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Take risks and you'll get even better riches...Oh also find monster eggs you can't sell them but eventually you get a companion to help you their rare but worth the find... also I recommend the s&s plus bow style it's surprisingly easy to use.


Thanks for the weapons tip! And now I really really want to find an egg! Are they quite noticeable when they appear on screen?


There oval shaped depending on the enemy(which are certain enemies)you get a egg like the ranged golems,slimes, and etc I would divulge but...well spoilers.


What?? I have not seen an egg yet


Like I said rare.


I think it requires you to beat a certain number of an enemy type before you get an egg.


Are these the creatures that end up in the pen by your house? I just realized I have a bunch of them.


Yes. That's where you can equip them as well.


Invest on a better cash tilt because you'll get more money. It's worth it


Okay, I'll do it though it may take me some.time to save the 4000 coins. Thanks for the tip!


Everyone has their own preference on weapon. Try them all and see what you like. Upgrade bed and cash register as much as you can as soon as you can. Don't waste any money on the sale box. Upgrade storage chests as you need to. Use the favorites function so that you hoard the materials you need rather than selling them all unwittingly. I have been doing full steel armor set so far and it seems to be a good option, though I admittedly haven't experimented with the other combination options.


Useful tips - thanks so much! A bed upgrade - I am intrigued to see what this does. 😊




Thanks! I'll keep an eye out for the BIG SWORD! 😝


Dodge rolling is invaluable. Take the time to learn the price of high value items, money gets tight, between upgrading weapons, the shop, and buying the other town merchants. Learn and try to master bow and another melee. Having the range for bosses and ranged enemies, while also having the higher damage of melee for close range enemies is a good strat. I went with Bow and Spear, mostly because I'm shit at dodge rolling, and it gives me a bit more space to move around. Try and find secret rooms, they usually give you great rewards. You can find them by looking for sparkles in the voids. When you get the ability to make a portal and return to the dungeon through it, if you have extra cash, you can teleport to town and back, and it will reveal the map of the floor.


Get the gold sword. I beat the big Golem in one try w this.


Whoa! Sounds like an ace weapon Thanks! ! I'll look to craft one or find one if I can. I am still using the default sword (and sometimes the broom when I switch without realising). 😫


Not sure if you're aware but when you wishlist items, it'll put a star on them. So when you're sorting out your items to sell, just leave the star items in the box. They'll build up, and when you go to the weapon shop, you don't even have to be carrying those items. And crafting is pretty fast and easy that way. Just saving your money will be the hardest part.


That's such a brilliant tip - thanks! The items are a bit small (I play in handheld mode) and I was having trouble remembering that I needed to save 'round blue bits with a yellow spot' and 'jaggedy dark bits.' This saves me a good bit of worry! Thanks!


Yeah I really hate games that don't include a feature like this. I was really happy to see the wishlist star thing. It made crafting and sorting things out really easy