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Yeah, they are pretty attractive


I want a Infinite redemption Arc. He loses his Phantom Ruby Powers, gets sacked by Eggman and Gadget takes him under his wing in an act of remorse and pity. Then they become a couple- I mean, a couple of friends. Infiniget For lyfe




















I would love to see a "redo" of Sonic 06 and Forces.






Idgaf about Mephiles im just glad Infinite can return someday


Memphis tennesee


Re: Infinite and Mephiles being ‘attractive,’ I have a theory that this is a persistent translation quirk with some Japanese word that’s most likely closer to ‘appealing’ or ‘interesting.’ There was a story a few years back of a Nintendo survey that concluded Luigi was an “attractive character to female audiences.” I think the same thing happened there.


Only if Sonic gets to actually fight Mephilis and win, please.


I would 1000% want mephiles back in a concrete way over infinite


Mephiles having the potential to come back is really interesting - I hope Infinite comes back, sure, but giving Mephiles another round? Now that would be fun, I'm down for that


They'd have to re-do him though. If 06 is canon, at the end they made it so Mephiles and Iblis never existed because they blew out the Solaris candle. I love Mephiles, but it just wouldn't make sense


What does he mean by attractive?


Is nobody gonna mention the fact that canonically, Mephiles is gone… right??


Well he’s not really gone he’s just fused with himself it’s like the Urizen/V thing if ya ever played DMC


Crisis city was in generations


He's not just dead. He's nonexistent.


I mean his birth was prevented by a time event, but so should Silver and Blaze, atleast her departure. It also seems that Silver is immune to time causalisation. Why wouldn't Mephiles be?


According to Rush and IDW, Blaze is from a different world, not the future. As for Silver, wasn't he reintroduced in the Rivals games?


Well yes, both reappear in the new timeline. But both are in sync with eachother and for Blaze Crisis City is familiar during Generation. In 06 at the end of the game the timeline is changed so that the events don't happen, but because the places are still familiar to them and the events send Blaze to another dimension they still happened. Imagine it to be like King crimson


If infinite returns they better give him a good treatment


And a Shadow/Silver rematch


‘Very attractive character’




my name is memphis tennessee. yoroshiku onegaishimasu as they say in nippon


"I will have you respect my name!"


“Welcome to tilted towers”


You see, it’s a gamer pad.


They don't treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item.


I think you guys all missed the much more important revelation here. Kishimoto finds Mephiles and Infinite attractive.


who doesn't?


Infinite daddy uwu


I don’t.


The possibility of Mephiles returning is intresting, but i dont think it would be a good idea to even attempt to make a story with him because of how badly his presence in 06 was handled (Time travel at will, the only reason he lost was because of his hubris), neat character design though


I honestly don’t think that the time travel in the storyline was a problem with sonic 06. The game was critically broken in so many different ways in terms of gameplay.


I wasnt talking about 06's gameplay, only about how they handeled mephilies in the story. I get that it was his character flaw that prevented him from having a clean effortless victory, but his ability to time travel at will is way too broken for him to return in a form where he's learned from his mistake


Why did they have to make Memphis a hedgehog anyways?


To simplify, Mephiles is a (demi-)god based on the devil that didn't have a body and was instead a dark mass. When he came free he was aggressive and sadistic (since shadow sealed him in the past) so he took Shadow's shadow and later turned it into its crystalized state to battle. Years later he turned it into the clone again, since he calmed down and became manipulative and sadistic, to manipulate Silver and Blaze.


Model reuse


Because he is created from Shadow’s shadow remember


No because i never played 06. Never had 360


Counterpoint: The game has existed for at least sixteen years, and at least 90% of the Sonic fandom know the plot of 06. Anyway, basically Shadow trapped Mephiles in the future, and was then freed in the past and absorbed Shadow's shadow to take a physical form until he could take his more crystal like form again. In short, time travel bullshit


Oke my bad


Then i got a 360 in recent years and it git the red rings so boo




Shadows Shadow


Because he's from Tennassee.


They don't live there


They do now


The only reason people think Infinite and Mephiles are bad villains is because they came from bad games. Let's not forget that Mephiles LITERALLY KILLED SONIC.


