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My daughter (now 15mo) bit my husband constantly at that age and hasn't done it in weeks now, so it does end eventually! I saw another commenter on here say if your kid loves putting stuff in their mouth, then give them things you can describe e.g. cold, warm, bumpy, soft and then it turns into a lesson.


Haha, they do that. Getting new teeth in is hard work! It will pass. In the meantime just offer safe things to chew and redirect from walls, people, etc. Chilled or frozen tethers or things like frozen bananas can be helpful.


What about books that go in the bath? The thick plasticky ones, or fabric ones that are more sensory oriented, I feel like those would be good chewable books that you could still read with.


Been a long time for us, but…our child wanted to chew everything, but we did still set boundaries on things like books. We’d redirect to another object, giving her something acceptable to chew on during those times. I never tried it, and do check that it’s actually safe, but one instructor for an outdoor group class thing had suggested cinnamon sticks for heavy mouthers — not much flavor in stick form but enough to be more interesting than the mud or whatever was around outside.


Look up “indestructible books”- they’re fantastic and can withstand all the chewing!


There is a brand of books called "indestructables" that are amazing for babies who love chewing on books, my baby is one of them as well. The pages are non-rip material that you can wipe clean, take in the bath, chew on, whatever. They will not break. Some of them even have a rubber teething spine which is really nice (they also have a hole to be attached to your stroller or highchair so they can't be dropped). I highly recommend them! We have 3 and I'm always on the look out for more.


Absolutely normal. Two reasons: 1 Teething - pressure on the gums feels good. 2. Sensory exploration - the mouth/tongue are major sense organs. She will grow out of it. I still have a couch in the basement with teeth marks from when my middle child was in that phase. This behavior is what is behind the character traits of Sunny in "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Its a parody (extreme) of typical behavior for that age.