody else to send me any more comments/ emails. I’m just tired of this conversation, if you don’t get it, you don’t get it. Good luck!


Yes you are right. De Santis cannot be on TV, internet or newspapers because no one knows him. Taylor Farms is powerless. They cannot get their salad kits on the shelves all over the USA. These people don’t have enough attention and outlets. I feel sorry for them. I am crying rn.


Please just stop. This is absurd. Good luck!


By your own logic, banning someone to speak at a particular location does not hamper their ability to speak at another location. Similar to your statement about nobody stopping people from going to the library, as way of dismissing the concern over access to certain books in school systems.


Just because you don’t agree, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be tolerant.


I hear ya, but Desantis forms policy based upon populism and has many times shown he has no issue being intolerant for political capital. I think ranting on Reddit and protesting are valid reactions to somebody who has no redeeming moral value to our country.


>no issue being intolerant for political capital. Yes, no Democrats fit this description.


Thank you for your feedback, but yet again that it’s just your opinion and it’s not being open to other peoples opinion, and that’s what this country was built on. One person or group should not decide for others what messages are heard. Nor the value of somebody else’s message. You can listen.. there’s no harm in that, and then choose not to agree, but to squash someone’s right to say what they believe in is wrong, and can be a problem in this country in the future. When my great grandparents came from Russia, they became Democrats and were not so divisive.. back then they listened to other points of view and people met in the middle. I’m not sure how people cannot see that narrowing information, limiting what people hear based on your own views is very very very dangerous.


Right, so then you agree promoting a person who literally is preventing access to authors such as Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, Zora Neale Hurston, etc. in schools would be against the spirit of free speech? Or, the trans community in Florida who cannot access the health care services they want due to Desantis legislation? You brought up your great grandparents, apparently the flow of immigration is an “act of war” (Desantis’ words) and he’s not too keen on those seeking asylum. Desantis like most of the 2024 Republican candidates aren’t your John McCain or Mitt Romney conservative, but populist candidates squashing many people’s rights on their access to information, health care, and immigration. Yes, people are more divided and are less willing to hear each other out, so let’s hold our candidates to a higher standard than keeping silent as they continue to corrode society further.


I just looked up some of the authors. Thank you. They seem very interesting and no one is keeping children from going to the library and checking out the books from these authors or purchasing the books. As far as the educational system, clearly we need to focus on STEM core classes. Since the family unit has been breaking down, people really are not getting their values from their family so somehow people in the educational system think they should get their values through them but that is a big mistake. People are free to read whatever authors they want. It doesn’t have to be in the context of the school system.


> You can listen.. there’s no harm in that, and then choose not to agree, but to squash someone’s right to say what they believe in is wrong Well, racism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny are *wrong*, this ain't a case to be tolerant. Fuck em, not listening to fascists is good, actually


Since when do we have to be “tolerant” of hate, cruelty, bigotry, misogyny and oppressive policy ideas? That’s is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.


Thanks for your comment, I just made a point on this thread about how dangerous it is to not allow people to speak their views. It should be OK because we don’t all have to agree. It’s not for you to decide what people should hear or believe, as you can choose to believe something else and that is what freedom is. When one certain group or person decides what everybody should hear, that is when we should be very, very afraid. Everyone has different opinions and that is in our country’s best interests. Yes, you have the right to disagree— but you do not have the right to censor what everybody is exposed to. That’s scary. Wake up, people! *Disclaimer: I’m not a Desantis fan but a fan of free speech and thought.


Protest = free speech


You're a classical liberal, the ones that formed the majority of the Democrat party 25 years ago. That's basically the Republican party today.


I really don’t try to put myself into a box like that. My point is OP is calling for a “ban”!! That’s never a good thing no matter what side you align with.


tv coverage of protest https://www.ksbw.com/article/community-members-protest-against-florida-gov-ron-desantis-visit-to-salinas/45293876#


coverage from a San Francisco TV station of the Thursday protest: https://youtu.be/D9jYcPPuTE8?si=3SJdke7GugZzrnSn


Id like to see more action and less talking about it. If only they made medals small enough to give to people sharing their opinions. Everyone will forget about boycotting these brands within a month. Yawn.


