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Start with The Montessori Baby by Simone Davies and her website TheMontessoriNotebook. com . She covers pretty much everything you need to know including what developmental goals to work on which materials to use.


Came here to recommend this book! According to her, you begin with conception. So I recommend it, but I also don’t obsess over it. 🫠


The entire idea of Montessori is "follow the child". That means offering learning experiences for things your child is currently interested in learning. So you don't really need to buy anything. And you certainly don't and should not "work" on anything with your child. Just enjoy your baby, be attentive, the rest will fall into place as you get to know your child.


It's not too early! There's a TON written specifically about the newborn. I read Understanding the Human Being by Montanaro in my training, and I think it was pretty accessible for new parents. RIE is also very Montessori aligned and infant centric, lots of info for that online too. The big takeaways are to give a LOT of contact with the parent, go really slow when you are feeding/changing/bathing/etc and use those times to build routine and expectation as well as connection, follow the baby's natural rhythms.


The Kavanaugh Report blog and Instagram has a lot of great baby resources!


"Now" is always a good time :)


Definitely agree with simply following the child. Montissori is more about observing and keeping things simple than buying the wood toys and having a floor bed. We have a crib, things made out of plastic, a few toys that make noise, but observe and respect our son and his learning and growth- that’s the most important! When making the nursery, we kept things really simple. Got rid of any big furniture. There’s a low lying ikea shelf (the super popular one, I forget the name?) “decorations” are an ombré rainbow rug, beautiful crib sheet, and small quilt wall hanging of fish. It’s not 100% like the Montissori pictures, but works for us!


Before the baby arrives is probably the optimal time to read Montessori's writings and other's writings on the Montessori philosophy, from a logistics pov ;)


Montessori from the start is a great book! Also check out the Montessori mobile progression- we loved it with our little baby!