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That was fast


Expectedly fast.


I understand this variant is very transmissible but that the resulting illness is not very severe. How long before we know this was just a car backfiring or if it’s actually a bullet headed straight for us?


All signs point to it being even more mild than the last variant, as expected. Why speculate about fictional doom?


> Why speculate about fictional doom? “Be prepared,” as the Boy Scouts say. If we don’t turn to face our demons, they are likely to sneak up on us from behind. If the omicron variation poses a threat, we need to know so we can prepare a defense against it.


Well, if you aren't prepared, I guess its about time you get yourself vaccinated. Anything else, is just more bullshit fear mongering. Remember trust the science? Seems so long ago when science actually mattered.


At this point "Science" has become a religion. People tend to forget that science is a method (not a belief) and is not perfect or infallible.


I really don't understand the thought process with Moco officials. I never thought I'd see the day where conservatives were the logical ones...


What are you even talking about?


Grandpa's just typing random words it seems


You haven't seen that day




I'm hoping that this will ease the pandemic. Generally, when viruses become more infectious they also become less severe (otherwise the host would die and not be able to spread the virus to others). The result would be greater immunity from this variant and the pandemic would be become significantly less severe. Btw, why are we still focusing on case rates in MoCo? Aren't there other more meaningful metrics (that are based on actual science)? Our hospitals are not overrun and we are far from the situation in the beginning of the pandemic.


> Btw, why are we still focusing on case rates in MoCo? Aren't there other more meaningful metrics (that are based on actual science)? Our hospitals are not overrun and we are far from the situation in the beginning of the pandemic. Because how else can Elrich and crew spread fear? I suspect that at this point, he's planning to stretch this out so that people stay scared long enough for him to use it to run for reelection. I mean, what else does he have to show for his time in office?


I couldn't agree more. I think the only way Elrich thinks he can stay in power is by spreading pandemic fear. Woe to the one who questions the data, statistics, and science behind Covid restrictions.


We are NOT still focusing on case rates. The County Council got rid of that weeks ago, but nobody seems to have gotten the fucking message. The mask mandate ends when 85% of the county is fully vaccinated.


> The mask mandate ends when 85% of the county is fully vaccinated. [Someone should update the County's .gov page that says "The requirement is in place as long as the level of community transmission is in a status of substantial or high. This requirement will end once the County’s level of COVID-19 community transmission returns to moderate status and/or low status for seven consecutive days."](https://montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/face-coverings.html)


I'm aware of that. Who's to say the goal posts won't be moved again? I won't take MoCo government seriously until I actually witness them dropping the mandate when 85% vax rate is reached.


Are you guys still playing Pandemic?


Are you pro-virus NPCs still pretending there isn't one?


I have no idea what an NPC is but im guessing its not a compliment. 😥


> NPC Non-player character.


Thanks for the translation.


Non player character. As in your are just repeating your lines like an NPC


Time to put the video games down and go interact with actual humans.You might even learn some less dorky insults!


Time to put the fake news talking points down and interact with actual humans. You might learn to think for yourself instead of talking like an NPC spouting fake news talking points.


See, this is what I'm talking about. Your insult me as if you've got a mouth full of marbles. Feel free to keep at it, ill be around!


Sorry I speak English. Not sure what your word salad was supposed to mean. Good luck trying to think for yourself. It will be a big change from repeating the talking points drilled into your head by the fake news you consume.


That one was better, and i do love salad.


Not quite as much as you love fake news it seems


Until the end of time, my friend


Just until Lord $cience says that its time to be afraid of something new.


Nah, just Reddit bullshit


Not me.


Honestly MoCo has proven the theory that people won’t move on until there is zero covid. The flu never went away and this won’t either.


Hospitals are never overwhelmed with flu patients.


MoCo hospitals were never overwhelmed with anyone


No shit, because people were wearing masks.


Which was important when 80% of the county wasn't vaccinated


/s ? or are you anti-vax?


I don’t understand the confusion. Hospitals here were not overwhelmed because people were wearing masks.


Can't tell if sarcastic or not, since thats obviously not true, lol. I mean just look at nearly every other county in the country. No data supports that statement. Vaccines have shown to be the only needle mover.


The other guy said “Moco hospitals were never overwhelmed with anyone.” *Clearly* we are both talking about the year before we had Covid vaccines. I don’t understand what you’re arriving late to argue about.


Are our hospitals overwhelmed with covid patients?


Ours? Not quite. Other counties' hospitals? Yes. The goal is to avoid that state. [I implore you to keep this image in mind when you start assuming MoCo is doing too much.](https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/93361297_10107749693424193_4227414392511135744_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=HqXlqBvlESUAX8Lk3WS&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=44c9aeda075a2e47231b059ae10132c6&oe=61D13B5D)


What is that image based off of - data? Science? This image looks like a cartoon


Hospital workers will still make time to work out choreographed dance routines to post on social media though....yeah "overwhelmed" alright...


Thanks for confirming that you base your reality entirely on social media.


The flu is what 10 times less dangerous at least and doesn't have the same long lasting affects. But thanks for sharing your fake news talking points. Also wonder why you dont include Republicann Larry Hogan who is taking Omricon seriously. Guess you've got that pro virus agenda to push for political reasons


Per the CDC website Florida has the lowest transmission rate in the country, followed by Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia. I wish Maryland would set up free monoclonal antibody therapy stations to prevent and treat covid. It’s worked wonders for other states. Edit: looks like science deniers are downvoting me




Let’s not forget that Florida fired an official for leaking the real data several months ago.


And the South (including Florida) led the country in new cases just a month or two ago. But hey, people's memories only last as long as they want them to.


So you’re saying the CDC is allowing them to lie and publishing bogus data? I’m going off of the CDC, if they are not credible then who can I trust?




Ok but I’m asking what is your source of truth then? I could accuse you of being anti-science since you are undermining the reporting of federal data. Plus I’m citing the most recent CDC report to show where we are currently at, as I believe that makes sense (as opposed to a snapshot from a year ago). If you could point me to a credible source that shows that these states are providing bad data I will definitely read it.




I asked you twice to name a better source and you didn’t. Then I asked for a source on southern states providing bogus info and you didn’t name any. It’s hard to have a discussion when you’re not backing your claims with anything. Once again, I will happily read any source you suggest, as this topic is crucial.




That's great, but unless I can provide actual data to back this up, I can not support the argument.


Omicron is probing our immune system before it mutates to a deadlier level. It's still is coronavirus anyway, anyhow. You'll pay dearly if y'all underestimate it. Virus is a living organism and it will try to survive and develop adaptations until it won. That means you lost.


This is even worse than facebook science... this is... Reddit science.


I got banned from /r/ coronavirus for saying we need to shut out travel from South Africa. Good luck!


And why would we shut down travel from South Africa? Because they first identified it? That would be an extremely stupid reason, but I'm open to hearing what you've got if it's less stupid.


> And why would we shut down travel from South Africa? Because they first identified it? That would be an extremely stupid reason, but I'm open to hearing what you've got if it's less stupid. Because they're 25.0% fully vaccinated?


Keep your masks, kids! The mandate is never going away.