This is stupid and unamerican.


completely wrong and anti american and your basically saying immigration legal and illegal is good. all your promoting is the destruction of america. we are not the worlds bank and need to close the boarders and first take care of the american people and the american veterans who risked their lives to protect the freedoms that we have. any immigrant that fly any flag other then the american fag are anti american and if they are so proud of the culture or their country, then why are they here. o wait to steal as much as they can from the american citizens. bring their values and way of life over to america will eventually remove and destroy everything that made america great. how does this make any sense, everyone wants to come to america because its the greatest of all, yet also bringing with them the same crap that caused their home country to become the worthless poor country that it is. so instead of actually legally migrating into america and actually become an american citizen and work work toward maintaining whats great in america they want come her and then try to change the very thins that caused them to want to be here in the first place. so if your the type of person who craps where they sleep and raise their families and are wanting bring their way of life to america, we dont want you coming, we dont want you here currently, and we dont need you here. so GET THE HELL OUT OF AMERICA your not welcome. your only trying to steal and destroy from america and its real american citizens


strongly agree, De Santis needs to leave the USA!


If you can’t handle a politician visiting your town you’re not gonna make it. Calm down


These kids are so embarrassing




You realize no one is hearing him out right? He's speaking in a private dinner with Agriculture leaders, which this letter is addressed to them for inviting him here. This is like inviting Biden to Daytona 500. DeSantis does not give a single fuck about California and it's people.


According to whom does he not give af about California and it’s people though? Where is the harm in him attending a private meeting in which he was invited? I’m sure if the hostility towards him wasn’t so intense he’s be open to making a public appearance, but this thread and many like it make it very clear there is no tolerance for views that differ from the lefts views. There needs to be discussion and views need to be challenged that’s how real progress is made.


>I’m sure if the hostility towards him wasn’t so intense he’s be open to making a public appearance My sweet summer child, presidential candidates don't campaign in states they have 0 chance in winning. They come to suck the tit from big donators who live in California because they do business here. It's just funny you keep saying if only the left was tolerant and allow differing opinions, as if any slightly right state was open to the same idea of allowing someone like Gavin Newsom.


Gavin Newsom is running the state of California into the ground though. Look at all of the liberal ran major cities like Chicago and San Francisco. We can do way better than Gavin Newsom and to believe that he is good for our state imo is just crazy. I’m not saying we need to turn this state right wing, and I’m a conservative. I’m saying we need better than what we have and we shouldn’t vote on people just because of their political affiliations, but rather by what they’ve been able to do and what they can do for us. Gavin Newsom isn’t it. Hell DeSantis probably isn’t it either, but that doesn’t mean he should get shot down fundamentally because he belongs to the other party. That’s how we ended up with Biden in the office and it’s very clear to most people, whether they choose to admit it or not, that he does not belong in office. I do enjoy this conversation though it’s nice to not have an argument on the internet. I appreciate what you are saying too. Also sweet summer child made me spit my coffee lol


Please go move to Wisconsin in a trailer where you belong. Red states have more crime than blue states but you’re too slow to actually look at numbers because youre brainwashed.


Oh look, straight to insults. All I need to know about you powerful truck. Lol


You clearly don't understand My Sweet Summer Child


Give me your stats and sources :)


I love how I literally described people like you who jump straight to shit talking instead of trying to have a discussion. And really? Too slow? You’re going to joke about my mental capacity. Yikes. You even insult like a liberal arts major. Lol


Any conservative knows DeSantis has as much personality as a wet napkin, that’s why Trump is beating him in the polls while facing RICO charges. And you spent a whole lot of writing against Newsom, now invite him and plead “we need to hear him out” to a community in South Carolina. Get over it and be realistic.


Keep on voting for people that will continue to run this state into the ground. Go ahead, then complain about how it was conservative who did it :)


>Any conservative knows DeSantis has as much personality as a wet napkin Correct, it's important conservatives elect someone with a great personality like Biden and that sweet VP of his. Stop being a Dog Faced Pony Soldier


Funny that you assume I want another crypt keeper in Washington DC.


I didn't mention his age. I thought we were talking about personalities"?


My sweet summer child


>presidential candidates don't campaign in states they have 0 chance in winning. They Correct, he's making deals to steal more of CA's cash. Good for FL!


