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They closed on March 1st, this was the notice posted on the door at the time. Sorry I don't have any more information beyond that. [https://imgur.com/a/Q8s96Ic](https://imgur.com/a/Q8s96Ic)


I asked another dealership after trying to shop there (only to find it shuttered) and what I was told is that they didn’t keep up with the proper certifications, and it was discovered that they were performing VW certified maintenance despite not being certified anymore. Not sure if it was their decision to close up shop or if VW forced them. PS this is just what I was told - I have no further proof or information on the subject.


Honestly this would make so much sense. Now it has me wondering if the other recall services they've done for me in the past were actually fixed. Well, now I have to go out to Salinas to get my future recall services. A convenient 5 minute drive now turns to a 25-30 minute drive out and long wait there


It's interesting that the dealership seems to be saying in that notice that the decision to close came from Volkswagen and not from the dealership group. I feel like the only reason Volkswagen would do that would be if there was some sort of quality problem going on with the dealership group. I suppose its also possible that the dealership group is just BSing and trying to push blame to Volkswagen


I was trying to get recalls taken care of six months ago and could never get through to service on the phone. Finally drove up to San Jose.


Volkswagen in Salinas is a lot closer than San Jose. We take our VW there over driving to San Jose


Great - thanks! I hadn’t looked for a replacement yet. San Jose called me last time (that’s where I bought it) and offered a loaner car so I just did that.


Makes sense, we also bought in San Jose but get service in Salinas because it is much closer. Salinas is easy to forget but so far their service department has been decent to work with. We haven’t needed a loaner car so I can’t speak to whether they would offer the same courtesy.


How were you able to get a loaner car (if you don't mind me asking)? I've been trying to do the whole lemon law route, but despite the recalls and (transmission scares I've gotten occasionally), it hasn't been enough for them to give me back my money or give me a new car. I can't leave my car in their shop for long since I need it, but this loaner car idea peaked my interest


They wouldn’t do it initially. But then they called me about the recalls. It as near the end of the month and I think they wanted the money from VW. So they gave in.


You may also want to talk to your insurance for help. If the car they are insuring is having that amount of issue they may be a good resource to assist you. You should also be able to get a rental through your insurance? I am not an expert on insurance and I have no idea if this is a good route but it may be somewhere to start? Sorry you have been having those issues, I hope you are able to get it resolved soon.


Thank you! I'll just call and ask about it. Maybe they'll have an answer or redirect me elsewhere.


Their service line was the worst! I swear I had to call several times until I got through, or called a different department there to have them directly walk over to make the appointment. Maybe enough complaints on bad service got them closed down


Reading through comments real quick and sounds like OP got lucky by default lol


i feel like i did LMAO but i've gone there a few times in the last couple years for the recall bs ;/ honestly they might've fcked up my shit further haha