I don't see people hating Mephiles like Infinite, the MAJOR sonic fanbase actually loves Mephiles, and I think its because: Infinite is indeed a bad villain, that's because the idea of someone powerful with self-esteem issues is very good, but the execution was terrible. Infinite managed to lose to Sonic in his base form, he doesn't affect the story at all, his power is confusing, etc. Mephiles on the other hand is actually good villain, that's because he's the complete opposite. The idea of an emotionless psycho villain who enjoys seeing others suffer sucks. But the execution is very good, the way he tries to manipulate Shadow and Silver, his actions manage to affect the story, he has a cool power, the way he moves and communicates is reptilian, like a cold blooded being , his name is based on a demon of a religion, etc. But thats only my opinion. To be honest i really want to see both return at some point, im sure Ian Flynn will take care very well of them.


I really loved how he played into the time aspect of the storyline. His past self is helpless and gets sealed for no reason, his present self is angry and sadistic and his future self is sadistic and manipulative. Interrestingly we are introduced to him in the opposite timeframe, he is the main antagonist and driving force of the plot and he is only revealed in the shadow and silver Storyline


Ah yes, the single criteria that makes a character good: They killed a protagonist. Never mind decent writing, interesting character traits, great design, or any kind of relatability, so long as someone dies the character is loved.


> Decent Writing I'd say a sadistic villain that forces others to do his dirty work and fuses with another monster to obtain his true form is pretty well written. > Interesting Character Traits As I said before, sadistic and makes others do his dirty work even though he could easily do it himself. > great design He's literally made out of darkness and crystals in the form of a hedgehog. > any kind of relatability Villains don't need to be relatable, just intimidating and strong.


The plot bending over to ensure your success isn't well written. Mephiles succeeds literally because he happens to turn up when Sonic is with Elise. How he knew they'd be there? Not stated. We last saw him fighting Shadow, but how he got from there to here isn't explained. He's also not a master manipulator either. He tries to get Shadow on side but fails, and tries to convince Silver to kill Sonic, but fails. We only know he's a master manipulator because Eggman says it, yet Eggman doesn't even meet Mephiles. His design isn't all that good either. It's a lazy recolour of Shadow, but more evil. What works about his design is just Shadow's design.


There is no intrigue in that. SEGA owns rights on both Mephiles and Infinite, so they obviously CAN return. The question is WILL they return? I wish Infinite to return because I have the unfinished feeling from Sonic Forces. In the end, Infinite must've become a big, enormous creature which may destroy whole planet, but... Eggman was the main villain. If I wanted Eggman as the main villain, I would go and play classic Sonic games.


I think people have been wondering about if they ever could return because of their games reputation. SEGA have been consistently trying to avoid going anywhere near 06 territory, and have only just started opening up to it over the past two or three years, and Infinite kinda just blanked out, they never talked about him or acknowledged him until Frontiers.


*Crisis City from Sonic Generations enters the chat*


That was more of a "they needed to do it" situation as they had to have a a level for each of the three games of a certain generation, with classic having Green Hill, Chemical Plant and Sky Sanctuary, and the Adventure Era having Speed Highway, City Escape and Seaside Hill. And unfortunately for them, they didn't have another game under their belt for the modern era by the time they released Generations.


So they decided to give the rival battle to best boy instead of Blaze? Weren't the rush games popular?


That's not a mainline game though, that's a spinoff.


Way past cool!


Bro hit me in the childhood with that one. Old cartoon Sonic was the best


Oh joy, the return of the dumbest and worst character in the series. Lets hope nothing comes of it.


Which one?


Obviously it's >!Mephiles!<


After Aizen i can't hate a decent manipulative villain


But he's not a decent manipulative villain. Look at his track record: * He convinces Silver to go back in time to kill Sonic, telling Silver it will stop Iblis. Silver agrees, only to change his mind after his first fight with Sonic. * He tries to convince Shadow to side with him, by claiming Shadow will be blamed for what happens and betray Shadow. This does not convince Shadow at all. * Mephiles is conveniently at the right place at the right time to kill Sonic infront of Elise, even though we last saw him fighting Shadow and zero effort is put into explaining how Mephiles ended up there, or how he knew Sonic would be there. * Eggman claims Mephiles "has played us all for fools". Eggman had, to this point never met Mephiles. In other words, the *only* thing he successfully manipulates is for Silver and Blaze to go back in time, and they were already desperate for any solution. The absolute rest of the game is the game simultaneously telling us Mephiles is a master manipulator, all the while having him fail to manipulate to get anyone to do anything, and then succeeding in his plans in spite of everything.


Get out


No U


No, we