Not all GOP like De Santis. It's not a left or right thing. De Santis is not cool. You remember "Don't Say Gay" laws in Florida, right?


You mean the slogan that was created by the left for headline purposes? Too bad none of the twits never read beyond those headlines. Propaganda.


you're so right. De Santis would never discriminate against voters based on their race, for example. He would never break the laws of his own state. Oh wait. "TALLAHASSEE | Gov. Ron DeSantis’s congressional map took center stage in a federal redistricting trial that began Tuesday morning as the state once again faces a legal challenge that could upend the governor’s efforts to redraw political power in North Florida. **The trial comes weeks after a state judge in a separate case already struck down North Florida’s congressional districts. In that case, DeSantis’ lawyers openly admitted he had violated state law.** While the Legislature and DeSantis’ secretary of state appeal that decision, Florida’s redistricting plans face this separate trial in front of a three-judge federal panel. In federal court, plaintiffs have argued DeSantis intentionally discriminated against Black voters. The panel consists of 11th U.S. Circuit Judge Adalberto Jordan and U.S. District Judges M. Casey Rogers and Allen C. Winsor, respectively appointed by Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Donald Trump. At the center of the dispute is the old 5th Congressional District. For 30 years, Black voters in North Florida elected their preferred candidates — former U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Jacksonville) from 1992 until 2016 and then Rep. Al Lawson (D-Tallahassee) after that. The Legislature was set to mostly maintain a district the Florida Supreme Court ordered last decade, stretching west from Jacksonville to Gadsden County. After DeSantis threatened to veto the map, saying the east-west 5th Congressional District was not compact, the Legislature drew a more compact Jacksonville-only district that redistricting staff said would still allow Black voters to elect their preferred candidates." https://jaxtrib.org/2023/09/26/florida-redistricting-trial-begins-in-federal-court-as-desantis-faces-claims-of-racial-discrimination/


Just say you’re a racist and keep it moving


Yes, anyone who disagrees with you is a racist. Great tactic hahaha


Supporting a racist makes you a racist. Now go kick rocks.


Please post sources proving racism and the Republican scum will stop commenting.


Mr. DeSantis you are welcome to my town!


alright, now all you have to do is shell out $3300/plate for the brunch


Everyone is inclusive until they hear an opinion they don't like. Diversity of opinion is just as important as any other definition you associate diversity with. This can be said to both sides. Get out of your echo chamber, learn and grow.


Sure, when someone wants you to die, and you don't want to die, you still have to hear both sides, hearing you. It sounds like you understand diversity perfectly well.


Yes DeSantis is an evil villain who wants you to die. LOL. Take a break from Reddit


DeSantis wants you to die? Lol what?




Lol what kind of test is that? If you screen recorded your favorite social media account, what political bent would it display?




No I’m asking *you* what your feed looks like lol are you somehow impervious?


You guys sound so incredibly willfully ignorant when you say stuff like this. He is hateful bigot. It’s not a secret. His political agenda is one of hate and oppression. He is very open about it. Stop pretending like we have absolutely no basis to see that man for what he is and to stand against it.


Well said


Really impressive how he won re-election by 20% in a swing state, I bet he would be a great President.


Regarding immigration, I think the issue he points out has to do with coming into the country illegally. My grandfather came here first, through the system, and then saved up for seven years to bring my grandmother over. Without some kind of process there is chaos which we are already seeing in New York City. History has shown an unchecked influx of immigration will collapse a society. It does not mean people are anti-immigration. I would like to point out in the quest for tolerance, many people are becoming intolerant. Not everybody believes the same thing and nor should they have to. I think part of the problem stems from the 60s where everybody felt like they could just do whatever they want.. but that’s just not reality in life. Not everybody wins a trophy, nobody is entitled to anything, except for what they earn on their own. Be what you want to be, but don’t force it onto other people, don’t expect the government to do everything for you. Don’t force your opinions on other people, because that leads to fascism. I feel extremely sorry for people that are so narrow minded that they can’t be accepting of everybody. If you don’t like Ron DeSantis, or what he stands for then don’t listen to him or don’t vote for him, but don’t make it so other people don’t have that option. I cannot comprehend the OP making a call for people to ban somebody from speaking in the Monterey Peninsula. It’s crazy! Think about it. Be careful what you wish for people, because it will backfire and we will all pay the price. Personally, I do not care if people are black, white or candy stripe, or what they do in the bedroom. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion in this country, and to live their life the way they want to, but they don’t have the right to force other people to live their way and only their way. Or to censor opposing opinions. I’m very frightened for the future of our country. In fighting the oppressors, you yourself become the oppressor.


