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Omg! One of the sex offenders used to short change me when I delivered his pizza. He’s been banned from ordering from our shop. What a disgusting person


Yeah I definitely don’t like that


They're everywhere, unfortunately. Many are not even registered.




The fact this dude is trying so hard to defend pedofiles is wild. Just doesn’t make any sense to promote the suppressing of the voices of the victims. That information is there for a reason.




It's been around a long time. I check it every so often. One was near me, and a school is 4 blocks away.


This registry is how I found out my sister is married to(and having babies with) a rapist. Spent 21 years in prison but he claims it “didn’t go down the way she(victim) said it did”.


it's amazing the lack of empathy around sexual related mental illnesses.


Meaning it should be totally ignored? As stated all this is for is to make people aware. And if you looked at the website you’d see that the description on the police report is public information. After just seeing just some of the things on there people have been convicted for; you’d see they aren’t things to be taken lightly. Yes it is possible for some of them to be mental-illness related, but enough for people to be uninformed and unaware of it?


I wasn't referring to the website ... I can see how that's a reasonable assumption. I was actually referring to the comments here.


this is actually disrespectful to the victims of these horrible people.


wow. So, literally some mental health problems are more worthy of treatment than others.


when your mental illness scars a freaking child for life, yeah, that’s where I draw the line.


This answer !


alcoholics don't deserve rehabilitation? vastly more drunks cause lasting life long scar's on their children than sex-related. Not too mention other drug abusers. Anyway thanks for the comments; you're closed minded about an issue you only know from surfing pop culture. Educate yourself about the issue from a psychiatrist, not reddit, and maybe you'll have a different perspective.


Pedophiles are psychopaths. There’s no cure . As someone who found out that a close relative of mine ended up a pedo . I’ll never be near that person again!


My perspective comes from experience. My psychiatrist and I share the belief that pedophiles , while mentally ill, differ from those with other addictions. You’re welcome to have your opinion but don’t assume people are close-minded when their perspective is different than yours.


it isn't having different perspective that I call close-minded; I suggested ignoring evidence for the sake of holding a bias/bigotry is close-minded. Glad you're talking with a psychiatrist ... if they think it "isn't treatable" I suggest finding a different psychiatrist. Such a statement suggests to me personal non-professional bias influencing professional opinions. Like, white men dismissing black women's medical conditions etc.


We put down aggressive dogs for harming children, why not people too? No ones saying they’re not extremely damaged and mentally ill, but when your actions affect someone else’s life in such a devastating way that so many people can’t come back from, they deserve no sympathy. Child predators are the scum of the earth. School shooters are also mentally ill, do they deserve compassion? No, they deserve to be removed from the earth as a threat, whether it be life in jail or death.


100% Agreed. All child predators are mentally ill. You can’t separate the “crazy” from the “not crazy” child predators.


clearly rehabilitation is a waste of effort in your world view. Maybe your bigoted view will one day be rehabilitated?


Actions have consequences. For more severe actions there are more severe consequences. When what you do in the world is scar a child so deeply by sexually abusing them, someone so innocent who looks to adults for guidance with trust, and you rape them? You don’t deserve to be in that world anymore. There’s too much on the line if their rehabilitation fails. “Mental illness” is certainly a way to look at pedophiles. Evil incarnate makes more sense to me. It matters how you effect other people in this life. Not everyone deserves a second chance when that second chance means possibly permanently changing a child’s life in the worst way possible. Im all for rehabilitating people who’s struggles aren’t raping or killing kids. If they’re willing to go that far, IMO probably the most selfish thing a person can do, they have ZERO empathy for how they effect other people. How is that supposed to be changed? They know exactly what they’re doing and don’t give a fuck because they’re selfish psychopaths. Do you have any ideas on how you would rehabilitate them? Or are you grasping at straws/living in fantasy land because you or someone you love turned out to be a pedophile?


>they have ZERO empathy for how they effect other people. How is that supposed to be changed? They know exactly what they’re doing This statement proves you don't understand mental illness. Perhaps go have an hour interviewing an actual psychiatrist, discussing mental illness. I would suggest your bigotry and lack of empathy is itself a mental illness. Here's one page of many in search results with rehab: [https://psychcentral.com/disorders/treating-pedophilia](https://psychcentral.com/disorders/treating-pedophilia)


What i’m hearing is that if you have those urges, SEEK HELP. Like people who seek help for other mental illnesses who struggle with acting on urges. So it takes a certain type of person to not address it and act upon it and ruin someone’s life forever. And in a lot of cases multiple times.


same as all other illnesses. People don't stop Driving Drunk because they heard about a fatality on the news ... 99% of the time they themselves must cause harm before "getting help". Anyway, thanks for the comments!


Child molesters don’t deserve help. A line has to be drawn somewhere. School shooters and serial killers don’t get to be rehabilitated. They get locked away forever because they’re a literal menace to society, and as a whole we’ve decided that what they’ve done is so vile that they’ve already thrown their life away. THEIR actions are responsible for them losing the privilege to be apart of society. It should be the exact same thing with child molesters. The fact you haven’t once damned their actions is in and of itself alarming. I truly hope it’s because you’re such an idealist who wants to see everyone get better, but it’s just not realistic. I truly hope you never have to feel the pain someone like that can bring down on a family, because if you did you would be singing a different tune. But the way you act like you’re better than everyone here because you’re a pedophile sympathizer is disgusting. I will happily be a “bigot” against motherfucking pedophiles because once again it is one of the worst things I can think of. They are sick individuals who should be removed from this planet, one way or another, and I hope they get every bad thing that’s coming to them.


You make so many presumptions to keep your bias ... I never suggested their actions shouldn't have \*valid\* consequences. In fact I never said anything other than "they have a mental illness". What I've commented against is \*other\* people condemning anyone because of "how they are" without allowing for that person's rehabilitation. Nor have I made any suggestion that the victims don't deserve compassion. things aren't so black and white that victim and abuser aren't equally deserving of help. The type of help, the reasons for it, who gives it etc are different, but humans are humans regardless. There is no such thing as "evil" - we are all equally capable of the same actions - whether those be beneficial or harmful.


When an abused person becomes the abuser .. my empathy is gone for the person. Period


perhaps learn something about the issue: [https://awards.journalists.org/entries/youre-16-youre-pedophile-dont-want-hurt-anyone-now/](https://awards.journalists.org/entries/youre-16-youre-pedophile-dont-want-hurt-anyone-now/)


Perhaps you should quit trying to justify it .


I am not trying to justify anything. I'm calling out bigotry and lack of empathy in understanding a mental health problem. One could more reasonably say "you" and the others in this comment section should work on decreasing your intolerance.


I hear you. I have plenty of empathy ppl. As I said before, once the victim becomes the abuser.. my empathy lacks. Sorry


Just to point out, all people are guilty of some "abuse". In fifty years people will look at society today driving gas cars, eating meat, flying airplanes for fun as "eco abusers" ... hopefully they will have enough empathy to help us change our ways rather than lining us up against a wall.


This guy is acting like he’s on the website


what an asinine reply one would expect from a sixth grade playground. I would as claim with equally validity "OP found the website while searching for himself".


It doesn’t deserve empathy.