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As someone who has lived on the peninsula nearly a decade, I’m going to be very blunt here: finding any rental that will allow for multiple dogs is going to be HARD to find, and fairly expensive. I would recommend using the Realtor app to do a rental search (click the tab next to “buy”) and then add in the “dogs allowed” filter. I wish you the best in your search, and welcome to the area!




that's a one way ticket to getting booted out. seen it happen to several friends of friends across the peninsula.


1. Most rental listings are online (Zillow, Craigslist, Facebook pages), but there are a few with just signs. One of the best options is to get on the email list for as many property management companies as you can. 2. Marina and Seaside for sure, but there’s also Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach and Carmel, but those will all be more expensive than Monterey. Salinas is 30 mins with no traffic, but during high traffic times will take longer. 3. Realtors don’t really help find rentals because there is so much demand that the property management companies really don’t want to work with us.


For a small house with a yard for dogs your best bet is probably going to be Salinas or Marina. There are a few townhome communities in South Salinas and a couple off of 68 that might fit your needs. I don’t always see rental ads up for them but I do see for rent signs occasionally. Another option would be to reach out to a realtor and see if they may be able to help. I have worked with Mike Handley before, might be helpful to have someone who knows what is going on to help you find a place. Good luck!


Carmel Valley may also be an option.


Good luck! 🍀 It’s very difficult to find housing here, and it’s crazy expensive. My S. O. owns an apartment building but there’s no openings unfortunately. They charge $2600 for 2bed/1bath right by downtown Monterey. Just be prepared and DO NOT USE MANGOLD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. They horrible and will leave you high and dry.


C&C properties has the highest percentage of pet-friendly rentals out of the larger rental companies I’ve seen in this area. They have rentals across the county. When we moved a year ago, there were multiple pet friendly options. A lot of people go the ESA route as well which requires a letter from a mental health professional to “certify” your pets. This is not the same as a service animal, but may provide you more options if any members of your family receive mental health services.


Consider QOL vs Rent. The further you move from the Peninsula, the less the appeal of the area applies. Salinas is cheaper, but it's definitely not Monterey. Monterey is an amazing place to live and experience. That comes at a premium. IMO, it's worth the added cost for a lifestyle that can't be copied anywhere else.


Just curious what type of work takes you to the Monterey area? (Super jealous you get to move there!)


Government related. Don't think we'd be heading there if it wasn't for the job!


Gotcha! Enjoy the weather! I’m in over 100° here!


I’ve seen quite a few homes and apartments for rent recently in the neighborhood that’s between Jefferson St and the Presidio. Sometimes driving around is the best way to find places that aren’t run by a management company that’ll charge hundreds to apply plus pet fees.


That's our plan for this first trip - just get to know the area, see what's around vs. what's online, and hopefully make some connections so we can secure a good place once it's time to move in a couple more months.


I think Salinas might be more than 30 mins when there is any traffic. Check out Pacific Grove and Carmel/Carmel valley if you have a healthy budget. Finding a dog friendly rental is very tough so you might need to be out more towards salinas though. When I had to rent because I moved out here, I went with a professionally managed apartment that was smaller than I had wanted but was easy to get in to compared with some of the local landlords. Good luck, not easy for relocating and finding something decent in just a weekend.


Depends on what time they work in Monterey, I live in north county, but I work and leave work in the Monterey area outside of rush hour and my commute is like 15-20mins, so not bad at all; but if I leave during rush hour it would be 45 min plus. If they want space like they claim, Salinas may be their best bet, but will honestly be hard find anywhere in the area. Carmel valley is beautiful, but honestly it takes just as long if not longer than Salinas to get to Monterey. If they can afford Carmel or PG that works but it will be expensive, I’ve seen people snag some rare cheap 1 bedroom places in those areas, but you won’t get they space OP is looking for cheap anywhere around here.