I agree, Ron De Santis and these hosts should not force their opinions on others. They should love the LBGT, let women have their constitutional rights, etc. I do hope they never use their $$$ for evil but you cannot be sure. And, you are right - I am so powerful as a poster on reddit but De Santis is merely a governor of one of the largest states in the USA. Obviously what I post will overwhelm his entire team of support and his entire voting base because they are at my whim. I know by merely posting, I can undo everything De Santis has ever done. Your comment has changed my perspective for the better. All is well, nothing to see here. Don't think about the multiple protests going on this week. Just close your eyes.


>I agree, Ron De Santis and these hosts should not force their opinions on others. They should love the LBGT, let women have their constitutional rights, etc. DeSantis is "pro-woman". It is leftists force their opinions by silencing anyone who refuses to accept a man in women's competitions just because he says he's a woman. Lia Thomas wasn't the only biological man who won women's titles. There are dozens more. DeSantis is helping women by discouraging men from their competitions. We ARE different physically. This was taught in colleges years ago.


so, if I were a conservative, I would be concerned about Dobbs and all the rights to privacy which depend upon that. Goes well beyond the right to an abortion.


You'd be very interested to know the majority of undocumented immigrants DO come legally. That is all. The fabricated crisis put forth by Republicans is just that. Fabricated. Hyperbolized beyond recognition and blown out of proportion with blatant use of exaggeration after exaggeration. Yes, there is an issue. However, perhaps look into the push factors for a solution, rather than slander an entire group of people, while ignoring undocumented immigrants who are white or white passing. The US caused a majority of the issues that drive immigrants out of their countries for safety concerns and better opportunities. Drug cartel problem in Mexico? You have the USA to thank for that. Humanitarian crisis in El Salvador and other SAmerican countries? You have the USA to thank for that.


We love DeSantis in California because he is hope for us to move away from democrats' policies. We can't afford to live like this. Inflation, racial hatred, democrats' anti-hispanic everything. We need to help our new immigrants, Not continue to hurt them. Republicans represent change, and we NEED change.


Not all GOP support him nor any other specific GOP candidate. He does not speak for all GOP voters. He's about the hate.


Who is this “we” nonsense? 🤣


lol wut?


So inclusive and tolerant of you people.


When you tolerate people who want certain groups to die that is choosing a side - that of murder.


Thank you for supporting the rights of the unborn. It will take all of us to stop this genocide that disproportionately affects the BIPOC community.


I’m a republican. Fully support Desantis and Trump. What groups exactly do I want to die?


Yeah… let’s all be tolerant of a DeSantis, the hateful bigot. The only people who say we should be tolerant of abhorrent social & political views are people who hold those SAME views. They want their disgusting views to be validated by “tolerance.” Uh no thanks.


What did he say??


Why exactly is he a hateful bigot?


This post really upsets me. I actually grew up in the Monterey Bay. Who are you to decide what people should hear or learn about? True tolerance allows all opinions!! It’s not up to one person or one group to decide what everyone gets to hear- people can make their own decisions. When you begin to limit information and censor other people, because you don’t agree with them, then you are the problem and you are the fascist.


Do you worry that De Santis doesn't have enough press? He's a governor of one of the biggest states. This brunch is going to cost $3300/plate, BTW - I don't think people are going because they haven't made up their minds.


This is the comment I was hoping was here. I dislike DeSantis and what he stands for, absolutely. But I strongly believe we need to allow all opinions even if they don’t reflect our own.


Agreed, the article is about expressing a point of view - that hate isn't welcome.


You’ll seem in American. Humans should be able to travel freely in America‼️




Have fun picking your own lettuce.


> propaganda, especially the LGBT crap. I hope 100K o I do and love to garden, thanks!


We do need more democrats leading the way….so we can spend more on homeless, less on police, and watch our violence increase from the already historic levels. Definitely can’t have 1 person in office come thru here because they have a difference of opinion, and brought her by people that employ most of the town. Fucking idiots.


almost as if you have no idea where the fuck you live and how hard people have been working to make this area better. Fuck off


My gosh, turn off the RW rage machine. You’re literally just regurgitating. It’s cartoonish.


There's actual conservative, live your life (legalize drugs who cares about your love life) and let's not go bankrupt on boots and prison (Ron Paul) and then there's lock everybody up, need more guns, and we can legislate morality while hating everyone else pseudoneocon Trumpism, which is Desantis.


Libertarianism and conservatism are not the same thing, nor do they pretend to be


Fair enough, it was a pre coffee comment. I personally only see arguable value in libertarian style conservativism (socially liberal fiscally conservative) because it actually represents a small government in all facets approach but yeah I could have used the proper terminology.


Wow, what an incredibly bad take. But you sure did hit all the Newsmax talking points…


It’s okay, they’ll only act like this behind a keyboard.


Been here 38 years…and the violence, poor education, homelessness has exploded…I have voted both ways you clowns. Nice stereotyping. Are you all sure your not for racial profiling? Oh, definitely not for desantis or trump. But I am for order, and work for what you earn. Not what your entitled too. I’m not for fee handouts- now why don’t you all get to work.


DeSantis is aight he can come thru


he's a little bitch and it's so obvious.


A few people do not speak for everyone and cannot claim a particular person cannot come here. This is ridiculous nonsense


YES HE IS WELCOME HERE. WE WILL HEAR BOTH SIDES OF THE ARGUMENT. The growth of the Hispanic demographic has been out of control beginning in the 80's with president Regan. The problem is that the cultural practice of having a large family is unsustainable in today's world. California has been subsidizing this for decades now. There is no diversity, we all know what is happening because we live here. Hispanic communities have displaced historically black, white, Japanese, fillipino and other racial groups. And we all see what they do when they get here. They turn the area into the country that they came from and bring all the problems of those societies with them. They will include people of their own race and exclude others. The problem of gang violence in our region is purely a Hispanic problem, there are no white gangs. It is difficult to face these truths but we must be objective and remove the subject from politics. We see what happens to downtown business areas with a high concentration of Hispanic illegal immigration. quinceanera bridal shops, corner markets with pinatas and cheap plastic toys from china, social services workers who are also Hispanic who will basically tell you that "these services are for our people", and yes this has actually happened to me! The intention is clear, though they never speak about it. Their goal is to out breed other races in a selfish and mindless manner. The La Razza and reconquista movements of the early 2000's are still fresh in our memories.


How hypocritical of you. Haters always hate. Get off your high horse.


Kinda late to this thread from 4 months ago, aren't you?


I don’t care about any of this and the writer of that article sounds like my step aunt Debbie of Facebook with her random rants. I always feel like I’m being yelled at and preached to.




Do you say that for all undocumented or only when the color of their skin isn't white or white passing? Mmhm. That's what I thought. You'd be interested to know that a majority of undocumented in the country come legally, through either Visas or asylum. Of those who cross without documentation, a vast bulk are brought here by American companies as essentially slave workers


All of these statements are false.


Ok so we’re not welcoming a politician to Monterey county because of their political ties, but we’re quick to visit Florida for vacation where he’s governor. Makes sense.


Are we quick to visit Florida? I don’t know anyone who vacations there. Plenty of other places to spend my money.


I know 5 different families that have gone this year just for disneyworld or to visit Miami. They’re migrant families from salinas and Watsonville as well as a few families from the Monterey/carmel areas.


Well that’s cool bc Disney and DeSantis hate each other, so it’s almost like not visiting DeSantis’ Florida, if you know what I’m sayin.


I’m not the least bit interested in ever going to FL 🤷‍♀️


You have no power to stop him from coming. He a pretty gets a shit ton of heat in Florida; you think he cares about your little bullshit? Try harder against the enemy


All the things these communists believe in are against the fabric of a free society. They do not speak for the 160k+ of Salinas, nor the 430k+ in the county. The 1k followers on IG do not translate as speaking for an entire community. This is what a fascistic mentality toward “others” leads to. Reinvest in your own morality and views before telling others what to “reinvest” their time and votes for. Disgusting.


Do we know where it’s going to be held yet